33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Hooray for the lime, Nicole!! That is so interesting about the "pop" when the uterus comes out from behind the pelvic bone. Hopefully you'll be able to show us a pic when it happens!! How long do you have until you can find out the sex?

I'm totally in for the not-temping this cycle. We're going to be in NY during the time I've about to OV too, so I won't be temping even then - living dangerously, I know. I'm wild and crazy like that. I'm definitely looking forward to having some space between me and my thermometer! Shelby, I think you're wise to do it for one my cycle. My friend that is a doctor (tho not an obgyn, sadly) told me that you really only need to do it for a few months to confirm you're ovulating, etc. Then you can stop if you want - tho if it doesn't stress you, out, no reason to, right?

Alright, off to work for me. Hopefully now that I won't have a chart to compare to FF's chart gallery incessantly, I'll be more productive! :hugs:
Horray to you Joanna for not temping! Are you in NY for the holidays? I guarantée you will feel so much better (still using OPKs tho right?).
We're just going for a visit, leaving on Wednesday of next week and coming back on Sunday. My DH's family lives there, so we try to go at least a couple times a year.

Are you and your DH planning any vacations? I've heard a lot of pregnant ladies take "babymoons" with their DH, one last trip before kids. You should plan one! (And then tell us all about it :))

That's a good idea! We've been wanting to go to New Orleans. It will happen! We've been TALKING about it for months.
Of course, we're going to France this summer, but we'll be visiting family.
Cute word: babymoon :)

I have a friend, pregnant, in Australia. We talked for hours! She said her best friend lost her baby after her 3 month scan. She also had a miscarriage herself and she's scared of losing her baby. I freaked out and then decided to stop. No more thoughts!

Lots of :hugs:
Yikes - no thoughts like that, promise me!! :ninja: Your baby is going to be just fine!! I cannot wait for you to have a bump!

I love the idea of New Orleans. I've never been, but DH went for jazzfest a couple of years ago and LOVED it. You should definitely do that or (and!) something else--babymoon is where it's at!

Had an amazing yoga class tonight. After 3 months or so, I'm finally starting to see some progress! Hooray! Really feeling so great this cycle. Hopefully that will mean good things for the future too!

Shelby and Erica, I hope you girls are feeling ok. Erica, I think this might be Vegas weekend? Or is it next weekend? I was there not long ago, and had a super relaxing time. Despite the rep, it can also be a wonderful place to lose yourself and relax. I hope it will be for you and your DH!

Hi girls,
I've been miserable the past couple days...sparing you the bad attitude. AF has been extremely heavy and painful. I haven't felt this bad since I had a polyp many many years ago. I read that after a chemical pregnancy the cycle is light and then the one after that is extremely heavy. So, that fits what I'm experiencing. AF is almost over, and I look forward to a kid-free weekend with my dh.

Joanna, you're so smart to do yoga. It is so calming and relaxing. I really want to start doing it once school is out. I'm glad you're feeling good!!!

Nicole, I know it's hard not to worry about the baby, but statistics are on your side. You and baby will be fine! Are you doing prenatal yoga or anything like that?

Erica, how are you? When is your Vegas trip?

:hugs: to all of you! :hugs:
Sorry AF was so rough this month, Shelby! :hugs: I know I would feel especially depressed after a chemical, and having a terrible AF doesn't help anything. At least it's ending soon, and then we have O time to look forward to. Yay for a kid free weekend as well!

I do think yoga is helping me -- I really feel great after every class. I also think that I've been comforted by the stats I read on FF about age and time to conceive. I'm just not nearly as panic stricken as I had been about how long it is taking. That could all come crashing down on me in a few months, but for now, I'm feeling pretty darn good.

When does accupuncture start? I really want to try that. I think next cycle (if this one doesn't pan out for us).
Good morning, girls. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Friday and a good weekend. Ours is pretty action packed, so hopefully that will take my mind off babies. Book club last night featured one very preggers girl (8 months) and 2 infants, so definitely no taking my mind off TTC there! Oh, and I did take my temp today - please don't think less of me! Just want to have 1 or 2 pre-O temps and then I'll take it once right after O to confirm. Have a good weekend everyone! :hugs:
Happy Friday to you too! I hope you have a great weekend! I have my dh's mom in town until next Saturday, so I'm sure I'll be busy entertaining and trying to keep my mind off ttc. ...and I plan on drinking a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vino vino vino!!!

Your temping plan is great! Just to know when you've ovulated...then you won't have the tww stress of obsessing over your temps.

I haven't temped in a few days, but I think I'll start again tomorrow.

Having company...especially in-laws... stresses me out.

I like your ticker! It's pretty. :)

Nicole and Erica,
Happy Friday and weekend to you girls too! I hope all is good with you Nicole, and I hope things are getting a little better with you Erica. :)

:hugs: to all of you!!!!
Hey girls,

Just a quick hello. I'll be in Vegas till Wednesday. Thinking of you all.

Hi girls.

Erica, I hope you have a great time in Vegas, with lots of relaxing pool time, good food, and just generally time to recharge.

Nothing new on my end. Mainly just counting down the days till O day, which should be Saturday or Sunday. We'll be in NY starting Wednesday until Sunday.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. :hugs:
Hi Joanna! Thank you for the ninja!!!

Erica, hi to you too!

Shelby I hope you're feeling better!

Thursday is my ultrasound, I can't wait. I'll be so relieved once I see something.

Hope everyone had a great week end, I'll be back soon!

Hi girls!!! I feel so much better! I'm looking forward to o day too Joanna!
Nicole, I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!!!!! I'm sure it will give you a sense of joy and peace!
Erica, I hope you get lost in the razzle dazzle of Vegas...and as Nicole put it, "recharge!"
:). :hug:
Shelby, so glad you are feeling better. I find the first week of the cycle so hard every time! The middle 2 weeks are always the best for me.

Nicole, I CANNOT WAIT to hear about your ultrasound. Hoping you can get a pic to post!!

Erica, I hope you're having a good time and that the weather is great (I always spend all my time there by the pool).

Getting ready for our trip to NY tomorrow. The BD situation may be a total disaster, as we're staying in pretty tight quarters with DH's parents. Ugh. I've told him that no matter what, we are making it work, so we'll see....

I was just thinking...Why does it seem like every time it's ttc time, we have company at our house, or we have to travel with others...

So, your situation in NY helps to confirm this! It's hard enough to conceive, we don't need in-laws et al. hindering our chances!!!

You need a BD strategy!!! Consider it a covert operation...which could make it even more fun! Tell dh's parents you need to go back to hotel room because you forgot something...

Anyway, good luck! My dh's mom is still staying with us...she'll be here until Saturday!

So, here's to covert BD operations!

:rofl: Love the covert ops idea Shelby. it is soooo true - I swear, every month I spend hours calculating exactly when we'll be able to BD, just based on various issues that seem to come up this time each month. I need to remember that all it takes is once! Good luck avoiding your MIL and getting lots of secret BD'ing in!

PS-- your chart is looking good - should be super easy to see the post-O shift this month!!

Wow, already day 10 of your cycle, you're almost there!!!

Tomorrow morning is ultrasound! I'll post a pic if he/she looks human, the pictures always freak me out :)
Good morning girls :)

Nicole I am anxious to see a pic!!!

Shelby and Joanna, good luck on ovulation.

I think I ovulated while I was in Vegas. I haven't been usng opk's or temping but I could sort of tell from my cm. We didn't actively "try" we just enjoyed ourselves. I had a nice time and am feeling ready to start again. Thanks for the well wishes, we really needed a get away and I think we are both feeling better connected:)

Talk to you girls soon
Erica, I'm so happy you are feeling better and that you likely ovulated in Vegas - how fun would it be to say you conceived your baby there!! I am so hopeful for you this cycle - everything I've read says that you are super fertile 1-3 months after an MC, so this could very well be your month. Especially since you're feeling so connected and relaxed!!

Nicole!! have you gone yet! Cannot wait to hear!

Shelby, how are you? I think I will OV tomorrow or Saturday, so hopefully DH and I can escape his parents at some point. We are sharing their apartment in NY which is tiny, and we are in a room with glass doors - you can totally see in! Oh well, guess I'll just have to jump him when they're not looking!
Nicole...we want pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erica, I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm also glad you feel renewed and connected to your dh! Good things are to come...have Faith in that!!!! :) :hugs: Viva Las Vegas!!!!

Joanna, good luck on your bding!!! The glass doors definitely present a challenge!!! Does the apartment building have an elevator??? hahahhahahahahah!!!!! You might have to be super creative this cycle!

I haven't done my opk yet today, but I do have ew cm. So, I'm hoping I ovulate within the next couple days. I will encourage my dh to come to bed early tonight!!!

:hugs: :hug: :hugs:

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