Wish I were close enough to take Lottie off your hands for a while to give you a wee rest. x
Thank you sweets....

Love your ticker!! Yey for poppy seed baby
Arrr Cath, stay calm hun and let it blow over your head, come vent on here. We are here for you xxxx

Sometimes we cant always be superwoman and things have to give. Mike needs to listen to you xx
Thanks hun, I'm better today, I've basically resigned myself to doing all the leg work and not ask Mike for assistance. If I keep him out of it, he can't piss me off. Also then it'll be done and the solicitors can sort our claim out and we can then get a new car seat etc etc.
Oh Cath sending you massive
Post Lottie to Joe he'll manage somehow
Thanks hun, though my issues are just annoying and nothing like the life threatening ones you have right now! Hope things are okay!!
PS... I literally Laughed Out Loud when I read your comment!
Good news Deb!

Cath. Am sending telapathic whoop-ass over the internet for you.
Tom decided 3am was getting up time

He is very snuffly.
Thanks hun.... I need that whoop-ass... Mike's certainly getting no nookie for the forseeable future!
Katie... I'm jealous of your teenager!! Lottie's waking at 5:50am these days!
Lu.. hope Tom is less snuffly and sleeps better soon!
We have been swimming this morning, Lottie is napping, I'm having a coffee and then popping out to pick up a few items including a card for the wedding we're attending tonight! I tried on a maternity dress I bought last pregnancy and it still fits!

So I have my dress sorted!
Hope you all have a good Friday!