26 TTC #1 9DPO - Need a buddy!

Thats so funny the day you posted the last message I had literally just tried the baked kale chips for the first time! they were AMAZING!
We don't have a rexall around where I am, not close anyway, I ordered mine from makeababy.ca, it was on sale for 24.00 or something which isn't too bad, but once the shipping is factored in maybe its a bit pricey. I also order my opks/HPT's from there as well.
I'm on CD 6 today, usually the last day of AF (i.e: spotting etc).
I'll probably start doing my opks on CD10
I only have eight or nine though, and its tough cause for the last two years I've basicly always ovulated between CD 16-CD19, but last cycle I ovulated on CD 13 which is very strange, its happened once before though in March of 2012 and that month was a short cycle month as well, then the next month I went back to Cd17'ish.
I'll try to just pee on one per day and that should do it (hopefully)
I found that if I wait until 2:30 or 3pm then that seems to be when the LH is good and strong for results.

I am off now for two days (HURRAY!)
Work has been crazy and last night an old nurse who's close to retirement totally rained on my parade, even though she's a casual (and I'm fulltime) she's one of those nurses that likes to chew up and spit out new younger nurses. I almost back-handed her I tell ya! in any case I ended up not sleeping most of the night, which is typical when I'm stressed. :wacko:

I'm gonna try and relax today, and I saw this post on facebook: https://kojo-designs.com/2012/04/getting-organized-a-whole-months-worth-of-meals-via-crockpot-freezer-cooking/ and was thinking about trying it out, put on some Christmas tunes and chop food all day :haha:
Oh my God, kale chips are my addiction. I routinely buy my little grocery store out of kale!

I'm on CD 12 and still haven't got a positive OPK. Not even a hint of a line! It's frustrating because we are trying to do the "sperm meets egg" plan and my body is NOT cooperating!!
I don't know when to use our pre-seed because I usually ovulate by day 14... Colour me confused.

Check out early-pregnancy-tests.com (I think that's the name). They have everything you could need, including Preseed, and it's free shipping to Canada. I get my opks and preg tests from there. They're really reasonable.

I've always wanted to do one of those freezer meal cook ups! I just need to get everything and commit to doing it! How did yours turn out?

My parents are visiting for the night tomorrow, so hopefully I don't get a positive opk when I test in a few hours! Awkward! I hope it comes on Sunday, fingers crossed! I'm determined to have a Christmas BFP!
I'm on CD9 today, FF has be due to ovulate in a week but my GLO app says my fertile window starts this weekend so I dont know, I'm going to start doing my opk's today, I also wanted to do the SMEP but its hard holding out on that inbetween day! :haha:
I just start using preseed as soon as we start bd'ing after af is over, and then I use the applicators when I'm in the two-three day period before O.

Today we are off to a friends wedding, we got a light dusting of snow and I wish I could stay home and put up the treee!!!! :happydance:

Hopefully your inlaws are gone in time! I know that my OPKS last cycle were completely negative one day, then the next day all of a sudden BAM it was blazing positive.
Maybe there are some errands you need them to run for you guys in town :haha:
I found Glow to be really frustrating! It kept changing my fertile days and had my ovulation a week before AF was due, so I kept it for their tasks (I love them!) and got Ovia Fertility instead. I like it, it has a lot of options to use rather than just the few Glow has.

My positive OPK came last night while my parents were here :growlmad: We still DTD but we were so nervous the whole time! We felt like teenagers! :haha: We weren't sure if we should while they were here, but we didn't want to miss out on our chance this month, and we waited a long time until we were sure they were asleep. It's funny though, I never realized just how noisy our bed was until we were trying to be quiet! I'm sure it wasn't that bad since my mom didn't mention anything (and she would have if she'd heard/suspected anything) but to us it sounded like a hundred times amplified! Hopefully this is the month it takes, we used Preseed, so fingers crossed that plus the SMEP works. Although, I'm not sure I understand the day off thing... If you get a positive OPK, it means the big O is coming in 24=36 hours. So when you take that day off, it's already AFTER you've O'd or on the day you O... so why take the day off and then do it again? Any ideas?

On a side note about the Preseed, we've used it the last 2 nights and now I have a bladder infection... :shrug: I'm not sure if its because of the Preseed, but I'm not giving up on it yet. I'm determined to be one of those people who gets a BFP the first time we use it! It's so sexy to use too, I use the applicator and then have to lift my hips up so nothing comes out! DH laughs at me, I tell him I'm doing baby-making-yoga! :winkwink:

I want to put our tree up so bad!!! We are moving Jan. 10th so DH isn't sold on the idea of putting it up when we're going to be packing the whole time it's up... I love having a tree up! And it's my favourite place to take naps... When I was a kid my parents put my under the tree to sleep (I liked the lights!) and now I put my head under the tree and I'm out like a light!

When are you due to O? Must not be long now!
Atleast you guys did it on time ! hurray!! I know what you mean about the bed thing, sometimes I wonder if my neighbors can hear, which is crazy cause I know we're not loud or anything but still, its kinda romantic having to be quiet lol

Yeah the day off doesnt make sense, I read on another website that during the fertile window it says to babydance everyday, then they say a day after O just in case. Last cycle we babydanced every single day of my fertile window so I dont know :dohh:

I have been frustrated with glow as well, I msg'd them a couple of times about weird things, a few days before my period was due it told me that I was in my peak fertile period and I should babydance, so I msg'd them saying WTH? they said its because I kept saying "no" to "did you take an ovulation test?" apparently you're supposed to stop answering that question once you get a positive. I might try the ovia one, but I purchased a 90 day membership from fertility friend so may as well just use that up.

Strange about the preseed and the UTI, did you have to re-use an applicator? Did you do a pee test and they told you? I had a bladder infection during the summer, I remember the last one I had several years prior I had all the typical symptoms (burning, hard to start, frequency, etc) but this time all I had was abdominal pains in my mid section and a fever, I was quite surprised as I always wipe front to back yadda yadda yadda, in any case I only needed 7 days of antibiotics and it was gone. Make sure the antibiotic that your GP prescribes isnt a "sulfa" or a "cycline" I'm sure if he knows you're TTC he wont prescribe a bad one, but you just never know these days, hope you feel better soon :flower:

My opks are starting to turn darker, I figure I'm one-three days away from O
It's o time!!:happydance:


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:happydance: Yay! Baby dance your butts off!!! :happydance:

My UTI seems to be getting better, very rarely do I have to go to the doctor to get medication, usually just ridiculous amounts of yoghurt and cranberry juice get me back to normal. We still used the Pre-seed up until last night (I think I O'd on Monday, but just to be safe we kept using it). I also went and got some Softcups and tried that a few times, apparently it can help keep everything up near the cervix... and lets face it, I will literally try anything! I think I messed up my OPKs, I kept taking them, then got one that was kind of dark all of a sudden and then after that, nothing. I really hope we didn't miss O day, we were both so tired on Tuesday we didn't get to BD :( I read something kind of worrisome the other day about how long sperm live, apparently they CAN live up to 24-48 hours if there is enough healthy CM for them to swim around in. If there isn't they only live for 2 hours! Ah! Fingers crossed that Pre-seed worked and those little guys had a nice long pool party in there :haha:

I'm 99% sure I've finished ovulating so there's not much we can do now, but I feel like we didn't get it. I don't have that same hope I did the last few cycles. I'm going to try really hard not to symptom spot this time, I mean, obviously the big things I can't ignore, but last cycle I was so sure we got it because of the dizziness and my nausea and then nothing :cry: Maybe I'm wrong and I'll get a BFP as a nice little surprise at the end of the month.

I have my fingers crossed for both of us! :dust:
My temp shot up this morning and yesterday it dipped slightly so I o'd sometime yesterday, we didn't do EOD we did everyday for like the last six days :haha:
That didnt work for me last cycle, I tried to contain myself for EOD but I just feel like we have to cause what if I ovulate sooner? its mind boggling :wacko:

Do you track temps? If you o'd Monday then I'd say you're set! :thumbup: I know what you mean about having such perfect symptoms and then having af come and feeling ridiculous. I was reading in one of my nursing textbooks theres this thing called pseudocyesis and its basically a state of mind that tricks your body into having pregnancy symptoms. The mind is a very powerful thing, I have bouts of hypochondria/OCD, during one of my flareups a couple years back I had this pain in my throat that persisted for several weeks, at times it was severe, I was convinced it was throat cancer at the time :dohh: I had an xray done and the technicians said they saw something in the pictures, I was referred to an ear nose and throat specialist, up until that point the pain was very real, very painful. I sat down in her office and she examined down my throat and told me, "you have one of the healthiest throats I've ever seen in my practice", the minute, no, the second she said this, the pain was gone. The entire thing was created in my head, and tricked my body into feeling the pain. Sorry for the long story, it just goes to show that like you say, its pointless to track every symptom, just causes un-due stress/anxiety.

Having said that, it is sometimes SO FUN to get a new symptom and be like "omg omg omg omg!!!"
When it does happen you do get legit symptoms so why the heck not symptom spot every now and then right? And if we're both wrong this cycle then hey, we've got new years :flower:


You know how I said I have been "dry" for the last year and was taking evening primrose but didnt notice any difference in CM? On Tuesday night I had LOADS of it, so I take it back! Evening primrose really DOES work!! :thumbup:
On to the TWW! If I'm right, I'm 4 DPO today, and so far I haven't noticed ANY symptoms. The only thing I could possibly think of as a symptom is I've been having insanely vivid dreams the last couple of nights. Last night I dreamed I went to the doctor and as I was walking out she said "You should probably know you're having very small contractions." I asked her what she meant and she told me I was pregnant. :shrug: It was very very real, and when our doorbell rang and woke me up this morning I was ready to throw them off our porch for ruining my happy dream! :haha:

I don't temp, but I was in Shoppers DM the other day and saw a basal thermometer and told DH if we don't catch it this cycle, I'm going to start temping. It would be really nice to know for sure that I've ovulated rather than relying purely on opks.

I was talking to my MIL last night via text and she told me she has a surprise for us when we visit for Christmas, so I told her we have a surprise for her (we got her a photobook of our wedding) without thinking and she thought we were pregnant :nope: She is so excited for us to have a baby, if we do get it, I think she would be the first person I would tell, I love her like a second mom. I felt so bad though, because I feel like she's in this with us, she's so supportive and just can't wait to celebrate with us.

I was telling DH the other day that I used to daydream about winning the lottery or Channing Tatum (obviously before I met him! :winkwink: Haha!) and now all I do is daydream about peeing on a stick and seeing 2 lines. Its funny how much my goals and wants have changed over the years! Here's hoping there are 2 lines for both of us this cycle! :flower:

No worries about the long story, have you seen my posts? They're like mini novellas! Write away! :laugh2:
So, remember how I said I wasn't going to symptoms spot? I lied... :blush: I can't help it! It's like an addiction!

My bbs have been sore (nipples are painful to touch) since ovulation... Usually by 2-3 dpo they're back to normal but not this cycle. :shrug: Also, last night a customer yelled at me at work, and normally I'd just yell right back or brush it off but I just burst into tears and cried hysterically. That has never happened to me before!

I'm really trying hard to keep my hopes from spiraling out of control and keep the symptom spotting to a minimum, but like I said, I have a problem. I really feel like there should be a Symptom Spotters Anonymous... :haha:

How are you? Any symptoms to report?
Oh oh crying is a good sign!!!!!! Lol!! My girlfriend just found out she is prego and her first sign was crying all the time. I love symptom spotting lol
I'm 2dpo and I feel hung over with a bad headache all day. That's it! For now..... :). My temp is making me hopeful, the only time it jumped as far as it did was in 2011 when I was prego - every other cycle it normally just slowly creeps up after o. [-o<[-o<:dust:
The only symptoms I've really noticed are the crying (Evan Almighty was on cable this afternoon and at the part where all the animals go onto the ark, I started to cry... :shrug:) and the sore nips, they're bordering on painful when I wear a bra. Like I said before, usually right after O the soreness stops. My bbs feel very full and heavy and a little more veiny than usual... but then I could be imagining it. I asked DH if he thought they were bigger than usual and he said all he knows is they look great, so maybe they are? :haha:

1 week until AF is due, I'm really trying hard not to test before then. I'm praying so hard to let us get it this cycle. DH and I were talking last night about how maybe the reason we haven't conceived yet is because the big guy upstairs wants us to be sure this is what we want and not run into something we're not sure about. Now we KNOW we are ready. I just want it so badly, but then, I'm sure you know what that feels like! :hugs:

I should be implanting in the next 3-4 days if we did catch it, so fingers crossed!
That's funny you said that about Evan almighty. I was watching lord of the rings and started crying when they were on a battle march, I was a little taken back lol especially since I despise battle scenes in movies.
I don't know if it's in my head but I do have an "off" taste in my mouth, not metallic just off, and I'm salivating more than usual and my throat is growling now and then like I do when I'm about to get sick. I guess well see what tomorrow brings. Praying for us both :). I don't know how muh more ready we could be at this point :thumbup:
I've developed another symptom I've never had before... I have a pain between my left breast and my armpit. It's so sore! I can feel it without even touching it. Put that together with the nip soreness that I've never had this long before and my hopes are flying up there. :dohh:

I should be implanting in the next few days and so I'm on cramp alert. Every little twinge I get excited for... I even switched to light coloured undies incase I get the spotting. I think I may have actually lost my mind with this TTC... :blush:

DH and I went to Sears today to look for some gifts for the kidlets I take care of during the week for Christmas, and of course, we went to go look at cribs and strollers... and of course, we started picking out what we want for our baby. Then DH found some little baby suits and told me all he wants it a healthy baby but he hopes we have a boy first so he can dress him in little pinstripe suits all the time :hugs: It was really fun walking around and picking things out together, but I couldn't help feeling a little sad that we might not be able to actually go and get those things together for a long time. We both get so excited talking about what style crib we want and if we want a stroller with a carseat or without... on the other hand, it's so sweet seeing DH so excited for it. I just pray I can make him a daddy soon.

I'm praying so hard for both of us to get a BFP!
I'm starting to think I'm out :cry: My nips aren't really very sore anymore, but I have noticed they're kind of puffy (?). I still have the pain just near my armpit, so maybe not all hope is lost. I woke up at 6am today (Fell asleep at 1) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and made DH breakfast, but I was so tired! I ended up going back to sleep around 9 until 12 and I am still about to fall asleep while I'm writing this! :sleep: I keep hoping for some sort of cramping, but the only thing I have is a bit of pain when I suck in my lower belly (if that makes sense). I had a bit of cramping this morning for about 10 minutes, but I think it was probably gas (so sexy, I know). I still have a couple more days that the calculator says I could implant, but today is the most common. AF is due in 5 days, and I'm almost expecting her. The one thing that was giving me hope was the really sore nips and now they're pretty much back to normal. I usually get PMS symptoms by now though, I get really cranky and emotional and I haven't noticed anything this far. Ahhhh I feel like my body is playing tricks on me, like "hahaha let's make this fool think she might have a chance and then send in AF to kick her when she's down with super painful cramps! *insert evil laugh*".

How are you feeling? Any more symptoms? Hopefully you're doing better than me!
I have read that pain in armpits/ along sides of breasts means that you've definitely ovulated. The pain is different when there is a baby I remember it was painful but felt different so if you normally get pain in a certain spot and then suddenly now it's changed I think that's a great sign! :). When it was different for me it was pain all across the bony parts of my chest above my breasts up until that point I had never experienced that in a cycle before, and haven't since. I figured out that the odd taste was from blood in my nasal passages probably from dry air (we use gas heat). Last night I slept with the humidifier on and today it's normal again. I don't have any special symptoms, my breasts are full and sore per usual, I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee but also normal. The absolute only thing giving me hope is my temp pattern post ovulation which is different than all my other cycles. Other than that I honestly feel out. :(. Ps: I've been wearing light coloured panties too!!! LOL
PPS: don't feel bad about wanting to buy baby stuff! I say go ahead and start at 'her. I got a little carried away myself so far have the nursery ready except for new carpet and a crib, but I bought book shelf, sleepers for male and female ( I know I know), cute outfits, a baby swing, a playpen, plug covers, baby monitor, receiving blankets, ummm.... I don't know but yes I got way ahead of myself and I have to say I enjoyed every minute ! Most I bought used. Here's a pic if the breast feeding glider chair I bought second hand for 30$. (Mind the Christmas presents mess all over the floor)


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I've read if your temps are different it's a really good sign! :happydance: my fingers are so crossed for you! If we don't get a BFP this month I'm going to start temping next month. I really wish I was doing it already, I should've bought that thermometer when I saw it!

I have been forcing myself not to buy anything, the hardest was when we found some little sleepers with elephants on them, I adore elephants and I wanted to get them so bad! I'm planning a nursery themed around elephants and I can't help but find elephant things everywhere I look... Either it's a good sign or it's just a cruel coincidence. I try to avoid baby stores as much as I can because I know that soon all my holding out is gonna burst like a dam and I'm going to end up buying everything I can cram into my car! :haha:

DH and I decided to pray together tonight, Husband is new to his faith so whenever he wants to pray together it makes me really happy. He wanted to pray to ask God for a baby and I can honestly say I've never felt the longing for a baby as badly as I did at that moment, knowing he was wanting it so badly he wanted to pray about it. Hopefully the big guy upstairs heard us.

I don't know if it's in my head or they're actually there, but I swear every now and then I get a weird soft ache in my pelvis area. No spotting as of yet. Maybe it's just my brain manifesting symptoms like you told me about.

I've got my fingers crossed for both of us and I am praying we both get a BFP for Christmas! :flower:
Ps- I love your glider! $30 is a steal! I was looking the other day and they seemed so expensive, but I've been told they're a necessity. Are you doing a theme in your nursery?
I had a huge dip in my temp this morning!!!!!! I never get dips like this, I also had some cramping so I am back on the hopeful train. :thumbup:
I tracked my temp for a long time then stopped for almost a year and started back up at the end of my September cycle I believe, I don't think you necessarily need to be on cd 1 to start temping if anything it will give you a baseline for this time next cycle (but there won't be a next cycle :)
Oh man I hope we have gotten it

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