26 TTC #1 9DPO - Need a buddy!

I am posting on my phone and I never realize how much I've written until I press reply! I apologia for the mini book I wrote you!
haha no problem!! I post sometimes from my phone too and find the same thing, I just dont have the patience for the keyboard on there (iphone)

Fatigue is such a good sign!!! :thumbup: I know what you mean, TWW is absolutely horrible. Its just such torture
Thats so strange you are protective of your belly I guess I have been too? this guy at work scared me three times yesterday and the last time he said "did you know each time I've scared you you've covered your belly with your hands?" I was like "um, I did?"

I have heard that about dogs, they're amazing creatures, their sixth sense is magnified x10, so I would go with that :thumbup:
This is going to seem crazy but I just got a faint line on an IC this morning (its an ultra sensitive 10 miu test)
I hope its not an evap!! I'm off to town to stock up on FRERs!!!!!!!!
everything is crossed!!!!
That's awesome! I'm so happy for you and have my fingers and everything crossed for you!

Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!
I think I'm out :( I've been feeling super irritated and moody, that usually means pms and a visit from AF is coming soon. I'm trying to hold on to hope but I'm mentally preparing for AF, I'll be shopping for chocolate and wine in a few days :(
I feel the same way. I did a frer and there was nothing And I just keep feeling out even though it's still early
Ugh. I've been cramping on and off all day today. I read that implantation can happen as late as 13dpo but I can't help but feel like I'm totally out. My ladies are sore too, that's usually a sure fire way for me to know AF is coming for a visit. Also, I've broken out on my chin, which is odd because I've never bad acne before in my life! And worse, today I found a patch of black hairs on my jawline!!! I hope this is just a side effect of coming off the pill because ahhh! I'm definitely not feeling sexy today! :cry:
Ugh. I've been cramping on and off all day today. I read that implantation can happen as late as 13dpo but I can't help but feel like I'm totally out. My ladies are sore too, that's usually a sure fire way for me to know AF is coming for a visit. Also, I've broken out on my chin, which is odd because I've never bad acne before in my life! And worse, today I found a patch of black hairs on my jawline!!! I hope this is just a side effect of coming off the pill because ahhh! I'm definitely not feeling sexy today! :cry:

You are not out I am still totally stoked/rooting for your BFP!!! You've got some willpower holding out to test ! Hats off
My ladies started hurting since ovulation and according to one of my aps that's cause for concern??
I have the glow app and it says sore ladies for an extended period is cause for concern too, how sore are they though? Sorry if this is tmi but my nipples hurts right around ovulation and then again closer to my period. The rest of my breasts are tender the whole time...

Last night I started feeling sick, I went to bed at 9pm, (I had slept until 10am, got up for 45 minutes, then had to go back to sleep again until 1! I've been so tired this last week!) about 30 minutes later I threw up. As soon as I had, I felt a lot better. My stomach was on fire until I did. I have felt weak since then, and all I have an appetite for is oranges and lots of water. I had insane dry mouth all night too. I think it's too early for morning sickness, and it could just be a stomach bug, but what it's weird that I felt so much better after I threw up. I felt fine when I woke up this morning except for the weakness. I don't know, I think my body is having a great time playing tricks on me this month!

2 days until I test! It can't come soon enough, I just want to know one way or the other!!!

Have you taken another test yet?
So I broke down and tested... :blush:

I think is was a bfn but I could very clearly see a line there, even though it had no colour to it? When I held it up to the window I could see the line, which I've never been able to do with any of the same tests before, but when I shone my iphone light on it, I couldn't see it. :growlmad: I'm confused.

I've been getting AF like pain in my hips, when I woke up this morning I was certain AF was here, but she was not, so I decided to test. She's due tomorrow, so I would think at this point the line would be alot darker than say, absolutely no colour?

I'm out :(

The witch got me, and a day early! I feel so sad, I really thought this was the month. We would've been due on our anniversary.

I'm gonna go wallow in chocolate, wine and sushi.

I still have my fingers crossed for your BFP though!!!
I'm so sorry :( I have a feeling I'll be out too I tested this morning at 9dpo and it was bfn. I have no symptoms to make me think differently and my temp dropped this morning ...usually it starts to gradually drop until af comes. So we'll have to stick together for our Christmas :bfp::bfp:
I got some kind of line on a FRER this morning, but cautious cause apparently FRERs have been bad for dark indents lately:?:


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I can see a line!!! :happydance:

Can you take another test? My fingers are crossed for you!!! :dust:

My friend gave me a book about preparing to conceive, so DH and I read through some of it last night. We found out some interesting things! For example, using any kind of lubrication (including saliva!) can prevent sperm from getting through the cervix (although apparently oils are ok, things like coconut oil etc) and using anything other than water to wash our lady bits changes the PH balance there so it's harder to conceive. Also, the diet of the man has so much to do with conceiving! DH started on a men's multivitamin this morning and we are overhauling his diet. Unfortunately for him, no more cookies or kraft dinner, at least until we concieve! We are doing anything we can to make this finally happen!

I've decided December is the month! I only want one thing for Christmas this year, a:bfp:!
I can see a line!!! :happydance:

Can you take another test? My fingers are crossed for you!!! :dust:

My friend gave me a book about preparing to conceive, so DH and I read through some of it last night. We found out some interesting things! For example, using any kind of lubrication (including saliva!) can prevent sperm from getting through the cervix (although apparently oils are ok, things like coconut oil etc) and using anything other than water to wash our lady bits changes the PH balance there so it's harder to conceive. Also, the diet of the man has so much to do with conceiving! DH started on a men's multivitamin this morning and we are overhauling his diet. Unfortunately for him, no more cookies or kraft dinner, at least until we concieve! We are doing anything we can to make this finally happen!

I've decided December is the month! I only want one thing for Christmas this year, a:bfp:!

It was a no-go :cry: My temp plummetted yesterday and again this morning back down to my coverline and I started spotting yesterday so AF should be here by the end of the day. Thats interesting about the lub! My Cm over this past year has declined a lot so this past cycle during pre-O and O I was using "preseed" which is supposed to help the swimmers get to your tubes, but alas it did not work (so far) I still have six insertion sticks left (you're supposed to put the lub inside prior to intercourse).
I also heard that CoQ10 supplement helps sperm motility, we have pill containers with day of the week spots for pills and put in multivitamin for men and coq10 but so far he hasnt been taking them, he does take a multivitamin now and then but he's not very consistent, he also smokes pot every now and then if he has a headache or to help him sleep and though he doesnt do it very often, or very much of it (i.e he just takes a couple puffs from a pipe or whatever) I still think it may play a part in his swimmers motility as I have read it can slow them down.
I really thought we would get it right away but oh well.
I wanted to wrap up my eight week scan picture and give to my family during our Christmas dinner as a surprise but now I guess I can just take a picture of (hopefully) my Christmas :bfp: and wrap that up instead. .
I think deep down as much as I wanted a BFP this cycle, somewhere deep within I actually didnt want one this month cause thats when I conceived the one that was lost so it would be too similar, if that makes any sense?
I'm feeling good about December, they say each cycle any healthy couple has only a 30% chance of conceiving, so the way I see it, we now have a 60% chance in December cause thats month two :haha:
Onward and upward! :thumbup:
I can see a line!!! :happydance:

Can you take another test? My fingers are crossed for you!!! :dust:

My friend gave me a book about preparing to conceive, so DH and I read through some of it last night. We found out some interesting things! For example, using any kind of lubrication (including saliva!) can prevent sperm from getting through the cervix (although apparently oils are ok, things like coconut oil etc) and using anything other than water to wash our lady bits changes the PH balance there so it's harder to conceive. Also, the diet of the man has so much to do with conceiving! DH started on a men's multivitamin this morning and we are overhauling his diet. Unfortunately for him, no more cookies or kraft dinner, at least until we concieve! We are doing anything we can to make this finally happen!

I've decided December is the month! I only want one thing for Christmas this year, a:bfp:!

It was a no-go :cry: My temp plummetted yesterday and again this morning back down to my coverline and I started spotting yesterday so AF should be here by the end of the day. Thats interesting about the lub! My Cm over this past year has declined a lot so this past cycle during pre-O and O I was using "preseed" which is supposed to help the swimmers get to your tubes, but alas it did not work (so far) I still have six insertion sticks left (you're supposed to put the lub inside prior to intercourse).
I also heard that CoQ10 supplement helps sperm motility, we have pill containers with day of the week spots for pills and put in multivitamin for men and coq10 but so far he hasnt been taking them, he does take a multivitamin now and then but he's not very consistent, he also smokes pot every now and then if he has a headache or to help him sleep and though he doesnt do it very often, or very much of it (i.e he just takes a couple puffs from a pipe or whatever) I still think it may play a part in his swimmers motility as I have read it can slow them down.
I really thought we would get it right away but oh well.
I wanted to wrap up my eight week scan picture and give to my family during our Christmas dinner as a surprise but now I guess I can just take a picture of (hopefully) my Christmas :bfp: and wrap that up instead. .
I think deep down as much as I wanted a BFP this cycle, somewhere deep within I actually didnt want one this month cause thats when I conceived the one that was lost so it would be too similar, if that makes any sense?
I'm feeling good about December, they say each cycle any healthy couple has only a 30% chance of conceiving, so the way I see it, we now have a 60% chance in December cause thats month two :haha:
Onward and upward! :thumbup:

I'm sorry to hear you're out too :( I feel so defeated when AF shows up, the moment I see that red blood my heart just drops. I know what you mean about wrapping up a picture of the sonogram, that was my plan for my family for Christmas too. I figure that this time, if we do catch it, I'll find out around the 15th this month, so I was planning on getting cards that say "Happy Christmas Grandma" on them and putting in a picture of the pee stick. I make all these plans, I've had a different plan for every time we might have caught it. I even had one for Thanksgiving last month, and that didn't pan out. I've got my fingers, and everything crossed for us for this month! I'm researching like a lunatic, everything I can get my hands on to read about baby making I'm tearing through!

I've heard about pre-seed, I'm hoping to convince DH to go into town later (damn winter roads!) to see if our Shoppers DM sells it. We've been using coconut oil, I've done some research on it, and apparently there are alot of coconut oil babies out there! I'm willing to give anything a try though, so if SDM does have it, we will be trying it.

It makes total sense about wanting it but not wanting it this month. I can totally understand the fear associated with that month. But, December is a month of only good and happy things (and lots of good food! :happydance:) and I'm convinced this will be the month for both of us! I also read that a couple's chances go up something like 20% a month, so we've been trying for 4 months, which means this month we're at 80%?
I love that idea!! (Merry Christmas Grandma) :thumbup:
I broke down yesterday and talked to my mom, she said nobody in our family has ever had problems conceiving so I shouldnt have to worry about it, then she called me back and said "actually my mom couldn't at first, they tried for years and there was nothing wrong with them, then suddenly the floodgates opened and she had a girl, then identical twin girls, then another girl, then her youngest was a boy.
She says I have a lot of her traits, hopefully none of the disease ones (she died young) but I am getting WAY ahead of myself (its typical for me) :dohh:
I'm going to go with the advice that I've heard the most and thats relax, I'm going to drink for VINO !! :haha: (I actually didnt drink at all last cycle)
I wish I could talk to my mom about babies and all things pertaining to making them! When I called last time (I had a similar break down) she told me that I must be doing it wrong because she couldn't understand why I would be having issues... Apparently she decided to have a baby and conceived that same month 3 times! The only other time I've called to ask if anyone in the family has had issues she told me it was an invasion of her privacy and that I was being inappropriate! :shrug: My mom is from England, she's very very proper, so maybe that's the problem. Thank God for forums like this or I'd go insane with no one to talk to about baby making!

I've been feeling really unfulfilled lately. I was trying to talk to DH about it and he said he's been feeling kind of similar, but no where close to what I am. Before we got married, we knew we would be trying for a baby right away and we came out of the gates so quickly and were so excited to make it happen. It's taking so much longer than we thought it would and now we both feel a little bit like the wind has been taken out of our sails. I've wanted to be a mom for years, and everything I do, there's always a little voice in my head thinking about what it would be like with a baby. My pinterest is just full of nursery ideas and I can't do anything with it until we actually conceive... I'm not sure if I'm making sense. I love being married to DH, he's wonderful and we have so much fun together, life is great! But I think we both feel like there's a hole waiting to be filled by a baby and it's just not happening. Every time AF comes, DH is so sad and disappointed, he tries to hide it but I feel so awful because as much as I want to be a mom, he wants to be a dad.

I found some Pre-seed at Rexall today! I was so excited, I did a happy dance in the aisle :happydance: I don't think the poor stock boy had ever seen someone so excited to find lube! I've read lots of testimonials and reviews from people saying they were trying for a long time, then tried Pre-seed and conceived that month, so I'm crossing everything I can cross, hoping and praying it will work for us! I'm so excited to try it!
To be honest it felt really awkward telling my mom that we were TTC at all, I had never told her before the other day. I could tell she wasnt entirely comfortable talking about it with me, maybe thats the case with your mom too? I think they always consider us their "babies" in some way shape or form.
In any case I too am SO glad to have these forums!!! I think I spend more time on here than I do facebook haha
Is the book that you got called "taking charge of your fertility"? If so I've heard its an excellent book, I know for me I definately feel a 'hole' in my life and have for several years, I think I first started wanting a baby when I was something like 18? :haha: I have a feeling this will be both of our months, truly I do :baby: !!!!!!
Have you heard of abdominal/uterine massage? I watched a youtube video and now I'm an expert (jk) but was thinking of trying it out a bit, and apparently rubbing the back of your big toe is somehow connected as well (the reflexology point for your pituitary/hormone gland)
I also heard someone on another forum mention something about changing your diet to cut out too much acidifying foods? I'm going to try that, pretty much everything I ate last cycle was chili's, breads, sweets, fast food, pop, etc.

I'm so glad you found preseed in a store!!! :happydance: I woulda been doing a happy dance too, in Canada we do have a fertility lubricant at shoppers but its 60.00 for a small little tube. I'm also taking evening primrose up until ovulation, I've been doing this since September I hear its supposed to help CM, but so far it hasnt really helped me, I dont get ewcm at all, just one small little thick jelly-like substance and thats it (sorry for the tmi haha)

Ive changed my mind about the wine idea, I had two glasses last night at a party and today I feel like I've been run over by a bus :sick:
I know what you mean about spending more time on here than on Facebook, I'm addicted to these forums! :blush: I don't really have anyone to talk to about it here, so the forums are great, I really think it helps to have support from other women who know what you're going through.

I've never heard of abdominal/uterine massage but I'm definitely going to check it out! At this point I'll try anything if it might help get my baby factory in business! I'll check out that book too, DH and I just read "Before Your Pregnancy: A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy Conception", it's all about prepping your bodies (women and men's!) for conceiving. I learned a lot from it, check it out if you can!

I've heard the same thing about our diet affecting fertility, for the men as much as the women! I've always eaten pretty healthy food, I'm not a pop drinker and I try to avoid breads and pastas (I do give into temptation a few times a month though:winkwink:). Snacks are the worst for me to give up, so I've been eating a lot of kale chips (you just tear up kale, massage olive or coconut oil into it, put it on a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt and bake for 5-7 minutes @350F until they're crispy - they taste just like chips!). Kale is supposed to be really good for fertility and it is so delicious! I must eat 5 bunches a week. It's got a lot of other benefits too, my grandma in law swears it helped her beat cancer! I'm a kale cheerleader haha! :happydance: DH is on a healthy diet but he hates it. He's a kraft dinner guy, not a vegetable guy, but he's suffering through it!

I found the Pre-seed at a Rexall drugstore, I live in Saskatchewan, so I was really surprised to find it anywhere! We are sort of like the forgotten province haha. Check out your Rexall, do you have them in BC? It was only $20, so I was all over it. DH thought it was expensive for lube, but I told him if it helps us get a baby it will be the best $20 we ever spent!

I feel you on the drinking! I cut out alcohol completely right after our honeymoon (it's Jamaica, a mojito for breakfast is pretty much mandatory... :blush:), I've never been a big drinker (except for a brief stint when I was 19/20) and being a bartender kind of turns you off booze believe it or not! Last cycle when AF came DH took me out for sushi and got a bottle of wine, I had 2 glasses and felt drunk! If I even had any tolerance to alcohol it is gone gone gone now!

I started on my opks today, I'm determined to hit that fertile window bang on this month! I don't expect to ovulate for another 6-7 days, but I am not taking any chances! I'm hoping and praying for both of us this month, I feel that this is the month for both of us, I just know it! :thumbup:

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