26 TTC #1 9DPO - Need a buddy!

I have heard so many stories of strange AF cycles being late implantation..hmm.
Well on the other hand its kind of fun starting a new one, I hate day 1 and 2 but by 3 I have fresh motivation.
And now you're temping, hurray!
I'm still scared out of my mind, last night I woke up with cramping but when I turned to my left side it went away, then I woke up again cramping because I had turned onto my back again in my sleep. BBs still only slightly ache and only if I prod at them, most of the time its nothing at all even when I am prodding :dohh:
Also I'm extremely gassy, I felt so bad for DH I almost considered going downstairs to sleep on the couch it was so bad. Silent but deadly...:haha:
I just want it to be three weeks from now and be over with all this early stuff.
I got my HCG level it was 67 yesterday, looking online at normal hcg progression its a bit higher for 3w3d but Im thinking thats a good sign :thumbup:
I cant believe how mild this is!
Some people get really easy pregnancies, there's no rule that it has to be a terrible ordeal :) Maybe you're one of the lucky few! I've heard that pregnancy symptoms don't really start to show until your 5th or 6th week too, so maybe you'll start getting more then? Until then just relax! Which I know is easier said than done, I am terrible at relaxing. Every cycle I tell myself I'll just relax on this one and then I don't...:blush:

I'm not sure what's going on with my AF, but on Friday I had spotting, then the pink blood/cm overnight, followed by brown/red medium flow on Saturday, which was gone by the evening. Nothing happened on Sunday, and then on Monday I started spotting the pink/brown blood again. Now it's gone completely. I checked my cervix on Sunday and it was high, hard and mostly closed, so I'm super confused. If it was implantation, DH and I agreed that I would take another test on Friday just to be sure, and then stop worrying about it. I went to the Dollar Tree, because I've heard their tests are pretty decent and until I got a positive on a cheapie, I don't want to waste our money on the expensive tests. As it is right now, I feel great, bbs are a bit sore, but other than that I've never felt better. The acne spots I had on my chin are even clearing up! I've had them for a few months, and they're almost all gone now, so I'm thankful for that :)

We're going to see our families for Christmas on Friday, and we'll be staying with DH's dad while I'm ovulating, so hopefully they put us in a downstairs room, far away from them! What is it with parents always being around while I'm ovulating? It's like we're cursed!!! You must be so excited for Christmas, you get to tell everyone you're pregnant! How did you tell your DH?

I was so mad at DH this morning, I set my alarm for 7am to take my temperature, and he was already up letting our puppy out. He saw I was awake and ripped the blanket back as a joke, and it was freezing in our room! (DH likes to sleep in igloo temperatures...). So when I tested the first time my temperature was oddly low at 35.85. I pulled the blanket back up and tested again immediately and got a 36.09 which seems a little more normal, but I'm not sure which one to chart! My temp has been going up 0.01 everyday, so 36.09 would make sense, but gah! I am so frustrated! I was doing so well!:growlmad:

Oh and the cramping is normal, at least from what I've read. It is usually just your egg burrowing deeper into your uterine lining :)
Did you test ? That's funny about being cursed lol. I would go with the higher temp, if I open my mouth to yawn or something and then temp it will be way lower . So I'll keep my mouth closed for a few minutes and it will be higher again. I'm still cramping on and off sometimes it's pretty intense. My bbs started to ache more but also on and off. My hips really ache now and I have a constant dull pressure feeling which I hope is normal. My temp is flat lining at 37 ...eventually I'll stop temping and peeing on sticks cause as you say it is quite expensive.
Sorry for the late reply, I've had a busy week traveling to see all our family, and barely had a spare moment! I hope you had a wonderful christmas! How are you feeling?

I did test, BFN. I'm temping this cycle and just got a positive opk so it's go time for us. Hoping this cycle we get it! My temp dropped this morning so I expected the positive opk as I've read temps usually drop right before O. Fingers crossed we get a Christmas baby!
How are you doing? You must be getting close to test time? Morning sickness kicked in at 5w6d, some days I dont have it at all except for the odd gag here and there, I've only had one day of actual vomitting, this morning I've been fighting it off its strange how somthing just snaps and all of a sudden I cant stand milk anymore.
I havent let myself become too attached yet, I'm incredibly moody (not at DH just at the rest of the world) and strangely enough I am even having aversions to certain places. Its all very unpleasant.
I dont think I can truly relax and start to bond until I have the first scan and see a heartbeat.
Just trying to have as much faith as I can until then. Ive already decided though that one baby is enough, DH doesnt want more than that anyways and there is no way I am going through this again.
I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time :( I've heard from other moms I know that the first trimester is the hardest - you feel like you're constantly hungover and you're scared to connect to something that might not happen. Its after that first trimester that they get to see the baby and really bond with it, and that's when they start to think they'd do it again. Up until that point though, it's "what the heck have I got myself into?!" :winkwink: I think the second you see that heartbeat and the little bean him/herself, you're going to fall in love! And then the next thing you know you'll be saying "well, maybe just one more"... :haha:

I'm due for AF today or tomorrow. As of last night my cervix is high, hard and closed very tightly (odd for me as its almost always "medium" open unless it's O day, and before AF it's always medium-open, low and soft); my bbs are sore and have blue veins in them; I have a runny nose (probably just caught the Man-Flu from DH); My face has yet to break out (I always break out before AF); and best of all - my temp still hasn't dropped :) It's my first month temping, but I was expecting it to drop at least the day of/before AF... :shrug: So, I'm clinging to hope. Plus last night, I dreamed I was at a work party and couldn't drink because I was pregnant. A few nights ago I dreamed I got a positive HPT too :) I'm really hoping this is it. And if it is, I'm praying it's a sticky baby!
I got my BFP!:happydance: I took 2 different tests this morning and they both had very pink lines! This is so surreal! DH is thrilled and we are both over the moon! Looking back, I knew the day after ovulation that I was pregnant, but I didn't want to jinx it, but now I feel safe saying "I knew it!!!" :cloud9: Now we are just praying it's a sticky baby!
I KNEW YOU WOULD BE SOOn!!!!!! Hurray!!!!!
When I read about the temp not dropping, I thought "hmm..." then your next post made it true!! HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!
How are you feeling?
I just came from my first appointment at the maternity clinic, the doctor couldnt finish the appointment though because she had to go deliver a baby, but the time she did spend she just calmed me down a bit, Ive been having very bad lower back pain, and lots of intermittent sharp pains everywhere, hips, thighs, cervix, rectum, buttocks, back, stomach, groin, uterus. Like I said, everywhere. She said thats all normal. But because Im not spotting and because my cycles were regular I wont get my first scan until 20 weeks :coffee:
Maybe thats a good thing though. I can still hear the heartbeat around 10-11 weeks with a doppler, and thats only a few weeks away. Hopefully everything continues to go swimmingly. Aside from the nausea and vomitting.
Basicly I do all of my eating and drinking in the afternoon/evening. Do you have morning sickness yet?
20 weeks?! Lord, I'm not sure I could wait that long! I'm glad to hear everything else is going well though! Aside from the nausea and vomiting! Although it is a good sign that you're getting morning sickness! It means there is most definitely a little baby there!

I started spotting this morning. Not alot of blood, definitely not enough to fill a pad, but it's the worst when I have too pee, I get little "dribbles" of blood coming out! I went to the doctor today and she sent me to get my blood levels tested. She really didn't seem at all concerned that I am bleeding. She said it's very normal, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've been getting some light cramping, but very similar to what I've been getting since I got my BFP. Feels more like pulling and stretching. I'm praying so hard that the little one stays in there for another 9 months! My doctor said if I was having a miscarriage (even this early) there would be alot more blood and alot more pain, so this is giving me hope! The bleeding seems to be going away little by little. There's hardly any there when I wipe now, so, hopefully it's just implantation and the little guy is burrowing in there nice and deep. There's also a chance I made it happen by (stupidly!) checking my cervix. Apparently the cervix gets really sensitive and the poking and prodding we do when we "check" it can cause bleeding. As long as my levels go in up in the next few days, I will be able to rest easy. My doctor's complete lack of concern really made me feel better and she said there is still plenty of hope.

I can't believe I'm typing this, but I actually WANT morning sickness to start! My bbs are still sore but not nearly as much as they were the day I got the positive test! I just want a zillion signs there is a baby in there, still growing!
I have heard that spotting early on is normal as well. Also I had pretty bad cramping around the time my period was due and for a week after as well. I still get mild cramping about once a week . Also my bbs stopped hurting after my BFP and started hurting again about ten days after but still only mild discomfort and usually only at night. Praying for both of our beans to be sticky and healthy ! :)

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