Rachael I hope that means it's the start of an awesome strong O!!! Maybe you'll even O earlier this month? Todays BD day, is Andrew ready for it??

Mel I felt ravenous until 7 weeks, then at 7W1D NOTHING seemed appetizing and I feel really queezy in the morning and throughout the day. I hope it doesn't get worse than this, I'm the biggest baby about being sick, so I think I'd cry all day long at work. lol jk jk I'll be happy with whatever this baby gives me

Have fun with your fam! I'm assuming they know you are PG? Have you told many people yet?
Thanks Lindsay, glad I'm not the only worrier! I was so excited for like 10 min, and then I said to DH, ok, we can't get excited until after our 10 week scan. It actually kind of made him mad because he said it's hard to keep up with me being confident 1 minute and then saying we need to expect the worst the next. Ah well, I'm the biggest worry wart alive, so hubby better know that if he thought I worried before a child, he has no idea what's to come. Is this your SIL's first pregnancy? How many weeks will she be tomorrow? I'll be thinking of her! And oh yeah, like Sam requested, I want pics of Oakley's room! I'm still dying to see the painted floor!
Awww Sam, sorry you're struggling a bit.

Yesterday I had a bit of a internal tantrum trying to find something to wear to a fundraiser where I knew everybody was going to be. I felt like I looked like such a chunk in everything, and went through so many outfits. I think it's part of our hormones too. Are you planning on breastfeeding? That's supposed to help so much with the weightloss after the baby comes. So for right now I'm just going to have to embrace it, and hope I can make miracles happen after the baby comes. If my husband told me to go swimming, I think I'd take him along and drown him. Tell him for future reference he better be telling you how beautiful you look and to not worry about that AT ALL.

I'm so happy you have wifi! Although I'm sure you won't get much time on it, but you can at least stop in to tell us all about your PG symptoms you're having before your BFP! The pictures are just gorgeous! Can't even imagine what they look like in person! I bet after all that walking the LAST time you want to do is BD, but glad you're making time. We don't want to have to take the bat to you

I hope your temps will settle down in a couple days, and I'm sure they will. As for the bump pic, I meant to take one right after our u/s, but forgot. So now, I think I'll wait and start the pics at 8 weeks.
I hope all you girls had a great weekend, boo to tomorrow being Monday! I just have to get through this week and then I have a 3 day week after that.