30-somethings TTC #1 Testing and Support Thread!

So after seeing my "grr" story from yesterday I feel so silly! Stupid :witch: making me irritable! :blush: But today, I actually have a story that is worth getting upset over -- well, maybe tomorrow I won't think so!! :haha:

So I typed this up while at work since I don’t get to access BnB during the day. --> I’m just kinda upset right now and have to write it out. Grrrr to people. I know people don’t mean things to be taken the wrong way, but sometimes it’s just better to not say anything at all….

This morning was just rough. I’m now sitting in a conference room working by myself so I don’t have to hear anyone talk anymore, and I’m kinda throwing myself a pity party after all. A guy just came back to work after being out for a week due to his wife having their fourth kid. So everyone’s over at his desk asking questions, congratulating him etc…. Well at the same time I got an email from a lady discussing some project work we will be starting in June. And the last thing in her email is: Well, if a woman can make a baby in nine months, surely we can finish this work in nine months. I so desperately want to email back, "um, it takes a hell of a lot longer for some women to make a baby than nine months! It doesn’t just make itself magically one day when you finally decide you want one!!!" GRRRR

Why is that bothering me this much. Just all about babies today at work and it’s making me very sad. And I was doing so well this month too!

MEH!!!!!!!! :nope:

Hiya all. The docs appointment was a bit strange, all in all we have to keep trying for 18months before they will do anything, so far we have been trying for 9 months.

The doc was quite upbeat, even if he was a little bit wacko.

his final comment was to keep banging away - not quite the language you expect from a health professional but there you go!!

Ejay.... 18 months?!?!?! You should think about calling around to another doctor, that does not seem right! :hugs:

Hey everyone
Sorry i haven't been around for a while but have had lots on toing & froing.
It turns out my BFP turned into an angel this week. It was so 'is it or isn't it' just after it was confirmed,lost all symptoms, had more bleeding & now brown spotting. I have to wait for another scan next week but hope it will grow it's own wings before then - could do without another op.

I am so excited about you testing LuckyD - please let us know asap. Good luck to everyone for their sticky BFP.

Guess I'll stick around with you guys for that next BFP if that's ok?

Oh, nupu, I've been thinking about you wondering how things were going. Huge hugs. And of course, please stay and hang out with us!!!! :hugs:

And Lucky, don't lose hope until stupid :witch: shows up. You never know.......... I am living vicariously through you since I'm out for sure. :haha:
So after seeing my "grr" story from yesterday I feel so silly! Stupid :witch: making me irritable! :blush: But today, I actually have a story that is worth getting upset over -- well, maybe tomorrow I won't think so!! :haha:

So I typed this up while at work since I don’t get to access BnB during the day. --> I’m just kinda upset right now and have to write it out. Grrrr to people. I know people don’t mean things to be taken the wrong way, but sometimes it’s just better to not say anything at all….

This morning was just rough. I’m now sitting in a conference room working by myself so I don’t have to hear anyone talk anymore, and I’m kinda throwing myself a pity party after all. A guy just came back to work after being out for a week due to his wife having their fourth kid. So everyone’s over at his desk asking questions, congratulating him etc…. Well at the same time I got an email from a lady discussing some project work we will be starting in June. And the last thing in her email is: Well, if a woman can make a baby in nine months, surely we can finish this work in nine months. I so desperately want to email back, "um, it takes a hell of a lot longer for some women to make a baby than nine months! It doesn’t just make itself magically one day when you finally decide you want one!!!" GRRRR

Why is that bothering me this much. Just all about babies today at work and it’s making me very sad. And I was doing so well this month too!

MEH!!!!!!!! :nope:

And Lucky, don't lose hope until stupid :witch: shows up. You never know.......... I am living vicariously through you since I'm out for sure. :haha:

Oh Squirrel, that is crappy :hugs: people just don't realise it when they say those sorts of things. It makes me wonder what I used to say before TTC - I am sure I was insensitive at times - never again! People just do not realise what it is like unless they have been in this position. It's a double whammy though, getting that email plus your colleague having his fourth baby. Hope you are ok lovely xx totally understand why it is bothering you, don't beat yourself up about it - you have been a total star this month with your positive attitude, but you are allowed to feel down as well! It's to be expected :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for your hope - but I wouldn't live vicariously though me if I was you! I know that I am out, just waiting for stupid old AF to arrive to confirm it.
Well, even if stupid :witch: does show up (which I'm not yet convinced...) I still want to live vicariously through you because you're in gorgeous NZ!!!!!!! :haha:

And thanks.... I just wish I didn't have any down days. So much easier when I'm able to let it roll off my back.
Hie Ladies

LuckyD please add me for testing on the 11th June.

Im on cd9 today,nothing special happening to me.
Sorry to hear about the BFN, Lucky....but I have heard about people who didn't test positive till 18 dpo and upwards. AF still hasn't shown, so there's still a good chance. :hugs:

Squirrel, I also wonder why there are some people in this world that are soooooo a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g!!!! Yeeeesh! She probably thought she was making good small talk! The best way is to just grow a thick skin so that all that ignorance bounces right off you.
Squirrelgirl- it is totally ok to get frustrated!! I undertstand. RIght now I'm chill and ok with being out this month but sometimes things just add up or you have a bad day and all of the sudden the littlest things are irritating. Its normal!! My advice is to get a nice bottle of wine, some doritos and a good bar of chocolate and relax. All of our times will come. On the bright side- my girlfriend who is pregnant just told me horror stories about her hernia and vericose veins....I can't wait to get pregnant but I'm happy not to wear support stockings for a few more months!! (there's always a bright side)
Well, even if stupid :witch: does show up (which I'm not yet convinced...) I still want to live vicariously through you because you're in gorgeous NZ!!!!!!! :haha:

And thanks.... I just wish I didn't have any down days. So much easier when I'm able to let it roll off my back.

Aw, thanks! Yeah, NZ is pretty good - it's nice to be home again after being away for three years. Hey, down days are to be expected love - we are only human :hugs:

Hie Ladies

LuckyD please add me for testing on the 11th June.

Im on cd9 today,nothing special happening to me.

No probs Rompy, will add you now. Good luck! You due to O soon?

Sorry to hear about the BFN, Lucky....but I have heard about people who didn't test positive till 18 dpo and upwards. AF still hasn't shown, so there's still a good chance. :hugs:

Nooooooo don't encourage me! AF hasn't shown up today and I made the mistake of googling people who got BFNs on 13dpo then went on to get BFPs! I shouldn't do that to myself, am so sure that AF will arrive any minute now....

Squirrelgirl- it is totally ok to get frustrated!! I undertstand. RIght now I'm chill and ok with being out this month but sometimes things just add up or you have a bad day and all of the sudden the littlest things are irritating. Its normal!! My advice is to get a nice bottle of wine, some doritos and a good bar of chocolate and relax. All of our times will come. On the bright side- my girlfriend who is pregnant just told me horror stories about her hernia and vericose veins....I can't wait to get pregnant but I'm happy not to wear support stockings for a few more months!! (there's always a bright side)

Love it smurffette! There is always a silver lining, and not having hernias and vericose veins is a good one!
Morning Ladies

Well today is the last day of my time off. I've gotten used to not being at work, don't think I fancy going back! OH and I are off to see the urologist this morning re OH's swimmers. He's really chnaged his lifestyle since his 1st results (they were very bad), so I'm hoping there will be an improvement this time. We shall see....

Ejay - 18 months really doesn't sound right. It's definatley 12 months in the UK. I would go back next month and insist he refers you if you are worried. I had a feeling something wasn't right, and was convinced it was my tubes which were blocked. Turns out I'm fine but its OH's swimmers which are he prob, really shocked us both!

Nupu - You are an inspration for being so strong. Big hugs to you.:hugs:

Lucky - Oww I'm sorry, well I guess it's onto to the next month! :hugs:

smurffette - Sorry June is out for you, I hate missing an opportunity! As Lucky says sometimes a break is good. :hugs:

SquirrelGirl - I hate days like those! :growlmad: I never say things like that anymore, but I'm sure I used too. It's only when you go through something that you truely understand what it is like. :hugs:

Jaimie2Eyes - Ha ha your osmosis thing made me smile. I do this stupid thing where I say to myself right if I see 5 pregnant women out today it means I'll get pregnant. What happened to the sane me?!?!

Hope everyone has a good day. xxx:hugs:

PS - I love how we are all from different parts of the world - it's really cool!
So sorry LuckyD! I guess I just can't help myself with my over-optimism. I should know better than to get your hopes up unnecessarily....because I do know how that feels :(. I pray June is a better month for you sweetie :hugs:

Ejay, I only just notice your statement about the Dr. asking you guys to keep "banging away". WTH???!!! Some doctors have no bedside manner really. But true, these are some of the things we experience in this ttc journey :shrug:

Don't know if I told you this already Squirrel, but I love your yoga pregnant lady avatar. Very nice :D
Morning Ladies

Well today is the last day of my time off. I've gotten used to not being at work, don't think I fancy going back! OH and I are off to see the urologist this morning re OH's swimmers. He's really chnaged his lifestyle since his 1st results (they were very bad), so I'm hoping there will be an improvement this time. We shall see....

Jaimie2Eyes - Ha ha your osmosis thing made me smile. I do this stupid thing where I say to myself right if I see 5 pregnant women out today it means I'll get pregnant. What happened to the sane me?!?!

Hey Springflower, just wanted to say good luck for you appointment at the urologist. I hope that there has been an improvement - good on both of you for being so proactive and changing your lifestyles - I am sure it will make a difference. When do you get the results? I love the thing about seeing five pregnant women - that must be why I am not pregnant yet! I am not going out enough, haven't seen a pregnant woman on the street for ages.

So sorry LuckyD! I guess I just can't help myself with my over-optimism. I should know better than to get your hopes up unnecessarily....because I do know how that feels :(. I pray June is a better month for you sweetie :hugs:

Aw, don't apologise! I was just joking. Over-optimism is a lovely thing! I am just always that person that doesn't want to get my hopes up just in case - I think it's because I got so upset when I first started TTC, because that first month I really thought I was pg and was so upset when I wasn't. It's kind of a protection thing I guess. But having said that - I still can't help having a little bit of hope each month and being disappointed when it doesn't work out! Even though I am full prepared, I am sure I will have a little down moment when AF finally decides to arrive.
I'm broken hearted. OH's swimmers havent improved at all. We've been told ICSI is our only option. Gutted. :cry:
I've been gone for a week and I've missed so much. Congrats to the :bfp: and :hugs: to those the witch got.

My vacation was wonderful and DH and I got in a lot of :sex: Hopefully it will do the trick. I think I have six more days until testing. No symptoms at all, but there is hope.

Springflower- I'm so sorry. :hugs:
I'm broken hearted. OH's swimmers havent improved at all. We've been told ICSI is our only option. Gutted. :cry:

ahh sorry hon, but I have heard really good things though of ICSI- hope it works for you quickly hon.
do you mind me asking what his SA was? My DH's wasnt very good either but not all categories were bad

sending you loads of :dust:
Hello ladies

LuckyD, thank you for adding me. Im due to ov in about 6 days. Really looking forward to it. How are u doing, has AF arrived yet? All the best hey, dont worry at all, we'll keep trying til we get it right.:flower:

Ejay,you should probably find another doc. So sorry abt the language he is used,completely inappropriate. Baby dust to you.

All the ladies,goodluck for June!
Oh Springflower! I was really pulling for both of you because we'll be testing DH again in July. I'm so sorry hon ~ do you have insurance coverage for ICSI? My thoughts really go out to you and your DH.
Hi, I was down for testing today but have had another early m/c. Three +ves; Monday, yesterday and today then bleeding started. Gutted and fed up. Not going to ask to be added to next month's list.
Hi, I was down for testing today but have had another early m/c. Three +ves; Monday, yesterday and today then bleeding started. Gutted and fed up. Not going to ask to be added to next month's list.

That must be so painful. Im so sorry my dear. Dont give up, u wil feel better in a few days.Be strong.:hugs:
Hey Ladies

Thank you for your kind words. Some of you were asking about my OH's results they were fine except for his forms. He has no normal ones, which is why we need ICSI and not IVF - I think! He had done all the right things, no smoking, cut down on drinking, good diet, keeping fit and taking all the vitamins that he should be. I was just sooo shocked that there had been no improvement.

Jaimie - We can have one attempt at ICSI for free but the waiting list is very long. We've decided to go on the waiting list and also pay for it to speed the process up. I've started researching but it's very confusing! I really really hope your results are better than others. xxx

Fifi - I'm so sorry that really is crap, you're very brave x

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