Just to let you know I been in hospital with Alex since yesterday lunch. He had high temp and sick tonnes of times. He is dehydrated on a drip and we are waiting for blood results
It's definitely a bacterial infection he is going for ct scan chest x ray and maybe lumber puncture tomorrow. He's on antibiotic drip as his white cell count is really high.
Quick update, we will prob be in a week. Definitely Meningitis probably viral but growing cultures in lab to see if bacterial. His white blood cells at 30, 000 they treating him for bacterial and anti viral just in casestill being sick.
Yes, luckily I brought him in straightaway yesterday. He wont drink, so lethargicso glad I came in. Can't believe it
Improved this morning he got some colour and wet nappies. Struggling getting antibiotics in cannula so may need another putting in. Struggling and trying to pull it out so more alert xx