33 and looking for early/mid 30s buddy

Thanks Nicole. I've done my fair share of crying too! I can't believe it happened so fast. I didn't even get a positive opk this month. I thought there was no chance. Feeling so blessed. Just hope it's a sticky bean.

How are you guys? You must be getting so excited!!
I am just so incredibly thrilled for you, Erica!! I won't tell you not to worry--I know that even without enduring a loss, I was terrified the entire first tri, but I will be confident and worry-free for you!! From what I have read, there's absolutely no reason to believe that having one miscarriage makes it any more likely you'll have another, so there is every reason to feel totally 100 percent positive and excited. I am over the moon! How are you feeling?

Nicole, great to hear from you. How's third tri?? I'm good. Randomly puked in a taxi cab yesterday (in a cup...ewww) which was a low, but I guess I should be glad it was the first and only time that has happened. Hopefully never again! Bought some maternity clothes too, which was actually kind of fun. Otherwise, not much new to report....

Gemma, how are you feeling?

Shelby and Evi, it will happen soon, I know it. Big :hugs:
Hi Joanna, I'm feeling okay thanks, although very very nervous. I just want to get to my first scan to make sure everything is okay and then maybe I can relax a bit and enjoy it!
How are you?xx
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:Congrats to Erica and Gemma! I'm so happy for you girls!!! :) Erica, I always knew it would happen for you again! I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long! :) I know you'll be worried, so I'm joining forces with Joanna...we'll be confident for you!!! :wohoo:

I'll keep checking in with you girls. I've been pretty busy with work and haven't had a lot of time to get online when I get home.

It's also very difficult to see the bfps on here. I want to emphasize the fact that I am COMPLETELY 100 million % THRILLED FOR YOU GIRLS; it's just hard to stick around when I'm so disappointed for myself. :cry: I hope that makes sense. I promise to check in though.

I got my + opk two days ago, so as always I'm hopeful that this month will be the lucky one. In the meantime, I'm going to keep my mind busy with work and play. :)

Evi, you will have your bfp before you know it! Good luck this month! :)

:hugs: to all of you!!!
Hey Shelby! Sorry I didn't say hi! I think it's wise to keep away for some time, I'll be checking in on you though, so don't forget to come by and say hi :)

Well, Joanna, taht's pretty late for being sick, hope it doesn't happen again. You were nauseous but weren't necessarily "sick", same here. Probably for the best! How are you going to cope with work? Are you any more tired? Oh! And how about kicks??? any yet?

Erica, I'll be postive for you too, joining the ranks :happydance:

We're excited, reading books, and today is our first childbirth "class" (anasthesia) . But I'm also very scared of giving birth, although I'm very excited because I CAN do this! We've been out of luck on the apartment side (we wanted to fin something bigger), there just isn't that much choice. So, we may end up turning the living room into our room and giving our small bedroom to junior... I hope we find a bigger sapce before it comes to that however... Oh, and cribs, and strollers oh my! What a lot of expenses. Whew...

Glad you gals are still here, I feel so happy to chat now and a gain with you!

Hi girls,

Shelby, I totally understand where you're coming from. We're here for you whenever you drop by. I'm eagerly awaiting BFP news from you!! :hugs:

Erica and Gemma, any updates? Gemma, when will you have your first scan? It's nervewracking before then, I know (and, alas, even after, just a bit less so).

Nicole, I can't believe how far along you are! Childbirth classes! What type are you doing? Lamaze? Bradley? Hypnobirth? I have heard about so many different kinds. I threw up one more time on Sunday night, it was awful, but nothing since then. I asked my doctor about it and she said it's "fairly common" for nausea/vomiting to continue well into the 2nd trimester...funny how no one tells you that! Hopeful that those 2 incidents were it though....

Joanna I'm so sorry you're sick! I was sick with Dom right through labor and delivery! It was horrible, I was vomiting between contractions!

Nicole I was afraid as well to give birth and after I was so exhausted I barely remember the first few hours. That being said, it really is amazing and so special. You will be great. Are you planning on an epidural?

Shelby, I TOTALLY understand how you're feeling. I felt the same way for a while. I stopped focusing on b&b and focused on my family. I didn't even get a positive opk the month we conceived. I did one and the line was sort of there and I thought well, it's coming soon enough, I'm gonna let nature take it's course, and I didn't take another one after that. I just needed a break. We are all totally here for you and I really really do understand. :hugs:

Well, as for me, I'm trying really hard to be optimistic. We don't get ultra-sounds here until 12 weeks BUT I am so scared that something will go wrong that I told a little fib to my doctor and said I didn't keep track of my dates. I knew if I told him I didn't know my dates he would send me for a dating scan because that's what happened with Dom. :blush: I know it was awful to lie but I REALLY need to see that heartbeat and know everthing is ok. I go next friday which would put me at 7 weeks. I hope everything is ok!!

Gemma hope you are feeling good!
Shelby I completely understand how your feeling too. Even though I fell quite quickly I still had 3months of feeling a little jelous and wondering why it wasn't me when I saw bfp's.

Joanna I won't get a scan untill the end of November :nope: I have my booking in appointment with the midwife at the end of Oct when I'll be 9 weeks and then they scan you between 12-14weeks.
So it's normal to be worried then?! I have heard so many horror stories it's unbelievable. I just hope everything goes well with this pregnancy as this baby is wanted so much. So even after the scan you carry on worrying?! DH said that's it now and we will never stop worrying about this little one even after the birth :haha:
Totally normal to be worried! At one point, I actually had to stop checking the first tri board because it made me too scared of all that might go wrong. It does get better after the first scan, definitely, but I think your hubby is right -- from what I can tell you start worrying as soon as you get your bfp and it never ends! I'm sure Erica can attest to that, as our only mama already!
PS Erica, I think you absolutely did the right thing! we need to advocate for ourselves as patients, and do whatever it takes to make ourselves feel comfortable. I know you will hear the heartbeat next week; can't wait to hear how it goes!
Thanks so much for your reassuring words. The first tri board is awful isn't it at one point I felt like it was a matter of time before things went wrong and that can't be healthy. But I feel positive now and keep getting bursts of excitement xx
Thanks Joanna. I felt a little guilty but I thought that my taxes have paid for healthcare my whole life. I need this to calm my fears and it's not hurting anyone.

I took a clear blue digi today :blush: I needed to see that 3+weeks pregnant symbol on it. I feel a little better since my hcg level is increasing. I need to quit being so neurotic!!!

It's thanksgiving for us Canadians this weekend. I won't be pouring wine down my throat like I do at most family functions so I'm sure everyone will be wondering what is going on. Since it's a holiday Monday I only have 3 days to work and then I get my ultrasound. It should go fast.

Joanna are you gonna find out the gender??? You're getting close to that time. Gemma, are you gonna find out?? Our due dates will only be a few days a part:)
Hi Erica, Yes we will find out what the sex is!! I know this is a question that people really debate on and have strong opinions on but dh really wants to know and I don't mind!!!!
Will you?
What is your due date? So when the Clearblue goes up that is a sign of increased hcg? When I first found out my clearblue said 1-2 and the other day I did another (sad I know!!!) and it said 3+ so should I relax? lol
Erica have you told anyone yet? xx
I tested past 6 weeks even though we don't even have those tests that show the weeks in the US! You've got to do what you need to do to reassure yourself! And yes, Gemma, that would mean your hcg is increasing :thumbup:

We are most likely not going to find out the gender. The doctor gave us the option at our last appointment (at 15 weeks - we go in every 4 weeks), but DH really wants a surprise. I don't feel strongly either way, so I figure if he does, then we'll go with that. However, we have the anatomy (aka anamoly in the UK) scan in a couple weeks (at 20 weeks) where the doctor looks at everything on a big screen, so something may just show up there (which would be just fine by me!). I told DH I won't look away from an u/s - it's such a special thing to be able to see - so if the doctor can't stay out of the between-the-legs area, then so be it :)
Good Morning ladies,

I was away all weekend for Thanksgiving. So much to be thankful for this year!!

Gemma, yes I will find out the sex. I did with my son and it gave me time to get the room just how I wanted it and get some clothing. We didn't tell Dh's parents because they wanted to be surprised but aside from that we told everyone so. We still painted the room green just in case but we put a lot of boyish accents:)

Yes I've told people. Last time I got pregnant, we didn't tell anyone. After my miscarriage I ended up telling my boss I had miscarried because I took a week off of work and he is like a father to me, he was very concerned so I told him what had happened. My MIL had a miscarriage way back and I went to her for support and guidance. This time we told a few people right off the bat because if I were to miscarry again I would likely turn to them for support anyway. We are keeping it pretty low key outside immediate family though.

Joanna so exciting about your ultrasound. We don't get to find out the sex at 18 weeks here. It's such a long wait. You'll have to let us know if you see anything between the legs :winkwink:

I have my first ultrasound on Friday. I'm so excited and nervous. I just need to know everything is ok. I've been feeling so much better about things though. Much less "pre-menstrual" feeling. I have also been feeling quite sick. Last time I never got naseaus or anything so I'm taking it as a sign that my hormones are strong. I've never been so happy to be pulling over to the side of the road to puke!! I'm feeling positive ladies!!

Joanna you're just now in maternity?? I was showing with dom so early!! I want a bump pic!

Gemma how you feeling? any sickness?
Hi Ladies,

Well I had a small amount of spotting over the weekend and obviously went into a mad panic!! Had a scan this morning to make sure all was okay and everything was as it should be and saw the heartbeat which made me cry lol Apparently it was implantation bleed which hadn't come out yet so that put my mind at rest.
We won't get to find out the sex untill the 20weeks scan, but will have another at 12weeks when apparently the baby will be a proper baby unlike todays pic!!
I had a few waves of nausea today but nothing major, glad your feeling positive about the sickness lol I so know what you mean any symptom is a good thing lol xx
I am sooooo excited for you both, honestly!!

Gemma, sorry you had a scare, but so glad to hear all is well and that you got to hear the heartbeat, especially so early! That's a great sign!

Erica, that's great news on the sickness, you're right about it being a sign of strong hormones. I read a lot on this because I didn't get even nausea until I was about 8 weeks, and then I didn't have any vomiting until really recently. From what I can tell, not being sick is not a bad sign (as lots of ladies don't have any MS), it's just that being sick is a good sign. Yay for strong hormones! I know everything is going to be great at your appointment!

And yeah, they tell you the gender super super early here. My friend just found out at 13 weeks, and our doctor told us she could have told us at 15. Tho I'm sure that increases the chances of error - that would be the worst!

I'm not just now in maternity - I couldn't fit into any of my pants starting between 10-11 weeks or so. So got my first cheap maternity stuff around then. My shopping excursion a couple weeks ago was my first serious effort though. I've still been holding off on work stuff. I mainly wear the same dresses over and over again, which I'm lucky to be able to do because the weather is so warm here year round (in southern California). But soon I'll need to get some more stuff, I know. I'm actually really anxious to show more - I just want to be at the stage where people can tell I'm pregnant (and not just really full from a large lunch!). I'll try to post a bump pic shortly.

here's a bump pic from 16 weeks...(we were hiking, so i'm standing in some water)....


  • bump.jpg
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I am sooooo excited for you both, honestly!!

Gemma, sorry you had a scare, but so glad to hear all is well and that you got to hear the heartbeat, especially so early! That's a great sign!

Erica, that's great news on the sickness, you're right about it being a sign of strong hormones. I read a lot on this because I didn't get even nausea until I was about 8 weeks, and then I didn't have any vomiting until really recently. From what I can tell, not being sick is not a bad sign (as lots of ladies don't have any MS), it's just that being sick is a good sign. Yay for strong hormones! I know everything is going to be great at your appointment!

And yeah, they tell you the gender super super early here. My friend just found out at 13 weeks, and our doctor told us she could have told us at 15. Tho I'm sure that increases the chances of error - that would be the worst!

I'm not just now in maternity - I couldn't fit into any of my pants starting between 10-11 weeks or so. So got my first cheap maternity stuff around then. My shopping excursion a couple weeks ago was my first serious effort though. I've still been holding off on work stuff. I mainly wear the same dresses over and over again, which I'm lucky to be able to do because the weather is so warm here year round (in southern California). But soon I'll need to get some more stuff, I know. I'm actually really anxious to show more - I just want to be at the stage where people can tell I'm pregnant (and not just really full from a large lunch!). I'll try to post a bump pic shortly.


Thanks Joanna, it was quite a scare but I am so pleased I have seen our little bean and to have heard the heartbeat as well was amazing.
Your bump is so lovely!! You look really slim too, I reckon I will put loads of weight on lol
I'm looking forward too getting maternity clothes although not wanting to spend loads on work stuff, will probably get a couple of wrap dresses that I can alternate!!
Wow 13weeks for the gender is very early isn't it!!

Hope everyone is good xxx
Joanna you look so great! I have a bigger belly than you do and I'm not showing at all ::laugh2:

Gemma I'm so happy your scare turned out to be just a scare and nothing serious.

Feeling quite sick today and pretty grouchy. For having Monday off it sure feels like a long week! Gotta love the hormones :)

Hope all you ladies are doing well

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