33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)

Good luck this cycle Nectarine! Glad you have found such support on the forum.

Well, I had my consultation re the NK cell results. Not much to say, it was pretty quick. I've basically got 3 cycles in which to get pg and I've to contact them if it doesn't happen by then. I'm on progesterone from days 21-28, unless I get pregnant in which case I stay on it til week 13. Clexane 20mg from about 6 weeks (when I need to get a scan to confirm the pregnancy. I'd be doing that anyway with my history!) until 13 weeks. DON'T take aspirin. Steroids not needed. So I just need to get pregnant now!

Squig, i will say a prayer for you!!! :hugs:

My doc has me on progesterone too. Up to 12 or 13 weeks. Remaining on the heparin injections up to 36 weeks and to continue on the baby aspirin, prenatal, folic acid and Vit. D supplements.
Thanks so much for your encouraging words! You are right, maybe it's too soon for IVF, but the docs in Singapore really scared the heck out of us (although a doc friend of ours looked at the results and said my DH's guys weren't that bad at all). So we'll repeat his SA in a couple of weeks and after that make a decision. He is now in a rush (understandable) and also I think that me being 'supposedly' ok will probably mean higher chances of getting pregnant quickly...clock is ticking :-(

If his :spermy: are really at fault we may actually need ICSI, but I think that makes no difference procedure-wise, right? Tbh im a bit scared of the whole thing...Dov, I salute you for going through ER without anestesia!! WOW :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I've heard a lot about clomid etc, might discuss that with the docs here...I just don't know what to believe anymore! I do have hypothyroidism since age 12 but I am very well controlled, so that should not be a problem. No other special tests apart from several U/S and a blood test in December ...but now you got me thinking. I started taking progesterone ovules (vaginal) after OD last month to stop the spotting situation, and now it delays my period which drives me nuts!

Anyway ladies, I am really confident we will make this happen!! at least you wont need to travel to the other side of the world to get whatever treatment needs to be done...this no-baby is going to cost a fortune, but totally worth it, im sure! :winkwink:

Best of luck to you honey, sorry you're going through so much to get your baby but yes, it will be SOOOOO worth it in the end. Praying for you! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi Nectarine! Welcome!

I've been away from the forums lately. Going through a lot or pre-cycle testing and busy with work.

Nectarine, I think preparing to go see a doctor and setting up IVF in December is a good idea. 9 months of trying is long enough to start thinking about it. I wish I had got the ball rolling sooner and definitely only stay at a clinic that you feel strongly is covering ALL the bases and investigating all the possibilities. I think my first clinic was way too lax about things and was more concerned about trying the easy ways first and I wasted 2 years being too passive and trusting that they were doing enough when they clearly weren't.

dov? How are things?! I'm so excited for you!

ttcbabyisom, I hope you are doing okay. I let myself get distracted for a while and was so crazy busy I wasn't able to think much about things and that did help. I needed a break from thinking about it as I, too, was getting very depressed. I hope you got some relief and are feeling renewed soon.

Squig, any further news from your doctors about what's going on or what the next steps are?

AFM (sorry about this long post) I'm finally starting my cycle with CCRM and it's been just crazy. First I had a very sore left breast from a cyst I've had forever that seemed to have gotten more painful so I had my first mammogram and they made me come back because they saw some calcifications in my RIGHT breast that looked suspicious. Painful biopsy on the right and they aspirated cysts on left. Thankfully, tests came back benign but that was a very stressful few days wondering if I had cancer and if they'd have to cancel my IVF.

Then they had me monitor my cycle and it had been very regular 28 days, ovulating around day 13 or 14 . . . well, as soon I started monitoring for O, things went haywire and I ovulated very early at 9 or 10 days and then was supposed to take my priming meds for several days til i got my period, but that also came 5 days early! So I barely got any of the priming meds (only 2 days of estradiol and one day of cetrotide) but they said not to worry about it, yet they scrambled and had me get ultrasound and bloodwork and then switched my stims to start much earlier than originally planned (on this new "day 3") so suddenly I'm heading to Colorado THIS SUNDAY to get my first ultrasound on the stims.

They are giving me human growth hormone which sounds controversial and I have to pay a lot for it out of pocket . . . (that's why I've been working so many hours) . . . but the studies on it actually look pretty promising for better sticky eggs. I'm hoping it helps.

Anyway . . . off to CCRM soon. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm trying to think of this as a test run for the new clinic and not worry if it doesn't go perfectly since maybe they have to learn more about me and I'm prepared to have to do this again with them even though the doctor seemed so confident . . . but I know if they don't get a good egg retrieval this time, it's going to be a very bad sign so I'm praying that I'm in as good hands as I think I am and that they will be able to help me.

Geesh, sorry to hear about the complications with your first mammogram. How traumatic. I'm glad it turned out ok!

And good grief on the drama surrounding your cycle and the start of the meds, etc. Sounds like it all worked out though with the results of it! :hugs:
Thanks Dani :) Re your question to Panda, CCRM is the clinic she's at this time.
Wow Panda, this is amazing news!!! What's CCRM though? IVF lingo...i'm not familiar...

CCRM = Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
It's one of the top clinics in the country with some of the most cutting edge lab technology and highest stats. Also, a place people go when they've failed elsewhere.

I got lucky and my brother lives 20min from there and my insurance covers most of my IVF there so I've been fortunate enough to be trying my 4th IVF there.

Dov! So excited for you! Sounds like everything is going well and I can't believe the due date is so soon!

Yes, we are doing genetic testing on all. A little disappointed today as "all" is only 3 blastocysts that formed out of the 11 fertilized eggs. I'm nervous that we are testing so few and may not have any to transfer and the quality is just so-so. I am really starting to worry that I may not have any good eggs in there and I'm only 34 . . . Have to wait 2 weeks for the results. I

Waiting for period to show and then I call the doctor to schedule Essure implant for treatment of hydrosalpinx. Wondering if it's crazy to do implant if my egg quality isn't there, but waiting to talk to doctor to see what he thinks our chances are.
ttcbabyisom - had to go to your thread and catch up on your story! So happy for you! Great numbers!
Panda, I hope you get good results from your blastocysts and that at least one (preferably more) are suitable for transfer. I take it that that's why they freeze them, because you're getting the testing?
Wow Panda, this is amazing news!!! What's CCRM though? IVF lingo...i'm not familiar...

CCRM = Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
It's one of the top clinics in the country with some of the most cutting edge lab technology and highest stats. Also, a place people go when they've failed elsewhere.

I got lucky and my brother lives 20min from there and my insurance covers most of my IVF there so I've been fortunate enough to be trying my 4th IVF there.

Dov! So excited for you! Sounds like everything is going well and I can't believe the due date is so soon!

Yes, we are doing genetic testing on all. A little disappointed today as "all" is only 3 blastocysts that formed out of the 11 fertilized eggs. I'm nervous that we are testing so few and may not have any to transfer and the quality is just so-so. I am really starting to worry that I may not have any good eggs in there and I'm only 34 . . . Have to wait 2 weeks for the results. I

Waiting for period to show and then I call the doctor to schedule Essure implant for treatment of hydrosalpinx. Wondering if it's crazy to do implant if my egg quality isn't there, but waiting to talk to doctor to see what he thinks our chances are.

I really hope this fourth IVF works for you!!! Sounds like you're in the best place possible for it to!
updates today:

still waiting on ccs results on our 4 good blasts from this cycle

starting birth control to keep lining from building up so they can do essure implant on left side hydro some time in next two weeks - waiting on surgery scheduling person to call with a date

going to break the bank and do another egg retrieval and ccs testing while we are waiting (3month wait) for the Essure coil to heal inside - hopefully get another few good eggs frozen

transfer (and praying this is the one!) would happen around end of January 2015 . . . about 4 years after we started trying. no wonder i'm so exhausted.
I hope you get good results and that whatever you decide to do in the three month wait, you are able to rest - you're right, it's no wonder you're exhausted!
panda, i am so proud of you that you don't give up. This was my moto too.
My sister asked me if i got tired of IVFs, I should take a break.
My Fertility dr. wanted to do the 3rd IUI instead but I had a gut feeling to go for my 7th IVF. I had to push receptionist ladies to give me an appoinment earlier that month, not during Ovulation.(as they suggested). I didn't wait for my hubby's sperm dna fragm. results, I just went for my guts and got what I wanted.
I am wishing you from the bottom of my heart only success! You deserve it so much!
Thank you, dov.

I am pretty crushed today. We only had one of the four embryos tested come back as normal and it was our lowest quality egg . . . a Day 6 graded a 5BC.

We are going to do another egg retrieval but doctor has basically told me I have the eggs of a woman over 40. I'm trying to keep hope alive since there's a chance, but it's really crushing to realize time is running out and I'll almost definitely not get the 2 kids I always wanted. Hoping I still get to have 1 of my own, but terrified as I see the finish line coming where all of our options will be exhausted and our chances were given at 45 to 50% (and I think even that may be high).

Pretty unbelievable since we started trying at my age being 31 and to find out we may have already missed our window.
Panda, I am sorry about bad outcome. :hugs: Your clinic has good reputation and maybe there diagnosis is right. Is it your second opinion?
Have you thought about donor eggs?
Please take care of your health. Hormones are tough on your body.
Thanks Squig and Dov.

We are going ahead with the Essure implant next week in hopes that even if IVF fails, the Essure will possibly allow us to get pregnant naturally if by some great bit of luck, we hit the lottery and get a good egg and it also happens to make it down the right tube (which is supposedly still good).

We are also going to do another retrieval and see what the results are. The doctor is doing an estrogen and maybe testosterone (depending on my blood levels) priming protocol which is supposed to help egg quality. There have been large variations for some people in their ivf ccs test results. In other words, some women who get only 1 or 2 normal/euploid eggs in one cycle have gone on to get 4 normals in the next cycle. Due to the very iffy quality of our day 5 blasts though and the high drop off rate, we are thinking that it just may not be in the cards for us.

I'm trying to stay positive and give these last cycles and our transfers next year the best chance I can, but am def trying to wrap my head around the idea of having to use donor eggs or look into adoption as that does seem like it's going to be our only options unless we get a miracle.
Good luck Panda. Don't give up hope of having a baby with your own eggs until you have to, but it's probably good to allow the idea of donor eggs to float around your head a bit so it becomes less alien. You'll be a great mother no matter whose eggs you use or if you adopt. But those stats are interesting & I hope for a miracle for you :hugs:
Thank you, dov.

I am pretty crushed today. We only had one of the four embryos tested come back as normal and it was our lowest quality egg . . . a Day 6 graded a 5BC.

We are going to do another egg retrieval but doctor has basically told me I have the eggs of a woman over 40. I'm trying to keep hope alive since there's a chance, but it's really crushing to realize time is running out and I'll almost definitely not get the 2 kids I always wanted. Hoping I still get to have 1 of my own, but terrified as I see the finish line coming where all of our options will be exhausted and our chances were given at 45 to 50% (and I think even that may be high).

Pretty unbelievable since we started trying at my age being 31 and to find out we may have already missed our window.

Ugh, im so sorry to hear this Panda! Will they still transfer the Day 6 5BC into you just to see if it takes? Or would you not want to risk it? I'm just so sorry. :hugs:
Thank you gals for your support. We will still transfer the 5BC. We have a 44% chance with that egg so still something. Hoping we get at least one more from this next egg transfer.

I had the Essure put in on Oct 31 and was totally fine by the time I got home from the procedure. Doctor said coil went right up inside the left tube without problems. Less than 1mm sticking out inside the uterus so scar tissue will heal over it completely and uterus will be clear and okay for implanting by February (takes 3 months for scar tissue to form around coil and close off that damaged tube).

I am so happy that I can't even feel it and maybe it will even allow us by some miracle to get pregnant naturally with the right tube. At least now there's a chance even if it's tiny.

On Estrogen and Testosterone priming as well as the recommended vitamin cocktail from CCRM (last time I was only on Acai as part of a study so these supplements are new):
• Myo Inostol 2gm BID (twice a day)
• Melatonin 3mg QHS (at Bedtime)
• Co Enzyme q10 200mg TID (three times a day)
• Omega-3 fatty acid 1000mg QD ( once daily)
• Vitamin C 500mg QD (Take once daily in am)
• Vitamin E 200IU QD (Take once daily)
• L-arginine 1000mg BID (Twice daily)
• Pycnogenol 100mg QD (take once daily)

Also taking Zinc 25mg as I read a study that zinc can help eggs grow stronger and doc said it can't hurt.

Next egg retrieval in mid-December. I start stims in early December.

How's everyone else doing?
FX for you panda, & glad all went well with the implant.

I'm fine. Currently pregnant again & had a second scan this morning showing a good hb. I'm around 7 weeks but the midwife doesn't think so, so I guess this baby needs to do some serious growing. Next scan in two weeks as we're away next week.
that's great, Squig!

I'm sure it's hard to wait between scans, but sounds like things are going well and I'm sure the baby will show lovely growth by the next one!

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