**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Was crazy nauseous all day yesterday. Today feels better already, but it's 7am so it's still early.
Yes Greats! We're planning a babymoon 8-10 weeks before die date to Las Vegas. We have an annual car show we've been going to since 2007.

I took my best friend on her baby moon to Forks, wa when the first twilight movie came out. We had alot of fun.
Hi ladies, I'm tentatively joining you all with an August 28 due date. I wasn't sure f I wanted to wait for a September group as I usually gestate long or go with August, but hubby and I are Browncoats so the Fireflies totally drew me in :D

I was initially due in June but miscarried on the 20th of November at 10+3 and well, here I am again, 3 weeks and 4 days later. I tested out my hcg and today hd a faint line appear again.

This is my 5th pregnancy and will be my third baby. I'll be homebirthing and not seeing a Dr at all, or having any sans unless I feel there's actually a reason to. My daughter has been telling me for days that "there's a different boy baby" in my tummy so I'm going to guess a boy but will obviously be team :yellow: no having any scans.

I'm trying to read all the posts but have only gotten to page 50 :haha:
Morning all:flower:

Not feeling to bad a little off this morning more like indigestion anyone else have a dry mouth all the time.

NDH congrats will you have a midwife for your homebirth :flower:
Possibly but undecided. A lot of it depends on availability. There is one local midwife who wasn't taking clients for an unknown amount of time in September (and still isn't) and one who is 3 hours away. My last active labour was 45 mins so that wouldn't have worked :haha:
Possibly but undecided. A lot of it depends on availability. There is one local midwife who wasn't taking clients for an unknown amount of time in September (and still isn't) and one who is 3 hours away. My last active labour was 45 mins so that wouldn't have worked :haha:

Do you do your own checks then like urine and blood pressure :) say your hubby is well able to help deliver LOL I am an hour away from hospital I would be terrified trying to get there in time doubt I would think I stay at home instead if that happened :dohh:
Urine isn't checked here anyway unless bp is elevated, but yes I monitor my own bp, check my iron levels with my naturopath will do my own funds height measurements etc and consult a midwife friend (she works in hospital do cant officially take me on as a client) if I need outside reassurance of anything. Mostly its just about tuning into my intuition to determine if I need anything beyond what I can do for myself.
I strongly believe that good nutrition is the key to healthy pregnancies and follow the Brewer Pregnancy diet (high calories and high protein basically).
I've gone the highly medicalised route in pregnancy before and its not for me. All the bloodwork and scans etc just interfere with what my intuition is telling me and causes stress and worry.
I really don't understand the decision to have no scans, off the top of my head I can think of 5 conditions I've known friends to have had that were only detectable by ultrasound and would've resulted in the death of their baby or an unviable pregnancy had they not have been seen on US. You don't have to have any interventions (I support women's choice to free-birth if they want to) but one scan immediately let's you know if you're at risk or potentially if baby will need medical attention when they are born.

However I find it hard not to like a browncoat, so hoping to be convinced lol
So I'm 6w1d today and no morning sickness so far (touch wood). I am 2 days past when I got sick last time....not much, but I'll take it lol. I notice I start to feel queezy after I eat dinner, around 6pm the last 2 nights, but I just make a peppermint tea and feel fine. I had that last time too, and dinners became my LEAST favourite meal. However, last night before I ate hubby gave me an acid reflux pill and it worked like a charm...didn't feel sick at all. SO fingers crossed I'll just do that every night.

I'm feeling good, still nervous, but good. BUT, I have a strong intuition that this is a boy. My heart aches for a girl, completely. All of my family agrees that I'd have a girl first, but this really feels like a boy. I don't know if it's still my mind mentally preparing me for the fact that it may be a boy (which I'd be very happy with btw), but I think it's just starting me early. LAst time I didn't have this strong of a feeling about the gender. I hoped it was a girl, but that's about it.

Does anyone else have strong, persistant feeling about gender? Part of me is sad, but I know that as long as it's healthy and we make it to the end, I will be just as thrilled <3
Welcome NDH :wave: I had a homebirth with my daughter (was not planned but was an amazing experience) and I am think that I am going to plan to have this one at home as well.

I feel like this baby is a girl; I don't know if that's because I feel the exact same way that I did when I was pregnant with Isla so far, intuition or the fact that I've only had a girl so far so that's all I know.

I too am having a difficult time following both FB and this thread but will try to read back a bit. Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
OK I read back a little bit more....

We will probably go away for our 5 year Anniversary at the end of June, which will count as our Babymoon.

This is honestly a tough time to be newly pregnant with all of the holiday parties and get togethers where people are drinking. I'm actually the MC at my brother's wedding on New Years. I plan on getting the bartender to fill a champagne flute with ginger ale; hopefully that will fool people :haha:

I'm still feeling good, starting to get more nauseous throughout the day, am also getting head aches and boob pain again. Another lovely side affect is major bloat; I'm seriously going to be in maternity clothes this time by 12 weeks...
OK I read back a little bit more....

We will probably go away for our 5 year Anniversary at the end of June, which will count as our Babymoon.

This is honestly a tough time to be newly pregnant with all of the holiday parties and get togethers where people are drinking. I'm actually the MC at my brother's wedding on New Years. I plan on getting the bartender to fill a champagne flute with ginger ale; hopefully that will fool people :haha:

I'm still feeling good, starting to get more nauseous throughout the day, am also getting head aches and boob pain again. Another lovely side affect is major bloat; I'm seriously going to be in maternity clothes this time by 12 weeks...

That is a great idea :) Christmas day will be a hard one not having a drink! but I will think of something

I have been getting the boob pain on and off as well and OMG so bloated as well I lost a lot of weight in Slimming world and now I feel you can not even notice it I am so bloated
I feel your pain Celtic, I feel like I look as big as I did when I was 12 weeks last time :wacko: I haven't gained any weight yet but my stomach is protruding. I want to keep my pregnancy a secret at work until I'm around 14 or 15 weeks so I guess I'll be wearing lots of lose fitting clothes until mid February :winkwink:
I feel your pain Celtic, I feel like I look as big as I did when I was 12 weeks last time :wacko: I haven't gained any weight yet but my stomach is protruding. I want to keep my pregnancy a secret at work until I'm around 14 or 15 weeks so I guess I'll be wearing lots of lose fitting clothes until mid February :winkwink:

I do think the bloat wears off I lost weight the week I found out and maintained last week been eating well so hoping I can only gain baby weight nothing extra this time!
I had a dress for Christmas but change of plan LOL getting a nice jumper denim Jeggings and I have lovely boots to match warm and comfy and bloat somewhat hidden
Good call, sounds like it will be comfy!

The dress I bought for my brother's wedding is quite form-fitting, I may have to wear some spanx to keep everything well hidden...
I really don't understand the decision to have no scans, off the top of my head I can think of 5 conditions I've known friends to have had that were only detectable by ultrasound and would've resulted in the death of their baby or an unviable pregnancy had they not have been seen on US. You don't have to have any interventions (I support women's choice to free-birth if they want to) but one scan immediately let's you know if you're at risk or potentially if baby will need medical attention when they are born.

However I find it hard not to like a browncoat, so hoping to be convinced lol

Well I certainly can't speak for everyone who opts out of ultrasounds cause I'm sure there are different reasons others choose, but I'm happy to share my own reason for my decision :flower:

When pregnant with DD1 my GP always mentioned how much DD hated the doppler as she would always try so hard to move away from it and furiously kick at the probe. Then at my late growth scan I had with her during the ultrasound she put her hands up to her ears and again seemed to be trying to get away (not easy to do at full term with nowhere to go but out lol) and after that my husband and I realised that the sound waves can bother babies and we're not comfortable with the possibility of causing them discomfort.
I was adamant I was only going to have two scans the second time but one scan led to another and another and another as I had a bleed that turned out to be a subchorionic hematoma they wanted monitored regularly, and she was persistent breech and I had multiple scans to determine my candidacy for vaginal birth and other reasons, plus while the Midwives were confident on her position by feel every Dr wanted it confirmed by ultrasound, so I ended up with easily more than a dozen scans with her which I was so not comfortable with.

Later after learning how little of routine antenatal care is actually evidence based I started looking into what the evidence said about various things, including ultrasound. After reading the Cochrane reviews on ultrasound (not enough data to make a conclusion either way) I feel comfortable with the level of risk not having any routine scans (suspicion of a reason I'm certainly not opposed to of course so I do just plan to play it by ear).

Ultrasound certainly can detect some otherwise unknown serious issues, but issues that require surgery in utero or immediately following birth atr incredibly rare, and ultrasounds certainly isn't infallible. A high percentage of detected complications are either mistakes, resolve themselves or are not as serious as thought, all of which can cause extreme stress. Plus something like 40% of complications are missed by scans anyway. A friend recently had a baby with no arm below the elbow that three different scans missed :wacko: (not that anything could be done about it anyway so it wouldn't have changed the outcome but still that's a pretty obvious thing lol)

Welcome NDH :wave: I had a homebirth with my daughter (was not planned but was an amazing experience) and I am think that I am going to plan to have this one at home as well.

I feel like this baby is a girl; I don't know if that's because I feel the exact same way that I did when I was pregnant with Isla so far, intuition or the fact that I've only had a girl so far so that's all I know.

I too am having a difficult time following both FB and this thread but will try to read back a bit. Hope everyone is doing well :flower:

That's cool! Having an unexpected homebirth must have been quite a shock to you! Did you and your OH cope ok with the surprise? I've known some who had unplanned homebirth who found them incredibly inspiring and empowering and others who were so traumatised (even though it was smooth sailing with a perfect outcome) they asked to be induced early so it wouldn't happen again :haha:
Yeah the fb group moves way too fast for me to keep up lol I prefer our group on here, plus the notifications on fb drive me nuts! I even stopped following each post and the group in general and I still keep getting notifications. Lol

I wish I had the money to buy my swimming membership today bc I would kill to swim a few laps! I hate running, walking, etc. but swimming is soooo relaxing for me. I'm thinking it'll take my mind off my nausea. But gotta wait till after the holidays.

So my dd has been sleeping horribly the past week. Like waking up every hour screaming, so I went to bath and body works to buy this pillow spray and she slept 12 hours straight last night! As did I. I have a lil more energy today so I've managed to do a load of dishes and sweep and mop the kitchen floor! Going to vacuum next. And try to eat something. Feeling :sick:

It moves too fast for me as well and I notice people keep asking questions that have already been asked and have a lot of responses. I don't know if they just want people to respond to them or didn't look down enough to see the other threads, but it bugs me lol. I prefer BnB :thumbup:

I left the group for now. But I'm still here! Hope you ladies still check in on here! I plan to come back in second trimester if I get there :)

How is everyone feeling? Still no nausea for me. I'm passed the day I got sick last time (yay!) but I've got my nausea pills ready for when it hits!

We're still here for you. I'm very nauseous. Mostly in the morning and early afternoon and not so bad as the day goes on, but still there. Gets better when I eat, but it have to force myself to because I'm so nauseous. My biggest issue is how overwhelmingly tired I am all the time.

Hi ladies, I'm tentatively joining you all with an August 28 due date. I wasn't sure f I wanted to wait for a September group as I usually gestate long or go with August, but hubby and I are Browncoats so the Fireflies totally drew me in :D

Congrats, will add you

So I'm 6w1d today and no morning sickness so far (touch wood). I am 2 days past when I got sick last time....not much, but I'll take it lol. I notice I start to feel queezy after I eat dinner, around 6pm the last 2 nights, but I just make a peppermint tea and feel fine. I had that last time too, and dinners became my LEAST favourite meal. However, last night before I ate hubby gave me an acid reflux pill and it worked like a charm...didn't feel sick at all. SO fingers crossed I'll just do that every night.

I'm feeling good, still nervous, but good. BUT, I have a strong intuition that this is a boy. My heart aches for a girl, completely. All of my family agrees that I'd have a girl first, but this really feels like a boy. I don't know if it's still my mind mentally preparing me for the fact that it may be a boy (which I'd be very happy with btw), but I think it's just starting me early. LAst time I didn't have this strong of a feeling about the gender. I hoped it was a girl, but that's about it.

Does anyone else have strong, persistant feeling about gender? Part of me is sad, but I know that as long as it's healthy and we make it to the end, I will be just as thrilled <3

I do have peppermint tea maybe I should try some, although the thought is making my tummy turn. Though honestly the thought of anything does. Aaa and the joys of pregnancy. But I'll happily be nauseous for however long I have to be for a healthy bub.

I have a strong feeling this is a girl and I want a girl first. My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother all had girls first so I'm hoping to follow suit. With my MMC I hoped it was a girl but felt it was a boy. And since that loss I always had a sort of dream that I saw him maybe 4ish holding the hand of a little girl maybe 2ish. So kind of seemed like he was helping her through or getting her ready. Now when I see him I don't see the little girl anymore. So I feel like she is here.

Nothing new to report. I'm horrible at keeping up lately. I'm just so overwhelmingly exhausted all the time. And feeling nauseous and just overall yucky. Only a week and a day until my ultrasound!
Welcome NDH, wow your a strong lady for not wanting help and support!
Have you got a journal I can follow?

I have to be in hospital every 2 weeks from 26 weeks because of our history :( it is very stressful but I'm just glad the hospital are taking extra precaution with me and the baby x
I'm loosing my symptoms which is worrying me! I have one more test to take but will leave that till next week.

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