2DPO... anyone want to join me in symptom spotting ?

Asteri, I know what u mean. I seem to be doing tt for thus cycle too but I find this cycle more promising as I wasn't nauseous when I got my bfp in OCT.

Nonetheless As I've said before, it could be codeine which I'm taking for cough that may have cause this. But I've stopped taking it and I'm still nauseous. Sigh. This is the most perplexing cycle for me.
Hi all... nativity was wonderful... bless !!! well after my quiet symptom day yesterday, today i have AF pains and backache, not sure if this is good or bad. I'm posting another thread re: CM and CP... please read as you may be able to help !!! :)
Hi all... nativity was wonderful... bless !!! well after my quiet symptom day yesterday, today i have AF pains and backache, not sure if this is good or bad. I'm posting another thread re: CM and CP... please read as you may be able to help !!! :)

Glad you enjoyed it, my nieces always makes me emotional :cry:

will take a look at your other thread, thanks
Asteri, I know what u mean. I seem to be doing tt for thus cycle too but I find this cycle more promising as I wasn't nauseous when I got my bfp in OCT.

Nonetheless As I've said before, it could be codeine which I'm taking for cough that may have cause this. But I've stopped taking it and I'm still nauseous. Sigh. This is the most perplexing cycle for me.

fxd for you raindroops.
Well I'm 9DPO today and I feel a bit tender, like very light twinges. No CM. I have achey legs today which is sometimes a sign of AF on her way but I was on a night shift last night so it might be from walking around?

Anyway, I'm not feeling very positive coz I'm too tired to be positive...I hate night shifts & this horrible mucus cough I seem to have acquired...:cry:
Well... I'm either 6 days early for AF, I have been prodding my cervix too much OR... I'm getting implantation spotting :)
had a feel of my cervix about an hour ago and finger (sorry tmi) came out with pink CM on it !!!
I really wanted this sign / symptom but at the same time not, as had same last month and no BFP :( spotting at 10dpo went on to become AF at 13dpo :(
What do you think ??????????????????????????
I will be POAS tomorrow am... FX :)
Well I'm 9DPO today and I feel a bit tender, like very light twinges. No CM. I have achey legs today which is sometimes a sign of AF on her way but I was on a night shift last night so it might be from walking around?

Anyway, I'm not feeling very positive coz I'm too tired to be positive...I hate night shifts & this horrible mucus cough I seem to have acquired...:cry:

Your symptoms are promising... PMA to you hunny xxxxxxxxxx
Asteri, I know what u mean. I seem to be doing tt for thus cycle too but I find this cycle more promising as I wasn't nauseous when I got my bfp in OCT.

Nonetheless As I've said before, it could be codeine which I'm taking for cough that may have cause this. But I've stopped taking it and I'm still nauseous. Sigh. This is the most perplexing cycle for me.

Nausea is a good sign... something I've never had, even when pregnant :(
hi my af is due the 15th
my symptom are ;very tender boobs
increase in my sence of smell
very blaoted,
very tied/ draind
spots on my face and i dont ever get spots
weeing loads

can i join plz

good luck to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi and welcome :hugs:

I will add you to the list :)
Update on everyone...

marrissa_e 15dpo
wantingno.2 13dpo
wantingourmush 12dpo
nurselochia 12dpo
emz87 11dpo
leannec 11dpo
scorpiodragon 9dpo
wish2bmama 9dpo
lover 9dpo
lucilu88 9dpo
notquitesure 8dpo (testing 13th)
raindroops 8dpo
asteri 8dpo
tutlemad 7dpo
ryder 7dpo
bethany-wood 7dpo
maxmaxm 7dpo
bambibump 6dpo
babyhopes10 2dpo


Babydust to eveyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm testing on the 15th! AF normally comes on the 18th but this month I ovulated way early so I'm not too sure if my cycle will be shorter. But two weeks regardless of AF should be long enough to build up some hormones, right?
MY BOOBS ARE STARTING TO HURT! :happydance: they are actually very sore right now, uncomfortably sore. CP is high and hard and CM is creamy.. gross. According to fertility friend (which I just started a week or two ago) my coverline is 97.1 and I've stayed in the 98's for the last couple days!
Feeling positive today, then again I've got real nasty mood swings, worse than with AF, so tomorrow I'll probably feel like this wont be my month again.
BUT THE BOOBS HURT! i'm so excited.
:dust:to all! i cant wait to see some bfps in here.
Well... I'm either 6 days early for AF, I have been prodding my cervix too much OR... I'm getting implantation spotting :)
had a feel of my cervix about an hour ago and finger (sorry tmi) came out with pink CM on it !!!
I really wanted this sign / symptom but at the same time not, as had same last month and no BFP :( spotting at 10dpo went on to become AF at 13dpo :(
What do you think ??????????????????????????
I will be POAS tomorrow am... FX :)

fingers crossed for you!! i am sending you truckloads of :dust:
Hello all,

Lots of promising things going on, keep your chin up to those with no signs as I had zero signs till after i got bfp with my little boy.

So today all my "signs" are gone all day long I'm moping around all sad. Then I go in boots to get more folic acid and tests are bogof so got those for when the time comes. Get in bed tonight and my boobs are aching and i have cramping again. So I am going to test on saturday with my free test and if bfn i will save other test till 18th.

SO my first testing date is 12th December please notquitesure! Thanks

In my head I just can't get the thought out of my head that I must be. I know I o'd and I know we did it at the right time and I know my body is capable of having a baby. So why isn't it as easy as it looks and sounds? Why can't that just be it. Tadaaa pregnant. It's the worst time the 2ww!

Roll on the weekend ay!

Oooo and to tempt fate I bought a big bottle of baileys on offer for xmas! Here's hoping I won't be able to touch it.

x x x
Bambibump... sounds promising :)

P.S. If you get your BFP and I dont... can I have your baileys lol

My official testing date is the 12th december!!

Thanks Emz... but I'm not sure it's worth putting on since you are a POAS addict like me lol

I've already POAS twice so far and I'm only 8DPO :dohh::dohh::dohh:

Loads of sticky babydust to you xxxxxxxx
I'm testing on 14th! Thats if AF doesn't show up before then!!!!!

Yesterday I had this OUTRAGEOUS hunger. Here's what I ate:
Soup - 9am
Sandwich, Crisps AND Chocolate bar - 1pm
2xplate fulls of chinese followed by jelly and ice cream - 6.30pm
1 large packet of M&M's.
1 packet of wotsits - 9pm
2x pieces of toast - 10pm.


Now I'm hungry again. This hunger is just continuous!! Hope it's a good sign??????
Not to mention my latest out break of spots on my jaw line and (even worse) right in the middle of my forehead...I look ridiculous haha! Gotta laugh really. The pains I had have subsided, the lasted about 8 days feeling like dull aches/AF type cramps and also stitch like pains slightly higher on left side but still niggling and moved to the right hand side which is a little strange. Boobs aren't sore or anything though.

Damn all this symptom spotting!

:dust: to you all! xxx
I'm testing on 14th! Thats if AF doesn't show up before then!!!!!

Yesterday I had this OUTRAGEOUS hunger. Here's what I ate:
Soup - 9am
Sandwich, Crisps AND Chocolate bar - 1pm
2xplate fulls of chinese followed by jelly and ice cream - 6.30pm
1 large packet of M&M's.
1 packet of wotsits - 9pm
2x pieces of toast - 10pm.


Now I'm hungry again. This hunger is just continuous!! Hope it's a good sign??????
Not to mention my latest out break of spots on my jaw line and (even worse) right in the middle of my forehead...I look ridiculous haha! Gotta laugh really. The pains I had have subsided, the lasted about 8 days feeling like dull aches/AF type cramps and also stitch like pains slightly higher on left side but still niggling and moved to the right hand side which is a little strange. Boobs aren't sore or anything though.

Damn all this symptom spotting!

:dust: to you all! xxx

OMG hunger !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm like "nah I'm not really hungry" then 10 minutes later I could eat a scabby dog and its kennel lol then, when I feel the urge i've got to eat whatever is available quick... can't wait for anything to be cooked !!! then, when i do eat I'm not chewing properly so I'm finishing my food really quickly. I hadn't really paid much attention to this till you just said about your hunger lol also... my gastrointestinal tract feel like it's got 1 million bubbles running through it wind/gas/wind/gas (TMI lol). My cramping also moved from one side to the other today (see earlier post) but now I have a dull AF-like ache right over my abdo, feel like I've been kicked in the tummy but not like the heavyness you get with AF (I'm 8dpo btw). Thanks for adding your symptoms, it's good to know mine are similar to others' out there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
I'm testing on 14th! Thats if AF doesn't show up before then!!!!!

Yesterday I had this OUTRAGEOUS hunger. Here's what I ate:
Soup - 9am
Sandwich, Crisps AND Chocolate bar - 1pm
2xplate fulls of chinese followed by jelly and ice cream - 6.30pm
1 large packet of M&M's.
1 packet of wotsits - 9pm
2x pieces of toast - 10pm.


Now I'm hungry again. This hunger is just continuous!! Hope it's a good sign??????
Not to mention my latest out break of spots on my jaw line and (even worse) right in the middle of my forehead...I look ridiculous haha! Gotta laugh really. The pains I had have subsided, the lasted about 8 days feeling like dull aches/AF type cramps and also stitch like pains slightly higher on left side but still niggling and moved to the right hand side which is a little strange. Boobs aren't sore or anything though.

Damn all this symptom spotting!

:dust: to you all! xxx

OMG hunger !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm like "nah I'm not really hungry" then 10 minutes later I could eat a scabby dog and its kennel lol then, when I feel the urge i've got to eat whatever is available quick... can't wait for anything to be cooked !!! then, when i do eat I'm not chewing properly so I'm finishing my food really quickly. I hadn't really paid much attention to this till you just said about your hunger lol also... my gastrointestinal tract feel like it's got 1 million bubbles running through it wind/gas/wind/gas (TMI lol). My cramping also moved from one side to the other today (see earlier post) but now I have a dull AF-like ache right over my abdo, feel like I've been kicked in the tummy but not like the heavyness you get with AF (I'm 8dpo btw). Thanks for adding your symptoms, it's good to know mine are similar to others' out there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

I know what you mean!! I ate so much and so quickly last night that I had really bad indigestion too and had to take something to make it ease off - that'll teach me for being a piggy and eating so much, was just SOOOOOO hungry. I hope its a good sign or as soon as AF gets here I seriously need to get down the gym lol! I've been really gassy too. I'm so glad someone else has similar symptoms :thumbup: I hope they're all good signs for us.

Crossing my fingers and toes for you hun :flower:
:dust: for you xxx
Broke and tested... bfn... :cry: I know it's early... but I'm crushed. I guess I'll just expect the :witch: and if she doesn't show it will be a nice surprise. :cry:
Hey can I join in please? I think I OV'd between 17-21st Nov *not quite got the jest of it yet*

1-2 days late, supposed be CD2 according to Lilypie and FF *Which yet again I still have no idea about*

Taken 2x cheapie tests one last night and one just and BFN.

Cramping like hell on the right side but also feel like trapped wind too, on 6th n 7th had peachy CM only when wiped, yesterday afternoon had some fresher blood when wiped, but nothing last night and nothing again this morning.

Also BD once last month on 18th even tho in AM had a bloody show and bleed after bd, then spotted on tissue 24th Nov, 27th Nov.

Couldnt sleep last night kept burping n felt sick, n bottom of back has been cramping, itchy left nipple last night too, dunno what thats all about.

Sorry TMI maybe in my post lol..

Lately been having 39 day cycles as I was suspected PCOS for 8 years but had emerg op to remove 20cm cyst in April 09 and I have a stretched right tube, was told when get preg to have a early scan as im very susceptible to Ectopics. Prior to op hormones and periods were all over the place at one point I was bleedin 16 weeks with a day a month dry ugh.

Im not going to get hopes up, because I may of quit smoking and lost 2st since op, but I am still 20st around about. :(

Some promising signs on here, kwishing you all good luck for the best xmas pressie ever im trying not to test agin after I caved and got a BFN at 8DPO (I know I know :blush: ) My test date is Sunday the 13th, if I can hold out that long lol.

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