Ladies...can I rant for a minute?
It makes me so frustrated when people are ignorant. I mean, I know we all are at some point, but I just read 3 posts where people were complaining about their Doctors and how they "got it wrong" or "don't know everything". I find this so upsetting. My DH is a Doctor and he worked insanely hard to get where he is. He does it because he is passionate about people, and wants to help them to the best of his ability. Did he go to school for 4+ years so he can learn absolutely everything about every possible situation, in every person? No. He learned about what may occur and how to treat it properly. I gave him up for 4+ years so he could dedicate his life and mind to this profession, and it drives me crazy when people are ignorant and expect them to be Magical crystal balls. Doctors are taught to go off of the symptoms that patients describe to them, and every body is different so it is impossible to expect them to have the end all be all answer for YOUR body. They offer guidance, knowledge and solutions. That's their job. So I wish people would stop placing so much pressure on their Doctors and then saying they were "wrong". I continue to let my husband go every day to a job that is physically and emotionally draining. When he gets home he's exhausted. He's brought babies into the world, he's saved lives, and he's done CPR on patients for 10 minutes only to have them pass away.
Does he get it right all the time? No. Does he try? Yes. That's all we can expect of Doctors.
End rant. Sorry, I never have those...but those posts really pushed my buttons.
I admit I ranted about the provider I was talking to, but it's because she wasn't the OB/GYN doctor she was her nurse and she wouldn't let me talk to my doctor. Also because she was trying to tell me to stop doing things that were keeping me pregnant without checking my level (progesterone) and didn't even give me a beta this time after I'd had 4 losses this year. She also had forgotten she supposed to see me one day and I had to see someone else. However, the doctor I am dealing with (my primary doctor) I love seeing him and I follow his advice to the T. Most of the time I will listen to my doctor, unless you can tell they don't care. Which this nurse didn't because she is moving to another base soon.

Dsemcho, it's great that you haven't had any spotting. I hope tomorrow goes really well!
Me too! So far everything is great this am, four more hours until my ultrasound.
Side note - I ate 5 pieces of pizza for dinner tonight. I can normally eat 2 or 3 tops. My appetite is insane today. Oh dear.
Omg Pizza sounds amazing right now......
Food poisoning! I'm dying. Coming out of both ends. All thanks to my craving for Mexican food. And my uterus hurts. Not bad, but I think I'm just strained from puking and killing my poor toilet.
I'm so sorry you are sick!!!
Sass827!!!!!!! Are you serious? We're going to be pregnant again together?!?!
That is awesome!!
Ugh did another FRER today and it's a bit lighter than yesterdays...terrified i'm having a chemical
Depends on when you took the FRER. I took one in the AM and it was dark, and then took one the next afternoon and it was lighter and I was worried. But because it wasn't FMU it should have been dark.
AFM - like I already said I have my ultrasound today to check for a HB. DH surprised me by telling me to pick him up from work on my way to it so yay!