1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Good luck today kels, it won't be as stressful at least :hugs:
Hw you getting on rach? Acupuncture is crazy expensive in the uk too it's about in your money 800 dollars for a course of 10 or 500 pounds in our money. Xx
Kelsey - woohoo for a dr. appt. I hope you can get a 10 week appt too! So crazy it's a blueberry right now!! LOL.

Gahh that's scary to hear how expensive acupuncture is. I doubt i'd ever get it done. Just kinda doing what i can for now but hoping to get into a doctor sometime soon! Hopefully it's for my BFP this month :haha: I WISH!!!
When I did some acupuncture after my second loss, that was the longest time ever it took me to get pregnant so I don't hold too much faith in it!! Xx
Thanks girls---they did schedule my 10 week appt which will by June 8th. I wanted June 7th because that's our 4 year wedding anniv. but no openings. It's such a crazy time because all these appts are falling on the same days or just about the same days as my last pregnancy. Very bittersweet.
I was very happy to learn I can have a sub because they keep their meat cold and are always fresh. She said if I get meat from the deli at the grocery store I'd ahve to heat it up because that isn't as cold and isn't as fresh. I won't make a habit of it, but I'm dying for a sub right now!
Also, Linsday and Sam---did you guys have your dating scan at 10 or 12 weeks? Mine is the 10 week one, and then I won't have another scan until 22 weeks. I thought I wouldn't have any appts until the 22 weeks one, but she said I'd have monthly appts and they'd just check the hb. Is that how it was for you guys?
Mel, can't wait for your scan---it's around the 28th or something, right? 6 weeks tomorrow!!!!!!!! How are you feeling?
Rachael by me accupuncture is about $70-$100. So not as expensive as by Mel, but still pretty pricey!
That's great kels!! I'm glad you can have a sub! I didn't say anything about that because I have a lot of USA friends on here who question deli meat but in the uk no one thinks twice about eating it. Yeah anniversaries from last pregnancy are hard :hugs: I just don't think about that anymore it's kind of been erased from my head apart from my first one which was valentines day which got to me this year.
yeah scan on 28th - not too hopeful tbh :wacko:
Well my symptoms are

My boobs are still sore, more than ever before even tho there have been some lulls for a few hours / half day they seem to keep returning.

Not much cramping now which I am obsessing over STILL!!! Even though I know lots of peeps who are successful with little to no cramps! But I sit here willing dull aches and twinges to come lol!

Mild sickness combined with fiendish hunger! I sense nausea is going to kick in soon..maybe...

Always going for a wee

I just want to feel TERRIBLE and in lots of pain lol!!!

Scan on 28th eeeek
Mel your symptoms sound great!!!!!!!!!! I did not have much for cramping AT ALL and I think if I would have I would have been really worried! Did you have cramping in your othe pregnancies and that's why you're looking for them now? If so, just like morning sickness if you had it the other pregnancies, be glad that this pregnancy is different! I was SUPER hungry until 7 weeks, that's when the food stopped looking so good. Now I still get super hungry but nothing seems appetizing.
28th is right around the corner! I really wish you could pack us all in your purse so that we're there when you get the awesome news :)
Thanks so much Hun :hugs:. Well actually when I take my phone I imagine you're all there with me at scans anyway and it makes me feel so much better!! How are you feeling now? Xx
Hi Ladies!!

So, I wrote out a big long thing on my phone and then I didn't have signal or something and I lost the whole thing! sad day! it was probably incomprehensible anyway since it was on my phone so here we go again now that I'm home...

Kelsey - The typical schedule for my doctor's office goes like this:
6-7 weeks - scan if you have had a previous loss
8 weeks - "viability" scan - or dating scan
12 weeks - NT scan with a perinatologist (supposedly some women opt out of this if they want to keep their baby regardless of downs or any other trisomy
20 weeks - growth scan - make sure the baby has all the right organs and they're all functioning as they should
32 weeks - final growth scan - make sure the baby is growing appropriately and is in the right position for birth.

Starting from your 8 week scan/appointment they schedule monthly appointments where you get your weight, urine and blood pressure checked and then they also do the doppler on your belly. I've been told if they can't find the heartbeat due to awkward baby position with the doppler they send you back for an immediate scan, which is nice to know. Then starting at 28 weeks (third trimester) they book you with an appointment every two weeks, and at 36 weeks you start going weekly. Also starting at 26 weeks (I think) they start measuring your belly. It might be even earlier than that, actually!

Mel - Your symptoms sound amazing!! I have a great feeling about this one for you, I can't wait to see your little blob next Monday!! :)

Hope everyone else is doing great! I need to get started on dinner! I'll post pictures of my belly and the baby's room when the paint on the floor dries - it's taking forever! Stupid oil based paint! Oh and we painted the floors because we live in a 200+ year old house and it has a really old wood floors that previous owners painted instead of stained, so you kinda gotta keep going with that lol. There are two rooms in the house that are stained but they're super wide boards and they look amazing! The painted floors aren't as nice but they work!

Ok dinner time for real!
Kels - glad your appt. went well! Your next appt. is just shy of my bday ;) I'm so happy for ya doll! Better get to DQ and feed that baby some yummy confetti cake! :haha:

Jessie - i saw your pics on fb.. omgosh looks sooo beautiful! So jealous! Hope you're getting your BD in! I'm going to go stalk your chart now!

Mel - your symptoms do sound great! I know it would be a relief to feel like crap but it sounds like you're doing good though. I hope you start feeling REALLY bad ;)

Linds - I wanna see pictures of that bump!! also can't wait to see Oakley's room!!

:hi: Sam!!! Hope you're doing good sweety. I wanna see a bump pic from you too!!!

AFM - take a look at my chart, does it look like i O'd y esterday? My temp went up .5 degrees or does it mean i O today? I'm still not good at this charting thing lol. I have felt no O pains though. I never really do anyways. I hope my temps just sky rocket from here on out. Well... getting ready to go to Indianapolis today for community day at the track! Hope you all have a good hump day!
Rachel - If tomorrows temp stay high I would say that you proabaly ov'd yesterday. I think FF might struggle with the CH due to the high temps cd10-12. However if you can both manage it I would continue to bd every other day (till cd21?) as your ov date is still not got a regular pattern. Any word form the job yesterday?

Kels - you guys seem to get monitored a lot more frequently than we do. For people with out rcmc we get Booking appointment with mw for blood, urine etc ( no scan/hb listening) 12 weeks scan, 20 weeks scan then nothing! I think towards the end (36+) we get weekly mw check at the Gp but other than that , that's it! Not long to go till your next scan!! Glad your appointment went well. I think I sent you FR on FB a few days ago.

Lindsay - I bet the room looks fantastic. I am going to try to look back over this thread from when I fist joined to se your 14 week bump pic. I was googling last night to compare mine as I feel huge but I think I seem roughly 'normal' LOL. I feel worse in the evening as I must get extra bloat during the day. Did you get headaches. The last few dyas I seem to be getting headaches that I can't shift. I have taken the odd paracetamol but am not keen to keep using them, despite knowing they are safe.

Jess -loving your pictures on FB! Looks liek you are having a fab holiday.:boat:

Mel - Happy 6 weeks. I'll be travelling back home next Monday but hopefully I 'll be able to catch up on your scan appointment. I think your symptoms are great but it is difficult to know what is 'good' or not when everything has been so variable in the past.

afm - I passed my exam (top of my class with 84% :blush:) so that brightened up my busy, headachey day yesterday. My AngelSounds doppler arrived today. It was a bit scary as I was worried there would be no hb to listen too. It took me a little while, I heard my hb and then moved a bit lower down and heard baby smarties hb pumping away ten to the dozen!! I am going to take it down when I go away tomorrow (going to London for a few days with my sister, Dad and Step mum to the Chelsea Flower show) so they can listen if they want to.
Just found your 14 week bump pic Lindsay - wow I feel so much more reassured seeing yours. More people are beginning to notice, especially some of my regular patients. I don't mind my regulars asking (as I have a good relationship with them) but some others are just straight out with it! My 'eating too many biscuits' won't wash for much longer!

just charging up my camera for going away, so will try to post a pic later.
Here ya go Sam!! I felt huge by then but looking back it doesn't seem that bad lol That's 14wks and 2 days I think...Headaches have unfortunately been one of my pregnancy symtpoms - mostly developed in my late second trimester but they've come and gone all throughout. :hugs: I know they suck! I was told you can take tylenol...???

So, I was up sick for a good portion of the night last night and still am not feeling very well. It's making me a bit nervous. I was throwing up and had it on the other end too with terrible stomach pain. I thought I had food poisoning but it didn't last long enough to be that. :shrug: No idea! I still feel pretty rotten this morning - lost a pound since yesterday but I'm sure that's just from vomiting...:dohh: ugh ohwell hopefully once I get some breakfast in me I'll start feeling better!

I haven't had a chance to check charts - I will when I get into work - running super late and have a ton to do today but wanted to see how everyone was doing :)


  • 14wks2daysa.jpg
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Does sound like dodgy food bug if it was both ends. Keep drinking plenty of fluids and try something light for breakfast (maybe no milk as that can curdle). Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for the insight Sam. I'm anxious to see my temps later on. I am sooo happy for you that you passed your exam!!!!!! And being top of the class? WHOA! So proud of you! Woohoooo!!!! Congrats hun. That is so awesome about your babies heartbeat. It's the neatest thing that you can listen to smarties heart at home. I bet it is an amazing feeling!

Lindsay - i hope you start feeling better sweety. It does sound like some sort of bug for it coming out both ends. Eat some dry toast or something.
Ok so charts! I love charts lol

Rach- I'm not sure you're at o yet to be honest...if your temps continue to climb then yea I think you did but on previous charts it looks like you go up and dip right.before o so that could be what's going on now...keep that bding going! Better safe than sorry :) Andrew won't mind ;)

Jess - looks like your temps have stabilized and hopefully we'll see a spike from you in the next couple days! Yay vacation baby making! :)

Yea I'm not sure what's going on with my sickness...thankfully little oakley has been wiggling around a lot this morning so I know he's ok after last night. I had a muffin and some ginger ale this morning and I still feel uneasy but not too bad. My arms and back are really sore I must have been tensing up really bad last night. Hopefully I can get my work done today and head out a bit early and get some sleep and if the uneasiness doesn't go away then maybe its just hormonal. We'll see!

Oh and Sam- you were saying we seem to get monitored more closely in the us and I think we do but that's probably bc we pay so much for insurance...right? DH and I spend so much of his paycheck on healthcare it makes me kinda sick lol
Hope your sickness goes soon Lindsay that doesn't sound nice at all and it's not like you need reassurance from sickness at this stage and Oakley is a wriggle bum! Xx
Kels are you getting any crampy / twingey / pulling feelings now?
Rach if your temps stay up without any dips I'd say it's a good possibility you OV'd yesterday! yaaahhh! How exciting! Keep getting busy just in case. HOpe you and Andrew are having a great day together :) And yes, I was telling my friend at work that I NEED to get to DQ to get that blizzard!! The things you do to me...
Lindsay thanks for taking the time to give me an idea of what's to come! I feel horrible that you're so sick!! You're so tough, there's no way I would have still went to work today. I really really REALLY hope your day went ok and you made it through and started feeling better. I hope if you are still sick that you check with your Dr. At the very least make sure you don't need fluids. Love your 14 week bump pic---gives me hope that I'll get a bump in a couple weeks! My friend didn't show even at 20 weeks, I pray it doesn't take me that long! I can't WAIT for a big ol baby bump.
Happy 14 weeks Sam! If you feel comfortable I really hope you post a bump pic! Congrats on passing your test and being highest in your class!!! Such smarty friends I have :)
Nope Mel still nothing much for crampy feelings. I also did not ever get crampy for OV or AF--not sure if that makes any difference? 6 weeks!! And only 5 more days until your scan!!!
Yea Kelsey - I really didn't want to go to work but had some work to do since an experiment didn't work the day before - I had to get it to work! And I did, so that made me feel a little better just by itself. But I took it easy eating today and I seem to be doing OK. I think it was just a little stomach bug. How are you feeling?? I hope you feel awful but hope you're not vomiting - that's no fun!!

Mel - I only had minor cramping for a week or two and it would come and go. I picked symptoms to hone in on too, so I hear ya on analyzing them!! lol Can't wait for your scan!

I am feeling better - just really really tired! Probably because I didn't sleep last night haha. DH was awesome and stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get me fruit roll-ups...my latest pregnancy craving lol I've already had 3! :p
I am half alseep but I am excited about my temp this morning :happydance:

I got sunburned on my face and went pee 3 hrs ago... you don't think that would mess with my temps right?

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