1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach no way would sunburn on your face mess with your temps! :yipee: So excited for you! I'll be so over the moon when you get your bfp, then you'll probably get your dream job at the same time, life's like that isn't it!!??

Lindsay so glad you're feeling better :hugs:
Kels you'll get a bump REALLY soon hun! :cloud9: :yipee:

Thanks Lindsay and Kels and for being so understanding too! I am a TERRIBLE symptom spotter. I know so many people who didn't have ANY cramping and so many who did! Yet, I STILL over analyse everything and it probably means nothing! Can't believe my scan is in 4 days :wacko:
woohoo Rach!! that temp is great!! you should get your crosshairs tomorrow as long as it stays up! keep bding just in case though :) Every other day at this point is fine though! Any word on your job??
Happy 8 weeks Kelsey! Do you feel bloated yet? I remember by 9 weeks I was wearing a belly band lol

Mel - I was right there with ya early in this pregnancy latching onto symptoms that I thought were a good thing! You're going to be great on Monday! :) its a holiday on Monday here so I'll be able to stalk here to congratulate you asap :) what time is the appt?
It's 4.30pm our time so I'm not sure what time that would be for you? My boobs seem to have eased off today :wacko: did yours go off and on? xx
Whoa Rach, great temp today! Can't wait to see your temp tomorrow so we can get OV confirmed! Keep BD'ing just in case---remember, our body will sometimes release a 2nd egg so if you missed the first catch the 2nd! Or if you caught the first, make a 2nd too!!! :) You, Jess and Mel are our only chances left for twins!!
Lindsay, how are you feeling today---HAPPY 31 WEEKS!!!!! I hope you got some good sleep last night and woke up feeling like a new mommy. And yes, I am feeling the bloat. I am currently at work right now with my pants unbuttoned. :) Just want this bloat to turn to bump!!
Mel have no fear. My bbs are ALWAYS on and off, and are much more sensitive sometimes than others. Mine have never been so super sore that they bother me without touching them.
AFM---not feeling real awesome. Mornings are kind of hard for me. I feel the need to constantly munch or I'll start feeling faint or queezy. Also, I'm having a pretty bad back episode right now but I can't get into my back Dr. until June 2nd. Panicking a bit about that. I have my sisters bachelorette party this weekend and I'm afraid if my back is too bad she'd think I was just missing it because I'm PG and don't want to go. (She probably wouldn't think that, but I just worry).
Aww kels sorry about your back hun and that you're not feeling great. Is there anyway you could ring the docs and ask them to fit you in before that as you feel it's more urgent and it's worrying you? Is it like a muscle sprain kind of feeling? As for the party could you just explain to your sister now what is going on with you and tell her you're trying everything to fix it. Bet she's a great sister and would understand. As important her party is, she wouldn't want you to suffer I'm sure, or maybe you could just go for the beginning less raucous bit so you can sit down? And also you have to put you and your baby first so bet your sis would understand. But maybe if you just give her some warning now she might help you to think of some kind of solution. xx :hugs: Let us know how you get on xx
Mel- my boobs were very on and off...you should've seen my Google searches in those first few weeks...it was all about on and off symptoms but mostly in regards to boobs! I have no idea what the time diff is but I know you're ahead of us so yay! We'll see it earlier than 430 our time on Monday :)

Kelsey - that's good you don't reel good! Sorry about your back! I know what you mean about back pain...I broke my back in gymnastics about 10 years ago and I still have issues! It's terrible! Aw your lo is a raspberry today! So cute! Don't worry about your bump - you'll be waddling around like me in no time! I'll post another belly picture this weekend :) I want to see yours!

I need to go check Jess's chart...hoping things are going well for her! :)
Mel - i hope you start feeling more confident soon! I have a good feeling that this pregnancy is your forever baby!! I wish you would wake up tmrw and feel like poo! :haha:

Kels - i really hope your back starts feeling better :( I hope it can ease off a little until June 2nd. have you and your H thought about what you think your little bean might be?!

Jessie - hope you're having fun! we miss you tons.

Lindsay - thanks for the advice! i am so uncertain about charts still. Nice to have an expert :D

Well i went back into this thread and saw on May 20th i had really bad pain in my ovaries. Which would have made it CD14 for me. So i am wondering if i really did O on CD15?! I know the next few days i'll get my crosshairs. I am so impatient though. Def going to BD today and Saturday! Can't wait to see if i did enough.
Got a question. On Sunday at the race i was wanting to have some beers. IF i did ov on CD 15/16 i will be 5/6 dpo on Sunday. Is it safe to drink or shouldn't i? I was thinking on bringing a 6 pack of beer with me. Okay or not okay?
This past cycle I had a glass of wine at 4dpo and I still got preggers. I would say have a beer or two but to not go crazy...you don't want to give that baby any reason to not implant..but that's just my overly cautious point of view lol. I have friends who have gotten wasted before their bfps and everything was fine.
Thanks Lindsay. I may not drink at all. Idk.. don't wanna ruin my chances. I just started cramping again a little bit. In my lower back and feel achy in my one thigh.
Rach hun it's perfectly fine to have some beers plus they contain folic acid!! My sister drank a whole bottle of wine and she was already pregnant and didn't know it and my nephew is perfect! I say go for it, I think it can help! Not drinking everyday obviously but relaxing and having some beers is the perfect way to get pregnant I think. I drank red wine in my 2WW this cycle. Love red wine :wine: just had a couple of glasses one night, it's good for you. I think you could have o'd on CD15 or 16 but best :sex: to cover all bases. Are you using pre-seed?

Kels and Lindsay thanks so much for the boob advice :hugs: that makes me feel SO much better!! Also rach what you wished on me came true! I woke up this morning feeling icky and it has progressively got worse! I can't believe it, I am usually losing symptoms by now not picking them up.

Hope you're having an amazing time Jess! Hope we get to see lots of pics when you get back! :cloud9:
Rach - yay for crosshairs! Keep bding every other day for a couple more days just in case but that looks very real to me! Woohoo! On the perfect day too based on your BD schedule! And I agree with Mel...have some beers just don't go crazy so you won't question it later :) any news from the job?

Mel - so excited you're getting more symptoms! I'm so excited for Monday for you! :) don't worry if your icky feeling comes and foes too...mine wasn't constant until around 7 weeks! And I had it worse than most I think!

Kelsey - how you feeling hun? When's your next appt again?

I'm sad we haven't gotten to see any new temps from Jess! It'll be so exciting when thy all update at once - assuming she's taking them lol.

How you doing Sam?

So I had a big old cry fest yesterday and I'm sure it was silly but I've been getting comments daily for probably a month now of people telling me I'm "huge" and there's no way I could be due at the end of July and I will need to deliver early and blah blah. Now yes my belly is quite large but I think it just seems so big bc I have such a small frame but I lobe my belly. I think I look great its just so hard to hear everyone say stuff...it must be the hormones. If someone tells me I look like I'm about to pop today I might take that bat out on them! Lol I feel better today but feel kind of silly and just don't want to be at work...
Thanks Ladies! I may have a couple beers.. idk! LOL. I am going to BD one more time tmrw and call it quits with it. I hope my temps start to look decent. I'm afraid i'm getting excited for nothing.

Mel - no i'm not using preseed although i should have. How are you feeling today? Your boobs still sore?

Lindsay - i'm guilty of saying that to people before. I hope i didn't hurt their feelings. I think it's probably the hormones talking though. I think every pregnant woman looks ADORABLE with their bump. I remember when i saw my sister with one... i just fell in love lol. I know it's hard to not take it personal but i'm sure no one means anything by it! Hope you're feeling better today.
Thanks girls for all the kind words. I talked to them and they're going to fit me in on Tuesday. With the holiday weekend they're closed today and Monday, just my luck!
Rachael--yahh for the cross hairs! :happydance: Keep bd'ing just in case because with your temp going down a bit today sometimes your temp seems to do that and you have a 2nd temp shift that we sometimes get confused about. As for the drinking---I may not be the best advise person, but I didn't worry too much about drinking in the 2WW until it got to like 10DPO. Most months I could tell by my temps that I was out by 6 or 7 DPO so I knew I could drink without worry. This past month I could tell by about 6 or 7 that my temps were a bit higher than normal so there was a chance so I didn't drink at all. I hope you have so much fun! You asked if I think what we're having, I've always thought I will have all boys, could never picture having a girl (not that I wouldn't want one, just thought it wouldn't be in the cards for me). But as soon as DH found out he said I think it's a girl, and then the chinese predictor says girl, and last night I did the ring test where I put my wedding ring on a strand of my hair and hang my ring over my stomach. It did a circular motion which of course old wives tales say then it's a girl. So, after I did that I was like holy crap, I think I am having a girl! Lindsay or Sam---have you ever done this? I'm curious what you'll get---especially you Lindsay since you already know it's a boy.
Aww Lindsay, you stop that crying and love it :) You are the cutest lil preggo ever!! I am also guilty of saying that (not in those words) to people but that's only because I love PG bellys sooooo much and think they're adorable, but I shouldn't assume that people like being told it just because I can't wait for somebody to say it to me! :dohh: And because you are so tiny is why your belly will look bigger---but you're the lucky one where it's all belly and NOTHING else.
Mel yyaaaahhh for gaining symptoms and not losing them! Just remember, if it eases off it's completely fine! They come and go, because our hormones come and go in waves. 3 more days until your scan!!! :cloud9:
Sam---hope you're doing good girl!
Jessie---hope you're having a blast and your baby is busy implanting!!! :baby:
AFM---my next appt is 2 weeks from today! I'm sooo cranky today, and I'm really tired and I don't want to be at work at ALL. I need to get out of this mood! Sooo happy for a long weekend, and I took Tue. off too so I have a 4 day weekend! :holly:
Oh and PS---did you guys see on facebook Eliza's ultrasound picture!?? Just awesome, starting to look like his/her buddy Oakley!
What is the 2nd temp shift? I predicted you a girl too Kels! That is what i think it is. Do you have any favorite names you might name her ;) How is your back? Any better? I hope so. YAY to a 4 day weekend!! Andrew will have a 3 day and i am SO happy for it. It's been a good 2 months or better since we been off 2 days in a row together. Like he has been working 6 days a week. So glad he can finally have a nice 3 day weekend and go to Indy (one of his fav things to do). Enjoy your weekend love! I didn't check Eliza's facebook but i will right now!!

I got an interview at 230 with a store lol. Any of you have a Garden Ridge around ya? I know in NY we didn't but down here we have them. Anyways, have an interview for a front end manager. FX'd. Would be nice to go into this weekend knowing i got a job. Oh and a possible soon BFP ;) I had a dream last night that i got multiple positive HPTs lol. It liike had 10 positives in a row on the stick lmao. it was weird. And then the 4th row had positive on it but you know how they have the + on the stick? well the - part of the + was missing which comes up in every test whether you are preg or not. Idk it was weird. LOL.
Kels glad they're fitting you I on tuesday that's not too long to wait and I have a sense you're having a boy!!!!!! I don't know why it's just an instinct! Xxx :blue:
Lindsay I bet you look just wonderful and heavily pregnant ladies look so attractive!!! I have said something like that before I think along the lines of you are huge now! Something like that but I can COMPLETELY understand how it can offend too because perhaps it's a feeling like they expect you to be further on or something. I won't ever say this again because actually it is a bit personal and could be taken the wrong way but I am guilty of saying it and when I said it I meant it in the nicest possible way at the time. Thing is though if you don't look heavily pregnant now when will you ever? You are far gone now and I'm so excited for you!!!! :cloud9: xxx
Good luck with the job rach!!!! Keeping everything crossed for you! Just be your lovely self!! Xxx
Thanks girls! I'm sure the way you say it is fine! I had somebody today say 'omg look at your big belly its just adorable - you look great!' And I love that! Bc I honestly love my belly I just can't stand the 'omg you're huge! How could you still have 2 months left? Where will the baby go?' And I think somehow I take it personally as if I look like I can't provide for the baby or something crazy like that...its dawning on me that I'm the crazy preggers lady lol I usually don't care what people think but I've been super sensitive when it comes to the way people comment on my belly...throw in a "you look so cute" or you look great" and I eat it up and it makes my day! I had a girl yesterday tell me she was nervous for me bc I was so big and didn't see how I could possibly make it to my due date...I think that was what brought on the tears later as I overanalyzed it! So continue to comment on bellies but be.upbeat about it :) that's all haha
Oh and Kelsey - I haven't done the ring test but the Chinese calendar I think was wrong for me. My o date was November 4th so I technically conceived in November and that said girl but if you go by date of my last menstrual cycle its in October which gave boy...so I don't know? I'll do the ring test tonight and see what it does. He's followed the heartbeat wives tale but that's not until you get further along...like by 12 weeks I think. That one is if the heartbeat is below 150its a boy and above is a girl. He's in the 130's usually now, but that doesn't do much good lol. He didn't fit the morning sickness one - girls are supposed to give bad morning sickness and I can't imagine mine being much worse lol. I don't remember the other ones lol
Rach the 2nd temp shift---like last month we weren't sure if you OV'd on CD14 or CD20 because your temps went up and then back down but then shifted up a second time. Good luck at your interview---omg EVERYTHING is crossed!! We don't have any garden ridge's here, what is it? A gardening store? And I sure hope your dream comes true!!!!!! It will!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you and Andrew will get some time together this weekend. You guys deserve it.
Omg Lindsay, I would never say what that girl said---she deserves the bat!! It would have TOTALLY annoyed me. Hope you gave her a look like she's the biggest idiot you ever saw and just said the stupidest thing you've ever heard. I can't wait for you to do your ring test! It's probably way too early for me to even do the ring test---I don't think the genitals form for another week or 2.

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