33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Praying, praying, praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not going to lose your pea!!!!!!! Get some rest tonight, stay off your feet, take it easy!!!

I'm so sorry because I can only imagine how much this is stressing you out. I wish the doctor's office had you get your ultrasound today...don't they know how stressful this is?????

Stay positive!!! I agree with Joanna that bleeding is normal. Are you having pain? If so, on a scale of 1 to 10, how strong is your pain?

Hugs and prayers continue to come your way! Stay :)
Erica, we're here for you, I can't believe we are so far from you at such a crucial time. I feel so useless. I've been thinking of you ALL day, and I hope you can remain positive until tomorrow morning, and get some sleep.

Anxiously waiting, and in disbelief like Joanna and Shelby. Want to say it's nothing, but will remain :-#
Hi guys.

Well.....they say its too small to be 7 weeks and there is "debris" in my uterus. Its consistent with a miscarriage. It looks like baby stopped growing at 5 weeks. They will have the results to my doctor within an hour and I assume he will want to see me. They want to do blood work to be sure.

It seems to me that things are looking bleak. If by some miracle the blood work shows my hcg levels are increasing then I guess that would be good. At this point they are calling it a spontaneous abortion and she said that the blood work is more or less to confirm. So I guess once its confirmed I will likely need a d and c unless by that point I've miscarried on my own.

Dh's parents know because his sisters let it slip earlier this week. Telling them and the others that know will be hard. It was very hard to tell my boss this morning, but considering I will be missing some work I told him what was happening. He is like a father to me and was very supportive, but saying out loud was SO hard.

We're supposed to leave for vegas a week from saturday, we will need a get away.

I guess that's it. Hopefully this will be finished soon and we can start over.
Erica, I am so heartbroken for you. :cry: I can't imagine how you must be feeling. :nope: I know that nothing I can say will make it any better but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. :hugs:
This is too sad to comprehend. I'm so so so sorry. :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

I'm glad your boss understands. Is there any way that your dh can tell your in-laws so you don't have to say it?

I'm glad you're going to Vegas with your dh. You definitely need a break from all of this!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
:confused: how can it be?
I just can't get over what just happened :cry:

Will be here for you too. tell us what you decide to do next. :flow:
Hello Girls,
I spent last night in emergency. Just doing a follow up ultrasound this morning to ensure everything looks the way it should. They say my miscarriage is almost complete and I'm just waiting to know if they will need to do surgery or if it will finish on its own.

Thank you for your kind words and support. I am devastated and scared but honestly I just want this whole ordeal to be over with. DH and I are so exhausted and numb right now. We are strong though and wwe will get through it, we will try again as soon as the doctor says we can.

Hope you guys are doing well.
Nicole, take care of your little bump!
Joanna and Shelby I'm eager to hear how you are doing, getting close to testing!

Talk to you guys soon
Good morning, girls.

Erica, I can't stop thinking about you, I'm just so sad. Still holding out a glimmer of hope that your doctor had something positive to say, though. I hope you're hanging in there. Still sending mega virtual :hugs: :hugs: your way.

Shelby, did you go to your obgyn appointment? Anxious to hear a report. I also want to hear how she reacted to your charts - I'm planning to bring mine if/when we see a fertility specialist next month, and want to know if doctor's take them seriously or brush them off...
Erica, we must've posted at the exact same time. Just saw your last post. Words can't express how sorry I am about this. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful DH to lean on and such a special little boy to hug whenever you need. We're here for you. :hugs: :hugs:
I'm feeling so sad right now :cry:
Erica, you're right to look forward. How great to have a husband who is going through this with you, and not just beside you.

Yes, I promise I will take care of my bump. I've been ignoring it, thinking of all the problems that are going to arise in the future and it's been bumming me out. Now I just want to enjoy, and stop being such a worrywart.

I'm really happy you've been back regularly to tell us what's going on, thank you!

Lots of love to you, DH, and Dom.
Awwww Erica, I'm just in disbelief. I realize miscarriages are possible, but it's so unexpected. I really thought you were going to be fine. It's so scary. Surround yourself with the love of dh and Dom. Give and get as many hugs as you can.

My appt went well today. Since I am only 9 dpo, she ordered a blood test for me but said that I should wait until my period is due before I get it done. Joanna, she glanced at my chart and said it looks like I'm ovulating. I told her that I also had a +opk, so her exact words were "get rid of all that stuff and just have lots and lots of sex with your husband." She told me all of this stuff will just stress me out. However, I find this information extremely helpful. She also recommended that I cancel my infertility appt with her later in the month because I would have to pay out of pocket. I told her I started ttc in December, so I have to wait until December now before I can talk infertility. I'm hopeful that I will get pregnant in the next few cycles. She also said that everyone has a 25% chance each month to get pregnant. So, that makes sense as to why it's so difficult.
I'm feeling extremely tired and moody today.
Your chart looks really good! I like those high temps. I just looked at them, and they make me feel better.
Shelby, I'm glad your appointment went well...are you going to try to get the blood test done sooner? as I'm sure you know, i am constantly debating whether to test early or not. right now, I'm managing to hold out. one day at a time...:blush: That's frustrating about the FS appointment. I'm guessing I'll get told the same thing unless I lie (which I'm reluctant to do). I think your chemical last month is a very promising sign, so I know you're not going to need that FS appointment!

As for my chart, yeah, once again I'm getting my hopes up, when I know I shouldnt. Last month it was super high too - FF even declared it to be triphasic (before it plummeted). I hate hate hate the length of my LP - I really have to wait to see what my temp is at 14 DPO to really be able to learn anything from it. :growlmad:

PS: tired and moody are good symptoms! :thumbup: i've been super tired too, but i also have a cold, so i'm not sure if that's what's causing it. other than that, i don't have anything to report other than a few random pains here and there. had a bizarre stabbing pain in one boob (which i have NEVER had before) at 6DPO. probably i'm just going mental though! :wacko:

we're almost there!!!!!!!!!!
I'm telling you, if your chart leads you wrong this month, I'm going to be furious!!!! It looks sooooooooooo promising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to wait until Monday to get the blood test. By then I'll be 13 dpo, so I figure it would be close enough to my pee test date. ...or I could do pee tests next week and if it's +, the blood test could confirm afterwards.

Here's a strategy for you...I usually have to pee so badly in the morning that it's hard enough to open my pee test in time. So, if I don't have the tests handy in my bathroom (put them in another bathroom), then I won't use them. I won't use a test later in the day either because I'd rather have my fmu. I don't know if this makes sense...???

Don't worry about being mental. I'm ready to commit myself. I truly feel tired, moody, and my bbs are achey, but I'm sure it will amount to nothing.

I'm going to go on a walk now with my dh...hoping to feel better.

Nicole, I hope you feel better and have a rest-filled weekend coming up!

Erica, if you have to have a d&c, I can tell you that I had one years ago. If you have any questions, let me know. I had one because I was hemorrhaging from a polyp on my cervix.
Thanks, Shelby! :hugs: I don't know what I'd do without you girls! FX'd this will be our month. Your chart looks promising as well, and the symptoms sound great!

Erica, I hope you're hanging in there. I'm guessing spending time on this site is about the last thing you want to do right now, but whenever you come back, we'll be here. If you're going to try again right away, I've heard of soooo many girls getting BFPs the first cycle after an MC. So hopeful that will be the case for you too. :hugs:
Ditto on everything you said! So, this morning, I couldn't resist. I have 5 tests to use. I used one, and...drum roll...nothing. It was an error. I used clear blue digital, and all I got was a book. Which means that I didn't do it right. I think I peed too much. Ugh. What a waste! I should've kept to my original plan: hide the damn tests from myself!!!

Erica, I hope you do whatever will bring you peace...staying here or not staying here. We will be thinking of you!!!!!!!!!! and I look forward to celebrating your future BFP with you! :hugs:
Shelby, your chart is looking good! I had the same thing happen to me with a digi last month! So annoying! Probably for the best, though, in case it was too early - better to get an error than a false bfn! I managed to avoid testing this morning, and am a bit concerned that my temp is down a bit. But I need to remind myself that (1) it's still way above my coverline and (2) it's pretty meaningless for me at this point. If I can (and I say this every weekend and it doesn't seem to work), I'm not going to set my alarm this weekend and hopefully just sleep right through test time. The key temps for me are going to be Monday and Tuesdays.

Any plans this weekend to take your mind off the TWW? Nicole, how are you doing. Erica, still praying for you and thinking of you, your DH, and Dom. :hugs:

Good luck to Joanna and Shelby. Keeping fingers crossed for you guys.

I was feeling "ok" about this yesterday but today is not a good day. I feel miserable today. I still have a lot of pregnancy hormones, just no pregnancy.

They didn't have to do a d&c. The follow up ultrasound showed I was at the end of the miscarriage process. Having period like symptoms now. Just have to wait it out.

Thanks for your support girls.

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