<3 <3 LOTS OF LOVE & BFPS <3 <3 February Testing Thread

I can't properly catch up because I'm just having a mint tea break from marking reports, but wanted to say glad you are ok, Terri! How scary!

My AF never showed up, so I don't think I ovulated this cycle. I tested last week on Wed when she was due and then Fri again, but BFNs. So, I'm just waiting for my GP appointment on Thursday to see what they recommend now that it's been over 6 months of trying and I still haven't had a substantial period. OH is going to the Dr Thurs too to find out about getting a SA done.

AF has not actually shown for me. I'm so frustrated, because my temps dropped three days ago, and I was cramping and spotting. So I've been ready to get on with my next cycle. But no AF. Just low temps, dull cramps, and a little bit of spotting. Feeling quite annoyed. I dont think I've ever wanted AF this bad in my life. Fezzle, I feel bad complaining, since you haven't had a substantial AF in months. :( But had to get that off my chest! Please forgive me. :wacko:

Sorry about the never ending cycles, guys. Those can be so frustrating!
AF has not actually shown for me. I'm so frustrated, because my temps dropped three days ago, and I was cramping and spotting. So I've been ready to get on with my next cycle. But no AF. Just low temps, dull cramps, and a little bit of spotting. Feeling quite annoyed. I dont think I've ever wanted AF this bad in my life. Fezzle, I feel bad complaining, since you haven't had a substantial AF in months. :( But had to get that off my chest! Please forgive me. :wacko:

I would test again if I were you, if AF doesn't come in the next two days. In my obsessive chart stalking on FF, I have seen BFPs with some women even after a temp drop for a few days.
I might have "good" news- spotting started last night (though nothing this morning so far). This seems like my typical light bleed I get- it seems to restart my cycle, though I can't imagine things could be successful if that's all the lining that's building up.

But, the good news is hopefully my GP will see it as the start of a cycle so I won't have to deal with provera and maybe can get Day 3 bloods done sooner. OH's GP said my GP needs to take the lead with getting him a SA, though they are going to do some preliminary blood tests and STI tests.

Hopefully I'll be in a position to test again at the end of Feb, though I'll probably wait and see.
Fezzle-So happy your appointment is coming up. Maybe you need the provera or something else. By not taking anything, your cycles are crazy, so something will probably help you regulate them, no?

Regardless of the timing, I hope you stay on this thread. :) PS. I'm going to look up those alternative tickers. Yours made me laugh yesterday when I saw it.
Thank you for the welcome. It looks like I finally ovulated yesterday (if I tinker with my chart for the next couple of days, I can get cross-hairs for yesterday anyway!) - it's seems like it's been a long time coming this month. This will make AF due about the 8th if I get my usual 12 day LP, but I had a chemical pregnancy last month and things seem to have been a little off, so I don't really know. I certainly o'd later than usual and I've felt strange pressure in my lower abdomen all month - probably my mind playing tricks on me.

I feel very positive this month, despite it being our 8th cycle. :)
Clare-Sorry about your chemical last month, but I'm glad things seem to be getting back to normal.

Put your chart in your signature! hee hee. A few of us LOVE chart stalking...I can send you a PM if you don't know how to do it. :)

I hope ovulation day was yesterday, but just take it easy and continue BD'ing, taking temps just in case it wasn't. I think I'm on my 7th cycle. I'm not trying to think about that. Fx fx fx.
Hi ladies,

Just checking in ... always around and stalking. :) I'm still out for this month but just wanted to pop in and send lots of :dust: to everyone this month. Good luck to everyone!
Thank you for the welcome. It looks like I finally ovulated yesterday (if I tinker with my chart for the next couple of days, I can get cross-hairs for yesterday anyway!) - it's seems like it's been a long time coming this month. This will make AF due about the 8th if I get my usual 12 day LP, but I had a chemical pregnancy last month and things seem to have been a little off, so I don't really know. I certainly o'd later than usual and I've felt strange pressure in my lower abdomen all month - probably my mind playing tricks on me.

I feel very positive this month, despite it being our 8th cycle. :)

I had a CP last month also, and I O'd late this month as well. So things are a bit off for me as well. I'm due for AF any day now. I had a temp drop for three days in a row with cramping and spotting, and if consistent with my other cycles, AF should've come already. Then temp spike this morning. It's a mess. I'm glad you're feeling very positive this month! GL Hun! And I agree with Terri, post your chart in your siggy! We love chart stalking. :flower:
AF has not actually shown for me. I'm so frustrated, because my temps dropped three days ago, and I was cramping and spotting. So I've been ready to get on with my next cycle. But no AF. Just low temps, dull cramps, and a little bit of spotting. Feeling quite annoyed. I dont think I've ever wanted AF this bad in my life. Fezzle, I feel bad complaining, since you haven't had a substantial AF in months. :( But had to get that off my chest! Please forgive me. :wacko:

I would test again if I were you, if AF doesn't come in the next two days. In my obsessive chart stalking on FF, I have seen BFPs with some women even after a temp drop for a few days.

You've seen BFP charts with a few days of low temps like mine? I searched FF yesterday, and I couldn't find a single one. But maybe I didnt use the right keywords. Temp spiked today. This is the wonkiest cycle EVER.
Sis- Yes I take my temps orally and no I have never been tested for my thyroid as far as I know... and I am a terrible sleeper... I don't usually ever get three hours in a row... but I do take my temp the same time everyday no matter what... i guess all of that could be affecting my temps

Erose - your cycle is wonky this month - now a temp spike?? and no AF... maybe in a couple days it will make sense to us...:wacko:

well ladies feeling bummed today... my pipes froze in my bathroom shower - will these sub zero temperatures EVER go away???? come on spring...
and my sinus' want to drive me zonkers!! if its so cold - why are my allergies acting up!!! ???? not feeling as hopeful as last cycle... Im only on CD4... geez... i did lots of reading on DHEA last night - I should really stop reading about supplements it is making me crazy trying to decide what I should take and not take!!!!!:dohh::dohh::dohh::hissy::hissy::hissy:
Thanks terripeachy - I love looking at other peoples charts too. I'll add it now :)
Erose..... Hmmmmmmm ????? Guess we wait!!! ;)

Wish I get up to let the dogs out thru the nite and I sleep in on the weekends cuz I'm up late I just take my temp as soon as I wake and put it at 6Am it works for me!! GL

Fezzle.... Hope u get some answers soon!!!

AfM..... No SNOW just rain Sleet and ICE so no Scan DH doesn't want me driving into the city w the ice and crazy drivers my OPKs are still faint so I'll be ok to wait a day!!
So guess its Pjs and paint for me today!! :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing good!!!!
ER - Your chart is certainly a mystery :wacko: would your temps normally have gone up by this CD - the spotting could just be your hormones out of whack of course after the CP - although we are all hoping for a sneaky BFP for you :happydance: is it worth testing again or are you just going to wait it out:winkwink:

Wish - I am also someone who wakes in the night (or rather my son does) and my temps are ok - remember it's the over all pattern you are looking at - having you been temping long (I'm on my 44th cycle) and even I throw FF curveballs:haha:

Sis - PJs and paint sounds a lot better than my day gym and avon:haha:

Kfs - :hugs: how are you hun

Terri - :happydance: I think mine was yesterday - now where did I put that temp spike:haha:

Clare - Sorry for your loss hun :hugs:

AFM - Hoping yesterday was O day - as got a very deff OPK and now it is very deff Neg - but ladies you know me with my Fake Ovulation:winkwink:


Hi ladies! :hi: Pretty quiet around these parts.
Just waiting for the phone consult with Braverman, it should be at 2pm your time. I am pretty nervous about it, to be honest. With the sky-high FSH I got a few days ago, I am afraid he will say there isn't much he can do for me outside of donor eggs.
Ah, well. Trying to take it as it comes- I can't control what he is willing to do.

Good luck at your appointment, Fezzle!!
Oops, just saw it was on Thursday (I thought it said Tuesday). Well, an early good luck to you!
Will be looking for your update older :hugs: .

Hi to all you lovelies out there! :wave:
Older - Fingers crossed you get some good news:happydance:

Fezzle - Good luck for Thursday hun:hugs:


Happy Tuesday ladies!

So excited for y'all that just O'd or are gearing up too! Terri, Garfie, Clare! We'll be anxiously stalking your charts now!

Terri, maybe 7 will be your lucky number- 777's!

Fezzle, ERose, so sorry about the crazy charts! Hope they clear up soon.

Sis, PJs and paint sounds perfect! We were hoping the ice would come thru San Antonio again so we could get out of work, but no such luck. :nope: Hope you enjoy your day and are staying warm!

Wish, I know what you mean about supplements. I spend a lot if time researching, thinking I should take this or take that.....you do have to just stop reading sometimes!

Futuremom, I haven't looked into Royal Jelly yet....I'll do some reading. I was going to pull out all the stops this cycle and try everything I could get my hands on, but then decided I needed to stop self diagnosing myself. I'm so scared that I'll make things worse! You hear so many positive stories from ladies and it makes me feel like I too can get my BFP just by trying something, but then I chicken out. :haha:

Oldermom, can't wait to hear an update!

AFM, just got over the most horrible AF ever! Seriously thought I was going to die. DH was fabulous and just kept supplying me with wine and M&Ms.

After I failed my free fertility test on day 3 I was feeling pretty gloomy. I had a good chat with DH and made an appointment with my RE. I go to him next Friday! Super excited about the timing bc I'm hoping he'll do a scan of my ovaries that day. I'll be CD15, but I've been O'ing super late. I'm curious about the number of follicles I'll have and how mature they may be. Then I'll have him do orders for another round of CD3 tests. I'm hoping for some answers so DH and I can move on, one way or the other. Of course, we'll keep :sex: in the mean time and hopefully won't have to do a second appointment with my RE!

4 more days until the horrid baby shower hosted by my DH's ex wife.....
ER - Your chart is certainly a mystery :wacko: would your temps normally have gone up by this CD - the spotting could just be your hormones out of whack of course after the CP - although we are all hoping for a sneaky BFP for you :happydance: is it worth testing again or are you just going to wait it out:winkwink:

AFM - Hoping yesterday was O day - as got a very deff OPK and now it is very deff Neg - but ladies you know me with my Fake Ovulation:winkwink:



My temp has been up on cd30 before (in my Clomid cycles), but not after three days of lows. When my temps drop below CL, AF always comes right away. I've never had a temp jump after three lows at the end of my cycle. In fact, I've never seen anyone's chart contain that. :wacko: The hormones are most definitely out of whack I guess. I did test this a.m. when I saw the temp rise, and it looked neg to me, but I didn't squint too hard, because I'm super leary of super faint positives now.

That's right, I forgot you coined the phrase Days Past Fake Ovulation ("DPFO"). I love that. Great that you got a pos OPK though, and Fxd that you O'd last night, or will today, and that we'll see a nice temp jump for you tomorrow. :)
Good luck on your appointments Fezzle and oldermom. We'll be waiting to hear updates.

Vjean, sorry for the brutal AF. So nice that DH was so helpful and supportive. :) That makes a big difference. Good luck with your RE. I hope that you will get positive news. :) I know I should be pepping you up for the baby shower your DH's ex is hosting, so you won't dread it so much, but I have to say, I would not be looking forward to that at all!

Sis, I recall reading your post yesterday about sending DH to the store for OPKs. My DH wouldn't have a CLUE, lol! He'd be so frustrated standing there in the aisle wondering what the heck he was even looking at. I've never even had him get HPTs for me, so I'm going to guess that it would be his first time ever even glancing down that aisle. :haha:

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