1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

So.. both sides of the ovaries i am feeling pressure. I hope i'm in for a strong O. Even if i sit forward i can feel a little pain/pressure/twinges in my ovaries. I hope it's not something bad.
Sounds good to me Rachel. I could always feel it, one side more than the others but occasionally it was quite tender too. As for the opk's I agree with Kelsy. Bd every other day as you are doing is great and there will be plenty of :spermy: lying in wait to catch that egg!!! How did your grill cooking go?
Thanks Sam! The grilling went good. The food was delicious. It did make me gain 2 lbs this morning LOL. Ugh! Oh well. Summer is only once a year :haha:

How are you doing Sam? you feeling a lot better now that exam is done?
Hiya girls, my sister, her hubby and my niece and nephew are here and it's been lovely to see them. They're staying with us for 4 days. We all went to Buckingham palace today and my nephew loved the guards there! But he didn't get to see the queen lol!
I've been having more cramping but it's medium mild and like a dull ache, feel like period is coming, wasn't scared though. No nausea really, when did yours kick in kels, Sam and Lindsay? Boobs are still sore.
Rach that all sounds like ovulation to me! And strong ov too! :yipee:
Kelsey - I think I read that you're still nervous even after your scan and it's funny, I had great confidence the day of my scan and then I went right back to worrying the very next day - Kirk must have thought I was crazy! lol I think I started feeling a lot better after a scan at close to 10 weeks but didn't really relax until after my NT scan and it's really only been until recently that I sit and think "when was the last time I felt him move??" now I can't help but feel him all the time but I think this is just what it's like to become a mom and constantly worry about our children :hugs: you got through the worst scan! Your little one will do great!! :)

Mel - I really didn't start getting sick sick until around 7 weeks. I would have a bit a nausea starting around 6 weeks but wasn't miserable until 7 and that would even come and go - which would freak me out!! It always seemed to come back and didn't leave for good until 14 or 15 weeks.

Rach - sorry about the job - don't you have another one you're waiting to hear back from?? Hopefully you'll O soon!! :)

AFM - DH is planting trees in the yard today :) They look really nice already! I've oddly been having a really emotional time about my miscarriage lately, which doesn't make much sense getting so close to having this one. Maybe it's because my brother-in-law's wife is pregnant and going for her first scan tomorrow that I'm nervous for her and bringing up old memories, or who knows what. I feel silly getting so upset about it lately but maybe my hormones are just going crazy....I don't know!

Hope you all are doing great! :)
Thanks Lindsay :hugs: I don't think the memories of mc will ever leave us completely and there are definitely triggers! Let us know how your bil's wife gets on. Did you have sore boobs? Mine were quite painful last night and now they've eased off :hissy: :haha: xx

Ps the trees sound lovely!
I can just look at a cake and put 2 lbs on. Just had a bit of a cry after having to go into the loft to get my 'bigger' clothes out (I kept them after losing weight). I said to OH that it was a bit demoralising and he just said I should go swimming then! I have always had issues with how Ifeel about my weight, I am happy to have my bump but it is a bit difficult going back into clothes I spent so long trying to get out off. I hope that comes out right, I am very happy to be pregnant, maybe it is my hormones as I haven't cried like that for a long time. Men!!

Rachel - our summer is only one day normally!! How are the pains/aches today?

Kelsey - I was the same after my scans. Feeling great for a day or so then back to worrying. Even now I feel more relaxed I just bought a doppler to get me to my next scan!

Lindsey - any pics of teh room. I remembered you said you can look in this weekend now the fumes/paint has dried. Hope you are having a fab time with your mum too.

Mel - glad you are having such a fab time with your family. What no Queen? tut tut!! I am down there next weekend with my family and going to the Chelsea Flower Show, can't wait. My nausea kicked in just after 6 weeks, full on all day hangover yuckyness, but never any vomiting lasted till about 10 weeks. Get the odd day still but the last few days I am putting down to these bloody antibiotics. Oh and contispation, the poor girls on here know all about my constipation!!
Hi girls! I am so happy our apartment has wifi so I can check in with you although it's hard to catch up on everything on my iPad. Sounds like you all are doing well!

We have been walking everywhere...!!!! Last night we walked the gothic quarter, went up to montijuic (a park with a fort and the Olympic stadiums) then last night we went to the magic fountains in front of the national museum. It was amazing! I posted a picture of the fountains on FB. The fountains dance to music and light up in different colors. It is absolutely amazing here. I am getting ready to post a couple more pics. Today we went to La Sagrada Familia (the famous Gaudi church) and Parc Guell. I am exhausted, we have walked so much!!! Oh, and my Spanish is really coming in handy here!!!

Got some BDing in again last night, despite being really tired. DH was good about goung with it! :) But my temps are still out of wack with the time change. I take it at my regular 6am time, which is really midnight but then thankfully the last 2 days we went back to sleep and got up at 10am so I used that time instead since its closer to my US time. Not sure if I will be able to tell when I O to start my progesterone if these temps don't get under control. :shrug:

Well off to bed, I will try to check in with you girls tomorrow. :hugs:

Oh, by the way, I think we need some bump pics posted... Lindsay, Sam, Kelsey and Mel!!! and Rach, hope the girls are keeping you in line wit your BD schedule!
Glad you're having a great time jess and getting some :sex: in too but extra romantic in Barcelona!! Xxx
Rachael I hope that means it's the start of an awesome strong O!!! Maybe you'll even O earlier this month? Todays BD day, is Andrew ready for it?? :)
Mel I felt ravenous until 7 weeks, then at 7W1D NOTHING seemed appetizing and I feel really queezy in the morning and throughout the day. I hope it doesn't get worse than this, I'm the biggest baby about being sick, so I think I'd cry all day long at work. lol jk jk I'll be happy with whatever this baby gives me :) Have fun with your fam! I'm assuming they know you are PG? Have you told many people yet?
Thanks Lindsay, glad I'm not the only worrier! I was so excited for like 10 min, and then I said to DH, ok, we can't get excited until after our 10 week scan. It actually kind of made him mad because he said it's hard to keep up with me being confident 1 minute and then saying we need to expect the worst the next. Ah well, I'm the biggest worry wart alive, so hubby better know that if he thought I worried before a child, he has no idea what's to come. Is this your SIL's first pregnancy? How many weeks will she be tomorrow? I'll be thinking of her! And oh yeah, like Sam requested, I want pics of Oakley's room! I'm still dying to see the painted floor!
Awww Sam, sorry you're struggling a bit. :hugs: Yesterday I had a bit of a internal tantrum trying to find something to wear to a fundraiser where I knew everybody was going to be. I felt like I looked like such a chunk in everything, and went through so many outfits. I think it's part of our hormones too. Are you planning on breastfeeding? That's supposed to help so much with the weightloss after the baby comes. So for right now I'm just going to have to embrace it, and hope I can make miracles happen after the baby comes. If my husband told me to go swimming, I think I'd take him along and drown him. Tell him for future reference he better be telling you how beautiful you look and to not worry about that AT ALL.
JJEEESSSIIIEEE!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance: I'm so happy you have wifi! Although I'm sure you won't get much time on it, but you can at least stop in to tell us all about your PG symptoms you're having before your BFP! The pictures are just gorgeous! Can't even imagine what they look like in person! I bet after all that walking the LAST time you want to do is BD, but glad you're making time. We don't want to have to take the bat to you :grr: I hope your temps will settle down in a couple days, and I'm sure they will. As for the bump pic, I meant to take one right after our u/s, but forgot. So now, I think I'll wait and start the pics at 8 weeks.
I hope all you girls had a great weekend, boo to tomorrow being Monday! I just have to get through this week and then I have a 3 day week after that.:thumbup:
Thanks Sam and kels and kels I know what you mean about the internal tantrum, I feel so irritable 24/7 and bloated!!! Also even tho i am a 100% sure youre going to be ok i understand your confidence crisis. I think its impossible to be 100% confident after a mc. :hugs: hubbies find it harder to understand what we go through I think. I always just think am I going through all this again for nothing! I need to be more positive I think
Only my sister and her hubby know, that's it. They're really sweet, they're like don't lift this don't do that! I think they think I fall down the stairs each time I mc or something! My boobs are feeling less sore so I'm a bit worried about that, did you get sore boobs? I know you did pink xx
Whoa doggie! You girls are making me run for my money with this update! LOL.

Mel it sounds like you had a great time with your sister and her family! As far as the symptoms go, it sounds pretty good that you've been having as many as you have! I know it's hard not to flip out when your boobs don't hurt anymore or when you feel "not pregnant" one day. I honestly don't have any words to help calm ya down. I knowi will be a wreck too whenever my baby decides to come back. I hope you start feeling sicker than a dog :haha: I can't believe its been 15 days already that you found out you were PG. When i saw that i was like WHHHHHHHHHAATTT?! Has gone by super fast.

Lindsay i'm sorry you're having a difficult time. Regardless of if you're PG or not, it is still difficult to think about losing a LO. Maybe like you said, reminiscing back to that dark time might be why you're feeling the way you are? Your angel looks at you and protects you every day my love. I hope you feel better tmrw. How much longer is it now that you can decorate Oakley's room?

Sam i'm self conscious about my weight as well. I have every right to be because i am HUGE (seriously). It's hard when you lose so much weight and work so hard and see yourself getting bigger, but i know what you mean. I know you're happy to be PG and that being the reason why you're getting a little bigger. I bet you will lose the weight fast after the baby comes! Enjoy your pregnancy sweety. If you're REALLY worried about the weight, then really pay attention to what you're eating. I imagine you look wonderful though hun! I wanna see a bump pic from you!!

Jessie sounds like you're having a LOVELY time already! I'm glad you've been BDing. Otherwise you're going to get that bat :grr: I haven't saw your pics on facebook but i will go look now! I am sooo happy you have wifi in your apartment. I figured you would have something. YAY!!! And i sooo agree.. i wanna see bump pics from these girls!!

Kelsey i think i covered a bit with Mel and Sam that i wanted to tell you! About the symptoms and weight gain. Every single thing you feel is exactly how i will feel as well. One minute being confident, the next crying hysterically thinking everything is going to go wrong. With them hormones it will be so much worse. I can just imagine. Everything will be okay though! I know you won't believe me, but it will. We are all here for you to get through this as well! :hugs:

AFM -- we certainly did our BD today. YAY. I may just go ahead and do it tmrw and the next day to cover O. I'm not certain when i will be O'ing because one month it was CD15, the next was supposedly CD20. Which... i think the CD20 was really CD17. Anyways, i either have to choose to do it CD15 or 17. Since i have been feeling a lot going on lately i'm going to go ahead and do it tmrw i think (cd15). So, will do it CD15, 16, 18 and maybe 20. We will see. Gosh... Andrew is all worn out already LOL. I couldn't imagine being the man. There's so much pressure put on you to sqeeze out that :spermy: LOL. Proud of him though ;) OMGosh... there's a s'mores commercial on. I want some SOO bad! Kelsey when you mentioned it yesterday i was like WTH... why didn't i think of that?! :dohh: I woke up this morning feeling sore on the left side of my ovary area. It went away after i got up. Today i've been feeling fine. No weird symptoms. Anxious for temps here on out. As for a job, i'm going to call my old job back tmrw and ask when i may get this 'interview' i'm suppose to have. I can't be waiting around much longer waiting on them to call. I may just have to adventure out tmrw and find a job. Fingers crossed something GOOD happens as far as that goes. I don't wanna get stuck doing something i don't like. We all know how that goes!
Oh and i got a reading done. I had asked for a free reading from her 3 months ago. She said April would be the month i'd either find out in, conceive in or give birth in. Well April came and gone. So i paid $5 for her to give me this reading ---------------

They show me a BOY and they relate him to SEPTEMBER< so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

as for additional children, they are showing me another boy and they relate him to may, so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. They are showing just over 2 years apart.

As for what you have to do first, they are showing me needles, so wondering if you have tried using acupuncture as a way to help aide your fertility??

As for the past loss, sometimes before we come here, we draw up a blue print of our lives, the lessons that we try to learn, the people that we wish to meet that will help us on our journey... sometimes we realize that we need to make changes, so the only way to do that would to be go back and fix it and then return again. I really feel that this is what has happened with your son. Itwas nothing that you could have prevented or altered in anyway :(

As for the future, I am not seeing you having to take anything orally but wondering if you have been diagnosed with Endo?? As they are giving me the impression of a procedure to clean it out.

------ That was it. Considering she never said another thing about April kinda makes me not want to believe one thing she says here. Gah! Would be cool of the May baby was right and i get pregnant this month! :haha: I have no idea what she means by acupuncture or Endo. Any insite?
Morning ladies!

Everyone talking about the weight thing - I totally get you! I've never really had any weight issues but its been hard watching the scale tip for me - I'm still eating like a mad woman and loving every inch of my bump but it can make you very self conscious trying to find clothes you feel comfortable in and look good in - especially in those early weeks when you can't tell anyone! I def nag kirk for more reassurance now more than ever! I think its hormonal and its fighting everything you've thought your whole life about weight - gaining ie good! I hear you ladies :)

Rach - I've got everything crossed for you this month...may baby sounds great!

Jess - so glad you have wifi! Woohoo! Your temps should even out in a couple days just keep getting that BD in there!

Mel - my boobs were the worst but I always had boon pain leading up to AF. Once I got pregnant they hurt even more but I would have random days they felt fine and freaking out would ensue lol. I keep forgeting when tor scan is!

Kelsey - how you feeling today? Do you have your next scan booked already? Can't wait for another picture! Those early scans are the scariest but the most fun bc they change so fast! It's incredible.

Afm - I'm still feeling emotional but that's to be expected I suppose. My bil's wife has her appt at 340 today so I hope they let us know how it goes asap. It is their first pregnancy. I know I shouldn't be nervous for her but its hard.
just a quik one, Iam at work

Rachel - with Endo I think she means endometriosis


this is a UK website but here will be US equivilant.

Acupunture - chinese use of needle placed around the body at certain point to help certain problems. I had accuptuncture once a week from about Feb till just recently. It help put your body back in balance and make your energies flow correctly.
Just found out my bil's wife's scan went good! She's 6 weeks 3 days and they only showed her the heartbeat and she was measuring the right size so I feel more relaxed now! So happy for them! For all you newly preggers girls she says she feels pretty good so don't get down by lack of symptoms! :) just wanted to update you guys! Hope you all had a good day :)
Thanks for the update Lindsay that's great news!! Lindsay my boobs have never hurt on normal cycles ever so I suppose this pain is bad by my standards! Thanks :hugs:
Rach yay for the good timing :sex: and job-wise def think it's probably better to keep looking just in case xx
My scan is on Monday 28th may :wacko: not confident at all just a bit hopeful...
Thanks Sam for the info on Endo and acupuncture. I had no idea these things existed. GAH. So scary. I pray i don't have it.

Lindsay i am so glad your bils wife appt went good! SO HAPPY! I bet that is a huge relief for you. yay!!!

AFM i did get another BD action in today and will again tmrw! Then off CD17 and one more time cd18. I hope i covered all bases. Ready to have a baby.
Rach - you guys are going to BD CD20 too just in case, right?? I think that will definitely cover all your bases then :) I'm so proud of you with temping! Hopefully we'll see a nice spike in the next couple days!

How's everyone else doing?

And yes, I'm so excited about my BIL's wife! such a relief - she didn't have any reason to be worried, it was just me and Kirk having flashbacks I suppose!
What an interesting reading Rach! I just hate when they say that September could mean getting pregnant or giving birth. I always want them to give me something more concrete! At least she says you won't have to take anything orally---so that means no clomid like I had to! Accupuncture can be really expensive, I thought about it but then we don't have anything close by. I hope you are getting so close to O, can't believe you're already CD16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you get good news from the job today, at least they should give you a chance and give you an interview!
Yahhh Lindsay, so glad everything went good for you SIL! We were probably more worried than her, I think if you haven't ever had a miscarriage you're much more clueless on what could go wrong. Which is great, wish I was like that this time :) And all you have is bump lil missy, you've still got your skinny lil legs and arms :) These first few weeks I think are the worst because I'm obviously not showing, just looking a lil pudgy. Oh well!! :) And speaking of bumps, I'm ready for a picture of yours and a picture of Mr. Oakley's room!
Jessie--hopefully you're close to OV too! I'll have to look back and see where you are in your cycle.
AFM today I have my 8 week appt---which I think they just draw bloods and I have no idea what else. I just meet with the nurse. Then I think (hope) we'll book my 10 week appt.

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