**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I agree sushi sounds amazing. I almost grabbed some over the weekend but it sounded like one of those things I wanted but my stomach would later regret.

Well here comes my after lunch tiredness. It's funny because this didn't happen over the weekend and we were go, go, go. Must be something about this office.
I definitely hear that! haha, work always makes me sleepy pregnant or not...
Haha right? I'm so over work in general. The next 7 months better fly.
Totally agree wantingagirl, just have to try to relax and enjoy! :thumbup:

Sorry you are feeling so sick Kylas :hugs:

I'm already over work as well. Spent a portion of today figuring out when to take my vacation and when to go on leave. :haha:
I had sushi for lunch! Nothing raw of course but my goodness it was so good haha but of course my nausea is still here and my nightly headache is starting.
Wifey Ive friended you for an add to the fb group :) I remember you from June :)
mumanddad, I also seem to be losing my symptoms. Had been dealing with fairly intense nausea, and some vomiting, starting about 3w4-5d and today basically nothing. Trying not to worry, but that's easier said than done! Ate lunch without a single hint of nausea. Hope things are okay for both of us! :hugs:...rather, ALL of us!!

MrsH, hope your appointment goes well! My 1st is on Wednesday, which I'm guessing won't cover much but consultation being it's my first time at the birth center I'm looking to use.

sunshine, sushi sounds excellent!

Some other stuff lately, last night I so unwisely read an article about girls in various countries being kidnapped for slavery/sex slavery. I'm sure you can all imagine how well that went. Bawled like a baby. I started out only tearing up, then went in to kitchen to stir dinner, where DH was about to start cutting up watermelon for me, and as I started mentioning it out loud, I just broke down. He wrapped me in his arms and said "I know." Then continued asking me why I would even read that right now anyways lol. I said I had to!!

Today, I had to ask my ceramics instructor if ceramics is safe during pregnancy. I figured it's something my midwife wouldn't know for sure, but I knew I'd just worry sick if I continue without knowing. She embraced me in a hug, shed some tears (of course causing me to do so), and congratulated me before assuring me that it's fine. :happydance: Now back to praying this little bean is snuggled in.
Had the sushi. Mmmm. So good!

It's 6:40 and I'm exhausted. But it's definitely too early for bed.

Can you believe Christmas is almost a week away???
I still have 5 family members to get gifts for! I've always mentioned doing a grab bag but my husbands side never wants to. It's terrible bc his immediate family is so large! Next year they've finally agreed to do a grab bag. I'm so broke it's not even funny. I'm ready for the new year lol
Anyone had those eggo pancake bites? They're mini pancakes you microwave in the bag! Well the tins I'm babysitting have them and I've devoured two bags.....they're chocolate chip and sooooo good.
Haha, I love those! I'm sure they're VERY healthy and nutritious, lol, but man they're sooo good!

Is everyone nearly sorted for Christmas? I just finished shopping for my kids and my side of the family. Just got OH's side of the family to shop for now!
Nearly there, only a couple people left totally undone, need another stocking stuffer for my oldest as when I wrapped last night I realized I miscounted and the younger had one more.

So I know it's ridiculously early, but is anyone planning on doing a babymoon? Like a honeymoon?

My dh and I never got a honeymoon when we got married bc we were too poor with our dd on the way.

We are thinking about doing a babymoon before baby #2 arrives. I was dreaming big last night and started looking up a 3 night stay in Cancun, Mexico... Lol

But It makes more sense to stay local. So we are booking our babymoon next month. We are just going to rent a really nice hotel room in downtown Chicago for 2 nights and have us time. Thinking of doing it towards the middle/end of 2nd tri so I will have a noticeable bump but won't be super uncomfortable, yet.
We did an unintentional babymoon with my second. In 2010, we booked a May 2011 cruise. IUD out in Jan 2011 with plans to wait 3 full cycles before TTC, but BFP in Feb 2011. It was very nice, I'd love to go on another cruise, but I think I'm going to try and take a trip to Gatlinburg in the spring. I'd like to go with just DH, but it might be a family trip. He's just about on board with it, I brought it up and he said 'oh, I dunno' and didn't really want to talk about it, but then a few minutes later, he said 'the spring might be a good time, you probably won't be up to a big trip by the summertime.'

Hi ladies, I'm tentatively joining you all with an August 28 due date. I wasn't sure f I wanted to wait for a September group as I usually gestate long or go with August, but hubby and I are Browncoats so the Fireflies totally drew me in :D

I was initially due in June but miscarried on the 20th of November at 10+3 and well, here I am again, 3 weeks and 4 days later. I tested out my hcg and today hd a faint line appear again.

This is my 5th pregnancy and will be my third baby. I'll be homebirthing and not seeing a Dr at all, or having any sans unless I feel there's actually a reason to. My daughter has been telling me for days that "there's a different boy baby" in my tummy so I'm going to guess a boy but will obviously be team :yellow: no having any scans.

I'm trying to read all the posts but have only gotten to page 50 :haha:
When we were voting on the name a few weeks ago, I pushed hard for fireflies because I'm also a proud Browncoat. :thumbup:

I'm considering homebirth for this LO, as if I go to the hospital it will be an immediate cesarean at 39w due to previous cesareans. I haven't entirely decided, as I'm not super close to the hospital in there would happen to be a problem. It's a 40 minute drive, possibly 30 if you absolutely fly.

Today, I had to ask my ceramics instructor if ceramics is safe during pregnancy. I figured it's something my midwife wouldn't know for sure, but I knew I'd just worry sick if I continue without knowing. She embraced me in a hug, shed some tears (of course causing me to do so), and congratulated me before assuring me that it's fine. :happydance: Now back to praying this little bean is snuggled in.
Just curious if there was something specific about ceramics that you thought might not be okay. I haven't done it since high school but I can't recall anything then that might've been iffy.

AFM, nausea seems to be ramping up a bit. It's always when I'm hungry, so I've tried to eat more, but the extreme hunger comes ALL THE SUDDEN, it's not like 'oh, you know I could eat' it's 'FEED ME NOW!!' complete with stomach growling. Lol. So even if I eat right before bed, I wake up starving and sick. Actually, I think eating right before bed makes me wake up hungrier. I've been getting really angry with DH too, and stomping off or snapping at him over things that's aren't really that big a deal.

DH asked my youngest two nights ago if he'd like for us to bring a new baby home and he said no. Lol. Sorry, buddy! :haha:
I still have 5 family members to get gifts for! I've always mentioned doing a grab bag but my husbands side never wants to. It's terrible bc his immediate family is so large! Next year they've finally agreed to do a grab bag. I'm so broke it's not even funny. I'm ready for the new year lol
We're doing a gift exchange at my grandma's house for the first time this year. There aren't tons of us, but it's a start. There are 13 of us in the exchange, we drew names at Thanksgiving. My mom wanted to do the same at my other grandma's, but she said no, she didn't want to. There will be 15-17 of us there, depending on if two of them bring girlfriends. Maybe we can talk them into it for next year.

I don't mind buying for everyone in DH's family, as it's very small. It's only his brother and his dad, plus two close family friends.
greats, I like the grab bag gift exchange idea. DH's family is very big on exchanging gifts, and while the family is small, the expectations for amount spent is more than I've ever experienced in my family so I struggle with it. Not used to being expected to get someone expensive gifts, far more used to the holidays being about family and togetherness. I don't know. Would like to think kids entering the picture would change things some, but I suspect it will only get more intense. I'm with you!! Going broke lol! We still have quite a by of shopping to do, too. :sleep:

Queen, I had read mixed information online so I wasn't sure. But what she told me is the clay dust can be hard on anyone from a respiratory perspective if inhaled, but they do the cleanup when nobody's in the studio, and then she mentioned chemicals in a sense of, glazes would be harmful if ingested, but obviously we know not to do so.

Lol, that's funny that your youngest said no on the baby question! :haha:
WOW! Sorry I have been gone for a bit ladies lol....I have been on the past couple nights but I had soooooooo much to catch up on :)
Since I've been off my whole family has had the stomach flu yuck! Nothing like watching one son puke then the other two in sequence literally. I was the last to get it just when I thought I was the lucky one lol...anywho congrats to all the new ladies, and wishing you a h&h 9mos....

Feeling nauseated 24/7 not like i'm going to puke but just a nasty feeling all the time especially when thinking about food, nothing sounds good, when i feel hungry i think of what to eat and bam everything is gross and i'm better off not eating(of course i make sure i squeeze little bits in throughout the day) but man it would be nice to eat a good hearty meal again!

Also just a note about Ultrasounds...I am very thankful that I had them for 1 I found out I was carrying twins and 2 my son was born with Complete Atrial Ventricular Septal Defect...It was diagnosed while I was pregnant and is a very serious Heart Defect. Every baby is different so some can handle the defect to an extent when it is born and be asymptomatic however many are born and require immediate surgery. The choice is always yours and everyone respects everyones decisions just thought I'd share my experience because ultrasounds saved my sons life.

Got my Christmas tree decorated today but trying to keep my 3 toddlers away from is is def a task...We'll see how tomorrow goes
Update! I made a Raspberry Sour cream Pie earlier today to get in the spirit of xmas baking and hubby made me try a bit just now, we'll needless to say gobbled down a piece yay something that tasted delish!!!!!!!!!!!
Update! I made a Raspberry Sour cream Pie earlier today to get in the spirit of xmas baking and hubby made me try a bit just now, we'll needless to say gobbled down a piece yay something that tasted delish!!!!!!!!!!!

That sounds soo good which is surprising considering the only thing I've really been eating lately is toast. I'm hoping the doctor will have some tips at my appointment Thursday to help with this nausea.
WOW! Sorry I have been gone for a bit ladies lol....I have been on the past couple nights but I had soooooooo much to catch up on :)
Since I've been off my whole family has had the stomach flu yuck! Nothing like watching one son puke then the other two in sequence literally. I was the last to get it just when I thought I was the lucky one lol...anywho congrats to all the new ladies, and wishing you a h&h 9mos....

Feeling nauseated 24/7 not like i'm going to puke but just a nasty feeling all the time especially when thinking about food, nothing sounds good, when i feel hungry i think of what to eat and bam everything is gross and i'm better off not eating(of course i make sure i squeeze little bits in throughout the day) but man it would be nice to eat a good hearty meal again!

Also just a note about Ultrasounds...I am very thankful that I had them for 1 I found out I was carrying twins and 2 my son was born with Complete Atrial Ventricular Septal Defect...It was diagnosed while I was pregnant and is a very serious Heart Defect. Every baby is different so some can handle the defect to an extent when it is born and be asymptomatic however many are born and require immediate surgery. The choice is always yours and everyone respects everyones decisions just thought I'd share my experience because ultrasounds saved my sons life.

Got my Christmas tree decorated today but trying to keep my 3 toddlers away from is is def a task...We'll see how tomorrow goes

That must have been a scary time for you. Did he get taken for surgery immediately or did you get to hold him at all first?
I'm definitely aware that ultrasounds can save lives, and if they were 100:% infallible I would definitely get one. But knowing that if I had ultrasounds it would be nearly as likely that my baby would be born with a condition the scan had failed to detect as having a baby with a condition that was known about doesn't make the potential stress of a false diagnosis worth it for my husband and I. In our current situation of course. I'm not one to say I'll never do something because circumstances can always change. But with the knowledge I have and what I've seen friends go through in a wide range of situations (no scans and baby born with problems, scan that picked up a problem that wasn't as severe as expected, scans that said baby would absolutely not live and was born perfectly healthy, scans that didn't detect a problem that was present, and of course scans that detected a problem that led to a happy conclusion as a result - and sometimes not because foreknowledge of an issue unfortunately doesn't always mean something can be done about it) we are confident in our decision.
I believe in being as fully informed of the risks and benefits on both sides as possible, and then determining for myself which risks I'm comfortable taking. Because everything has risks and everyone will have different comfort levels

Good luck with the tree! Mine didn't last a week before I took the decorations of the bottom and I only have two under three not three under three :haha:

Feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous today. Taking it as a good sign (I've been lucky to have had pretty symptomless pregnancies - I only had a couple weeks of mild nausea in my third pregnancy (with my second child).
My milestone is my 12/13 week u/s. That's the one I found out that I'd lost the baby, so it was a really sad day for me. I'll be on edge until I get to take home the little picture of my babe this time. It will happen <3

I also cancelled my Christmas party. I love to host and am always looking for excuses to have people over, but I'm not up for faking it this time. I'd miss my wine too much lol.

I'm thinking about sushi tonight -- mmm, that may be my first craving yet. I'll skip the spicy salmon roll though (it's my fav), but still love all the others! :)

I've already surpassed my milestone lol. Next one is there being a hb on Thursday. lol I wish you the best of luck!!!!!

I can barely get up one flight of stairs in our house with just me, so I feel for you.

I have been avoiding the stairs as much as possible and have been taking elevators, but that's my paranoia.

good grief just got off the phone with my mother. I was so emotional I was sure she would be able to tell. but thank goodness she just thought I was having a rough day.

how is everyone?

I'm doing good!! Actually being emotional, and wanting to tell them, is why I've been avoiding talking to my mother and MIL.

Anyone had those eggo pancake bites? They're mini pancakes you microwave in the bag! Well the tins I'm babysitting have them and I've devoured two bags.....they're chocolate chip and sooooo good.
Haha, I love those! I'm sure they're VERY healthy and nutritious, lol, but man they're sooo good!

Is everyone nearly sorted for Christmas? I just finished shopping for my kids and my side of the family. Just got OH's side of the family to shop for now!
Nearly there, only a couple people left totally undone, need another stocking stuffer for my oldest as when I wrapped last night I realized I miscounted and the younger had one more.

So I know it's ridiculously early, but is anyone planning on doing a babymoon? Like a honeymoon?

My dh and I never got a honeymoon when we got married bc we were too poor with our dd on the way.

We are thinking about doing a babymoon before baby #2 arrives. I was dreaming big last night and started looking up a 3 night stay in Cancun, Mexico... Lol

But It makes more sense to stay local. So we are booking our babymoon next month. We are just going to rent a really nice hotel room in downtown Chicago for 2 nights and have us time. Thinking of doing it towards the middle/end of 2nd tri so I will have a noticeable bump but won't be super uncomfortable, yet.
We did an unintentional babymoon with my second. In 2010, we booked a May 2011 cruise. IUD out in Jan 2011 with plans to wait 3 full cycles before TTC, but BFP in Feb 2011. It was very nice, I'd love to go on another cruise, but I think I'm going to try and take a trip to Gatlinburg in the spring. I'd like to go with just DH, but it might be a family trip. He's just about on board with it, I brought it up and he said 'oh, I dunno' and didn't really want to talk about it, but then a few minutes later, he said 'the spring might be a good time, you probably won't be up to a big trip by the summertime.'

Hi ladies, I'm tentatively joining you all with an August 28 due date. I wasn't sure f I wanted to wait for a September group as I usually gestate long or go with August, but hubby and I are Browncoats so the Fireflies totally drew me in :D

I was initially due in June but miscarried on the 20th of November at 10+3 and well, here I am again, 3 weeks and 4 days later. I tested out my hcg and today hd a faint line appear again.

This is my 5th pregnancy and will be my third baby. I'll be homebirthing and not seeing a Dr at all, or having any sans unless I feel there's actually a reason to. My daughter has been telling me for days that "there's a different boy baby" in my tummy so I'm going to guess a boy but will obviously be team :yellow: no having any scans.

I'm trying to read all the posts but have only gotten to page 50 :haha:
When we were voting on the name a few weeks ago, I pushed hard for fireflies because I'm also a proud Browncoat. :thumbup:

I'm considering homebirth for this LO, as if I go to the hospital it will be an immediate cesarean at 39w due to previous cesareans. I haven't entirely decided, as I'm not super close to the hospital in there would happen to be a problem. It's a 40 minute drive, possibly 30 if you absolutely fly.

Today, I had to ask my ceramics instructor if ceramics is safe during pregnancy. I figured it's something my midwife wouldn't know for sure, but I knew I'd just worry sick if I continue without knowing. She embraced me in a hug, shed some tears (of course causing me to do so), and congratulated me before assuring me that it's fine. :happydance: Now back to praying this little bean is snuggled in.
Just curious if there was something specific about ceramics that you thought might not be okay. I haven't done it since high school but I can't recall anything then that might've been iffy.

AFM, nausea seems to be ramping up a bit. It's always when I'm hungry, so I've tried to eat more, but the extreme hunger comes ALL THE SUDDEN, it's not like 'oh, you know I could eat' it's 'FEED ME NOW!!' complete with stomach growling. Lol. So even if I eat right before bed, I wake up starving and sick. Actually, I think eating right before bed makes me wake up hungrier. I've been getting really angry with DH too, and stomping off or snapping at him over things that's aren't really that big a deal.

DH asked my youngest two nights ago if he'd like for us to bring a new baby home and he said no. Lol. Sorry, buddy! :haha:

Omg I feel like you do!! I only get sick when I get hungry and even then I don't know I'm hungry until the nausea comes on and it's like BAMMM.

Update! I made a Raspberry Sour cream Pie earlier today to get in the spirit of xmas baking and hubby made me try a bit just now, we'll needless to say gobbled down a piece yay something that tasted delish!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this??????

I still have 5 family members to get gifts for! I've always mentioned doing a grab bag but my husbands side never wants to. It's terrible bc his immediate family is so large! Next year they've finally agreed to do a grab bag. I'm so broke it's not even funny. I'm ready for the new year lol
We're doing a gift exchange at my grandma's house for the first time this year. There aren't tons of us, but it's a start. There are 13 of us in the exchange, we drew names at Thanksgiving. My mom wanted to do the same at my other grandma's, but she said no, she didn't want to. There will be 15-17 of us there, depending on if two of them bring girlfriends. Maybe we can talk them into it for next year.

I don't mind buying for everyone in DH's family, as it's very small. It's only his brother and his dad, plus two close family friends.

Luckily us being pregnant will be the gifts for family lolol.

AFM - So far so good. Waiting for the u/s on Thursday. Otherwise dealing with back pain in my lower back that kinda wraps around the front a little, as well as extreme nausea in the mornings and having to pee like a racehorse. Still cannot eat eggs, so this AM I had toast with some mayo, provolone cheese and ham lunch meat for breakfast (yes I cooked the lunch meat in my skillet before putting it on my bread)
Hi everyone! Room for another?

I am due August 27th...2 days before OH's birthday! What better present than a new baby? :haha:
we will be staying team :yellow: for the whole pregnancy but chinese gender predictor says :pink:

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