33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Ok, so here goes:
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Ericaaa has a BFPeeeee, Ericaaaaa has a BFP eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
VERY HAPPY, OVER THE MOON... still in disbelief actually. Have you called for your first appointment? HOw is DH feeling about this? Have you told him?

JOanna and Shelby, you are not alone, we are still here for you, no matter what! This thread is half pregnant half ttc, but we should stick together. Maybe call in more ttcers?
Joanna, your DH is the best! I'm so unbelievably happy he is willing to go test his spermies, this is a hard thing to do. Remember, you haven't been trying for a year yet, don't give up!!! A lot of it is luck, and that sucks big time. Hang in there.
Shelby, I'm still praying you get a BFP, but if it is a chemical, you said it yourself, you can get pregnant, you know that at least. And chemicals are not your fault (meaning your body is rejecting it naturally - better now than 3 months I guess...), you know that right?

Ok, so my beanie is 0.92 cm, I have a scan, and I saw its heart flutter. But he/she is only 7 weeks 1 day (I KNEW it! from ovulating early!!!). Very surreal, but awesome. DH was with mean, and he was very cool, but surprised that we could see "it" already.
Erica, the hard part is waiting for your first scan. I'm still afraid it won't stick though. But after 8 months you surely deserve a sticky bean! Are you taking your prenatals?
Tell us more!
Thanks, Nicole. That's terrific news about the scan! How exciting!! I can't even imagine.

Shelby, any news?

Erica, so anxious for more updates. How did you tell DH?

Yes, I am pleased DH is so agreeable about the spermie check. We decided to give it one more cycle and then he'll do it. After all, it's only been 3 cycles that we've been charting, and 4 that we've been using OPKs (one of which--before I started charting--I think I didn't OV as we were traveling in Europe during the exact time I was supposed to). 5 months total. I think waiting till 6 months has passed (4 months of being sure that we've timed everything right) makes the most sense. I keep reading that even if you time sex perfectly, you still only have a 25% change in any given cycle, so that makes me less worried. (Have spent waaaaay too much time reading really depressing stuff about low sperm counts. Must change mental attitude!) So, plan for this month is abstaining from BD'ing for at least a few days until I get a positive OPK - not really a plan so much as a reality, as DH will be away for the days before I'm supposed to O. Maybe less BD will be better for us, who knows?

Anyway, thanks for your support girls. So very happy for both your good news Erica and Nicole. :hugs: Please don't leave the thread! (I know you said you wouldn't, just saying) I'd love to hear more about what you're going through!!
PS Erica, I know it's hard but try not to worry!! Positive thinking is everything with this sort of thing, in my view. Definitely not worth any stress until you have something to stress about, which you don't! Just a big fat BFP!!
Hey girls,

Joanna and Shelby how are you guys doing?

Nicole, so exciting to see the heart flutter. I can't wait!!! I'm really glad that your appt went so well.

Hope everyone is doing great. Thinking of you all.
Love the new ticker, Erica!! How are you feeling?

I'm much better today than yesterday. Feeling hopeful again for this month, and feeling good about knowing that we'll seek medical advice if things don't work for us.

Other than that, nothing new or interesting at all with me, so I want to hear about you girls!!! :hugs:
I'm feeling really good actually. Had a bit of lower back pain and a few aches in my lower abdomen last night. Aside from that I'm doing well. No food issues, and my boobs are too tender:) I'm emotional!!!! It doesn't bother me any but DH has noticed lol.

I have my first appt next Friday afternoon. They could have got me in sooner, but I told them I wasn't in any big hurry.

It's been so crazy at work here ladies. everything started all at once. That's a good thing I guess. It should make time go faster for me.

\Joanna, you still slow?

Anyone have plans this weekend?
Hi girls,
I didn't take another test. I'm pretty sure that I'm not pregnant. My temp took a big dive today too. So, onto the next month. Accupuncture: here I come!!!

Erica and Nicole...thanks for staying with us! I agree we could use more ttc girls. The more the merrier. I agree with Joanna that I like to hear what experiences you have in early pregnancy. Erica, your dh noticing your emotional state reminded me that my dh noticed that I wasn't irritable this month. LOL I thought, poor guy...having to deal with me!

:) Nicole and Erica...keep us posted!!! The tickers are so helpful!!!

Joanna, :babydust: :babydust: :babydust:
Thank you Shelby, you too! I am so sorry about your situation - it truly does sound like a chemical, which sounds devastating. Hang in there. Luckily you seem to have relatively short cycles (like me), so the next chance is right around the corner!! :hugs:

can't wait till tomorrow afternoon to hear about your appointment Erica! What was DH's reaction to the news? (can't recall if you've already said). Was he with you when you tested?
DH was so great. I cried and he teared up a bit too just because we're so relieved/happy after waiting so long. I should have told him in a more special way, but I just disappeared ustairs for a while because my curiosity got the best of me. Didn't tell him I had planned to test. I got a faint BFP on the cheapy tests and then tried with digital and it said "yes+" :) I came straight down stairs crying and holding it and we hugged and hugged. He was SO much more receptive this time. Last time he was happy but really non-chalant and un-interested, this time he was thrilled. Probably because we've tried for 8 months.

Shelby I hope you like acupunture, my sister said it is awesome.

Joanna, my appt isn't until the 20th, not this Friday :) Waiting a little longer...
Erica, that's great! It's hard to come up with a "fancy" way of telling DH when the most important is just sharing whatever is going on right there and then. that's what happened to us too... I just gasped, and he thought I was in pain, then I cam at him, wide-eyed, the test pointing at him. Poor guy, haha! Come to think of it.
Im super busy right now, I have lots and lots of work, SO happy! Time is flying, and it helps soooo much.
I love you guys, why, Joanna, why would I leave you three!

Oh, and I started pilates, but I was so excited from the scan that I got there half n hour late (was on the phone with my mom) and had to pay a full hour (private lesson) for 12 min. I cried for 15 min after I was so frustrated. I don't cry over nothing. Usually. Yesterday, I prepared dinner for DH. He was in the shower. When he came out I burst into tears because I had convinced myself he wanted to hurt my feelings by staying in the shower while his dinner was getting cold. Do you get it? I even have a hard time explaining this now :) We laughed about it later...
Good morning, ladies!

Nicole, I get so excited about your new tickers! I love the raspberry! So funny about your DH/dinner/shower.

I imagine I'll tell DH in the same way you girls told yours when we finally get our BFP...Can't imagine doing anything very elaborate. He'd probably just be confused :wacko:

I had a great talk last night with a friend of mine who is a doctor (but not an obgyn). She was super reassuring because she's had lots of friends who've tried for a while and then gotten their BFPs. Basically she reiterated how low the chance is of getting your BFP even if you time BD perfectly each month. I had managed to convince myself that something was wrong with me or DH which I now realize was probably jumping the gun a bit. there's just so much scary stuff out there on the internet! She agreed with the approach of seeing a doc after 6 months, just in case, so that's still my plan. anyway, feeling much more positive now.

Shelby, how are you? Are things crazy with the family in town for first communion?
I was going to say Joanna, that while it's a good thing to see your doctor/obgyn to ask about infertility tests, it's another thing to actually go forward with it. When I went in, I realized after talking with my obgyn, that I had jumped the gun. I still think it's a good idea to go to the obgyn and talk about your fears for her/him to say: stop being ridiculous! You're healthy, happy and you BD regularly, let it happen. Only, we don't know how to let it happen :wacko: so we need someone to reassure us.
I'm happy you had that talk with your friend and when you do get pregnant (sooner than later!) you'll start worrying about other things.

Shelby, tell us about the communion!

Hi girls!
Nicole, I love the food ticker too! It's so cute! Imagine a little raspberry!

Joanna, I read somewhere that it takes on average 6 months to get pregnant. So, we're still in that realm. We'll probably be the 6 monthers!!! It's so frustrating, but my dh said the other day, "It wouldn't be a miracle if it was easy." I don't know how religious any of you are, so I don't want to sound preachy, but I really believe it is a miracle. When it happens, it's so profound and amazing. I've been praying a lot. I've stopped asking for it. I realize I should be happy with what I have, and I always thank God for the life I have now. I really have no complaints. So, I have faith that it will happen. Joanna, we'll get our miracles!!!

1st Communion stuff is coming along. My mil (mom-in-law) seems stressed about getting everything done in time for the party on Sunday. We have all day tomorrow, so I'm not too worried. Having a house full of people is stressful, so I'm glad it's af time and not bding time right now. I can't relax right now. Serenity now!!!

What are you girls doing this weekend???
This weekend, one of my DH's friends is coming from France with his mother and brother. They'll be staying at a hotel, so we'll be going out for DRINKS, and eating with a glass of WINE, and... I have no idea how I'm going to explain my sudden loss of love for alcohol LOL. I'm looking forward to seeing them though.
Saturday I'm going to a bbq, and Sunday, to a french crepe restaurant that's closing :nope: - we'll be there to buy their cider bowls, crepe utensiles, and decorations :thumbup:
For once, I've planned a busy weekend!!!

HOw about everyone else?
Shelby you are so right!! :hugs: I think it truly is a miracle when it happens, that's why so many women are so shocked when they don't get pregnant right away the second time but they did the first - it was a miracle that it happened fast the first time, and I think much more normal to have it take a bit longer. Our turn is coming, I know it! And in the meantime, we can live vicariously through Nicole and Erica :winkwink: - we are going to be so well prepared!!

Weekends sound good ladies, and busy! Nicole, that is such a challenge with the not drinking. Everyone I know is going to know I'm pg when that happens because I NEVER turn down a drink! Let us know how it goes...

I'm doing a girls night on Saturday night, nothing crazy just a chick flick and dinner, as DH will be at a bachelor party. Yoga on Sunday, which I am loving. Dinner at home with DH tonight. Oh, and hopefully bye bye to AF on Sunday!

Good Morning girls!!

Hope you all are having a great start to your weekends. We're going to DH's co-workers for supper tonight, they don't know me well enough to question why I'm not drinking so it should be easy to hide.

The weather is so beautiful finally, I wish could have a beer or 5 on the patio this weekend!!! Oh well, it's worth it.

Joanna have a great girls night and Nicole enjoy visiting with your DH's friends!

Shelby good luck with the first communion, and I so agree with what you said about it being a miracle. After Dominic my faith was renewed in miracles, after he was born I was in shock for a few days because I kept thinking "we made this, he came from my body." I prayed a lot during this whole process and I have found it comforting. I think it's great that your faith helps you stay so positive.

Love you guys!!
Hi girls!

How was everyone's weekend? Shelby, how did the first communion go? Nicole, did DH's friends inquire about your not drinking? Erica, your ticker (the commentary I mean) is so funny! I love it!

My weekend was good. Best part was on Saturday, DH was at a bachelor party, so I got to spend the entire day watching movies he hates (chick flicks) and then went to yoga and then out for another chick flick with friends. So relaxing!!

Hope everyone is doing well. :hugs:
Hi Girls!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I had to work Saturday so mine was a little shorter than I would have liked.

No one has really been around much...how is everyone!!!

I'm doing good. Feeling some pinching and achiness a little in my abdomen. My doctor's appt on Friday can't come soon enough. I didn't have any twinges or achiness with Dom and I've read its normal but I will feel better after I see the doctor.

Joanna....I purposely picked this ticker because I figured it would give us all a good chuckle hee hee. Glad you like it!

Hope everyone is taking care.
Hi girls!
Erica, I do love that ticker! So funny!!! I'm sorry your weekend was cut short. Try to not worry about the pinching! I'm sure it's normal. :)

Joanna, the communion party went well. I am exhausted from having my dh's family stay with us since last Tuesday. 3 out of the 4 leave today. So, I am excited to get some rest. It'll be good to have my house back. I'm glad you had fun with your girls and chick flicks. What did you see? Any recommendations??

Nicole, how's your bambino? How are you feeling???

Well girls...menses phase is over...onto the next! I couldn't get in for accupuncture, so I'm going to get reflexology again. I really don't know if it helps, but it makes me feel better...so why not?

:hugs: :dust:

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