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2 DPO and looking for buddies!

I'm having no new symptoms at all :(. I'm really trying not to panic about that. I may wait and not test tomorrow since I'm not feeling it yet. Really dont want to be let down. What time are u on. I'm EST. Just wondering what time to expect your test result!
oooohhh! yeah someone gets to test in the AM. :happydance: I cant wait! I hope you get your :bfp: yeah! well guess ill be wakin up to read. lol. I am just learning how to post and find threads on here.....yeah im blonde....lol. took me a while but i guess i can be taught. is there anyway to save this thread or "watch" it somehow? and thank you all for the warm welcome to this thread.
momof3....Dont give up yet! Its still early! Some women dont have any signs! I am EST here in Ohio. Keep your hopes up! I will let ya ladies know as soon as doc calls today!
Nateslove- Welcome! I don't know what others do, but I usually click on my username in the top right corner, then on the statistics tab, then on find all user posts. That gives me the most current threads I've been writing on. I'm sure there are other ways too !

BabyWishes- I've got everything crossed for you!

Momof3- Not only do I not have any new symptoms all the symptoms I did have- are pretty much gone at the moment. It's making me a bit nervous too. In some ways I'm glad I feel better, but in others I hope that it doesn't mean anything is wrong or that I'm gonna get AF. Fertility Friend predicted that she'll arrive tomorrow (Friday) and based on usual 26 day cycles I'd say Saturday since that is my CD26. So right now I'm just waiting to see what happens. I was all set for testing tomorrow, but now I don't know if I should. I don't want to waste a test just to get my period a few hours later. I'd rather wait until it hasn't come I guess- or if it does than I know anyways. SO now I'm thinking I may see if I have enough willpower to wait until Sunday. Unless symptoms come back or something else inspires me to do it sooner. I've already waited this long- I should be able to handle a couple more days.
Nateslove- Welcome! I don't know what others do, but I usually click on my username in the top right corner, then on the statistics tab, then on find all user posts. That gives me the most current threads I've been writing on. I'm sure there are other ways too !

BabyWishes- I've got everything crossed for you!

Momof3- Not only do I not have any new symptoms all the symptoms I did have- are pretty much gone at the moment. It's making me a bit nervous too. In some ways I'm glad I feel better, but in others I hope that it doesn't mean anything is wrong or that I'm gonna get AF. Fertility Friend predicted that she'll arrive tomorrow (Friday) and based on usual 26 day cycles I'd say Saturday since that is my CD26. So right now I'm just waiting to see what happens. I was all set for testing tomorrow, but now I don't know if I should. I don't want to waste a test just to get my period a few hours later. I'd rather wait until it hasn't come I guess- or if it does than I know anyways. SO now I'm thinking I may see if I have enough willpower to wait until Sunday. Unless symptoms come back or something else inspires me to do it sooner. I've already waited this long- I should be able to handle a couple more days.

Nateslove- I usually got to User CP. It shows who posted after you so brings the thread up. I also use futurephotos way!
I think were all having the same symptoms today, none! Only thing I really still have is tender BB's. We shall keep are fingers crossed it just means the little one has nestled in!
futerphotos-Thank you! I am very nervous he is going to tell me I didnt even O this month. We shall see! If he hasnt called in the next hour and half I am calling on my lunch!
You can subscribe to the thread too.. It will send you and email when someone posts. Its at the top under thread tools.
Ok- so that just made me really excited to test myself!!
I felt great this morning, but I have a few symptoms creeping up again. It's 12:00 here now and even though I ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning I was hungry by 10:30-11:00 ish... however when I was trying to figure out what I should eat nothing sounded appealing and it made me feel a bit sick if I though about food too long. I went to Subway and had a sandwich at 11:30. Now I'm not hungry anymore, but I still don't feel good. I looked in the mirror and I have dark circles under my eyes and look/feel tired even though I got 12 hours of sleep last night!! I haven't peed since this morning- so now I'm wondering if I can wait a few more hours to concentrate it enough to test... so much for trying to wait till the weekend lol!

Momof3 what CD/DPO are you? Do you think I should test too?? I'm on CD24 of usual 26 which puts me roughly 14DPO...
I am freakin out over here:happydance: Really, I cant sit still! I called the doc for my test...there back but havent been read yet:growlmad: OH well....atleast I came back to work to see great news!:yipee:
Is holding my pee for 4 hours long enough do you think? I peed around 9:30- so I'd have to wait until 1:30ish- I'm sure I can make it until then- maybe even longer. However I know they recommend FMU... so I always feel weird like I might be "messing it up" by doing it mid-day...
hmmm.....thats a long time to hold it! Hey if ya got the test why not! If all else tomorrow morning! It would be awesome to see another :bfp:
yippee! great news posted for today!:happydance: thank you for all of your gals help getting back to the thread. im not sure what dpo im at somewhere between 3-6 dpo. but im on cycle day 24. my cycle are anywhere between 28-34 days. avg is 31. so i have to wait to test.:wacko: but im so glad to hear somegood news! im just starting ttc again. DD6 and DD4. My hubby daid no more but finally agreed this month! so no temping or ov pred. YET....lol. But im exited!:happydance:

i cant wait to hear what the dr has tosay!:thumbup:
Nateslove, Your getting close to testing! Any signs? Its killing me waiting for these dang blood test to come back:telephone:](*,) Ya know if we have to be there one a certain day and at a certain time and we do what we need to do the least they could do is get our results back timely:growlmad: I am so not good at waiting:haha:
Babywishes- sorry it is taking so long!! Whenever I've had labs for HCG levels they've called me same day- usually within 2-3 hours of doing the test. You're getting other tests done though, right? Maybe they take longer... how frustrating! I'm excited to hear your results!
Ok- so that just made me really excited to test myself!!
I felt great this morning, but I have a few symptoms creeping up again. It's 12:00 here now and even though I ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning I was hungry by 10:30-11:00 ish... however when I was trying to figure out what I should eat nothing sounded appealing and it made me feel a bit sick if I though about food too long. I went to Subway and had a sandwich at 11:30. Now I'm not hungry anymore, but I still don't feel good. I looked in the mirror and I have dark circles under my eyes and look/feel tired even though I got 12 hours of sleep last night!! I haven't peed since this morning- so now I'm wondering if I can wait a few more hours to concentrate it enough to test... so much for trying to wait till the weekend lol!

Momof3 what CD/DPO are you? Do you think I should test too?? I'm on CD24 of usual 26 which puts me roughly 14DPO...

Yes!! Test test test!! I'm cd26 11dpo. My line is sooo faint but I noticed it after about 5 minutes with fmu. I would wait and use fmu tho don't u think??
Thank you! I am STILL waiting. Its the 21 day blood work to make sure I O'ed on the clomid. So if I didnt I am deff out! If I did there is still hope! I am going to kill the battery in my phone because I keep checking it if they dont hurry up already! The lab tech told me they always get the test back the next day, so they had them yesterday!! All this wait for someone to ready them!
I am freakin out over here:happydance: Really, I cant sit still! I called the doc for my test...there back but havent been read yet:growlmad: OH well....atleast I came back to work to see great news!:yipee:

Thank you! I am sooooo excited! You guys are the only ones who know so far! I wish they would hurry up and read your results!!!

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