Sarah rose was born oct 15, 6:13 pm 7lbs 2 oz or 3225 grams 19 inches long. Via csection due to issues with my cervical stenosis and failure to dialate at all. While in for the csection they did a minor procedure on my cervix to allow blood to escape otherwise I may have continued to have issues with my mentral cycle. It's kind of ironic that after so many months of worrying about incompetent cervix that we actually have a natural cerclage of sorts. They pumped me with over 5 bags of this saline solution they call lactation ringer and either they over did it or my body didn't respond well because my feet, ankles and calves are now one big sausage lol we got out of the hospital today after and are now on day 3
We abandoned all hope to exclusively pump right off the bat which I am fine with. Were just trying to get into a routine right now and she sleeps a lot she cries so but always for an issues it's hasn't been for nothing. It's hard being a FTM, still have lots to learn I'm sure and I finding out that you can ask 10 people the same exact question and you'll get 10 different answers. Youtube is my best friend now and dh is stepping up to the plate big time. It would be so much harder without him.
How is everything going for you? Are you getting more excited the closer it gets?