33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Shelby, our cycles are so similar, it's crazy! I have ewcm for the 2nd day today, and just got what I am calling a positive opk (nightmare of nightmares - my digital opk isn't working and I'm in NY, so don't know if I can get another one!! but, used the stick anyway and it looks like all the positives i've gotten in the past...so...) anyway, i do have a cbfm (fertility monitor) here, so i'll use that in the morning and it should confirm. (i am SUCH a ttc dork). As for BD, yes, the elevator may have to be in play...or perhaps some sort of storage closet??!! We will be getting creative :winkwink: I hope you get your positive opk this afternoon too! :thumbup:

Nicole, hoping you have great news from your u/s this morning...Let us know!!

Hi girls!

Glad to hear you're getting creative!!!

The ultrasound went well. The baby is fine, the heart is beating! This time around we had a very clear picture of the baby.
Now I can tell everyone :happydance:

Lots of love
I missed 6 messages there! Joanna, glass doors?!? Whaaaat?
Erica, so glad you're back with us, :hugs: and Las Vegas treated you right. I'm excited you were relaxed and bonded with your husband. There are times when I realize how amazing and strong DH is, and therefore, WE are great together. A wonderful wonderful feeling that doesn't happen often with our busy lives. On the ++ side, you're a beautiful family, and did I ever tell you how cute and adorable Dom looks on your pic? You guys seem so happy.

Shelby, you seem back on track, with hearts and !!!!! all over the place. Looooving it!!!

I think he/she is sucking her/his thumb in the second pic (the lips are pursed). Anyway, I think the idea is cute...
62mm, apparently a normal size, although that means it's still the size of a lime :haha:



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Nicole, AMAZING!!! I cannot imagine how completely mind-blowing it must have been to see that! So happy for you!!!

Yes, glass doors. Luckily the parents go to bed early :winkwink:

Looks like I'm ovulating today or tomorrow...So TWW here we come!

Have a great weekend everyone!
hey girls!

Nicole your pics are awesome. Be sure to wish DH a happy father's day from us. hehe

Shelby and Joanna hope you guys are :sex: like crazy, glass doors or not!

I don't know if I've ovulated or not. Haven't done any opk's, just letting things play out until AF shows. I thought I had ewcm last week, but I don't have any signs of AF (sore boobs, emotional etc). I don't know what my body is doing. I had a little spotting after dtd a few days ago and aside from that notta. It's a waiting game for me I guess. When AF comes I'll be able to start timing things again.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! :hugs:
Oh my gosh Nicole! The ultrasound is fascinating! I can't believe how much you can see this early on. I forget, are you going to find out the sex? So, is the word out now? Happy Father's Day to your dh!

Erica, tell your dh Happy Father's Day too from your friends here at b&b!!! What are you and Dom doing today? I made my dh breakfast, and the kids promised him that they would go to a soccer game with him without complaining. haha. :)

Joanna...did you ovulate???? I got a + yesterday and today. So, I'm expecting that my temp will rise tomorrow. We are seriously on the same schedule!!! It makes for a more exciting tww and more exciting when we get our bfps!!!

Happy Sunday!
I loved your ticker, so I am using one too! Sorry for stealing your ticker idea! :)
Hi girls!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed father's day. We were flying back from NY, so not so fun, but the trip was good. Pretty sure I ovulated on Saturday, so 2 DPO today. Shelby, looks like you O'd yesterday, so once again we're right on track!! Hopefully this 2ww will speed by for both of us!!

Erica, what did you and DH and Dom do for father's day? Nicole, did you do anything special?

Today is my appointment with the fertility doc. Will be sure to let you know how it goes!

Yes Joanna, let us know how you do at the doc.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We took it really easy yesterday. After being away without Dom we just wanted to relax and spend time as a family. DH got a little emotional at supper time because there was a commercial on tv about a father and a new baby. He was so ready to be a father again :( Hard to see him so affected.

Anyway, Nicole I hope you are doing well. Still can't get over those pics.

Shelby and Joanna I hope your TWW goes fast for you. I'm hoping AF comes soon so I can start again. This whole process is so long.
Hi girls!
Awwwww Erica. I got teary eyed reading what you said about your dh. :( I'm so sorry your family has experienced such a loss. My neighbor planted a cherry blossom tree after her miscarriage. I'm not saying that makes it any easier, but she loves watching it bloom and grow. So, by planting this to commemorate her baby, the sadness is turned into hope. :hugs:

Joanna, I'm excited to see how your appt goes today! Good luck!!! I hope all your questions are answered!

I have my acupuncture today. I don't know how it works after ovulation; hopefully that's not a problem.

Keep smiling girls!!!
Hi girls,

Well, had the appointment, and unfortunately it wasn't quite the "you're being silly, you've got nothing to worry about" I was hoping for...He did an ultrasound and I guess I have a "retroverted uterus" which in itself is not a problem at all, but which can be a sign of endometriosis (BAD!!). To make matters worse, he can't tell if I have that without doing surgery (double bad!). Anyway, he also "couldn't find" my left ovary...so that can't be good. He is having me come back for blood work on day 3 of my next cycle "if I don't get pregnant." When I asked him if we were crazy for having come in so early, he said now that he'd seen my uterus, definitely not. So there you have it. Oh, and he ordered an SA for DH, which I'll try to get him to do this week. So, I'm trying not to worry too much. Off to do a bit of research on "retroverted uteruses"...Tring to focus on the positive, which is that I like the doctor, and so far there's nothing for sure wrong yet.

Shelby, good luck with the accupuncture!!
Joanna I'm so glad you went to get checked rather than waiting longer. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry just yet. What are the blood tests for? Some sort of screening?
Joanna, just reading a bit about this.

Do you have any of these symptoms linked to endometriosis??
•Painful periods
•Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic cramps that can be felt for a week or two before menstruation
•Pain in the lower abdomen felt during menstruation (the pain and cramps may be steady and dull or severe)
•Pain during or following sexual intercourse
•Pain with bowel movements
•Pelvic or low back pain that may occur at any time during the menstrual cycle
Thanks, Erica! I don't have any of those symptoms (luckily), but I guess some women with endometriosis don't have any symptoms either....So, I think what will happen now is that the doctor will just do the other tests (they're just to make sure my hormone levels are good, and one tests whether I have sufficient eggs in my "reserve" since I'm a bit older), and check DH's sperm. If all that comes back ok, and we haven't gotten pregnant, then he'll likely do the laproscopic surgery to see if it's endometriosis. I'm definitely trying not to worry yet. The doctor didn't seem overly alarmed, but he also wasn't like "you're fine"...Just need to wait a few more weeks (why must everything be about the waiting with this process!!??) and then I'll hopefully have some more answers.

Well I am hopeful that you will get your BFP this time around and not have to worry about any of that!

Keep us posted!

Hey Joanna,
My first reaction is "Ugh" for you. However, stay positive!!! Either way, at least you got the ball rolling!

While walking with my neighbor today (she's about to start her 2nd round of ivf), we were mentioning how easy it seems to get pregnant for women who don't want to get pregnant. Why is it that women like us who want a baby so badly are given road block after road block? It's so frustrating! So, Joanna, I'm hoping this is your month and that you don't have any road blocks!!!

My acupuncture appt was interesting. We discussed a lot about infertility. We spent most of the hour talking...and he emphasized the importance of eating a clean diet. So, I've been trying really hard to omit processed food. It's hard with my step kids. I try to feed them healthy dinners, but they complain about EVERYTHING!!! If it was up to them, they would live off of corn dogs, hamburger helper, and other unnatural foods...
We have them for the whole summer, so I am trying to get all of us to eat better, but it's difficult when they go to McDonald's every other day with their mom.

When the acupuncturist got to the needle part, he said he would just try a big picture approach. He said that one of my needles made a red mark appear. Apparently, it indicates that I have a lot of frustration! So, by the time I left, I wondered if it was worth my time. I'm not sure I needed to discuss my cm and cycle info with this man, get 20 needles stuck in my back, only to be told that I am frustrated! I felt like saying, "No s&*t!!!"
If I'm not pregnant this month, he told me to come back and we can discuss a treatment plan, but I'm not sure if I should.

:hugs: to you girls!
Shelby, your description of the whole acupuncturist telling you your frustrated totally made me laugh - and brightened what has otherwise been a pretty depressing couple of days! Do you think maybe you'd do better with another provider? This guy seems not super helpful! But hopefully you'll get your BFP and not need to bother!

I am so stressed about this whole retroverted uterus thing. From what I can tell, if it's caused by endometriosis, that means the endo is pretty severe (because the endometrial tissue is "adhering" to the uterus and causing it to tilt). So I'm hoping that I just have a tilted uterus for normal biological reasons....And I keep reading about how all these women have no symptoms of endo at all - except for infertility! I'm just so scared. I've gotten DH all worked up too, which is no good - I need him to tell me it's going to be ok. I know I should just wait till I have a conclusive diagnosis, but to get one I have to have surgery--a laprascopy--which doesn't sound fun, let me tell you - you have to get general anesthesia, tube in the throat, all that crap...UGH is right!!

Anyway, I hope you all are doing better than I am. I'm trying to think positive and focus on the fact that if it's endo, we will have got it early(ish) (because I wouldn't have had it while I was on the pill for a million years, since that suppresses it), so hopefully it will be fixable.

Big :hugs:
Joanna it will be ok :hugs:

I know it's hard to believe that but I feel positive.

Boy girls, we could sure use a BFP this month!!!

I keep thinking I should have some pre-AF symptoms coming but so far I have nothing! I thought for sure I had ewcm while in vegas but I should be having my usual pre-menstrual signs by now if I ovulated 1.5 weeks ago. This is so frustrating!!!! I just wish I knew what my body was doing. I hope I am not one of those women who wait 6 weeks before getting AF after a miscarriage. I don't want to wait that long to start over!!!!

Sorry for the vent, I am SO over this whole thing.
Thanks, Erica. I'm feeling better today. Trying to stay positive until I have a real diagnosis. DH gets to "make a deposit" at the lab tomorrow morning (he is making TONS of lame jokes about this), so hopefully the results will be good and it will be one less thing to worry about.

Do NOT apologize for venting!! That is what we are here for! I cannot imagine how frustrated you must be. Have you taken an HPT?

Shelby and Nicole, how are you girls doing?
No, I'm a little gun shy on the HPT. I can't even let my mind go there. I can't risk the disappointment. So, I am fully expecting AF to show, just a matter of time :(

Why must this be so hard on us!!

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