33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Nicole, worrying is normal. There are a lot of unknowns when you're expecting a child. You will get more excited as you get closer and closer.

You're right about DH too.....he is my rock.
Meant to say that in my last post but got side tracked.
Hi Erica, glad you're still with us.
I guess you knew somehow. I kept telling you that cramps were ok, but you must have felt something wasn't right. Nobody wanted to believe it here. Now, I hope you are looking forward to going to Las Vegas, and I'm happy DH is there for you. Your sister knows too right? I hope she has time to give you her support too. How is Dom by the way?

Yes, worrying is part of the process I guess. Thank you for the kind words Erica :) I was talking to a friend who has two girls, 5 and 10. From two different fathers. She was telling me how great pregnancy was for her, even though the two fathers weren't there for her. So maybe I'll be more excited next semester? :blush: but generally speaking she made me feel good about being pregnant, and ok about having raging hormones :)

Girls, don't test! Not only will you be disappointed because it's still too early, but if you are pregnant, you'll have to wait all the more before your first appointment. Haha! I know, easy to say...

Will be coming back regualarly to peek on you :kiss:
Nicole...I hear you! I am really really really going to try to wait at least until Sunday! I'm going crazy! Tonight I have these shooting pains in my pelvic area in the middle...so it's not associated with my ovaries. I don't know what is going on, but it feels different from usual. Did you experience this Nicole?

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful for you girls!!! Erica, may you find peace this weekend. :hugs:

Joanna, I'm going to kick your chart's arse if it starts doing weird things!
Hi, I'm 31 and TTC #2 however my DD is 11 so there's been a pretty big gap. This is my first cycle and already the 2ww is driving me nuts. My DH had a vas reversal in April after it was 10 yrs. old. We have been wanting to get it reversed for 8 yrs. I'm 8dpo and I think I'm doing what is called symptom spotting don't know. Is anyone in the same boat or have similar story. I'm charting, temping and used opk. My cycles are very normal.
Welcome SissyLynn! I'm 10dpo right now. Thanks for joining us!
Ugh, Shelby, I'm so depressed right now! My temp is clearly on its way down. I really thought this might be our month, because we changed up our BD pattern. Looks like it's not gonna be. AF isn't due until Tuesday or Wednesday, but I just don't see how I could be with my temp on a steady decline. I'm so depressed, really wished I hadn't temped this morning!

Are you feeling positive? The pains sound like they could be promising if you've not had them before. Are you going to hold out to test? I'm definitely not going to. Going to call a fertility specialist my friend recommended this morning...hopefully they'll talk to me even though it's only been 6 cycles.

SissyLynn, welcome. I'm 33, and this is my 4th cycle of charting, opks, etc, 6th cycle of TTC #1. 11 dpo today. Good luck to you - we all know how frustrating the TWW can be, and I wish I could say it got easier. Hopefully you'll get lucky this month!
How frustrating!!!!! The temp dip is ridiculous...so misleading. Maybe it's late implantation. You know as well as I that even the craziest charts end up in pregnancy. Where are these people who have a clear cut example chart? Keep your head up and your hopes high. You never know.

I thought about it, and you said that you had a cold or something. Did you have a stuffy nose? I have a stuffy nose right now, a cough, and my throat is a little sore. While these are obviously signs of a cold, some women experience these in early pregnancy. I'm sure you already know this. Anyway, I was just thinking that maybe that could be a good development.

I poas this am, and it was a bfn. It's ok. I am too impatient to wait. I am going to wait and test again on Monday.

I spotted this morning. It was extremely brief. I haven't seen anything since. I'm not supposed to start until Thursday. However, sometimes my cycle is 25 days long. So, who knows.

I think scheduling with a fertility specialist is a great idea. I'm sure they'll be more willing to work with you vs. a regular obgyn. That's their job!! I figure at our age, making us wait a full year to try is just cruel.

If we are unsuccessful still when August rolls around, I am going to see a specialist as well.

:dust: Joanna. This cycle isn't over. Screw your chart! (Not literally, that wouldn't help anything...nor do I know how that would be possible). :) haha

Thanks so much, Shelby! :hugs: I think spotting could be a v. good sign for you -- def could be implantation spotting!! I'm trying to distract myself as much as possible, but I've told myself I'm out. A few tears this morning, but ok after that. (Didn't help that every other thread I read seemed to have BFPs!!) Thanks again for your kind words and encouragement! I am sooooo hopeful for you!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Nicole, can't wait for the 11 week ticker! Erica, I'm thinking of you, DH, and Dom. :hugs:

PS: Shelby, on the cold thing. Here's what I read - it's not that a cold is a symptom of pregnancy, so much that it is more common for women who are sick (with a cold or whatever) to conceive because I guess your body is so focused on fighting that, there is decreased risk of your body's antibodies (or whatever) rejecting the fertilized egg and keeping if from implanting (which I guess can happen). Sooo, it's good if you have a stuffy nose! It may make your uterus a more hospitable place!
Thanks Joanna! I'm so sorry you are sad today. I know exactly how you feel. The disappointment that comes each cycle is awful. Especially if you're like me in that you are 95% sure every month that you are...then you're not. It's the worst feeling.

Didn't Nicole say she had very little symptoms if any? I was thinking that maybe that's the key. The month we no symptoms is the month we're pregnant.

Having said that...I am going out on a limb for the 6th time, I think I am pregnant. I feel really different right now. This cycle, I've been dizzy, had the weird pain above my pubic/pelvis area, now I have a cold (which I never get in the summer). My bbs are sore off and on. ...and this morning I had spotting.

If I'm not pregnant, then I should sign myself into a mental ward for my insanity. Feeling pregnant for 6 months and not being so is torture.

Joanna, I'm still hopeful for you. When are you going to test? When is af due for you? Are you going to stop temping?
I am so so excited for you! I think that your gut feeling that you are pregnant is a terrific sign, I truly believe in intuition on these sorts of things. Years ago, when I was only 21 (so long ago I've never mentioned it on this thread because it just doesn't seem relevant since I barely recall anything about it), I got pregnant and miscarried at 6 weeks. It was a total and complete accident (boyfriend at the time and I were using the "pull out" method), truly was not meant to be for me at the time, but my point is, I absolutely KNEW I was pregnant before I ever took the test. So, I believe in that!!

If I were you, I'd wait until Monday morning and then test (since they say hcg doubles every 48 hours). The spotting you had today is hopefully implantation spotting, in which case I'd think a positive would show up a couple of days later!! I'm really really hopeful for you!!!

As for me, I am done temping and testing, at least for this cycle. If AF doesn't arrive (she's due Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday), I will test then (so I guess on Thursday), but I'm really very sure I'm out. I just cannot find a single chart that looks anything like mine. The one oddity for me is that--tmi warning--my cervix is pretty high and soft-ish right now, which it is not usually at this time. So I don't know if that means anything. Probably not. Also, I am wondering if my high temps mid-cycle (way high for me) could have been a slight fever. When DH had the same cold I had last week, he had a fever with it. That doesn't change anything, really, just noting it. Anyway, long story short, I am calling the doctor on Monday to make an appointment....Can't wait to hear from you (and stalk your chart!) tomorrow! :hugs:
So I am feeling slightly better (I still think I'm out though, of course) - I think that my high temps at 8 and 9 DPO were a fever - having talked to DH about what his temperature was when he had a fever a few days before with the same cold. I felt feverish at the time, but wanted to believe it was just a good sign for a future BFP. I've never had temps above 98.6, and only had 98.6 during one cycle ever, so I really think those were an anomaly. So, anyway, I promise to stop rambling on, really, but my chart doesn't look as horrifying without those. It still looks like a non-preggers chart, but at least I'm not totally perplexed. Thanks as always for listening girls. You're the best. :hugs:
Hi Girls!

So much symptom spotting! I like it! Joanna, I don't know, just put off testing!!!!!! Shelby, your symptoms sound promising, but I remember having more twinges and pulls the month before my BFP, so I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. Definitely no pain in the pelvic area though. However, for the first time, I had a dream where I poas and it was positive. I was doing the dishes and I was wondering how to tell DH. It was a wonderful and positive feeling. When I woke up I thought "How stupid, stupid, stupid", and I didn't test because I thought it was another one of my hallucinations. I was tired too. And didn't have any PMS symptoms. Again, since I ovulated late I KNEW AF would be late, so I thought no PMS symptoms was normal. Duh, it was late for another reason! Otherwise, no symptoms. It's soooo hard to tell! I can't say I "knew", because I always thought I "knew" every month. But the dream was a sign that deep down my body knew. In my dream there was NO DOUBT.

So far so good for me. I'm sleeping so much it's not even funny. I'm not nauseous and I can eat pretty much anything again. It's great!

I hope Erica is ok!
No chance of that, Nicole, don't worry. I don't have any tests and don't plan to waste any money buying any. Checked my cervix earlier and there was a teeny bit of brown (sorry again for tmi), which I am calling spotting. Nothing since, but I can't really help being pessimistic. So, I'm guessing the :witch: will be here in the morning. Btw, Ive had 2 dreams in the last 3 days that I got BFPs, so apparently that's not a sign for me! Ah well....

Shelby, any news today?

Nicole, that's great that the nausea seems to be ending. I can't wait to see your next ticker.

Erica, I hope you're doing as well as you can be under the circumstances. :hugs:
Joanna, hang in there :hugs: :hugs::hugs:
- not only could you be wrong about the spotting, but remember, you have ONLY been trying for 6 months. I went of the pill 2 years ago, and then "didn't really try" for a year before I actually looked into charting, and from then on it took 6 months. I was talkign to a mother of two yesterday and she was saying that she didn't even know about temping, and ovulation kits. Why bother, really? I wanted her to understand, but it just made me mad that she would judge me :growlmad:

Af seems too early btw, I'm still super hopeful!!! :hugs:
Hi girls,
I started spotting bright red (sorry tmi) last night, and then af came this morning. It was such a disappointment. I really really thought that I was pregnant this month. How can I stop myself from being so certain each month?
I'm so disappointed. :(
I'm out too, Shelby. AF arrived with a vengeance (and early - but I think I O'd a day early and my temp just took a day to rise, which I've read can happen). It's just the worst feeling, I know. Do you have a strategy for next month? It makes me feel a bit better to try to think of ways to change things up. Mine is definitely going to be no temping except to confirm O. It's just psychologically too hard for me. I'll also keep doing the OPKs. I got a fortune cookie (not that I put much stock in these, but I'll take what I can get) in April that said I'd get good news 3 months from the day I got it, which will be July 13. So maybe that means I'll get a BFP (or some sort of positive preggers news) that day!

Thanks so much Nicole, and I know you're right that it hasn't been that long. I think talking to the doctor will likely make me feel better, though. I will definitely let you girls know how it goes! Thanks again for all your support! I would never make it through this without you! :hugs:
Hello Girls.

Sorry to hear about AF arriving for you Joanna and Shelby. This is such a hard process.

I returned to work today, it's been difficult pretending nothing happened and going about my usual business. Not really something I can talk about here. I'm the only female on payroll so I'm just trying to keep my emotions in check.

Anyway, just thought I would check in on you guys. Hope you all have a great day. Try not to let AF ruin it for you, good things MUST be ahead for us all.

Nicole I'm glad you are feeling well. Now you can start to enjoy your pregnancy a bit more.

That sounds like a good idea. I think I'm going to do one more cycle of charting, and if I can't make sense of the temps, then I'll stop temping. My issue is all of the feelings I get before AF. They make me feel convinced that I'm pregnant. I'm still assuming that I was pregnant last month with a chemical pregnancy. So, I can't beat myself up too much about that month. However, I need to obsess about something else. So, I am going to obsess about losing weight! As soon as school lets out, I'll be hitting the gym regularly. Also, I'll be able to plan my meals better...trying a more holistic diet.

Also, I've already scheduled the acupunture appt. So, I'll let you know how that goes.

Joanna, when is your dr appt?

Erica, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm still baffled by your news. :(

Nicole, I love the dream info! I'm so happy you had a + one!!!! Now you can enjoy!!! I'll be looking forward to my bfp dream. That would be cool. It's funny that last month when I had the chem pregnancy, I kept seeing the shape of sperm in everything. Everything looked like sperm: the way the water trickled down the glass while in the shower. There was something on my windshield while driving to work...it looked like the shape of sperm. Maybe that's when I'll know. I'll start spotting sperm again. ha ha

Onto a new cycle. I just hope I can keep my wits about me.

:hugs: to you girls. I am so THANKFUL for all of you.
Hi girls,

Shelby, I love the sperm spotting. Here's to seeing spermies everywhere this month!

I do feel better just having made the appointment with the FS. It's for June 20, which happens to be the day I'm supposed to ovulate. FF also just posted a new table with stats on time to conceive by age, based on like 45,000 charts. It shows an average of 8 months for someone my age to conceive, which makes me feel sooo much better. I think I knew this, but being on this site can sort of warp your sense of things - it feels like people get BFPs so fast on here! I have to remember that most people don't join a site like BNB until they've been trying for a bit. Plus so many of the ladies are so much younger than I am (lucky girls!).


Erica, so sorry you have to deal with work right now. I HATE being emotional at work; it is soooo hard. Although it's no where near what you're going through, I've been through 2 terrible break-ups at my job and honestly there were so many days when I nearly started crying during meetings, etc. It was really just the worst. Hang in there. Good things are DEFINITELY coming - I just read more about how much your fertility increases during the 1-3 months post-MC. :hugs:

Well, I'm sorry AF came after all. But it sounds like you are both being positive about it. Girls, I know how frustrated you must be, can you believe that even if you do everything right, you only have a 20% chance of conceiving? :saywhat: I never had much luck, I guess this is the only time I can say I was! I just talked to a friend from university, she is 2 months and a half, just like me - but she tried for a year and 4 months. Didn't ask if she temped though. I think it's just a question of probabilities, which is nerve-wracking when it comes to creating life. Shouldn't it depend on how much you want this baby? Ah well. Little rant supporting you gals.

Joanna, I'm glad you made that appointment. It'll feel so good to talk to someone. And again, she/he will tell you to bugger off because it's too soon to worry!!! I say stop temping too. You know you're doing everything right. Use only the OPKs. For real. You know your body well enough by now. Actually it might be interesting to "control" the "not-temping".
Shelby, yay to working out! It really helps with your mood and spirits!

Baby should be about 1.5 inches. Ticker will be changing on Tuesdays now (because of late ovulation, it was changing early). Can't wait for the lime! I'm not showing yet, bummer. Apparently I have to wait for the uterus to rise higher than the pubic bone. Right now it's growing behind the bone. That's why women "pop", because once the uterus is too big to remain behind the bone, it appears all of a sudden in the abdomen. It doesn't grow fast, it appears fast! Anyhoo, learning a lot still.:hugs:

Erica, hold in there! At my last book club gathering we talked about showing emotions at work, and how not showing them can sometimes be worse. Surrounded by men must be tough though, I don't see how you could mention it. Then again, you wouldn't have "pity" stares, maybe they wouldn't care, and that would be the end of that. At least it would be said. Does your boss know by the way? This really makes me angry. Why do we always want to keep an mc a secret? I myself would want to, but it shouldn't be like that.

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