22yo TTC #2

I have finally made it to my last day of work! So happy that I can move onto maternity leave... and hopefully the baby will give me a couple of days to relax and sleep in before he arrives haha. This week has been a little hard because of the time change... 6am feels like 5am! - I know when baby comes that sleep wont matter anymore, but I would like a few more days to enjoy sleep while I can haha.

Not a lot else to report here, felt some twinges down low last night. Felt like quick sharp pains (in what I expect is my cervix area). I've had those quite a bit recently, plus I've been getting those period type cramps off and on for days now... seems like all good signs to me.

Any new symptoms for you? Did you sleep better last night?
OMG... I think my work is throwing me a party lol. Everyone is acting very suspicious and walking around whispering. The door to our lunch room is also closed (which it never is). Plus what gave it away was someone who I guess wasn't in on it, walked by the room and was like "Whats going on in here?" and someone else said 'Shhhh'. Haha. I'm a little nervous actually, I hate being the centre of attention but I know I'd have felt a little dissapointed if no one wished me good bye on my last day.
YAY for your last day at work, hope its going well, have you found out what is planned for you at work yet lol! It will be nice if they throw you a leaving party.

All your symptoms sound like good signs, i hope he makes an appearance for you soon after a little rest obviously lol! I keep getting lots of pressure low down but i guess baby is moving further down slowly now. I went for my blood test today to see if my iron levels are still low and should get the results by monday.

I got more sleep last night but today i have been out all day busy so have not had a chance to get anything done around the house so bring on tomorrow morning lol!!

Going to start revision and working on my next essay after the weekend as well, its due on my due date and then the next one is due 9th may so i really need to crack on.

OH is off out tomorrow night so last night surprised me with the new breaking dawn dvd to keep me company lol, so that is my plan for friday night lol.

Do you have any plans for the weekend? Hope you and DH get to spend some time together whilst you are on maternity leave before little Kieran comes x
Yes, they threw me a little party! They had decorated the lunch room with a blue table cloth and balloons, there was a huge cake and some pressies. They all pitched in and gave me a $200 gift card to Walmart, which will come in handy, even if we just use it here and there for things like diapers! Sooo sweet!

Glad you got more sleep last night. What a nice thing for your DH to do, buying you that DVD. I have the other 3 DVDs but not the newest, I might get it soon since i've only seen it twice. Good luck working on your next essays, I have to say, I don't envy you (I hate essay writing lol).

Plans for the weekend - other than my grandma coming up on sunday for a quick visit, no plans. UGH my grandma... i'm sure i've complained about her before... but she is such a jealous person. I saw her a few weeks ago at my baby shower and at that point the nursery wasn't quite finished... so no one had seen it yet. Well, my MIL came to visit me last weekend (she was in town to see my SIL but stopped in for a few hours to say hi). Anyway, my grandma found out that my MIL has seen the nursery and was pissed because she hasn't seen it yet and felt left out! OMG what a baby! - anyway, to calm her down my mom suggested that she comes up for the day and can go see the nursery. (BTW - my grandma is my mom's ex-mother-in-law!).

Sorry for rambling but can you tell how we put up with this woman! Did I metion that my grandma's two kids (my dad and aunt) have nothing to do with her? Well I think her problem is that she is holding onto those who still see her so hard that she actually pushes people away. We put up with her and act all pleasant but she really gets on our nerves most of the time.

Well I should stop, I'm sure my blood pressure is rising just thinking of her haha. So other than her coming sunday and having to clean my house i'm not doing anything this weekend. What plans have you got?
So nice of them to throw you a party and get you gifts, i bet that was a lovely surprise! Must have made your last day feel very special.

I have the other 3 dvds to, i don't think OH wants me to get bored lol, he knows i will go to bed early anyway. You should definately get the dvd if you want it, i am really looking forward to watching the next part of the story lol. I really can't wait to get my essays out the way, i never thought it would be so hard to concentrate on them during pregnancy.

You have mentioned about your grandma before, its strange how a grown woman can be so jealous. I can see why your family get quite sick of all the pettiness, she sounds like a very hard woman to deal with. Good luck on sunday, chill out and try not to let her bother you x
Thanks for listening to my rant... felt good to get it out lol... she has been in my head all day bugging me.

I wasn't going to buy the newest DVD but think I might now. I've been trying to save money on things like that but we had some fortunate news yesterday, so I might splurge lol. We did our taxes yesterday (not sure how it works in England) but here if you only make a certain amount then they give you a small refund for what you paid during the year on your taxes. Anyways, DH and I are getting quite a good sum back, which is perfect timing! The money will help us with the morgage for April, which we knew would be a little tight before my maternity leave money comes in... now we have no worries, phew.

Well I hope your evening is going well. I am in a great mood right now because A) I'M DONE WORK and B) my favourite tv show is on tonight! lol. Talk to you soon.
We all have a little rant now and again lol!

It sounds pretty similar to over here, we have to do a tax return every April and can end up being owed money or owing money. No wonder you are in a good mood lol, least you have no worries about money at the moment, worrying about money is one of the worst things ever. Hope you get to treat yourselves a little!

Its mothers day on sunday so hopefully i will get to relax then!! Its been a long week and i could do with a rest, have decided i am going to crack on with my next essay monday, so will be great to relax sunday. My daughter is at a birthday party saturday, so we are going to get the rest of the things we need for baby then when we will only have one of our children with us, will be so mush easier lol!

Hope you had a good night :) x
I guess your tax return is like ours then, ours has to be done by the end of April too. DH and I only wanted to do it now because in a few weeks time there will be one more of us and I didn't think it would be easy to do with a crying baby around lol.

Happy Mother's Day to you, if I don't end up talking to you before then. Our Mother's Day is in May over here. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend, good idea to leave your school work until next week.

I feel very proud of myself today. I've actually got off the couch and did some cleaning. I usually do a little bit on the weekend (whats needed only really). But today I've spent about an hour and a half cleaning upstairs... and still intend to the the bathrooms still. I'd like to do a really good job downstairs too but will leave that until tomorrow. Perhaps I'm nesting lol.

Also, last night I thought that labour might have been starting. I had what I think was contractions for about 2 hours but then they stopped. They felt like stronger BH then what I've been having and it would last about 30 seconds. I think I had them about every 10-20 minutes. So not too sure if they were just strong BH or actual contractions but I was hopeful for a bit.

Any new symptoms for you?
Thats a good idea to get it done before baby arrives so you don't forget.

Thank you, my girls bought me cards etc back from school yesterday but they have hid them so i have to wait until sunday lol. Today i am busy but tomorrow i am hoping for a lay-in in the morning!

Sounds like you may be nesting! I normally do mine in the day but i have to keep sitting down from time to time now so it takes forever lol. I hope my girls don't make to much mess once baby is here! Good luck finishing your cleaning tomorrow.

Wow, maybe you were having contractions, that happened with my first and i went to hospital and after a few hours they stopped, they will help you dilate though, so maybe now you could be a little dilated!

I have no new symptoms, just taking each day as it comes now, hope you are feeling ok? and have a good weekend x
I'm feeling reduced fetal movements since last night. I've hardly felt him move since yesterday afternoon. I was pretty busy yesterday with cleaning and then at my SIL's so by the evening I think I just assumed it was because I was busy and not paying attention. But this morning is the same, i've only been sitting around and haven't felt anything. I'm also a bit swollen in my hands.

How long would you wait to go get checked out? I might leave it a few hours and if nothing then I'll go in... don't want to seem silly but I also want to make sure everything is fine. Going to go hop in the shower so I'm ready to go if I need to.

I think I had one contraction this morning, it was strong and I felt pains down low when it happened. So not sure what is going on, maybe this is early labour??
At my last appointment my midwife told me that i should be feeling 10 movements a day and if i don't to contact her or the hospital to get checked. I think you should contact your hospital just to be on the safe side, also when labour happens the movements reduce alot so it may be the start of labour for you!! Contact your hospital and explain what you have been feeling, good luck i hope everything is ok x
Still no movement this morning. Also, I think I might be starting to loose my plug. Discharge is browish in colour and there looks like there is some bits in it (Sorry TMI). My doctor said we didn't need to call but to just come in if there is something that we are concerned about. DH is at work but he knows whats going on... so I'm just going to sit quietly this morning and see if I feel him move, if nothing then when DH gets home (around 2pm) we'll go over to the hospital and get checked.
Hey Joanna, how are things? Did you go to see your doctor or the hospital? I hope everything is ok x
Happy Mother's Day.

So I took some advice yesterday and drank a pepsi, which seemed to work and got the baby moving. He was still a bit quiet but by the afternoon he was moving like usual, so I didn't go into the hospital. Had cramps for most of the day but no cramps today. I can feel pressure and every once in awhile I get what feels like a little quick pain in my cervix (like someone stretching an elastic band really quick)... so not sure if that's just maybe some stretching going on.

Anyways, I still think I lost a bit of my plug yesterday and since then my mucus has been virtually none-existent, so not too sure what that means.

How are things going with you? Hope you enjoy a nice relaxing mother's day.
Thank you!

Glad Kieran started moving like normal again, it does get a little worrying when movement stops. You are probably having contractions!! with my 2 girls i lost my mucus plug a week before they were born and got contractions on and off for the whole week.

I was so tired yesterday that i did a little cleaning and had to keep lying down, OH cooked us a roast dinner and this week i think i am going to start packing my hospital bag. I am feeling a lot of pressure low down so think baby might have dropped some more.

Hope you had a good weekend and your feeling much better now Kieran is on the move again x
Got my blood results back and my iron levels are now normal! so the major tiredness i have been feeling is just down to being very heavily pregnant now lol. I'm trying to carry on doing a little each day but i feel so exhausted now and need to rest all the time.

How are you feeling? x

Sorry I haven't been on, been a little busy in hospital lol. Kieran was born on Monday, March 19th at 6:27am after a very fast labour. My water broke at 12am on Monday and he was here 6 and a half hours later!

We got home this afternoon and are feeling a little tired but otherwise doing well so far.

Here are some pictures for you to see, he is such a little cutie and we are soooo happy he is here!

How are things going for you?


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Owe WOW!!

I was beginning to think you had gone into labour lol, Kieran waited until maternity leave for you then lol. He is adorable you must be so pleased. You were right about him being a little early!

How was your labour and how much did little Kieran weigh?

Things are ok over here, i am really tired but coping! Baby is moving lots and is definately staying put for now lol x
Hey, Sorry been a little busy to answer your questions lol.

Kieran weighed 6lbs 6oz, not too sure what he is now but he's got a check up on monday so we will see. Breast feeding isn't too easy but we are slowly getting the hang of it.

It's been busy around here. We've got family coming over today and tomorrow, so I am looking forward to next week when we can relax a bit. Feeling tired but managing so far.

Anyway how are you? Sounds like your baby is doing well, can't wait to see pictures of him when he arrives.
I understand you must be busy lol, having a newborn is quite tiring.

He is such a cutie, makes me want my baby even more now lol! Glad he is doing well and is healthy. Your family must be really excited now Kieran is finally here. Hope you manage to get a bit of time to relax and nap etc because you need plenty of energy.

Not much to report at the mo, baby is moving lots, he has definately dropped lower but i have a midwife appointment on tuesday so will see if she has anything new to tell me. The girls are really anxious for his arrival now though x

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