26 TTC #1 9DPO - Need a buddy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Hi all! I am 26 years old, and TTC #1. We are on our 3rd cycle. I'd love to find a buddy to chat with/vent with through this process!
Hi all! I am 26 years old, and TTC #1. We are on our 3rd cycle. I'd love to find a buddy to chat with/vent with through this process!

I'll be your buddy :flower: I love having someone to talk to through the chaos of each cycle :wacko: I'm 27 DH, DH is 36 and we are TTC #1 and I'm on CD 5 - this is our first cycle officially TTC (we were POM before)
What CD are you on?

Yay! I'm so glad I have someone to commiserate with through this process! All my friends are absolutely NOT even remotely interested in babies or anything to do with making them!

I feel so silly, I meant to write CD 9 on my topic and I wrote dpo instead... I can't wait until I can blame things like that on baby brain!

I'm 26, DH is 28. This is our 3rd cycle, but I was on bcp for 8 years before so I'm thinking it's gonna be a while before we get anywhere...

I O in approx. 6 days so here's hoping something decides to happen this cycle!
YAY :) I think sometimes women can ovulate right away after coming off bcp, you're a few days ahead of me cant wait to see what this month brings us :happydance:
Positive thinking :dust::dust:
PS: does your username have anything to do with the afters? if so I LOVE that song!
If not, then oh well lol
My username is actually something DH told me on our first date, I did check out that song out of curiosity however, and I really like it!

I bought some ovulation tests online and last month they came up with nice double lines so I think I'm back on ovulation. I somehow convinced myself we'd get pregnant as soon as we started trying, but that went up in flames! I'm hoping this month brings BFPs for both of us!
If you don't mind me asking, what does POM stand for? I'm new to all these acronyms...
If you don't mind me asking, what does POM stand for? I'm new to all these acronyms...

Are you guys :sex: 'ing it up? :happydance:
POM stands for pull out method (so glad thats over with)

DH is starting to get more warmed up to the whole thing I think, he's making jokes about pregnancy cravings hah, this morning I have been battling a little bit of anxiety over the whole thing. What if we don't catch the egg this month, and what if we do? :dohh: I want it so bad and have for the past several years, and at the same time its such a huge thing.

I have a tendency to worry and I'm just scared really is all.
We are doing the "every other day" bd method at the moment, it's supposed to make sure there is always healthy sperm to work with, so poor DH is suffering... A side effect of coming off bcp is my libido going haywire so I've told him that on our "off days" he must resist me at all costs, ha!

I think DH is more excited for a baby than I am, it's really sweet. He talks about what we'll do with our baby, he already has names picked out. And I am SO ready for a baby, I just can't wait to be pregnant!

I worry all the time too. Every time AF shows I worry that something is wrong or maybe we won't be able to have babies, my imagination tends to go wild and I am a huge worrier! I know what you mean about wanting it so bad but it being such a huge thing, I can't help thinking about how much everything will change when a baby comes along! It will all be worth it though, not being able to go to the movies is easy to give up once we have a little one to take care of!

Are you using any kind if opk or just going on symptoms this month?
We are doing the "every other day" bd method at the moment, it's supposed to make sure there is always healthy sperm to work with, so poor DH is suffering... A side effect of coming off bcp is my libido going haywire so I've told him that on our "off days" he must resist me at all costs, ha!

I think DH is more excited for a baby than I am, it's really sweet. He talks about what we'll do with our baby, he already has names picked out. And I am SO ready for a baby, I just can't wait to be pregnant!

I worry all the time too. Every time AF shows I worry that something is wrong or maybe we won't be able to have babies, my imagination tends to go wild and I am a huge worrier! I know what you mean about wanting it so bad but it being such a huge thing, I can't help thinking about how much everything will change when a baby comes along! It will all be worth it though, not being able to go to the movies is easy to give up once we have a little one to take care of!

Are you using any kind if opk or just going on symptoms this month?
Awwww that is so cute!!!! He sounds like he is good and ready :) what do you guys do for work? Hopefully your schedules work out for baby dancing hehe. I work as a nurse so I have 12 hr shifts but it's not so bad at least dh I home by the time I'm off so it works out good . I am using opk's and will be using pressed as well :). Excited again!!!!

DH is an air traffic controller at the airport near us and I am a bartender, so it works out pretty well for us too. I'm just hoping this month is the month, I keep thinking how awesome it would be to tell my MiL in a "Merry Christmas Grandma" card, with a little sonogram picture in there :)

How long have you guys been married? We got married in July, together for 2 years before that. People think we are a bit crazy trying for a baby so soon, but we feel ready and we both really want a baby so bad. I just can't wait to see DH holding our baby!
I am so dizzy today, I can barely stand without feeling like I'm going to fall over! I've never been dizzy before, this is new. I'm right on track to have ovulated 2 days ago so hopefully this is a symptom of a BFP!
I am so dizzy today, I can barely stand without feeling like I'm going to fall over! I've never been dizzy before, this is new. I'm right on track to have ovulated 2 days ago so hopefully this is a symptom of a BFP!

OMG OMG OMG OMG I think your eggo is PREGO!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::dance::yipee:

I was pregnant once before I guess about two years ago now and my very first symptom and it was at 1dpo was dizzy spells so HURRRRRAY!!!!!

I cant wait till you test! I'm just a bit over excited for you lol

We got married in June this year, it was a fantastic wedding and didnt over stretch our pocket book which was good. Still recovering from some credit debt from it but oh well.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but they are sky rocketing! :happydance: I have never been dizzy before, ever! Today I have a bit of a sore throat and I'm sniffling, but something is going around, so its likely just that.

I want to test right now, but I know it won't show anything this soon. I just want this so freaking bad! DH says he wants to tape me talking about how much I want a baby so he can play it for me when I'm in labour and I'll remember how badly I wanted it... What can I say, he likes to live dangerously :shrug:

We went the same route with our wedding, it was very small, only about 60 people including us and the wedding party. It was nice to not spend a fortune on the wedding! My sister is getting married in February and has 300 people coming, I think she is insane! We still have a little credit debt too, but for the most part we tried to pay for things throughout the whole year and a half we were planning. It was a great day though, I couldn't have asked for it to be any more perfect :)

How many days until/past ovulation are you now? Any symptoms?
My emotions are insane! I cried today listening to a song I've heard a million times before, and my temper is so short, I yelled at DH last night for being mean to people on the show I was watching when all he was doing was joking... I've never been this short with him, I don't feel like myself right now! How are you feeling?
My emotions are insane! I cried today listening to a song I've heard a million times before, and my temper is so short, I yelled at DH last night for being mean to people on the show I was watching when all he was doing was joking... I've never been this short with him, I don't feel like myself right now! How are you feeling?

Sorry havent written Ive been working a set of 12's so when I get home it's basicly :sex: then I'm out like a light. :haha:

Its hard when you know you're being irrational but it sort of feels like a freight train, I remember crying over the smallest things, even a Mcdonalds commercial at one point. . oh and this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZfPsLi8Pfk
(that one got me going BIG TIME LOL)
Youre just in a slurry of hormones so theres nothing to do but just ride it out I guess :hugs: if you want to vent and dont want to take it out on your DH I am all ears :)
I haven't O'd yet but I am getting close (either this weekend or the latest Monday or Tuesday) We've been bd'ing everyday and Im starting to get tuckered out and so is DH lol.
How many DPO are you now?
I dont have many symptoms to speak of other than I get this strange sensation in my abdomen that I think is from the semen as they expel into your abdominal cavity at the end of your fallopian tube if there isnt an egg. I've read they can cause mild cramping so I guess that is why.
I'm getting stressed here and there as this is a hard month for me still, and especially December, I am so scared of the word miscarriage, i just never want to go through it ever again but on the flip side I can't wait to feel my belly and know that there is a life in there all bundled up and safe :thumbup:

I remember a girlfriend a work told me that when her dog had eight puppies the dog knew instinctively what to do and didn't need to try at all, the puppies were healthy and full term because they were meant to be. And same thing for us, when life is meant to be theres nothing you can do to stop it, which helps me put everything into perspective.

I have a feeling I am going to O out of my right side cause ever since AF stopped Ive been having small little pain on that side here and there and again this morning (my OPKS havent turned positive yet though)


Still cant wait till you test!!! Are you monitoring your temps?
OK scratch that - I think my OPK is positive today!? As its drying its looking more and more dark, one half of it is still juuuust barely slightly faded but for the most part its just as dark as the control :thumbup:
Guess what we're doing tonight?! :haha:

Sorry I haven't replied in a few days, I've been working, weekends are busy for me... I've been catching up on sleep! :sleep:

That's great you're O'ing early! That means less time to wait to TEST! Keep doing the BD! :happydance:

I don't monitor my temps, but if this month doesn't catch, I'll be starting next month. All I use atm are OPKs.

I am terrified of a miscarriage too, I get so scared thinking about everything that could go wrong, but then I remember everything happens for a reason and I'm trusting the big guy upstairs to take care of us :) I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you :( My parents' dogs just had puppies (I'm taking care of them right now, having 2 6 week old puppies is a handful, but they are beyond adorable!) and its crazy to see how the mom just knows exactly what to do, throughout her whole pregnancy and now, with her babies. I loved what you said about when life is meant to be, nothing can stop it. I'm going to keep telling myself that.

My symptoms for the past few days are: Less dizziness, I get it now and again, but not half as bad as it was; last night and today I've been feeling a few "twinges" (for lack of a better word!) in my uterus area. I've never felt that before, but I did the implantation calculator and the absolute soonest I would implant is the 10th, so unless I O'd earlier than I thought, I'm not sure what it could be... I've been really irritable, last night I snapped at DH for not putting the laundry in the drier after it was done b/c we had to wash it again, something I'd normally not really mind. Also I've been very sleepy, with insane vivid dreams. Vivid dreams aren't weird for me, I usually have them, but lately they've been really crazy. I try not to symptom spot too bad, but everytime I feel ANYTHING I'm all "Oooooh! Maybe its a baby!", which I really should do, but I just can't help it!

I'm 6dpo right now, IF I O'd on the 3rd like I think I did, anyway. I thought I'd O on the 5th or 6th like last month, so I didn't bother taking an OPK until it was the 4th and it had a REALLY faint line, and then on the 5th there was nothing :shrug: I keep thinking I'm WAY past 6dpo, the days are going too slow! I have to be at least 10dpo to test with the tests I have, but I'm going to try (emphasis on try haha) not to test until after AF is late, but I always cave. I love taking OPK tests, because I just love getting to see those 2 lines, even though I know it's not the test I want to see them on.

Well, I think I've written a mini novel now :blush: I'm a prayer, so I'm going to keep you in my prayers and hope this is the month for both of us!:flower:
Good morning ! :flower:
How are you doing? You should be getting close to test time I think?:thumbup::happydance:
I'm 4dpo and though I haven't had dizzy spells, which bummed me out, I have had sore breasts since I ovulated, and I've never had that before in a cycle. Also have a constant dull, weird sensation in my uterine area, I guess twinges, or else like a weird "wiggly" sensation. Thats about it though. :shrug:
Everyone at work thinks I should test now, they were all arguing over how far along I am which is hilarious, I kept telling them that if I was it hasnt even implanted yet, they're not as schooled on this as we are, lol
Also a lady with alzheimers said I was pregnant, so thats also a symptom in my TWW? :dohh::haha:

How are your symptoms?

I am testing in 5 days! I'm trying to wait until AF is late so I'm not disappointed before I have to be. I could test today, but I think I want to live in dreamland for a few more days...

I've been ridiculously tired the last few days, yesterday I went for a 1.5 hour nap at 3pm even though DH let me sleep in until 11am! Then by 11pm I was out like a light again! I felt like it was 3am all day yesterday. Today I had an early morning so I'm not sure if I'm tired because of that or if it's something more...? I also have AF like cramps today, so I'm not sure if AF is just early or if it's implantation? This waiting is driving me crazy!

A lady with Alzheimer's could be a symptom! I used to work with people with disabilities and one of my coworkers was told by one of our autistic clients she was pregnant and lo and behold, she was! She found out the following week!

My dogs keep coming and sleeping with their heads on my tummy, I've read dogs know when their owners are pregnant so it gets my hopes up so much! My puppy is usually a terror and lately he is so cuddly and just wants to lay his head on me and sniffy my tummy!

Also today I've been feeling brief waves of light nausea since I woke up.

I HATE to say this because I'll feel so stupid when it turns out I'm not pregnant, but I feel like I am pregnant. I've been feeling especially protective of my belly lately...

I wouldn't worry about not feeling dizzy, my mum told me she got different symptoms with every pregnancy, so it could be a good sign! The twinges sound like symptoms! This past week I've had the same kind of thing, just today it's gone to full on cramps :) / :(

I wish there wasn't a 2WW! I feel like I go crazy 2 weeks out of the month! I am glad I've learned about ovulation and IB and all that (I didn't even know women ovulated before we started trying- thank you sex ed!) but some days I wish I was just ignorant about it all still because every single thing that happens I immediately think is a symptom!

I feel like I'm losing my mind! But then, it could be the lack of sleep today!

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