My day on my own was a success... we all ended up dressed and fed, I got two loads of washing done, two loads of ironing done, cleaned a bathroom and managed all the dishes and bottles. Oh... cooked a cottage pie ready in time for hubby when he got home and Lottie and I did some painting and gluing and sticking etc.
So we survived! Lizzie went 10pm - 2am - 7:30am last night. Which was nice of her!
Today we went out for lunch with some cousins. Lottie was an angel!!! She ate her dinner perfectly and didn't need to be told to sit down, or keep quiet once!

I was so proud of her!

Lizzie slept, then had a bottle and slept more!

It was a rather enjoyable lunch.
Debz... hope little one cooperates next scan!

Katie... sorry you're still havign issues with Sam, he clearly has some problems he needs to deal with!

hope you can work through them!!
Hope everyone else is okay.... so crazy busy here.
We're puting up the Christmas tree tomorrow. We don't normally do it this early, but as we're only here till 18th Dec, I want Lottie to get a feel for it before we go away! We have friends coming for lunch. We're doing a potjie (pronounced poy-key - a big cauldron we put on BBQ outside) basically doing slow cooked lamb and veg! YUMMY!!!
have a good weekend all!!!!