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2 DPO and looking for buddies!

Yep- my DH has had "anxiety" too- it's hard to DTD when you HAVE to. BDing that many days in a row is like a marathon! The hardest part for us is DH is gone most of the week and only back Fri-Sun. If my fertile days aren't in that time we miss the whole month.

Oh wow thats def a raw deal! Ugh I feel super bad for you :(
Babywishes I totally understand, preseed is awesome for me but hubby had performance issues twice this month and I dont blame him, it feels like a job sometimes during those fertile days.

If it were not for preseed I dont know what I would do. Before using it by the time O happened it actually was painfull to BD. My DH ran into the same problem this month. The day after I got my :) on my OPK it took the poor guy 3 trys. I felt bad, really bad for him. I could tell he was so upset. He wants this also and when his body doesnt work one cue it just makes things worse. Poor guys! Who would have thought our Dh's would ever be tired of doing the deed:rofl:
I know what u mean! Although I have to admit just between us that it annoys me a great deal sometimes. I mean that's ALL they have to contribute to the pregnancy ya know??
It's definitely frustrating and yes, I'll admit it annoys me when we have to miss a day during that time period but I also feel bad for him because I know he really wants a baby too but the pressure to perform for so many nights in a row takes away from the excitement and the romance. Babywishes I never thought the day would come when the poor guy would be tired of DTD, hopefully this will be our last stressful month!
Good Morning Ladies!!! :coffee:

I'm just starting my 2nd month ttc...(think I'm CD 3) next AF/testing should begin at the end of November...Actually next AF is due December 1st... Are you girls about the same as me or is everyone just everywhere and hanging in there :winkwink:

I am feeling SUPER positive about this month and hoping my history repeats itself with makin' babies.... All 3 of my girls was concieved in Novemeber.... Soooooo Here's to a great month of baby makin'!!! :sex:

Good Luck to you ALL!!!! :happydance:

Hi! We are post-o mostly but you are certainly welcome to stay and chat! :)
Hi and Welcome! That would be awesome for you to concieve this month with all 3 of your other girls in the same month! If I get the eggo this month then Dh Dd and I and LO will have birthdays in months that start in J :)...so small rant....dh called me a grumpy a** today. could not stop myself:gun: I know I am moody DH...duh! You know clomid makes me evil at times~! I told him to back off he knows what I am going through and gave him a big old:finger:. He has been an angel ever since:haha: So I guess moody is going to be added to my list! Sometime I wonder if I am just dreaming these things up because I want it so bad:cry:
Ok I've become super emotional today.....I've just cried my way through Take a Break.....I know the stories are sad sometimes in them but I was crying at everything!!! I feel like a crazy person!!
I know what you mean. But I am not crying. I am being mean! Really mean! If I am not preggo DH is gonna kill me:haha: I go for my 21 day progesterone blood work tomorrow and I am really nervous about it! I am so afraid there going to tell me I didnt O or tell me I did and then I end up with a BFN!
I was just about to get on and ask what symptoms everyone is having! My boobs are SUPER sore! And I am irrationally excited about it!:haha: Because I NEVER have sore boobs until 1 or 2 days bf af is due and I believe its way too early for af soooo..:happydance::yipee:!!!!
:happydance: yuppie for sore bb's! I am still getting that lotion cm and my back hurts. One and off headaches but the BB's are fine. Maybe a little tender to the touch. oh I soooo hope we all get our BFP!! I am tired but I think that may have more to do with the time change today! I am tracking my signs on my phone. I am going to be so disappointed if my 21 day blood work comes back that I didnt O!
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend!
So this is probably all just in my head again or my body playing tricks on me, but I just feel really "pregnant" this month. This whole weekend I had a ton of symptoms- including lower back pain and in general just feeling achey. A little nausea at times too.
I'm on CD 21 today - so I think roughly 10-11 DPO? (since I don't know the exact day of Ov). I know a lot a girls would start testing by now, but I'm going to try to hold out until the weekend. I'm expecting AF on Fri or Sat.
I am going to be so proud of myself If I can just hold off till the 11th:haha: I am such a poas addict:blush:
Omgosh I don't if I'll make it until the weekend!! I actually feel really tired too, but I had a busy weekend and didn't get to rest much so maybe that's why. Also I have a stuffy nose!! woohooo lol!

How great would it be if we could all be bump buddies too :) :) :)

Babywishes..when is your blood test??
that would be so awesome for us all to be bump buddies!! My blood test is tomorrow so I hope to have the results back by mid week. If they come back high I dont know if I will be able to not poas right away!!
I hope we all get to be bump buddies!! Last week was ok, but this week is going to drive me crazy with wanting to find out!!
How exciting! i can't wait til wednesday to find out! And yes..this next week is going to suck! I'll be happy with myself if I can hold off to test at 10 dpo..that would be Wednesday. My FF wants me to wait til 18dpo which is freaking madness I think!
Ohhh I would never make it to 18dpo! I so want to test now!! I have a ton if internet cheapo's that I am dying to get into! I know its way to soon so I am trying to keep myself busy and tell myself I cant because its the wrong time of day or the urine isnt consintrated enough! Just anything not to poas and get a BFN because I know it is way way to soon!
LOL I tell myself the same thing. Then at night before I go to bed I'll put my test in the car because I know I wont go outside in the morning before I pee to get them. I'm crazy I think!

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