I'm so sorry jtink. Take care of yourself.
So who else on here has taken Diclegis? I didn't sleep a wink on it and woke up feeling like a ton of bricks hit me.
I took it for the first time last night. The cnm cautioned me that the reason they have you take it at night is because it makes you sleepy. I do feel tired, but I can't decide it it's the medication or that I only had like 6 1/2 hrs last night (not the medicine, for sure, I stayed up too late before taking it and then had to get up early to get my oldest on the school bus) and only 7 the night before. It really, really knocked out my nausea, but I have a funny/bad taste in my mouth and drymouth. Do you have that?
Is anyone considering a vbac? I am and I'm feeling so overwhelmed by all the info out there.
I'm really pro-vbac and would love to be having a vba2c this time, but I don't feel comfortable doing that as a homebirth (I've never gone into labor before, how would I be able to tell if something was wrong?), but if I was able to do it in a hospital setting, I would in a heartbeat. I tried for a vbac last time, but most of the hosptals in my area don't allow it because of their malpractice insurance, so I wasn't able to 'shop around' for an OB like some women are. The only OB in my area who still does it AND who takes my insurance won't allow you to go more than 1 week overdue on a vbac (they allow 2 weeks otherwise) and they won't induce a vbac either (some OB's will induce vbacs, some will do things to try to jumpstart labor but won't use Pitocin).
AFM, I had my u/s this morning and it went well. I'm 10w4d, baby measured at 11w exactly. U/s tech said by the end of the day, the scan info will be sent to my OB's office and within a few days they'll have it reviewed so I'll know at my next apt whether or not they'll want to change my edd. I hope they don't, I know my dates because I was tracking and ttc, and I'm already worried about having to fight against an early cesarean as opposed to one on my edd. I don't want to bump it up even earlier!
Any gender guesses? HB was at 155 and the tech said he couldn't be sure but the placenta may be that flattened off area on the lower right of the photo (I think that makes it on my left side, it was a transvaginal u/s, does anyone know for sure?). I have had a strong 'girl' gut feeling this whole time but as soon as the picture popped up on the screen, my gut said 'that's a boy'.