33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Good morning, girls.

Erica, how do you know it was an evap? Did it come up after the time limit or was it just not pink? I ask because I have never had a shadow of anything on any test ever, so I don't really think I know what an evap is...Hoping it's a good sign for you though!! Isn't AF due today?

Shelby, I'm still hopeful for you. Your temp is still up and AF isn't here!

As for me, Im confused (as usual). My temp went way back up this morning, but I tested (even though I wasn't going to as FF says to wait until tomorrow), and BFN on a FRER and an IC. Soooo, it could be that I'm having a longer LP again this cycle (last one was 15 days, previous cycle was 13), and my temp will just go back down tomorrow or Thursday (and AF would arrive Friday). Not sure. Just gonna keep taking my temp tomorrow, Thursday and Friday and if it stays up and AF doesn't arrive, I guess I'll test Friday. I feel like a test should be positive by now though!

Nicole, how are you?

Shelby I'm so sorry to hear that. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you still. :hugs:

Joanna, I'm so so glad that there is still hope!! That's great news.

I'm pretty sure it's an evap line because it was so faint you could barely see it (as in I was tilting it toward the light to tell if it was even there). I'm due for AF to tomorrow I think, I haven't began to spot yet, but last cycle I was a day late so could be the same. If I don't have any spotting tonight I will test again tomorrow....I'm not patient enough to wait till Thursday:)
Thanks, Erica. I'm trying to stay hopeful but it's hard - I so wish I hadn't tested, but probably better than getting my hopes up. I think it's pretty rare to get a BFP after a BFN at 14 DPO (especially when you know you're really 14 DPO because you chart - I think a lot of the girls on here who talk about late BFPs don't necessarily know exactly when the OV'd). And with my long LP, it could stay high even tomorrow and I could still get AF on Thursday - I'm not truly late until Friday. I'm just glad I didn't test with a 10 miu strip--then I'd really feel sure I was out. This way I can at least hold out a glimmer of hope.

Are you having any symptoms?
When I got my BFP with Dominic I would have been 5 weeks along so you could still get your BFP. I am really hopeful for you :hugs:

As for me, I used a 25miu test this morning, although I have a clearblue digital and a frer test at home I used the $store one because I didn't want to waste the expensive ones. Do you know what the miu is on clear blue or frer? I'll have to look that up.

I'm not having any unusual symptoms, slightly tender boobs, emotional....pretty much the same as every month. Haven't spotted yet so that could be positive but spotting came late last month so who knows. I haven't had my usual lower back pain but that could be this evening. It's so hard to say.

I don't really know what to think. I'm just not going to get my hopes up because I've been let down so many times.

Not sure if I ever told you guys this, but in December before we all started chatting I was 4 days late and had a really really light positive on a frer. I was so devastated when AF came (with vengance, cramping was horrible, bleeding was heavier than normal *sorry TMI*) that's what prompted me to look for some TTC buddies. To help support me because I was so so devasted. I just can't let myself see another little line and trick myself into thinking it's real. I'm sure it was an evap line and I read too much into it.
FRER and the newest type of CB digital (at least the ones in the US) are both 25 miu, from what I've heard.

So sorry to hear about what happened in December. That sounds devastating. It sounds like it could have been a chemical, since you had more cramping and heavier bleeding than normal. I definitely understand not wanting to get your hopes up over a faint line. I've never had even a shadow, though, so I know if I got something faint, I'd have a tough time!!

Thanks for your positivity. It definitely helps. I'm going to try to stop looking up statistics on BFNs before BFPs and focus on work for today. (Easier said than done!) I just need to remember I only have 2 days to wait and I'll know. I truly hate having such a long LP!!

Hey girls!
Erica, did your line have color? Joanna, I feel good about your chart!!! A negative test means nothing right now! My sis-in-law got a - with her 2nd baby. She tested a week later and got a +. It happens all the time. So, ladies, as long as AF doesn't attack...we're all still good.

Erica, I'm sorry about your experience in December. I'm so glad you found this forum, and I'm so thankful for this forum and most of all...this thread!!! I agree with Joanna, it sounds like you may have had a chemical pregnancy in December??

Girls, I'm telling you...reflexology may work afterall!!! :) If I'm not pregnant, I'm going for acupuncture next.


Nicole, how are you??????
HI girls!!!!! I'm so crossing my fingers for the THREE of you!!!!!! How nerve-racking though, you guys are driving me CRAZY!
Wishing wishing wishing, :hopeful:, hopeful, hopeful.

I'm going to my first prenatal appointment with DH today. Don't think I will get a scan though cause it's too early...
Argued with DH this morning over our future, brilliant!
Otherwise, feeling upbeat, and hooooopefuuul for you sweety pies!
How exciting Nicole!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Shelby, I've heard great things about accupuncture as well. But let's hope the reflexology did the trick this month!

I just want tomorrow to be here so we can have some more news! :hugs: :kiss:
Yay, hope your appt goes well Nicole :hugs:

Joanna, I'm with you, I wanna know what's happening with us all!!!!
:yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::headspin::headspin::headspin::headspin::headspin:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's so awesome Erica!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!! The extended o's can't express how happy I am for you!!!
Thank you Shelby. I couldn't get the "evap" line out of my mind. I thought I'd test last night on the off chance it was more than that. I knew chances of a bfp at night were slim but I had to know. So....I tested with dollar store cheapy and it was super faint again, tried with fr digiI and it was positive. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I took 2 more tests this morning to be sure another dollar store and a clear blue digi.

8 long months girls....I'm so so happy
OMG Erica I am soooooooooo happy for you!!!!! I knew that wasn't an evap!! :yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

this cheers me up a ton, because my temp dropped this morning and AF arrived right on schedule. so i am soooo glad there is good news for one of us. shelby, any news? it looks like your temp went back up...did you test?

Erica, I am just so thrilled for you!!
Sorry Joanna :( What are you going to do about temping? I think you should keep doing it because we can help you interpret it. While the temps are different, you seem to have relatively the same pattern.

I'm pretty sure I had a chemical pregnancy. I tested again this morning with a $store test, and I couldn't see a line. I haven't started, but I am spotting. Sometimes my cycle is 25 days, and sometimes it's 28 days. So, today is 28...and no AF. However, I read someone's post regarding a chemical pregnancy and apparently with that, you'll have bright red spotting and that's supposed to count as Day 1 of your next cycle. The girl said that the period is very brief (one to three days), and the next one is super heavy. I'm hoping there won't be a next one.

So, I reluctantly entered my spotting info on FF, and I'm onto a new cycle. :( I guess the upside is that I CAN get pregnant. So, that's good to know.

The strangest part is my temp is still up. So, I guess maybe it's not completely out of my system. I'll take a digital test just to be sure.

Erica, you are keeping our 1 pregnancy per cycle plan alive!!!
Change your ticker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Erica, change your ticker! Can't get over how excited I am for you!! :happydance: :happydance:

Shelby, I'm sorry about the BFNs, but I would test again just to make sure with a different test, since your temp is still up. Also, I'd hold off on starting a new cycle on FF - you're not supposed to start CD1 until you have full flow - you can just put the spotting in on FF as spotting (not "light") and then FF won't start you on a new month. I only started mine today because it's not just spotting. Up to you of course, but that's what I'd recommend.

Erica, did you do anything different this month? What BD pattern did you use?

My plan for this cycle is to temp from about CD7 until 3 days after O, to confirm ovulation. Then I'm going to stop and wait until the test date FF gives me. We may miss my fertile period entirely this month unless I O late, as DH has a trip, so that would be a bummer. We'll see. Oh, and DH and I had a long talk this morning and he is going to try to get a sperm analysis, which is good news. He is being super super supportive, which is so helpful. I am hoping it's not his sperm, since that seems to be a harder problem to address (not like something where you can take a pill to make you ovulate or progesterone to make your LP longer). It will be good to (hopefully) rule that out.

sorry for the longwinded message... :hugs:
That sounds like a good plan! Hopefully, dh will be in town for some bding!!! Onto a new cycle. Try some accupuncture!

On FF, I entered light on Sunday because I did have to wear a pad most of the day. TMI ALERT: It soaked through my underwear. So, if that's all I'm going to have this month...and I'm not going to have full flow...I need to start somewhere. Does that make sense? I have tracked my cycle for years (ttc with previous husband). So, I'm confident that I start between Day 25-28. I haven't started yet today, so I'm afraid if I don't count the light day on Sunday...I won't know when I should pinpoint my start date.

I agree that I should test one more time. I'm going to use a digital test. They seem to be pretty spot on.

I don't have the symptoms anymore that I had been having...headache, tender bbs, etc.

I don't know what to do.
That makes sense, Shelby. And I agree it's probably not spotting you're describing. Definitely does sound like what you read was a chemical :cry: But as you said, on the upside, at least that means the sperm is meeting the egg!! Let us know the results of the test. The worst part about temping/charting is when the info it gives you is confusing. Hang in there :hugs: :hugs:
I have to go to work, but I'm sooooooo happy for you Erica!!!!!!
Will be back!
I'm sorry Joanna and Shelby. AF SUCKS!!! If nothing else, finally getting my BFP has renewed my faith in the fact that it will happen for all of us.

I didn't do too many things differently this month, but a few.
I dtd every other day until I got a +opk and then every day for 3 days, also I usually dtd right before bed time and then elevated my hips and fell asleep that way. This time I dtd earlier on in the night and elevated my hips with a pillow and my feet straight over my head. I stayed like this for an hour....funny site I know. I stopped temping totally this time as well. After Easter weekend last month I was so upset about AF that I gave up trying to read my body. I used opk and that was it, I didn't pay attention to what CD or how many dpo I was until the end of the cycle when I started getting anxious to test. I just felt done with it all....close to giving up.

I don't know if any of these things actually made a difference or if it was just the month that everything finally clicked for me.

I am so afraid that now that I finally have a BFP that I will lose it. I was never this way with Dominic, I don't know why I am so terrified it won't stick.

Sorry, I'm blabbing. :hugs:

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