1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

:hugs: sam - hoping the bleeding stops soon and you can get everything figured out tomorrow! Let us know whenever you find out when you can go! I've been thinking about you all day, hun!!
Thinking of you today Sam and I'll keep checking throughout the day for an update!
Lindsay hope you feel better today! July-Oct seems so far away but it'll be here before we know it. I always think how TTC and some parts of the pregnancy goes so slow but yet 8-12 weeks of maternity are done in a flash!
Jessie with your temps AF has to be near?! At what point will you check with your Dr?
Rachael how are Jax and Sadie girl doing?
Hi girls,

Just about to head for my booking appointment and will speak to the mw at the epu. The bleeding has moved to a more browny discharge so I am hoping that is better. I'll let you know what they say but I doubt they'll scan me.

Lindsey - I am shocked that you only get 12-18 weeks maternity, is that the norm? I will get 6 months full pay, further 3 months half pay with statutory maternity pay till 1 year. Although most go back after 8 months off.

Kelsey - how are you today?

Rachel - hope AF has lightened up a bit. Not sure what time it is there but I remembered you are going to ring up about your work, any news?

Jess - Has AF arrived yet? Get a bloody move on :witch:
Sam - glad the bleeding has cut down! Still sending positive thoughts your way and hoping they will.scan you again just to reassure you everything is ok! At least you.have a scan next week if they don't today. Maybe my.doc is scan happy or something but anything that is questionable gets a scan as it should!
Unfortunately, 2-3 months maternity leave is standard in the US. I've heard pretty much every other area of the world gets nearly a year but that is def not the case here...I wish it was! Although I'm lucky bc I'm in school technically so I can work part days for a little while and I don't want to out off the work too long bc then I'll feel like I'll never graduate lol. Plus my dad and mil will be watching him so I think that will make it easier than dropping him off at day care. We'll see I'm sure I'll be a disaster when the time comes lol.

Jess - your temp looks promising for AF! I hope she shows soon! I want to start stalking your chart for real!

Rach - you going to use opks this month?

Kelsey - how you feeling today? Almost 6 weeks! Woohoo!

Ok I just finished my massive breakfast...back to work!
Thank you all for the advice. Where did you get conceive plus from Kels? ebay? amazon? I will do the every other day method with OPKs just to see if it will help. If i get prego this go round i'll be due around Valentine's Day :) Yayy. Last year when i got PG i had got my AF June 28th and O'd in July. So that's why i feel june/july is my fertile months lol. It's really weird because in that time frame i was EXTREMELY stressed. I'm surprised it even happened. Anyways... ugh! I woke up to a vmail from my work. They said it could take up to 2 weeks and we're just at that point right now so give it a few more days. WTF, seriously!?!? I just wanna strangle someone.

Sam I am thinking of you and praying for you. I hope everything is okay. Make sure to update us ASAP.
Omg a year off maternity leave would be amazing--can't even imagine!! Lindsay you're lucky that your family will be babysitting, I'm not sure what ours will help out with---I hope they offer something because I won't bring it up. FIL is retired but picked up a part time job this year and my mom is a realtor so she kind of makes her own hours and has always worked from home.
Sam I hope they scan you----that's be awful if they didn't!
Rach I got the conceive plus from I think amazon---but you can try preseed first if you want and that you can just get at a walgreens/cvs. And I felt the same way about April/May because that's when it happened last time and it did happen!! So, hopefully that's the case for you too (although I'd prefer sooner) :) A Valentine's baby would be awesome! We'd be a holiday baby group---Lindsay July 4th (maybe if Oakley came early?), I'd be xmas or new years and then you'd be valentines day! Then Jessie can be either valentines day or st patty's day--sam and mel when are your EDDs??
AFM-Still feeling fine---but I need to snack more each day because I get hungrier quicker and I get really lightheaded if I don't quick eat something. God, I'm going to be a chub!
I feel the same way kels I can't kerb my hunger! I just had to do 26 lengths in the pool to burn off a stodgy cookie I HAD to eat! And I'm on steroids :help:
Pink glad the bleeding subsided, you've had such a scare these last few days though, I hope you're taking it easy xxxxx
copied form my journal

I went to the EPU before my booking appointment and saw the lovely mw I had with my first mc. She remembered my name too. I just went in for a chat but she took me through and scanned me which was an unexpected bonus. I REALLY wasn't expecting hence a very empty bladder. She got a good scan though and baby smartie is doing great. She showed me the placenta which is up near the top so not low (not pravia) with no sch. She did notice a blood vessel or separation (?) further down which she thinks is maybe where the bleeding has come from. She seemed to think it is okay, and sometimes normal at this stage. I may still bleed red/brown but as long as it is not heavy then I should be fine. I feel way more reassured after seeing her, what a difference that makes. I got fab scan pic too, is it okay to post?
OMgosh girls!!! Lets start the P A R T Y... After 36 freaking days, I just went to the bathroom about an hour ago and it looks like the bitch is on her way!!! :yipee: I had some red blood when I wipe (sorry TMI). I am hoping it gets heavier!!! ugh!!! So it looks like this would be my schedule this month if my body cooperates:
I leave on my trip on 9 days (May 17th).
It looks like O would be about the 24th
I would be due for AF about the 5th (based on a 29 day cycle).
So I should be able to drink it up while in Barcelona, get prego when I get on the ship on the 23rd (FX), try to not think about my TWW and be ready to test when I get back!!!!
Girls - please be ready to start stalking my chart!!!!

Sam :cold:- so glad you had the scan and everything looks good. What a relief. Another week of thinking about it would have probably driven you crazy! YES!!!!!!!!! Please post your pic!!!!

Lindsay - I heard about those bands that Sam mentioned, I wonder if that would help. And yes, please stalk my chart!!!

Kelsey - yeah for your symptoms!!!! :happydance: Are you feeling really tired? I am always so amazed how exhausted being pregnant makes you! Have you told anyone yet or are you waiting for 12 weeks?

Mel - how are you going girl? I was starting to think I was going to need to go to the doctor and get a trigger shot like you did. How long will you be on the steroids?

Rach - hope you can get things sorted out with your job. Have you checked with any vet offices yet?
Yyyaaahhhhh Jess for :witch::witch::happydance::thumbup:!!!!!!!!!!!! I think your vacation TTC schedule could not be more perfect! Everything happens for a reason I guess (can't believe I'm saying that because I hate that phrase) and the reason AF was late was so that you could enjoy a couple drinks :) If you conceive there will their name have anything to do with that? You can count on me to stalk your chart like a crazy woman!! If you ever get a minute on a rainy day I'd flip if you could write and tell us how wonderful everything is!!
Sam 12 weeks tomorrow-can you even believe it?!
Lindsay 1 more week until you're in the 30's!
I've told my closest friend and a girl I work with who has helped me with this TTC process. Nobody else until after the scan. If the scan goes well I plan on sending my RSVP for my sisters wedding with a response of "3" coming and see if she gets it right away. I hate even thinking ahead about all that though because I'll be that much more disappointed with a bad scan. And no I'm still not overly tired-mornings suck but they always do. I've been going to bed though still around the same time. Wish I was more tired.
Kelsey- i guess you are right about the timing. I was hoping to be able to enjoy some cava (Spanish Champagne) :drunk: in Barcelona and maybe be able to go to a couple clubs but I would definitely give it up. I will definitely miss chatting with you girls while I'm gone. :cry: I really do look forward to checking in to see what you girls are up to. I will definitely try to at least sneak in a hello! :friends:

It's great you told a couple people. It's nice to be able to at least a couple friends that know and you can talk to. That is a great idea about the RSVP!!!

Oh- are you going to watch the Bachelorette this season? I don't care for Emily but I will probably watch for the usual drama.

AFM- definite red blood now and cramping. DH and I start the meds we're supposed to take this cycle on Friday. If O cooperates about the 24th, that should give me a couple days for my temps to settle after the flight. Does anyone know how Long it takes for your body to adjust? There is a 7 hour difference.
YAY Jess for :witch: coming!!!!!! I bet that is a relief. I am happy that slut finally showed her face! Your trip sounds AMAZING and so does your cycle along with it!! I definately will be stalkin that chart! No doubt. I haven't called any vet offices yet. Idk what to say really.

Awh Kels, i wonder if your sis would notice? I am so excited for you. I am so happy that the egg finally caught itself. YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!

AFM, ugh just was going through pics on my old phone and came across pics of me when i was PG. I couldn't help but cry. One pic was of my PG tests. I used digi E.P.T. tests and 2 dollar store ones. The dollar store ones were in the same day and later in the day it was WAY darker than the morning. I don't see how i miscarried. UGH. I hate life, seriously. Just in such a depression right now. I can't snap out of it. Just dislike everything that relates to me. Need to lose weight, get a job, get PG... all seems impossible. Just wanna dieee. :grr: where is that BAT!?!?!?!?!
Rachel - :hugs:I have been where you are, although I didn't have a loss on top of that to make it worse. Moving around with OH meant I couldn't get any jobs or even a decent one sometimes. I was overweight (I lost a lot a couple of years ago) with no job in the north of Scotland coming up against some anti-english sentiment. It was horrible. Things did improve slowly, I retrained and stopped moving (although that meant we spent nearly 2 years apart when OH had to work down south) but things did settle down and get better. What I am getting at that although things seem bad now, good things are just around the corner and you will get all the lovely things your deserve.

Jess - woo hoo for AF!!. Its not often we are pleased at her arrival. Your schedule sounds great and I think having such a relaxing time around ov will make all the difference. Will be stalking your chart!!

Kels - tiredness this time didn't really hit me as hard as the first time and not until after 6 weeks. Each time is different but it is only natural to compare it to you previous pg. I am glad you have felt able to tell someone and I can't wait till your scan.

Lindsey - how are you today? Hips any better?

afm - still small amount of spotting still but only when straining (bloody constipation!). Today is a bit bittersweet as this is my EDD for my first pg. Coping with it better than I thought so far. Scan pic as requested!
Oh Rach, I am so sorry you are feeling down :cry: - like Sam said, totally understand how you feel. You are a great person with a big heart. Good things are coming for you!!! Take this time off of work as just time to regroup and concentrate on yourself. (Gosh, if I could take about 6 months off of work that would be so great!!!). You said you did some house cleaning, maybe you can get into an exercise routine, try to TTC without stressing over it (I know that's hard) and just start looking for a job when you get a chance. :hugs:

Sam - :hugs: about your EDD :cry:. I know those days are so tough. But look at all you have to look forward to..... you're 12 weeks today!!!!
:wohoo:Happy 12 weeks!!!! :wohoo:
You are now moving into the 2nd tri!!!! How exciting!!! And what a great pic!!! Little smartie is getting so big.... a plum already!!! Did they give you any ideas on boy or girl yet? Do you have a preference? :pink::blue:
I'm waiting to go in to see the doc so I don't know how much I'll get in but we'll see!

Sam - I'm so happy you got to see your little one again! Such a relief! Now just need to get that bleeding to be completely gone! I hope you're still taking it easy! Happy 12 weeks, hun! :) so exciting!

Jess - woohooooooooo! Your schedule sounds great for your vacation! Just perfect! I'm so excited to stalk your chart...will it update while you're gone by any chance?

Rach - sorry you're feeling so down but kirk and I always notice that when things are bad they are so bad and it seems like nothing ever goes our way and then one day it just lifts and things go exactly as they should for a while...that time is right around the corner from you!

Kelsey - my extreme tiredness really didn't come right away...I thought it did but I was so wrong...I forget when it kicked in but its still on its way! The lightheadedness if you don't eat is a great symptom!

Mel how you doing?
Little man is doing well! 3lbs 3ounces! crazy! I attached the picture they gave me. They said he is now head down - when they checked my cervix you could see the top of his head resting right on my cervix - so funny! But, they said this is why I'm having the pelvic pain and that there really isn't anything you can do for it. He said the girdle like things don't really work so that's ok!! I'm fine dealing with it.

Guess I'll head off to work soon...doing a walk for Cystic Fibrosis tonight, so hopefully my hips will behave! They seem to be doing pretty good today and walking will probably be good for them - it's only about a mile! I can handle that.

Hope you're all doing great!


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Jessie I know that with our time changes (daylight savings time) which is just minimal they say that it should be readjusted in a day. With 7 hours---i'd say within a couple days. As long as you're getting solid sleep, I think your temps will be pretty accurate no matter what (hopefully!?). Yes, I plan on watching the Bachelorette because actually 1 of the guys (Jackson) played college baseball with my husband so I'm really excited to see it! DH wasn't really close with him because he said that Jackson was a really big pretty boy---and then there's another WI guy on there who's from a pretty small town. And woohoo for the full flow! :)
Aww Rachey babes!! :hugs::kiss: I so can relate to you...I had a picture on the fridge from Easter last year and it always made me so sad looking at it because it reminded me I was PG in that picture (it was such a nice fam pic and that's why I kept it up). Don't look at everything you want to change/accomplish---just look at 1 thing at a time. It will happen, it will.
LOVE THE SCAN PIC SAM!!! :cloud9: Look how beautiful he/she is already! Are you going to find out the sex?? When is your next scan--I forget---do you have one next week? It seems pretty common for some spotting to happen with a strained BM. You saw him rock'n out in your belly yesterday, so he's just fine in there. Have no worries. :hugs:
Aww Lindsay look at lil handsome Oakley---he has the perfect lil profile with his pouty lil lips and perfect nose! Now that you know that's for sure why the pelvic pain is happening you know you don't have to worry about it. omg 3 lbs 3 oz!!! Did they give you a guess how big he'll be by delivery time?
I had an awesome dream last night that I went to my scan and I was measuring ahead and the hb was in the 150's. Then the nurse told me I was having a boy and I was so mad because we don't want to find out what we're having (only in a dream at 8 weeks would you find out the gender lol). Sooo, I can only dream that I'll have a good scan next week. 9 days!! :wacko:

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