1st m/c January, 2nd m/c May, still trying for 3rd BFP

Omg 12 days Bazz-so exciting! Congratulations to all you ladies too! Sorry Angel to hear that-how far along were you?

I am cautiously pregnant too-tested positive at 11dpo so I was a bit silly testing so early as I've since been torturing myself over faint lines not getting darker! Today I'm 13dpo and the line is darker than 2 days ago so we'll see.
So exciting Bazz, Manny & Mrs all due soon! What great stories!

A1983 ~ Congratulations! I didn't get a +ve on an IC until 13 dpo and it is only now getting darker, so I understand your worries! I had my 1st Betas drawn Tuesday and they were 229 (16dpo and my IC was still faint?), my second set of labs go in today (19dpo)...hoping things are progressing as expected!

Mine are one step pregnancy tests-blue and white ones and they are apparently renowned for not giving dark lines like other tests. My tests still haven't shown up straight away either-takes at least 1-2 minutes!!

How far along were you before this one Angel?
Oh the blue dye test are notorious for being faint!

My last mc happened around the 7 week mark :sadangel: I just need to make it to Jan 22 when I get my first scan, keep sticking! Betas are much much lower this round than with last, but are doubling FX'd it keeps up!
Any pics of your test girls
It's been a while :)

As long as doubling that's a good sign doesn't matter the number u have to start,somewhere
Were they doubling with the one before? Yes Bazz is right. Plus I may not even get my betas done this time as they doubled with my first pregnancy without even having a baby growing as it was a blighted ovum. I'm just going to have an early scan like I did with DD around 7 weeks (although I had one at 5 weeks with DD!)

The wait is so hard as every day gives you more hope but more fear. Here's to both of our babies being healthy and well...and a week apart!

Ill post a pic in a bit Bazz!
Ps Angel, sorry for asking again but do the drs know why you have mc? Is there a reason or is it that 'one in three chance' they told me?
Read my posts I've put up Bazz! Blimic ic's were stressing me out so bought a frer and had a good line. So far so good but we all know this trimester is a long and hopeful one!
That's a great line!!!

Haha I do love looking at sticks lolol
:) fingers crossed and lots of prayers it's a forever baby in there
Ps Angel, sorry for asking again but do the drs know why you have mc? Is there a reason or is it that 'one in three chance' they told me?

I don't mind you asking...my betas were amazing with my last loss (6,000 range by 5 weeks and doubled beautifully). There were two losses before Pierce, one was chemical, one was trisomy 4. This most recent loss they suspect was a progesterone deficiency. I'm guessing being AMA has something to do with that :shrug:

Your test look great...I'm sure this is another forever baby for you! The early scan will be nice <3
Ama is in age? Surely not? How old are you if you don't mind disclosing ;-) you better not say below 38!

Are you having progesterone supplements with this pregnancy? How are you feeling?

I'm feeling nauseous in the morning for about an hour and very mild! With DD I was much more nauseous...so trying not to analyse that as I was less nauseous with my mc, so I associate higher nausea with a stronger pregnancy. Logic however tells me that my betas got to 70,000 or something with my mc and so the fact I didn't feel as sick couldn't have been an indicator of an impending mc...as with DD I was nauseous from week 3.5 so my betas were only low, and puking by week 7. I was never sick with my mc. I'm also feeling quite stretchy and achey which I did more so with my mc-another association im trying not to over analyse!
I turned 39 in October...AMA is +35. They checked my progesterone and said it looked good, I told them it looked good last time too --- I didn't get anywhere *sigh*

I'm sure you've been told you can't really compare pregnancies, so please try not to worry yourself. When will you have your initial appt? Manny & Mrs are these current pregnancies similar to your last?

Bazz ~ How are you feeling?? What did you name your baby girl (sorry if you've answered this)?
Hi Ladies and happy new year to all of you! Lets hope this is the year of the babies!! Sorry I have been MIA a bit but been on holiday and only got back recently. Its summer here so this is when most people go on holiday. So sad that it must come to an end :(

Bazz - any news on LO? Are you still waiting? Not long now. Yippeeee!!!

A1983 - congrats on being Pregs again! So is that basically everyone on this thread?? I definitely recommend testing only every few days. I drove myself mad testing every day and waiting for the line to get darker. Those early days are so long and hard but fingers crossed, everything is going great. With both successful pregnancies, my MS only kicked in at about 6 - 7 week.

MrsNJR - I also feel totally unprepared. I tried to pack a bit of a hospital bag last night but didn't get very far. Like you, we have most things from DS (feeling a little guilty that this LO isn't get too much new at this stage) but also don't want to prepare a whole new baby room when DS will probably want a big boy room in the next few months and the new baby will be sleeping with us for the first few months anyway. Like you, I do have some wardrobe issues in that DS was born when it was coming into Winter and this one is arriving in peak summer. If only we lived closer - we could just do a wardrobe swop! I have so many fluffy warm baby suits. Other than a few bits and bobs, all I've purchased is a new double pram, and second hand compactum and a second monitor.

Angel - sorry to hear that your last pregnancy ended in MC but congrats on the latest BFP. I have everything crossed that this works out for you. Have you been prescribed progesterone? I have had supplements with all successful pregnancies as I also suffer from prog deficiency - maybe also my age?? What were your last bloods?

From my side, I am desperately uncomfortable (don't remember being like this with Josh at all) - swollen feet, huge belly and its hot hot hot here. I should be wallowing in the swimming pool. In some ways I just want this baby out but in other ways I really feel like I need the time to prepare and spend some valuable time with Josh before it arrives. Im starting to fear labour but I guess there is nothing I can do. It has to come out somehow. Seeing the OBGYN on Monday and going to ask about being induced again. My mum lives 5 hours away and needs to be here to look after Josh so knowing an approximate date will really help with planning. We have no names at this stage. I can see that being a problem. Anyone got any suggestions? I am back at work for a week or two but really looking forward to just putting my feet up and having a few days of nothing before the baby arrives.

Other than that, all is well. Josh only just started walking over the holidays (at 18 months - nearly 19 months!!!) I had taken him to the Paed a just before because I was starting to panic a little but she said he is totally fine and just a lazy little boy :) He is very cautious and still worn attempt to walk on very hard surfaces but will happily jump on a trampoline without holiday on. Strange kid!! He is really growing up now but I am still worried about how he will be when new baby arrives. I still rock him to sleep at night (I can't help myself - love the special time) and he still sometimes moves to my bed in the middle of the night which means DH has to move beds in the middle of the nights. Now we're going to throw a new born in the mix. Oh boy!!!

Ok this is turning into a bit of a novel here so I better go and do some work. Happy friday everyone and have lovely weekends. xxx
Manny ~ I enjoy the details you put into your post, thank you. Sorry you are uncomfortable...it's tough being preggers in the middle of the summer :coolio: I'm anxious for your updates when Josh becomes a big brother...I get sad thinking about not being able to give Pierce 100% of my attention <~~I think this is normal :shrug: Yay for Josh finally walking! He must have been proficient in crawling---less bumps on the head that way! Hope you had a beautiful holiday! I'm sure a name will come to you once you hold him/her. FX'd they set an induction date for you! xoxo

Hi ladies :wave:

My betas at 4w1d 229, then 4w4d 779. Progesterone was 26.4...they didn't offer me any progesterone supplements :/. I'll be 6 wks on Sunday...these early days sure crawl by

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