33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Thanks, girls!

Gemma, I'm all about the alternating dresses...I'm going that route as long as I can. I haven't put on work pants for the last 8 weeks or so!

Erica, sorry you're feeling crappy (but also happy for you ;)). I felt grouchy and cranky for a lot of first tri...It's weird how that alternates with feeling super elated and excited, no?
Ha ha my belly is bigger too but when I had my scan the nurse said it is all wind lol

I feel so moody sometimes and then amazingly happy too it's so strange lol

Hope your all okay today it's nearly the end of the week!!! x
Woot woot!! I had my ultrasound and saw my little bean today. The heartbeat was fluttering away and the technician said everything looks just as it should. No "debri" or "hemorrhaging." I'm so happy and relieved. Looks like I'm a few days behind what I thought but I think i'll finally put up my ticker.

Hope you girls have a great weekend!
Ahh Erica that's great news, really happy for you!! Have a lovely weekend everyone xxx
Hooray!! That is such great news! Can't wait to see your ticker!

Gemma and Nicole, I hope all is well.

Shelby and Evie, still hoping and waiting for BFP news from you both!! :hugs:
Goodmorning Girls,

SHelby and Evi I hope you guys are doing well. Nicole you too!

Work is really slowing down for me ladies. I am entering my slow season and I'm finding it harder and harder to keep busy at work....so I've been finding myself here more often than usual. :blush:

I'm feeling way less nauseas the last few days which is good because I had a house full of people this weekend. We started renovating our house and had lots of help.

What did you girls get up to? Joanna and Gemma how are you guys feeling??
Hi Ladies,

I too hope everyone is well and that we may hear some more good news soon.
I too am finding work soooo boring at the moment, not helped with nausea and tiredness like I've never known lol
I had a lovely relaxing weekend which involved lots of sleeping!!! Erica did we know we have the same due date?!!
How are you Joanna? Bump growing loads?! x
Hehe Gemma I did notice that when I put my ticker on. If I go by the date of my last period I'm due June 2, but the ultrasound pushed it back by 3 days so we're the same:) We must have been :sex: around the same time ;)
hmmm, well I just got a call from the doc and they asked if I would participate in an ultrasound clinic for med students to learn how to do u/s on first trimester patients. They want to pay me 50 bucks to have 12 people look at my little bean for an hour.

Kind of cool I think
That is so cool, Erica! Not only a free extended view of your baby, but you are getting paid for it! Nice! When will it be?
I thought so too! The only downside is that I need to have a full bladder for a full hour!

It's Saturday at 1. I'll be 7 wks 4 days. Another chance to see that heart beat and to know everything is ok :)

What is everyone else doing this weekend?
HI Gemma, Erica and Joanna!

Erica, sounds like this bean is sticky sticky!!! The second time I went in for an ultrasound I stayed an hour anyways! The thirsd time (second trimester) there was a student, and it lasted even longer. I was thirsty and nauseous in the end, but we got lots of pictures! I miss ultrasounds now... :wacko:

My bump is finally getting bigger, it didn't really grow during the second trimester. Now that I have 68 days to go (eeeeeeeeeek!) it is catching up and growing a lot faster. I can feel bumps where the head is, the foot is...I'm completely in love with the different parts of my baby's body, but I can't get an idea of what he looks like on the whole. I guess I'll discover that soon enough. Also, getting braxton hicks contractions, and they hurt! Nothing to worry about though.
Joanna, lovely bump! Isn't it annoying not to really show when you're in the 2nd trimester? I'm juuuust starting to get help from people :kiss: - it's funny how men are now, they are not embarrassed to talk to me or to come up to me to help, as if I wasn't a woman anymore, but was on another level of human beings; like children, I'm innocent and vulnerable. Ha! I don't know how to explain it any other way!

Gemma, the first trimester was bad for me - especially since I was grumpy all the time! Erica, glad you're feeling ill, sounds great! :happydance:

Luv you girls!

I'm sitting here with the headphones on my stomach, I think I woke baby up with the pogues, not ver soothing maybe :)
Erica that is really cool, I wish I could have another scan!! I have to wait now untill 29th Nov which is soooo far away lol It's funny the early scan I had kept me going for nearly 2 weeks but now the worry starts creeping back in of "what if it's stopped growing" you know.
How exciting Nicole not long and you'll have your little bubba in your arms! When I think of that I get welled up lol Must be the hormones!
How are you feeling Joanna? Stopped being sick?
At least it's Friday woo hoo!! Have a brill weekend everyone and look forward to hearing how Saturday went Erica.
Thinking of you Shelby and Evi xx
So great to hear from you Nicole! I cannot believe how soon your baby will be here! Sounds like all is well. :hugs:

Gemma, yes, the waiting is the hardest part. I still count down the days between ultrasounds, and they do them much more frequently here!

Erica, can't wait to hear how the u/s goes!

Big :hugs: to Shelby and Evi. I check this every day hoping for BFP news from you two.

As for me, we just saw our doctor and all is well. Next appointment (in 4 weeks) I have to do the test for gestational diabetes, which apparently involves drinking some disgusting sugary syrup drink on an empty stomach and then getting blood drawn. Yuck! Nicole, I assume you did this--was it as awful as it sounds?
Hi guys!

Gemma I totally agree about the worry. I saw that little heart beat and I felt so positive. Now I'm starting to think about this Saturday and I'm beginning to worry. What if they can't find a heart beat? I would be so devastated and there would be 12 med students watching my reaction. Was this really a good idea... I just have to stay positive I guess.

Joanna the drink is pretty nasty. But it goes down quick and then you have to sit for a while before they do blood work. I think mine was like pop but way sweeter. Hard to remember exactly because it was 5 years ago.

Nicole it was so nice to hear from you. We used to play music for Dom. He used to go crazy in there when we played it. I miss that time so much. Hopefully all will go well with this pregnancy and I will have that soon!!

Hope Shelby and Evi are doing well.

Have a great weekend girls!
Thanks, Erica - I forgot for a sec you've been through all of this before with little Dom :) How did everything go with the extended ultrasound?

So we had out 20 week anatomy ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks great. And we changed our plans and found out the gender--we're having a boy!! DH and I are both thrilled. I'd love to have a little girl at some point, but I really wanted this one to be a boy, so very pleased.

Gemma, how are things with you? Are you feeling sick?

Nicole, Evi, and Shelby, big :hugs:
Hey Joanna,

CONGRATS!!!! I am thrilled for you, another boy to add to Nicole's. I love having a boy, honestly I don't care what I have from here out but I wanted a boy with Dominic so bad. It's such a special bond between a son and a mother. I'm really happy happy for you.

My ultrasound went well BUT 2 saturday's ago I had a tiny spec of spotting, then again last saturday night I had a tiny bit and again last night and again this morning, it's made me :wacko:. It's such a tiny amount that I wasn't too stressed about it, but it seems to be happening more and more often. I'm panicked. I can't go through what I went through with the last one. It was so hard on me. I called the doctor this morning and I am going to see him this afternoon. I am so scared.:cry:

Hello to the rest of you ladies too. Hope you are doing well.
Oh no! I'm so sorry you are having spotting - not because I think it's going to be a problem, but because I hate for you to have to worry again. Remember, you have seen the heartbeat, which is a great sign. Lots of women have spotting for all kinds of reasons in first tri, especially if it's just a small amount. I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all goes well at your appointment this afternoon. Was the ultrasound a vaginal one? That could definitely have caused some of the spotting on Saturday night. :hugs:
Phew. Just got back from my ultrasound. Turns out I have a subchorionic bleed. It's a small hemorrhage on between my amniotic sac and uterine wall. Basically it's from implantation and can sometimes be reabsorbed or sometimes work it's way out as in my case. It's got no affect on the baby and everything is fine. She measured the baby at 8 weeks 5 days! Bigger than I thought :)

Saw the lil heart beat, it's at 163 bpm. I sobbed with relief. I was so afraid. I felt like I was reliving a bad dream.

Thanks for your kind words Joanna. Can you believe you're over half way???

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