Thanks girls for all the kind words. I talked to them and they're going to fit me in on Tuesday. With the holiday weekend they're closed today and Monday, just my luck!
Rachael--yahh for the cross hairs!

Keep bd'ing just in case because with your temp going down a bit today sometimes your temp seems to do that and you have a 2nd temp shift that we sometimes get confused about. As for the drinking---I may not be the best advise person, but I didn't worry too much about drinking in the 2WW until it got to like 10DPO. Most months I could tell by my temps that I was out by 6 or 7 DPO so I knew I could drink without worry. This past month I could tell by about 6 or 7 that my temps were a bit higher than normal so there was a chance so I didn't drink at all. I hope you have so much fun! You asked if I think what we're having, I've always thought I will have all boys, could never picture having a girl (not that I wouldn't want one, just thought it wouldn't be in the cards for me). But as soon as DH found out he said I think it's a girl, and then the chinese predictor says girl, and last night I did the ring test where I put my wedding ring on a strand of my hair and hang my ring over my stomach. It did a circular motion which of course old wives tales say then it's a girl. So, after I did that I was like holy crap, I think I am having a girl! Lindsay or Sam---have you ever done this? I'm curious what you'll get---especially you Lindsay since you already know it's a boy.
Aww Lindsay, you stop that crying and love it

You are the cutest lil preggo ever!! I am also guilty of saying that (not in those words) to people but that's only because I love PG bellys sooooo much and think they're adorable, but I shouldn't assume that people like being told it just because I can't wait for somebody to say it to me!

And because you are so tiny is why your belly will look bigger---but you're the lucky one where it's all belly and NOTHING else.
Mel yyaaaahhh for gaining symptoms and not losing them! Just remember, if it eases off it's completely fine! They come and go, because our hormones come and go in waves. 3 more days until your scan!!!

Sam---hope you're doing good girl!
Jessie---hope you're having a blast and your baby is busy implanting!!!

AFM---my next appt is 2 weeks from today! I'm sooo cranky today, and I'm really tired and I don't want to be at work at ALL. I need to get out of this mood! Sooo happy for a long weekend, and I took Tue. off too so I have a 4 day weekend!

Oh and PS---did you guys see on facebook Eliza's ultrasound picture!?? Just awesome, starting to look like his/her buddy Oakley!