**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Hi guys :wave:

I've been hesitant to join so early, but I've been reading along for a few days.
I had a miscarriage at 5w2d a couple of cycles ago, and got my BFP again this cycle. I am due on August 22nd according to my app, but obviously that could change :flower:

Also it'll be Winter for us in Australia, so not really a Summer baby or a Firefly :haha:
Ugh did another FRER today and it's a bit lighter than yesterdays...terrified i'm having a chemical :(
When is af due princess?
I'm sorry you have to feel like this :hugs:
Ladies...can I rant for a minute?

It makes me so frustrated when people are ignorant. I mean, I know we all are at some point, but I just read 3 posts where people were complaining about their Doctors and how they "got it wrong" or "don't know everything". I find this so upsetting. My DH is a Doctor and he worked insanely hard to get where he is. He does it because he is passionate about people, and wants to help them to the best of his ability. Did he go to school for 4+ years so he can learn absolutely everything about every possible situation, in every person? No. He learned about what may occur and how to treat it properly. I gave him up for 4+ years so he could dedicate his life and mind to this profession, and it drives me crazy when people are ignorant and expect them to be Magical crystal balls. Doctors are taught to go off of the symptoms that patients describe to them, and every body is different so it is impossible to expect them to have the end all be all answer for YOUR body. They offer guidance, knowledge and solutions. That's their job. So I wish people would stop placing so much pressure on their Doctors and then saying they were "wrong". I continue to let my husband go every day to a job that is physically and emotionally draining. When he gets home he's exhausted. He's brought babies into the world, he's saved lives, and he's done CPR on patients for 10 minutes only to have them pass away.
Does he get it right all the time? No. Does he try? Yes. That's all we can expect of Doctors.

End rant. Sorry, I never have those...but those posts really pushed my buttons.

I admit I ranted about the provider I was talking to, but it's because she wasn't the OB/GYN doctor she was her nurse and she wouldn't let me talk to my doctor. Also because she was trying to tell me to stop doing things that were keeping me pregnant without checking my level (progesterone) and didn't even give me a beta this time after I'd had 4 losses this year. She also had forgotten she supposed to see me one day and I had to see someone else. However, the doctor I am dealing with (my primary doctor) I love seeing him and I follow his advice to the T. Most of the time I will listen to my doctor, unless you can tell they don't care. Which this nurse didn't because she is moving to another base soon.

:hugs: Dsemcho, it's great that you haven't had any spotting. I hope tomorrow goes really well!

Me too! So far everything is great this am, four more hours until my ultrasound.

Side note - I ate 5 pieces of pizza for dinner tonight. I can normally eat 2 or 3 tops. My appetite is insane today. Oh dear.

Omg Pizza sounds amazing right now......

Food poisoning! I'm dying. Coming out of both ends. All thanks to my craving for Mexican food. And my uterus hurts. Not bad, but I think I'm just strained from puking and killing my poor toilet.

I'm so sorry you are sick!!!

Sass827!!!!!!! Are you serious? We're going to be pregnant again together?!?! :)

That is awesome!!

Ugh did another FRER today and it's a bit lighter than yesterdays...terrified i'm having a chemical :(

Depends on when you took the FRER. I took one in the AM and it was dark, and then took one the next afternoon and it was lighter and I was worried. But because it wasn't FMU it should have been dark.

AFM - like I already said I have my ultrasound today to check for a HB. DH surprised me by telling me to pick him up from work on my way to it so yay!
When is af due princess?
I'm sorry you have to feel like this :hugs:

it's due either today or the 20th, no sign of anything yet. hard to stay positive. it's not a squinter but still fainter. both were taken with fmu. darker one yesterday, lighter one today x
Food poisoning! I'm dying. Coming out of both ends. All thanks to my craving for Mexican food. And my uterus hurts. Not bad, but I think I'm just strained from puking and killing my poor toilet.

Oh no hope it passes soon, my mum got food poising with my little sister and the Dr's kept a close eye on her x
Wrapping Xmas presents while sitting on the floor was a bad idea :( bad cramps from leaning so much.

I hear ya! Past few nights I did some wrapping and man talk about an aching body....felt like I did a complete workout ugh...still have more to wrap but I think I'll be waiting a few days

Not much I've been into eating today and the pounding headache I've had all day hasn't helped.

And I agree with the Dr. thing. If you don't like the way the Dr. your seeing handles things find another. My Dr. is great I've had him for my last 3 pregnancies including this one.

Hope everyones nausea eases up :)

I have just my husbands left to do but he always pops in when I'm about to do it haha x
Ugh did another FRER today and it's a bit lighter than yesterdays...terrified i'm having a chemical :(

Hun ring the doctors, tell them you need to have your hcg levels checked. They may do it my urine because it's the cheaper option but fight for blood so you know exactly what is happening xx
Ladies...can I rant for a minute?

It makes me so frustrated when people are ignorant. I mean, I know we all are at some point, but I just read 3 posts where people were complaining about their Doctors and how they "got it wrong" or "don't know everything". I find this so upsetting. My DH is a Doctor and he worked insanely hard to get where he is. He does it because he is passionate about people, and wants to help them to the best of his ability. Did he go to school for 4+ years so he can learn absolutely everything about every possible situation, in every person? No. He learned about what may occur and how to treat it properly. I gave him up for 4+ years so he could dedicate his life and mind to this profession, and it drives me crazy when people are ignorant and expect them to be Magical crystal balls. Doctors are taught to go off of the symptoms that patients describe to them, and every body is different so it is impossible to expect them to have the end all be all answer for YOUR body. They offer guidance, knowledge and solutions. That's their job. So I wish people would stop placing so much pressure on their Doctors and then saying they were "wrong". I continue to let my husband go every day to a job that is physically and emotionally draining. When he gets home he's exhausted. He's brought babies into the world, he's saved lives, and he's done CPR on patients for 10 minutes only to have them pass away.
Does he get it right all the time? No. Does he try? Yes. That's all we can expect of Doctors.

End rant. Sorry, I never have those...but those posts really pushed my buttons.

I admit I ranted about the provider I was talking to, but it's because she wasn't the OB/GYN doctor she was her nurse and she wouldn't let me talk to my doctor. Also because she was trying to tell me to stop doing things that were keeping me pregnant without checking my level (progesterone) and didn't even give me a beta this time after I'd had 4 losses this year. She also had forgotten she supposed to see me one day and I had to see someone else. However, the doctor I am dealing with (my primary doctor) I love seeing him and I follow his advice to the T. Most of the time I will listen to my doctor, unless you can tell they don't care. Which this nurse didn't because she is moving to another base soon.

:hugs: Dsemcho, it's great that you haven't had any spotting. I hope tomorrow goes really well!

Me too! So far everything is great this am, four more hours until my ultrasound.

Side note - I ate 5 pieces of pizza for dinner tonight. I can normally eat 2 or 3 tops. My appetite is insane today. Oh dear.

Omg Pizza sounds amazing right now......

Food poisoning! I'm dying. Coming out of both ends. All thanks to my craving for Mexican food. And my uterus hurts. Not bad, but I think I'm just strained from puking and killing my poor toilet.

I'm so sorry you are sick!!!

Sass827!!!!!!! Are you serious? We're going to be pregnant again together?!?! :)

That is awesome!!

Ugh did another FRER today and it's a bit lighter than yesterdays...terrified i'm having a chemical :(

Depends on when you took the FRER. I took one in the AM and it was dark, and then took one the next afternoon and it was lighter and I was worried. But because it wasn't FMU it should have been dark.

AFM - like I already said I have my ultrasound today to check for a HB. DH surprised me by telling me to pick him up from work on my way to it so yay!

Yay that your hubby is attending the scan with you :) I'm getting jealous of all these scans haha
I have such high respect for doctors. In fact, I'm really annoyed when I hear people thanking God first instead of drs who save their lives (different story).

Anyway, this cycle, my GP gave me the biggest facepalm moment of my life. At 11dpo, I went for my beta to confirm my FReR positive. Just wanted the most common beta test and I was told that the results will be available after 24 hours. but after 4 days, and after Returning to the GP 2 times and he just said that maybe the lab was just particularly busy. I complained to the lab who eventually released my result saying I was negative for guess what... ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Apparently the GP made a mistake in ordering the beta test and also did not specify on the lab form that I am possibly pregnant, hence I was tested for a hormone that determines erectile function :/ after I corrected his mistake, he asked for an urgent retest and i got my beta results in 2 hours, and I have confirmed my pregnancy.
Ahhh!!! 2 more hours until I get to finally see my bean and maybe a heartbeat!!! :D
I have such high respect for doctors. In fact, I'm really annoyed when I hear people thanking God first instead of drs who save their lives (different story).

Anyway, this cycle, my GP gave me the biggest facepalm moment of my life. At 11dpo, I went for my beta to confirm my FReR positive. Just wanted the most common beta test and I was told that the results will be available after 24 hours. but after 4 days, and after Returning to the GP 2 times and he just said that maybe the lab was just particularly busy. I complained to the lab who eventually released my result saying I was negative for guess what... ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Apparently the GP made a mistake in ordering the beta test and also did not specify on the lab form that I am possibly pregnant, hence I was tested for a hormone that determines erectile function :/ after I corrected his mistake, he asked for an urgent retest and i got my beta results in 2 hours, and I have confirmed my pregnancy.

I'm so sorry.... But... That made me laugh. I know it's not funny that it happened... but... The test that was done instead is funny.
Greats, hope you’re feeling better, as Celtic said drink lots of fluids.

Jaspie, sorry you’re sick. My Mom never had any sickness either and I had lots of nausea with Isla (this time too) and was sick a handful of times…

Mrs. Hudson, it’s pretty common for symptoms to come and go at this point, I know it’s hard not to worry though. :hugs:

Bebedreamr, I have gotten a few headaches as well. Last night I went to bed with my daughter at 8:30pm. After working, getting home and running after her while making dinner and then a work out or time with DH I am beat.

Xprincessx, I really hope everything is alright, sorry you are dealing with this stress. :hugs: Maybe wait a few more days and then try and test again; could be a wonky test??? :shrug:

DSemcho good luck today. That’s awesome that your husband can come with you. :thumbup:

Welcome Rachieroo, LavenderLove, Sass and Buffyx !:hi:

I have my first doctor’s appointment today. Will probably just get information from me and then will give me the paperwork for bloodwork (I think I will have to do it on the weekend since the nurse’s office will be closed by the time I go in for my appointment). Isla and I have a joint appointment actually; the doctor wants to check to make sure she is alright post pneumonia.
I have such high respect for doctors. In fact, I'm really annoyed when I hear people thanking God first instead of drs who save their lives (different story).

Anyway, this cycle, my GP gave me the biggest facepalm moment of my life. At 11dpo, I went for my beta to confirm my FReR positive. Just wanted the most common beta test and I was told that the results will be available after 24 hours. but after 4 days, and after Returning to the GP 2 times and he just said that maybe the lab was just particularly busy. I complained to the lab who eventually released my result saying I was negative for guess what... ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Apparently the GP made a mistake in ordering the beta test and also did not specify on the lab form that I am possibly pregnant, hence I was tested for a hormone that determines erectile function :/ after I corrected his mistake, he asked for an urgent retest and i got my beta results in 2 hours, and I have confirmed my pregnancy.

:saywhat: :rofl:
Lian I'm glad you don't have erectile dysfunction :rofl: seriously gave me a choking fit from trying to stifle a laugh as I'm dream feeding my toddler. Glad you got the results from the correct test back so quickly at least.
Lian - thanks for the support! So sorry that happened, but I know you'll be able to giggle about it later. And YAY for not having erectile dysfunction!

So, ms has officially arrived. Now, I'm still lucky in that it's just mild nausea so far, but I'm finding I need to eat a lot already to keep it tame. It frustrates me. I LOVE To eat, but I don't like to eat the amount of food that I'm needing so far. I'm petite (5'2, 110) and I don't diet, but I definitely watch what I eat and stay healthy. Last time, I wasn't going to the gym as much and I was eating quite a bit of food. So even up to 3 months I was already showing. It took me FOREVER to get rid of it, and that was only 3 months worth. NOw, I know I can't stress about that stuff because it's my growing body and what I need to grow a baby, BUT is there anyone else struggling with being frustrated over the amount of food you need already? :( I'm just hoping this time the exercise makes the difference.

Good news is, I don't like chocolate.!!! I'm also having an aversion to salad, which I eat every day for lunch...Dang
Sunshine, I have the same worries. I am a smaller person also (5.4 and just over 120 lbs) and last time I gained so much weight with Isla (like 43 lbs). I was also super swollen at the end of my pregnancy. I remember only wanting to eat junk all first trimester last time (I think I gained 10 lbs alone in first tri :blush:) I'm really going to try my best to eat very healthy this time but really I think it's OK every once and awhile to give in to a craving or two. I also didn't really monitor my weight last time, which I think let things get a bit out of control :haha: And if you're hungry, I say eat, the baby/your body obviously needs it :thumbup:

I lost all my weight too so at least we know we can lose it if we gain a bunch again (silver lining?)
I have such high respect for doctors. In fact, I'm really annoyed when I hear people thanking God first instead of drs who save their lives (different story).

Anyway, this cycle, my GP gave me the biggest facepalm moment of my life. At 11dpo, I went for my beta to confirm my FReR positive. Just wanted the most common beta test and I was told that the results will be available after 24 hours. but after 4 days, and after Returning to the GP 2 times and he just said that maybe the lab was just particularly busy. I complained to the lab who eventually released my result saying I was negative for guess what... ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Apparently the GP made a mistake in ordering the beta test and also did not specify on the lab form that I am possibly pregnant, hence I was tested for a hormone that determines erectile function :/ after I corrected his mistake, he asked for an urgent retest and i got my beta results in 2 hours, and I have confirmed my pregnancy.

Hehehe that is kind of cute! Gave me a good laugh to start my day! LOL
Glad your pregnancy finally got confirmed :)

As for the Doctor conversation, I am enjoying the perspectives of those from the medical community. To me, I can understand if a Doctor take his/her time to make a good diagnosis, etc. I think the thing that makes a good doctor is one who takes the time to sit and understand their patients and their concerns. I had a family GP who always rushed me through everything, was very unfriendly, but he was admittedly very knowledgeable. I ended up leaving his practice because of the way he ordered us around when giving m DD her shots, and went with OH's doctor. This dr. actually sits down, asks me what is going on in my life, what brings me to the clinic, etc. and listens to my concerns, especially if I have more than one. He even helped me diagnose an anxiety flare up and referred me to an excellent counsellor.

I think the approach makes the difference for sure, but yes they are human and can only do so much :)

As much as I love my family GP, I am still hoping, praying and wishing I get a midwife (on the waiting list)....
Mrs Eddie - so glad you feel the same lol. We'll have to motivate each other. And I agree with allowing yourself to eat what you need to eat. I'm hoping the exercise keeps me motivated this time to not give in to as many cravings as last time though. Gotta keep it in check lol.
IT's super hard with the aversions though, right now nothing appeals to me except a piece of toast. It was the same last time, bread, bagels, crackers. BAH! I eat salads every day, but the thought of spinach makes my stomach turn right now.
I just remember it being very hard last time to make myself eat the healthy food over the processed food. I drink a lot of shakes though, so I'll try to throw all my veggies/fruit in there I guess.
Mrs Eddie - so glad you feel the same lol. We'll have to motivate each other. And I agree with allowing yourself to eat what you need to eat. I'm hoping the exercise keeps me motivated this time to not give in to as many cravings as last time though. Gotta keep it in check lol.
IT's super hard with the aversions though, right now nothing appeals to me except a piece of toast. It was the same last time, bread, bagels, crackers. BAH! I eat salads every day, but the thought of spinach makes my stomach turn right now.
I just remember it being very hard last time to make myself eat the healthy food over the processed food. I drink a lot of shakes though, so I'll try to throw all my veggies/fruit in there I guess.

Agreed, we'll definitely have to keep each other on track. :thumbup: I think too that because I normally try to eat "clean" I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted last time :dohh: Will try not to do that again....

I try to do shakes a couple of times a week for breakfast too. Good idea to throw some veggies in there. I remember having major carb cravings last time too. Most comfort food is pretty carby though so I guess it makes sense.

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