26 TTC #1 9DPO - Need a buddy!

That is so sweet that your dh wanted to pray :flower:
I believe prayer is such a powerful thing, I've been praying as well I feel like this is such a strong desire in my life, and He did say "delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart". He wouldn't have placed that desire in your heart if he never intended in giving it to you, that's how I see it. Last night I dreamt again about a little girl, every dream I've ever had over the years of bein a mom the baby was always a little girl. And even a friend of mine said she had dreamt that me and dh had a little girl. Let's hope it's true!!
I'm 99% sure I've got actual cramps today, not just figments of my imagination! It feels like a dull ache most of the time and then gets stronger into actual painful cramps every once in a while. Please please please be implantation and not AF arriving early!

I loved what you said about how God wouldn't put this desire in our hearts unless he was planning on giving it to us. It makes total sense. One of my friends tried for 3 years, ended up having to do hormone therapy and they decided it was their last shot before they went the adoption route. They ended up with the most adorable little twins that completely took them by surprise because when they went in, the dr said was that the eggs had gone from the fallopian tube, and didn't bother looking in her uterus. She tested at 7 weeks (because she was told there was no way anything had happened) and TWO of her eggs had met their spermy soulmates! So it can happen, even when all hope is lost.

I've been having really really vivid dreams the last week. Last night I had a nightmare so real I was afraid to come back to my dark house after dropping DH off at work! The night before I dreamed I was walking through a house and in every room there were 2 cribs. It was so real. I usually have very vivid dreams but lately they've been insane. I've also got a bit of acne showing up on my face. I've never really got breakouts before AF, (I got a few on my chin, which I think are from going off BC) but now I have one on my forehead and one between my lips and my nose. VERY odd and way too early for AF acne. I'm not due for another 4 days. Ahhhh maybe this is all just wishful thinking.

I'm going to go buy that thermometer today. If nothing else maybe getting it will make it so I don't need it, like when you go to buy more OPKs and end up pregnant? A dip in your temp is a REALLY good sign! FX'd for you to get your BFP! :flower:
Good morning ! That is so exciting your cramping woohoo!!! Lol. Funny to be so amped about cramps hahaha. My body is in autopilot today. I fell asleep yesterday at 2pm and woke up at 4:30, as a result this morning I was wide awake at 4am and hit a wall by 8. I'm bagged!!! My temp shot back up again so if that dip was implantation I should be able to test Sunday, but if I were as strong as you I would be able to wait till next Thursday. How are your symptoms today? I don't have anything spectacular happening except major fatigue
Last night around 1030 I got this really crazy lower back pain and cramps like AF. I was so sure she was here early, I kept waking up to check... Today I put a pad in just in case and nothing yet. When I woke up the back pain had got considerably better and today I'm back to that dull ache. I THINK AF will come on Saturday since my cycle is only 27 days and I lose a day each cycle.

I completely lost my willpower today and tested. BFN. Of course. Not even a hint of a line. I think I'm around 10-11 dpo (I'm not sure exactly when I ovulated) so maybe I just tested too early. Plus I use the test strips, not actual good tests and as soon as I finished doing the test I read I was supposed to put in in the pee for 10 seconds, and I only did 5... Wow I really am grasping at straws here. The cramps have NEVER happened before though. I usually start cramping a few hours before AF and there's absolutely no sign of her. Just alot of dampness below decks.

I am officially going crazy.

I feel like if there was a Symptom Spotters Anonymous, I'd be the president. "Hi, I'm addicted to symptom spotting and convincing myself month after month that I might be pregnant... and I can't stop"...
I tested again! It's like once I start I can't stop. BFN.:growlmad: I think I'm either 11 or 12 dpo. I'm pretty sure I O'd on the 2nd so that would put me at 11dpo today, but I'm pretty sure the witch is on her way. There wasn't even a hint of a line, no matter where I held it to the light, which is kind of weird because usually I can see the indent but on this one there wasn't even an indent. Huh.

My cramps left completely yesterday so the only symptom really I have is sore bbs. I've got a feeling I'm out this month.

If I was still in, I'd expect to see some kind of line by now.:cry:

How are you feeling?
I'm out.

2 days early and the damn witch got me!
Just went to the bathroom and had pink on the tp when I wiped. I was so hopeful after those cramps. I've never had cramps that started so early and then stopped before AF arrived. So weird.

I'm just devastated. I was so sure this was the month!:cry:
Nooooooo stupid witch !!!! You know I have a good feeling I'll be in the same boat (more like bad feeling I guess). I'm not bloated at all, no cramps , no fatigue today, no real symptoms so I'm in a bummed out mood/ feel kinda sad. Ppl at work are picking up on it and I really don't feel like explaining I just feel like I'm gonna snap on some poor victim lol, I'm really trying not to! I have two more day shifts after this then I'm off for a week. What does that put your cycle length at now? You might have another ov before the end of :thumbup:the month:hugs:
It puts me at 26. I used to be at 28, then last 2 months were 27 and now 26.

I'm stuck at work and got AF. I feel like crying and cursing someone out, I'm just so angry. I found out of DH's coworker's girlfriend of 4 months "accidentally" got pregnant too. Today is a bad day.

No cramps can be a good thing! Do you get cramps before AF?

I am not cramping at all right now, so weird. Plus I've only got a few spots of blood in my pad. Sometimes when I wipe it's red and sometimes there's nothing. Usually by this point I'm practically Niagara Falls and dying of cramps. I ALWAYS cramp before AF arrives. This is very weird indeed. The only AF symptom I have is a sore back, but I'm pretty sure that's because I've been standing in bad shoes for 6 hours.

I feel like I should just surrender but I can't shake the feeling that this isn't supposed to happen? Gah.
Maybe it's wishful thinking, but my period has all but stopped!! I had a tiny bit of red blood in my pad and now when I wipe it's pink. I've only ever had bright red from AF. Put that together with it being early and without cramps, and I'm starting to think it could be implantation bleeding? I feel like that crazy person who can't let go, but I can't shake the feeling it's not over just yet.

Praying so hard over here!
Praying it is implantation !!!!!!! Tell that af to stay the heck away--- from both of us!!!!!! [-o<[-o<
I am praying so hard she stays away from both of us!

I just went through and counted my cycle lengths again and got: 28,30,28,28. If AF is indeed here that makes this cycle 26. So she would be 2 days early as I'm only 11dpo!

I keep checking and I have a few spots on my pad and when I wipe now it's bright red. But no cramps and very very little blood. Maybe I'm just deluding myself, but I keep finding stories online about people getting the same thing, thinking it's AF and then getting their BFP. Also, DH mentioned to me that this exact time last December I also had a pretty light period, but not quite this light. We actually tested then because we were scared we were pregnant! Oh how times have changed!

How are you doing? Still no symptoms?
Took an ic test and got a shadow of a line - it's so hard to pick it up on my camera . I hope it's the start of something. Will do another one tomorrow morning. My lower left side is aching this morning so not sure what's happening but time will tell :wacko:


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As it dries it's looking more clear I tried to get a better pic


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I'm counting it as positive cause the line is clearly there!!!!!!:happydance: I can't wait to do a frer tomorrow morning
:happydance:I see the line!:happydance:

Test on a FR right away!

SO excited for you!!! FX you get your official BFP!

I am admitting defeat. Woke up this morning to a pad (tmi alert!) full of pink blood and what looked like (if I didn't know better) I had peed? So weird. And gross, I know, I'm sorry, but hopefully as a nurse you're used to tmi? :blush: It looked like ALOT of yellow watery CM mixed with pink blood. Weirdest thing I've ever experienced for a period, but I'm accepting it as such. I'm going to keep an eye out for any symptoms that might develop in the next few weeks, just incase it is very heavy implantation bleeding (doubtful, but in my insane google spree last night I did find several stories of it happening) but right now I'm going to accept that its over and try to be happy I actually get to have some champagne on New Years.:winkwink:

I'm so so so excited for you! I'm happy one of us got it! :hugs:
Did you take another test? I'm keeping everything I can crossed that you'll get a BFP!

I'm not sure what's going on with me. My "period" lasted 1 day. I had a bit of spotting on Friday, then the pink/cm overnight. On Saturday I had about a medium flow but by the evening it was gone. So strange. Usually I have her visiting for at least 3 steady days. And today I've been so tired and crabby, I feel like I'm getting PMS after AF. I started temping today, so hopefully this month I'll be able to confirm I ovulated!

Sending lots of baby dust your way!
I did get a frer BFP :) I am not excited though. I'm so scared. I can't stop thinking that my boobs don't hurt enough and maybe they're starting to not hurt at all?? I'm just scared. :(
Your flo to me sounds more like implantation??? And yeah I don't get tmi timid. Haha. Do you have any more preg tests?


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Omg YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! :happydance:

I'm so happy for you!!!

Don't overthink it, everyone's body reacts to pregnancy differently. My friend told me the other day that she had symptoms "out her wazoo" until she got the double lines and then she had nothing. 2 weeks later she got hit hard. So maybe just enjoy being pregnant before you get to the foot swelling, achy boob, pukey stage :)

I'm going to test tomorrow, I took my temp this morning and it was only at 36.16 so I'm not expecting much. I know twins run in our family though and read that implantation with multiples is more like a period. So who knows? Maybe I'll get a miracle BFP.

Congratulations again on your BFP, it's wonderful news and a great Christmas present!
how did it go? Your temp is low but it could be high for you depending on what your baseline is. Atleast your cycles are a good length, do you know what your luteal phase length usually is? Im praying that you get your bfp very soon, and also that this bean will be sticky for me. I went to the doctor today and he was very surprised that I was only 3w3days and already had a positive test, then I explained about the implantation dip in my temp and I think that was all lost on him. But in any case he said to just do everything as I normally would and to call the maternity clinic in a month to have my first appointment with them as he doesnt deliver babies.
I had a blood workup done and Im just waiting for my serum level results.
I still dont have any crazy symptoms, my bbs ache the most at night when I take my bra off, not too bad at all during the day, yesterday I was getting shooting pains down my lower back and into my bum :haha: and I feel achy down there, sort of crampy at times too. No spotting whatsoever and it better stay that way!
Im just going to really try to stay away from Dr.Google and try to take it easy.
:nope: No luck. BFN. I thought maybe I could be when I woke up because my nips were much bigger than normal, and veiny! But I think maybe its just normal hormones and I've never noticed before. I was so sad. I used an IC and there wasn't even a hint of a line. No indent, nothing. :shrug: I'd only be 14dpo if it was implantation, but surely by now I'd have had some kind of line.

I'm giving up this cycle and focusing on the next one. I must have just had a very light AF, so I should be glad I didn't get my normal killer cramps!

It's so exciting that you are officially pregnant! I agree, just stay off Google and try to enjoy it :) It's something you've wanted for so long, just sit back and relax and let your body do its thing. Women have been having healthy babies for thousands of years, long before we had the medical care (and Google!) that we do now. It knows exactly what to do, so just enjoy growing that precious life inside you :hugs: I'm so happy for you, I hope we can continue to stay in touch so I can keep up with you!

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