33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hey girlies!

How is everyone doing?
Shelby I talked to a friend of mine who is a nurse and has recently started acupuncture. She said she was VERY skeptical but that she had great results. She has had chronic back pain and after one session on April 29th she hasn't had any pain at all. She said she didn't think it would be any good to her but that she will never go back to chiropractor/massage etc. because it didn't do any good. If you can get in for acupuncture I think you should, I might try it myself.

I've been looking into prenatal yoga. I think I may register in a class after I hit 12weeks. It is supposed to be good preparation for labour with breathing techniques and meditation....HA...we'll see:)

Anywho, hope everyone has a great day!!

Good morning ladies!

Erica, pre-natal yoga sounds awesome. I definitely plan to do that once I am pg. You must be counting down the days till your appointment this week! Will they do an ultrasound or is it too early?

Shelby, isn't it nice to have the AF phase over? My mood has improved daily as AF progressed and then departed. Chick flicks were "Something Borrowed" (out in theatres now) and then "No Strings Attached" and "Morning Glory" on OnDemand. The types of movies DH adamantly refuses to watch with me (and if I have them on, makes fun of relentlessly); he prefers movies with "critical acclaim" so we watch a lot of documentaries and foreign films...Not that there is anything wrong with those - they're great - it's just nice to have a break sometimes and watch something light and silly! I liked Something Borrowed, possibly because I'd read the book, and the guy in it is cute. Also liked No Strings Attached because Ashton is just so hot.

DH is gone again this weekend, and some girlfriends are visiting from out of town, so should be another fun weekend of bad movies and relaxation...

Nicole, any updates from you?

Have a great day girls. :hugs:
I wanted to see No strings attached so bad and DH wouldn't see it with me!!!

Shelby and Joanna, I'm so glad that AF is gone. I always found that I felt better after it was over. Next month could be a double whamo for you guys!! Two FP's would be so awesome.

Joanna, I am SO counting the days till my appointment. That will be my first appointment (which I can't really remember what happens) but I think it's more to just check in with the dr and let him know that I preggers. I have some questions for him as I am going to Vegas in a little while want to feel totally at ease when I'm away.
Hi girls!:wave::wave::wave:

Sorry for not being around lately, there's so much going on!
First of all, I told yet ANOTHER friend (yikes) who lives here. Will I stop? thsi is becomign dangerous. Plus, it isn't even a relief to tell parents or friends because every time I have to add: but don't tell anyone because it might not stick etc... I HATE HATE HAAAATE waiting :growlmad: and I everytime I tell them not to tell, their deception is palpable. Erica, if you can wait, then please do, there's no satisfaction in telling anyone until you can yell it to the world for God's sake!
Pfffff... thanks for letting me vent :wacko:

Otherwise, nausea is kicking in now! Yesterday I couldn't move I felt I was on a ship in a storm. It's only nausea for now, I know I can keep it down, but jeez, I hope it doesn't get worse!

Ummmm... on the up side, I'm feeling happy, in love (DH is wonderful!!!!!!) and pretty damn sure this beanie is going to stick.

Now, back to you girls. Wonderful! I am feeling soooooooo HOPEFUL for you, Joanna and Shelby! I'm happy we can still stalk your charts :blush:
Shelby, I don't know how you do it, having so many people over. My DH's friend is in the city with brother and mother, and my mom is here too. It's exciting, and I'm feeding them as much as I can, but having them sleep here would be hard. Or maybe it's just because these days I'm going to bed at 10?
Anyhoo, kuddos to you! How many superwomen can this thread welcome?
JOanna, lucky girl! Chick flicks! Yeeeeessss! Loving the details. Have jotted the titles down :happydance:

Pilates next week, and working out more. I haven't been working out AT ALL, merely walking.
Eating apples, cheddar cheese, bread, nuts, and prenatal vitamins by the kilo.
Erica, what's your supplement intake? D3, folic acid, even fish oil? I think the fish oil is making me sick...

Love you girls!:kiss:
Erica, why not go to a relaxing yoga class for now? If you wait, you may postpone, and never get into it, thinking later, later, later... believe me, that's what I'm doign right now. Let's be strong!
Good morning ladies!
Joanna, I really want to see those movies...especially Something Borrowed. I couldn't agree with you more that it's nice to get lost in a mindless movie so your brain can just chill. My dh and I are fans of documentaries too, and my dh loves sci fi stuff. Sometimes, I just want to laugh, so those genres aren't usually conducive to laughing. :)

Erica, thanks for the info on accupuncture. It's good to know someone in the medical field who used it and likes it. I will definitely schedule an appt for my next cycle then if I have to cancel because I'm preggers...then it's a win-win!!! :) I'm going for an hour long reflexology treatment this Thursday. I agree with your friend that this stuff works because I have a herniated disc that has been hurting for a while now. I had two cortisone shots which helped a good bit, but I still had lingering pain especially after house work. After the reflexology, I don't even think about my back. I've never gone a full day without it hurting until after reflexology. A day without pain is awesome. So, reflexology and accupuncture...I think there's something to it!

The wellness center I go to has prenatal yoga classes, so I've been looking into those for when I get my bfp. Erica, let me know what you think of it. Nicole, are you going to still do pilates or move into yoga?

Nicole, I'm sorry morning sickness has set in... Hopefully, it won't last too long! ...and don't stress too much. I understand your reluctance to share your good news, but I'm sure your baby is here to stay!!! I can't believe you're already 8 weeks...almost 9! That's insane! I'm so glad you and your dh are loving each other and life right now!!!

Stupid question...how many weeks in a trimester?

Joanna, I'm using opks this round. Since ff kept changing my ov day, I'm hoping this will help confirm the actual date. :) We're going to continue with the every other day method.

Good times!
Morning ladies!

Nicole nice to see you back! Glad everything is going well...except the morning sickness. I had it with Dominic and was sick to my stomach the whole 9 months. They put me on diclectin to help with it because they were concerned I wasn't gaining any weight in the last trimester. The baby was growing still but I couldn't keep anything down and I was sick right through my labor and everything.....although that is SUPER atypical. Usually the morning sickness subsides at the end of the first trimester.

I have been doing 30 min of yoga at home every day to stay active. We have the biggest loser work out game for the kinect and it's not super intense but I've tried to take it really easy because I'm so nervous about all these little aches. I will continue to do yoga at home even when I start the prenatal class because the class is only once a week.

Shelby enjoy your hour long reflexology!!! (a trimester is 3 months :) ) I'm glad you're using OPK's this month. I really feel like they were the key to my success. The first 4 months I didn't use them and then the last 4 months I did.

Joanna what was the name of that book again about the WWII pilot?? I was thinking of downloading it onto my kindle:)

Well girls, I'm having lunch with my sister on Friday after she's been away for 10 days, it's gonna be so hard not to tell her. I literally have told no one but DH. I'm guessing she'll figure it out as soon as we see each other. She has a 6th sense about these things. I wouldn't mind telling 1 person....especially her since she still has her pregnancy fresh in her mind. Might help ease some of my fears.

Sorry for being longwinded today. Thinking of you guys!!!
Girls!! I am loving all the long happy messages! So nice to arrive at work and see these on my computer! :happydance:

Erica, the book is "Unbroken." I think the author's name is Laura Hillenbrand. It is a total page turner! I would definitely tell my sister if I were in your situation. My DH's brother and his wife (who is due in August) told us the first time they saw us after she found out (she was about 6 weeks at the time), and I think we'll likely follow that same approach when we get pg - just tell immediate family. For me, having their support will be critical! The whole telling friends thing is so much more complicated though!

Nicole, your beanie is totally going to stick! Sorry you're having nausea, but so happy to hear all is wonderful with DH and life!!

Shelby, I think using OPKs this month is totally the right call. :thumbup: Doing that and temping should make it very clear for you when you OV. I'm using them too. Keep in mind that a lot of people do them twice a day close to O time, just to make sure they don't miss the surge (which can be kind of short). We're getting close!!

Yes girls you are getting close. I was thinking last night about it and if you get your BFP's this cycle then technically you are already pregnant since we count from the first day of your last period. I thought how upset and miserable I was last cycle when AF showed up and that was the "start" of my pregnancy ....kind of a cool thought.
I like that cool thought Erica! it's funny though, I feel like I'm cheating when I say 8 weeks, when it's actually 6!
I woudl definitely tell your sister. She can be there IF something happens. That was my way of thinking aobut it. And seeing someone close excited for you is the best feeling!

Yip yip! BFPs are coming!
I like that thought too, Erica!

What is everyone up to this weekend? (besides counting down the days to OV like Shelby and I :)) DH is away until Sunday night, so really hoping I don't OV before then (unlikely, but possible I suppose).
Good morning!!

I am going to enjoy a nice long weekend!! We get Monday off for the Victoria day holiday so I get friday through monday off. I am so looking forward to it! DH and I have a date planned tomorrow night while DS is at a sleep over. Aside from that we are gonna be relaxing and spending some quality time. We usually have packed weekends so I'm looking forward to not doing much of anything.

How about everyone else?

Joanna you expecting to ovulate monday or tuesday?
Shelby how about you?
Hey girls! Erica, you're already 5 weeks pregnant! Time flies!!! :) I like your idea that I'm already a week pregnant. :) I had my reflexology appt tonight. It was an hour long and was lovely!

My DH and I still have company. It's been about a week and 1/2. I'm all for family staying, but it's getting to the point where I just want my house back. I'm so tired.

This weekend, we're going to my dh's cousin's house for dinner. Other than that, I'm doing massive amounts of laundry and bding.


Joanna and Nicole, what are you doing? Erica, enjoy your relaxing weekend! Get some baby mama rest!!!

:) :hugs: to all of you!
I love Fridays because Nicole's ticker changes! We have an olive today! Woohoo! Erica, looks like your changes on Mondays? I am so excited about that too. So fun.

Shelby I cannot imagine having houseguests for that long! You poor thing - must be so exhausting! We have had my inlaws stay with us a couple of times, and I love them dearly, but it is always such a relief to have the house back to ourselves (and they only ever stay 4 or 5 days!)

As for my weekend, DH is away until Sunday night, so no more BD'ing for me until then. Several of my girlfriends are coming to stay with me, which I'm super excited about. Guessing I'll OV Sunday or Monday, so DH and I should still be ok BD'wise. It's weird how after multiple months of doing this, you really can tell when you're getting close to O day. Good to get to know your body I suppose (although I'd rather just be pregnant!!)

Have a great weekend ladies! :kiss:
Erica, I almost forgot, today is your appointment, no? Can't wait to hear how it goes!!
Hey Girls!!

Hope you all are having a great weekend.

My appt went well Joanna. They don't really do much here until about 10-11 weeks. I will get an ultrasound, bloodwork and full physical exam (not looking forward to that especially with my young, handsome, male doctor:wacko:). All looks good for now. Got a prescription for morning sickness. Haven't had any issues with that yet, but with Dom I was sick all the time and I wanted to have something on hand for Vegas in case I am sick there, don't want it to ruin my vacation. Also got some re-assurance with feeling those litte twinges here and there. The doctor said with second pregnancies because everything has stretched out once before the muscles and ligaments can stretch easier and sooner. Could also be that I didnt notice it the first time.

DH and I are considering building a new house in Cochrane, a neighboring town to Calgary. The homes are a really reasonable and I would be close to work. Could be a very interesting year for us!

Having supper with DH's family, gonna be so hard not to tell them!!! I told my sister yesterday and she cried. She was so happy for me. She said she could tell that it was starting to wear on me and is so glad that it's finally happened. She said she knew it. They just got back from vacation on Wednesday and she has been asking me for a few days if everything was ok. She said she dreamt I was expecting while she was away. Sister's intuition?? More likely a coincedence :)

Joanna and Shelby, you guys are really close to ovulation!!! I can't wait to see what happens at the end of this cycle.

Nicole, how is pilates going? My butt and hamstrings have been so sore from yoga!!!

Take care girls, enjoy your weekends!
Hi girls!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Erica, so happy to hear the appointment went well. It must be night to get some reassurance and have your questions answered, even if they don't do much yet. And so crazy the Vegas trip is now coming up -- I remember discussing how we hoped you'd be preggers by then and now you are!!

Nicole and Shelby, how were your weekends? Shelby, has your house cleared out yet? Hope you and DH had some time to yourselves!

I think I am O'ing either today or tomorrow. My temps are being weird, but it's crazy, I'm feeling super calm about all of it for some reason. Also, one of my girlfriends that was at my house for the weekend this weekend while DH was gone just told me she's 7 weeks pregnant, and I honestly was so happy for her and not a twinge of envy - I think I'm just reaching a good place of calmness about the whole process - it's a nice change!

Anyway, hope you're all doing well! :hugs:
Joanna, I'm so glad you are such a great place with it all. I can't wait for these next 2 weeks to go by, I'm excited for you girls.

I'm gonna take DS to a movie at the theater today and DH made me breakfast while I did yoga this morning. It's raining like crazy but it's starting out to be a great day.

Hope you are all well:)
I'm glad your appt went well! Good luck with morning sickness; hopefully you won't have it with this one!

Joanna, we're getting closer to our tww! I don't know if I ovulated today or not. I have a question for both of you girls...if my opk test shows a light pink line with the other line, should I count it? I haven't seen a full colored line yet.

Have a good night! My house is guest free now!!! ...and I think we have a kid-free weekend coming up!! woo hoo!!!!
Morning Girls,

Shelby, unless the line is as dark or darker than the control line you shouldn't count it. BUT......it means you're getting close to the surge for sure. That's great news!

Joanna any positive opk yet?

Another rainy day for me, and back to work. I had a great long weekend but going back to work always sucks afterwards!

Have a good one ladies.

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