Dani... so sorry for your family

that's heartbreaking!!
Claire... you are being a fab Mum by trying something different to get him to eat a variety of things. Thankfully I've never had an issue with Lottie and veg... the child would eat them first off her plate???

But options are to make the veg into something they're not... ie... tell him carrots make him see in the dark and broccoli are trees from Mars?? something silly that might make it more fun??
Alternatively.... make meals where you can hide the veg in sauces?
Just keep it up... you'll be pleased you did in the long run, even if it's hard work now!
Katie.. .hope you're alright hun!

Well done on the running!
Lu.. I was going to tell you that I've posted some pics in my journal... but you've since seen the ones on FB!

x Good luck with your tests. I never had to do the hazard thing in SA... I think it was a lot easier and cheaper to do it there!
I have Sooooooooooooo much weight to lose.... starting..... NOW! *thinks about it* okaaay... starting tomorrow!
News here... Lizzie had a weird day yesterday, did a lot of throwing up, think she thought she could drink more than her stomach could handle?? She refused to settle until 1am... then slept till 4am and then after a feed slept till 7am and then after a feed slept till 11am.

I can deal with this if she keeps this up... 3/4 hours between feeds!
Lottie is not showing any jealousy at the moment, but she's still getting a lot of our time and attention. This could rear its head once my folks leave as Mike will be back at work.
I was in agony last night... my milk came in! OUCH... I had to express a little off this morning to relieve the pressure. Think they gained like 5lb's each and are the size of fricking bowling balls (were F cup before the milk came in!)
Hope you all have a lovely night! I'm thinking a glass of red would go down rather nicely this evening!