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2 DPO and looking for buddies!

So last night I felt strange- the best way I can describe it was that it was like being hung-over. I had a headache, was thirsty, nauseous, felt sore all over. I kept burping and really felt like something could come up- I had that pressure sensation in my chest and kinda felt like my throat would get blocked for a few minutes. My mouth was really watery. I didn't sleep very well last night- I got up twice to pee. This morning I was woken up by sharp stabbing pains in my uterus on the left side. Today so far I'm just feeling uncomfortable and yucky. This is more intense than when I was pg the last 2 times- so hoping it is a good sign that there's a baby in there again and that maybe it is developing correctly this time. If I am pg- I'm totally glad I feel like crap! If I'm not, then I'd really like to know what's going on- maybe I'm getting the flu? I don't think I'm getting sick because that wouldn't be accompanied by some of the other stuff I've already been feeling for the last week. Anyways- I think I can pass up testing tomorrow still- but probably won't be able to resist much longer than that! I think Friday will be test day for me! :)

Yikes that sounds rough :(. I hope it all turns out to be a good thing!
So last night I felt strange- the best way I can describe it was that it was like being hung-over. I had a headache, was thirsty, nauseous, felt sore all over. I kept burping and really felt like something could come up- I had that pressure sensation in my chest and kinda felt like my throat would get blocked for a few minutes. My mouth was really watery. I didn't sleep very well last night- I got up twice to pee. This morning I was woken up by sharp stabbing pains in my uterus on the left side. Today so far I'm just feeling uncomfortable and yucky. This is more intense than when I was pg the last 2 times- so hoping it is a good sign that there's a baby in there again and that maybe it is developing correctly this time. If I am pg- I'm totally glad I feel like crap! If I'm not, then I'd really like to know what's going on- maybe I'm getting the flu? I don't think I'm getting sick because that wouldn't be accompanied by some of the other stuff I've already been feeling for the last week. Anyways- I think I can pass up testing tomorrow still- but probably won't be able to resist much longer than that! I think Friday will be test day for me! :)

Hopefully those are all good things even if they dont make you feel good!!
I have a dd 6, and another dd 4. I have finally convinced my husband to try for #3. We used pull out for the last 4 1/2 years, and nothing! This is our 1st month trying and feeling really good about it. I am just now 2dpo. I cant test till the 17th at the very earliest. :witch: not due till the 21st of nov.But i know i cant wait that long to test...lol. been reading your thread and im addicted....I cant wait to see your girl's BFP!

I have a dd 6, and another dd 4. I have finally convinced my husband to try for #3. We used pull out for the last 4 1/2 years, and nothing! This is our 1st month trying and feeling really good about it. I am just now 2dpo. I cant test till the 17th at the very earliest. :witch: not due till the 21st of nov.But i know i cant wait that long to test...lol. been reading your thread and im addicted....I cant wait to see your girl's BFP!


:wave: Welcome! Congrats on ttc! We will be looking forward to your bfp as well!
I have a dd 6, and another dd 4. I have finally convinced my husband to try for #3. We used pull out for the last 4 1/2 years, and nothing! This is our 1st month trying and feeling really good about it. I am just now 2dpo. I cant test till the 17th at the very earliest. :witch: not due till the 21st of nov.But i know i cant wait that long to test...lol. been reading your thread and im addicted....I cant wait to see your girl's BFP!


:wave: WELCOME! This is a really addictive thread:thumbup:

This waiting for the doctors office to call me back blows! I am trying to be a good girl and not call and bug them but its driving me nuts! I have been having cramps in my lower tummy since about 10 today. They feel like AF cramps but its way way to soon for the witch to show. Good sign I hope!
Babywishes- I've been having so much cramping... more than I usually would for my period. It started a couple days prior to Ov- then after Ov it went away a few days, but since about 4 DPO it's been back again ranging from dull ache to sharper twinges. During that whole time it was too early to be AF. Now that AF is only a couple of days away they've been easing off. I had some sharp ones this morning, but the rest of the day have felt fine so far. I hope for both of us it means something good is going on!!
Thats kinda how mine have been. Just a little more intense today! I have also had a strange pulling sensation. Like a string from low down to my bell button being pulled off and on today! Man I hope this is all good stuff !!
Wow those sound like good cramps for both of you! No cramping for me :( Still only the sore boobs and cm. I keep wanting there to be more! I've had a teeny bit of heartburn on and off but you never know what that's from! (maybe the thai food I had for lunch):munch::haha:

I'd say if you haven't heard anything by morning you should call..chances are they'll have them. My doc always has my test results the next day :) Can't wait to hear!!!!
That smiley with the random arm growing out of his head is creepy! Didn't preview him before I posted him ;)
:haha:That thing is kinda creepy! Yeah the tech said they would have them today. I guess I will just sit and stew until in the a.m. I guess either way its not gonna make much of a differance. At least without them I can think it all good! He has actually called me in the evening so If not by the a.m. I will be calling them!
it's a weird combination, but I'm feeling really restless and antsy today, but at the same time kinda drained. I really want my work day to be over so I can just be a home. I'm planning to go to bed early!
hehe...i plan to go to bed early all week.....it usually happens on fridays when I should be up!
Momof3, Its a show on cable here. Google it....it is so freaking addictive. Its something DH and I enjoy watching together. Can get a little raunch at times but its a good story line. Its about bikers and gangs and such!
Ughhhhh..I have to do a fundraiser tonight..won't be going to bed early although I'd love nothing more!

Ok, I'll be sure to check it out! I usually only remember to catch Grey's and Private Practice on Thursdays LOL!
I saw on TTC forum that the duggars are preggo AGAIN! If only it were that dang easy for everyone!
I saw that last night! I think they seem to have there act together and care for there kids. I say why not! There good have faith and morals and seem to love there kids. Just wish I could get one more! Did you see how many years she has been preggo for! There going to have a kid that is younger than there grandkids!
I think the Duggars are a little ridiculous. I like that they have good morals and well-behaved kids, and it is a loving family that supports themselves...but I think 20 is too much. It is as though they have no self-control. The older kids basically have to parent the younger ones because there is no way that any of the children can have that much of their parents attention- especially one to one.
Thats true! I know I dont think I could do it personally but it is amazing to see how they all pull together. Wonder what its like when the camera's are off. I would love to see the mom just go off once!:haha: One of there teen girls you can tell is gonna be a wild one!
I know I don't have the popular opinion but I can't even make myself watch it. There is no way that when someone has 20 children that they can possibly give each child the attention they each deserve..from their parent..not their sibling. Idk. I just really don't think they are as genuine as a lot of ppl think. But then..I'm a cynic!
Hey everyone has a right to there point of view and should be able to share it!! 20 is a freaking lot of kids! Even way back in the day ppl didnt have that many! How are you feeling? Any new signs? my BB's have started throbbing. Of course the do this a lot when its getting close 2 AF to arrive....just a few more days! Cant wait to see how your test goes in the A.M.! Could be our First:bfp::happydance:

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