33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hi girls!

Shelby, I agree with Erica - it's not like an HPT, the OPK is only positive if the test line is as dark or darker than the control line. But, I usually don't get faint lines until I'm close to O day, so it's likely you're almost there! As an aside, I ended up switching to digital OPKs, even though there a bit pricey, because I found the lines so hard to read, so if you have trouble this cycle (and you don't get your BFP) you may want to consider that - fingers crossed you won't need to!!

I am super confused right now. I always seem to O the day after my positive OPK, which is usually also the day after my first peak on the fertility monitor I use (basically same thing as an OPK). Then I always get a large temp rise to make clear that I O'd. Today should be the day for the temp rise and NOTHING :shrug: Baffling. So I guess maybe my body geared up for O and didn't? Or maybe my temp is just taking a bit longer to rise. Which I've read can happen, but it's not something that usually happens for me....I will be so sad if I don't O this cycle!!

Erica, glad you enjoyed the long weekend - what holiday was yesterday there?
Joanna, I have read that you're body can get ready to ov. and then not and then have another surge shortly after. Did you do another opk today? I would see if maybe it can detect another surge. It could also be that your temp is slow to rise like you said. If the surge lasted a bit longer than normal you may not have seen the temp rise as soon?
I'm sure you will ovulate this month, you haven't had a month where you haven't so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed:flower:

Shelby I agree with Joanna, the digital opk's are more expensive but so much easier to read. On my last month trying I ran out of digital opk's (only had 1 left) and wasn't sure if I was gonna try the following month so I didn't want to buy more. I used dollar store cheapy tests until I got what I thought was close enough to a positive and then used my last digital to verify. Maybe try this method? I found it a little more cost effective:)

I've been cramping again today girls, this is driving me crazy:wacko:. I'm getting so worried. I'm gonna have to do some research.

Joanna it was Victoria day long weekend here. So nice to have the extra day.
Thanks, Erica. Yes, I know it's definitely possible to get a surge and not ov and then get another surge and ov later. I will definitely do another opk today (and until I get a temp rise). Just a bit frustrated because I really wanted to time it this month so that we hadn't BD'd for a few days before we did close to O (in case there's a sperm issue, I've read this can help). Now if we keep BD'ing, we will have been doing it for many days straight (which is what we've done unsuccessfully for the last few months). I'm going to try not to worry, though. We'll try to BD tonight and I'll hope for a temp rise tomorrow.

Try not to worry about the cramping. Everything I've read says it's totally normal at this stage because your uterus is stretching. I know you're going to be fine!! :hugs:
Hi everyone!!! Just wanted to pop in to say hi. erica I wouldn't worry at ALL about the cramps, as long as you can still speak and move through the pain. Really. I had a lot of annoying cramping, pinches, and sore abs like I'd been doing sit-ups all night. I couldn't bend backwards at times.
Joanna, I am not worried at all for you, I also read that this sometimes happens, you'll probably have a rise tomorrow, and you have definitely ov!
Happy things are going well for everyone! I'm going through a hormone crisis, and DH and I are pretty miserable right now. I'm like a newborn baby, I need to sleep SO MUCH, eat all through the day (bananas, and bagels with cream cheese mostly) and when he comes back from work all I want is to sleep, talking is a nightmare. I just want to sleep, and be alone. I'm really hoping I won't make DH miserable for too long. I have a pretty strong personality, but I'm not a b**** like this. I never complain about having to do the dishes all the time, or him not doing anything special for me. Now, I'm this monster that wants more, and more! Aaaaargh! I hate myself for this. I just need a break from feeling sick and sleepy!
It will pass, but I don't want to come here to rant too often, so I'm minimizing my appearances. No kidding, it's that bad! Actually, you would have a laugh if I told you how outrageous my behavior is. I'll try to come up with something funny next time :) :)

Ciao for now super girlies!
Nicole!! We missed you! So sorry to hear you're struggling with the hormones. I have a friend who is 7 weeks who says EXACTLY the same thing - she and her DH have barely spoken in weeks because all she wants to do is sleep by the time he gets home and generally she just feels like poop. She also says that the few times they have talked, she ends up having crazy meltdowns. So you're not alone! It is going to get so much better in just a few short weeks!! :hugs: :hugs:
Hi girls!!!
Nicole, I'm so sorry you're feeling so yucky! I'm sure you'll get through it soon enough!!! I'm sure pregnancy bliss is just around the corner!!! Come here to vent anytime!!! That's what we're here for!!!

Erica, don't research cramps!!! I'm sure you're fine. If you look online, you're likely to find anything from "it's completely normal" to "it's completely abnormal." I'm sure you're fine!!!! So, looking it up may fuel your worries. Don't do it!!! :) You've had one healthy baby, so I'm sure this one will be no different!!! Stay positive, get lots of rest, and try to focus on something else!!! :)

Joanna, partner in crime, I agree with Erica and Nicole. Let's see what tomorrow brings!!! Since you've ovulated every month, I'm sure you're still on track! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Girls, I had my +opk today. So, does that mean that I ov today? Hopefully, ff will have an easier time pinpointing my ov date this month. We have bding for the past 3 days, so I think we'll take tonight off and then as my dh calls it...we'll have a "booster" tomorrow. :)

Nicole and Erica, get some rest!!!

Joanna, it's chart stalking time. I'm glad I have yours to stalk too because it takes my mind off of mine! :) :dust:

:hugs" to all of you!!!
I meant :hugs:

Also, sorry for the "!!!" It must seem like I'm screaming at you girls. Not my intention!!! Ugh, there it goes again. It's a habit...and I'm a little ocd, so everything is in 3s. (Not joking):wacko:
LOL, shelby! :hugs:

I think you will likely ovulate tomorrow, that's what's always happened to me (I say "always" but that clearly has little weight given this month!!) Some people do ovulate the same day as the positive OPK, though, so you could OV today. The way to tell will be if your temp goes up tomorrow, then you OV'd today, but if it stays the same, then probably tomorrow is the big day. Check out peeonastick.com - ridiculous website name but totally awesome factual info re OPKs.

Hopefully my temp will go up tomorrow and will be right on track together for the TWW--it is so much better when you have someone going through it with you! I'm not sure how long I'll temp this time. I may just do 3 high temps to confirm OV (gotta get one first though!), or I may do it for the first week or so and then stop. My problem tends to be reading into the temps from day 10 or so on - it makes those last few days of my LP so stressful and long. Might be better just to go blind for that last bit and then test if I miss AF. We'll see...

Exciting days to come!! :happydance:
Joanna!!! Looks like you oved!!! Woo hoo! So, my temp went up this morning too. I broke the 97 degree barrier. So, I guess that means I oved yesterday?
Good morning girls,

Nicole, I know how you're feeling. DH and I have been through this once before so he was fully aware of what he was getting himself into! This time he has been much more relaxed because he knows how it messes with my emotions. As your DH gets used to it and your hormones start to even out a bit things will get easier. The first 3 months are by far the hardest because you don't really want to tell anyone but your emotional, tired, sick etc. It really does get better.

Shelby thanks for the advice on the rest....I went to bed at 8:45pm and got up at 6:20am :blush: I feel so much better! The rain here has been steady since the weekend and that makes work very slow. Yesterday I got home and I wanted to crawl into bed....I forced myself to go to yoga and came home had some tea and hit the sack. What a difference a good sleep makes.

Joanna, I'm anxious to know about your temp!!

Shelby you're in the TWW now! I can't wait to hear what happens in the next few weeks.

Hi ladies,

I was soooo relieved to see my temp had spiked this morning...I just knew I had ovulated, so I think I would have totally lost faith in my ability to read my body if I hadn't! So TWW here we come! Shelby, you definitely could have OV'd yesterday, to me it looks like you did. So exciting that we're on the exact same track!!

Erica, that sounds like a lovely night's sleep! Glad you are feeling better. When is your next doctor's visit? What is your due date?

Yay, awesome news Joanna. Now you and Shelby both just have to sit back and relax. Are you guys gonna hold off testing?

My next dr. visit is June 24th,I get my ultrasound around the same time. I'm due January 16th. DH's birthday is the 19th so it could be within days of that. I went 5 days early last time so who knows really.

I know Shelby you told me NOT to research but I couldn't help myself :blush: I didn't look specifically at the back pain and cramp stuff but instead read about miscarriage and the stats. They actually made me feel so much better. The likelyhood of miscarriage is actually quite a bit lower than I thought after the first 6 weeks. I really do need to stop worrying.

Work is so slow that I have literally been on these boards no stop all morning and yesterday too. That doesn't help with the obsessing!
So exciting, Erica! Maybe the baby will come a bit early and you'll get 1/12/12, which would be a really cool date! And yes, I have heard that after 6 weeks, the chances of mc go way, way down. So yay for passing the 6 week mark!! And I know what you mean about work being slow and spending too much time on the boards - I was like that a couple of weeks ago - it was ridiculous how much time I spent on here! Luckily work has picked up a bit!

Shelby, according to FF, if we both OV'd yesterday, the EDD is Valentine's Day! Pretty cool, no? I would love a Valentine's day babe!!
That would be so awesome if you guys have Valentines day babies!!!

I meant to tell you guys. DH's sisters came straight out and asked if I was preggers yesterday. We had supper together on Saturday and I didn't drink (said I had taken a decongestant and didn't want to mix with alcohol). They didn't say anything to me then but then they invited me for a bottle of wine and I made another excuse and they called me on it. They said my boobs are "enormous" and it's not like me to turn down a drink.:blush: So the cat was out of the bag. I tried to deny but they knew. I told them to keep their mouths shut until we tell DH's parents.

So my sister and DH's sisters both know now. I wonder how long they'll keep it quiet.
Hi girls!
Joanna, it's awesome that we oved the same time! I guess my last lp was 16 days. Yours are long too??? I completely understand if you don't temp since it can be and has been misleading! However, maybe this will be the cycle where it's clear as day! You never know!

Erica, I'm glad you feel better regarding the whole cramping thing! ...and I'm glad you got some rest!!! In a few weeks, you'll see your little bean on the monitor!!! So exciting!!!

I think I might get my ff ov line on my chart tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I'm going to try really hard to not symptom spot this month.

dh and I are going out to dinner right now! I'll check back later!!!

Afternoon, ladies.

Erica, when are you planning to tell DH's parents? Are you waiting till you can do it in person? Must be so tricky to decide when/how to do that. And always a challenge, at least in my family, once one person knows something like that keeping it on the down low! To give you an example: my DH's father told DH's brother's fiance that DH's brother was going to propose to her before he did! (not quite that bad - he just called her to congratulate her when DH's brother hadn't asked her yet-- but still, so awkward!!)

Shelby, enjoy dinner! Yes, it's a hard call on the temping. On one hand, I'm glad to have a longer LP (between 13 and 15 days), but on the other, it would be so nice to have a shorter TWW and just know that if my temp stayed up and no AF by like 11 or 12 DPO, that was it! Instead, I sit there reading into temp increases at 13 or 14 DPO that probably don't mean anything because my LP is just going 14 or 15 days that month! Oh well, I'm going to take it one day at a time...

I LOVE you! (there, the hormones! I told you!). No, seriously, you all made me feel so so much better, you have NO idea! Joanna, thanks for sharing your friend's struggles, what a relief! Erica, I can't imagine you being a monster like me, but even so, it's always good to know I'm not alone! Thanks Pfab! And I actually laghed out loud when you mentioned the "!!!", I hadn't even noticed. I do the same thing!!! :haha: that is, talk too loud :wacko:

Erica, your baby is going to be healthy, beautiful... would you like to have a baby girl or do you not care one way or the other? A girl, as strong as you!
It's funny you couldn't keep it from your sister in laws, I think that's great, so hard to keep it from everyone isn't it! I'm excited just thinkign about it. I want to tell someone else all over again!
Your first scan is June 24th, the wait is sooo long for me, how are you dealing with it?
Ha! and we have tww girls right here, and I'm complaining?
Shelby, hope you have a GREAT weekend coming up! NO family around! Woohoo!
Joanna, happy your temp spiked, I predicted it right? :happydance:

Off to bed, it's almost midnight!!! Rahhhh.

Joanna I think taking it one day at a time is a good method. It's hard not to temp because you're always looking for clues as to what is happening with your body, but it can be so stressful. Do whatever feels right for you.

Shelby, I hope supper was good! We went out too. I've had so much take out lately! I haven't been craving anything, I just never know what I want. I told DH I didn't feel like anything but I wanted something. He gave me a quizzical look. :)

Nicole, I'm glad you feel better :flower: I don't know what I want to have this time. I love the relationship my DS and I have. He is such a rough and tumble boy but hes so sweet and loving with me. I would be happy with another boy for sure. BUT I also would love a little girl to go shopping with one day and do pretty hair do's and buy pretty dresses. I would be happy with that too. DH and I really don't care as long as he/she is healthy. Dom doesn't know I'm preggers yet because he would tell everyone who would listen to him, but we've talked with him about a little sister or brother and he says brother every time.

Joanna, I don't know when we'll tell DH's parents. I feel silly keeping it from them considering DH's sisters know. I guess my fear is that DH's mom couldn't keep her excitement to herself. She can be known as a gossip. I don't mind them knowing, I just don't want her telling everyone until after my first ultrasound (which is SO far away Nicole!!!!) so I know everything is good. We'll probably keep it from everyone until then. My best friend knows and my sister and dh's sister. I think that's good for a while.

Any plans for this weekend girls?
Thanks, Erica, yes, I think that's the best plan for me. It may just be that I have to stop temping at the very end, because until then, it doesn't mean anything for me anyway. Hopefully, I'll be a bit more distracted this TWW than last month (when work was sooooo slloooow). It looks like I will be, so that's definitely a good thing! :thumbup:

Shelby, you got your cross-hairs! I'm a bit surprised FF did that when you got your positive OPK the day after, but it might be that you surge started the day before and you OV'd and the positive OPK you got the next day was the tail end. Either way, yay for being 3 DPO! :happydance: I can't wait to get mine tomorrow!

Nicole, so glad you are feeling better. Hang in there. You're so close to the second tri, I can't believe it! Can't wait to see your new--gasp!--10 week ticker!

Are you kidding me????? Nicole is entering 2nd trimester soon???? That's crazy!!!! I feel like she just got her bfp a couple weeks ago!!! Nicole, hopefully the 2nd trimester will be a little easier...or at least I hope you feel better in 2nd tri!!!

Erica, I'm sorry your sis-in-laws got it out of you! I hope they can keep it a secret. I admire your secret keeping!!! I won't be able to do it! I tell everyone every month that I think I'm pregnant. Then I'm not...then I look stupid. Here is a situation where you are pregnant and you're able to keep it in!!! The idea of keeping it until the first ultrasound makes a lot of sense. ...and your ultrasound will be here before you know it!!!

Joanna, yes I have my crosshairs, but even with the opk, ff is still confused! So, 3 dpo it is now, but who knows! I took my opk at 5pm which is a little later in the day. So, I'm not sure how big of a deal that is. Either way, here we go. I think if you're able to distract yourself during the next couple weeks, that is the best plan! I'm going to try as well. With the end of the school year approaching, I have plenty to do!!! So, hopefully, there won't be time to obsess!!!

Speaking of obsessing...symptom spotting anonymous alert...Obviously symptoms haven't started, but I got really dizzy today after the school day. I'm not sure what caused it.

:hugs: to all of you!!!

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