38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Pothole, great news about the femara I have heard clinic can be a bear!

Dandi, I agree with wish good be a good sign, but wholeheartedly agree if the witch is going to show the hopefully a day so you can start again. Oh yeah, and have a Bloody Mary or mimosa.

Wish, hope you are still doing splendidly.

Hi to everyone else!

Afm it was a no go on dpo1 BD his morning. We gave it a good try but his um solider did not show up for duty. He would kill me if he knew I posted that. :haha: We may try to have a romp later, but I think I am going to close the book on this cycle and I still think we did pretty damn good.

Still have my fingers crossed for everyone!
Hi everyone :) sorry I've been MIA ..... Our internet was down and I seriously nearly lost my mind !!! I think I'm addicted !!! Nope I'm certain ..... Dani hang in there , might not be AF bu tif it is .... Hope she get here soon ... To hell with it I'd have a drink before the plane !! That way if she shows after you won't feel double cheated !

I wouldn't worry MDC don't think there is a hope of catching the egg with sperm 1dpo so your good to go !!

Wish how you doing ? Is your reds sinking in yet ? That hit like a bolt out of the blue feeling sounds about right lol... Welcome to MS isn't it grand !! Start getting used to feeling yes one min re food and then nope ... Lol

Pothole I'm hoping Ferma is your golden ticket this cycle :) and you get to go to the chocolate factory this month ;)

Well I started testing 5dpo ..lol....... Here is my test in all its glory !
left - I'm so glad you're back! I hate how dependent we are on technology but it's the way of the world. It would take too long to all send letters to each other! :) Oh, and it turned out not to be ms, thankfully. Just a, um....bout from the other end. :blush: Which I've read is pretty common too. GREAT! Actually, I'm feeling so normal it's a little annoying. But I'm only 5wks tomorrow so I am sure it'll come in good time.

I did have to pick all of my cucumbers out of my salad today b/c they tasted weird. They could have just been old but I thought they were crunchy.
Thanks! Not using any lube now. Only occasionally canola oil which I heard was safe. Fingers crossed!

Yay Sugar!!! PUPO! I hope that lots of embies make it to freeze, but I also hope you won't need them for awhile when these embies get cozy in there and stick! I hope the wait until the 16th isn't too bad. I can't wait to hear what happens, fingers crossed for you!

Welcome Mrs.C! I'd give it a few more rounds naturally now that you are really giving it your best. Have you stopped using lubricant altogether or are you using Preseed or Conceive Plus?
Wish my. Ms didn't kick in till around 7 weeks . Then it was more evening sickness . But before then I started to " go off " certain foods .. Just when I thought about them or looked at them .. I be like ..... Mmmmm nope . Lol a bit like your cucumber ! Some of them my favorite foods ! Oh and it also happened with tea and coffee ...
Hi, I am new to the forum. I am 38 and husband is 37. We have been trying for over a year. Three months ago we were referred to a fertility specialist. After (SO MANY) tests it looks like my hormones are off and I am late to ovulate. So I am now on Metformin and Synthyroid (month 2) and have taken 1 round of Femara. I was SO hopeful this month - but today BFN. Trying not to get down but it is so frustrating. The 2WW is just brutal every month. Does anyone have any advice on how to not get so caught up in the calendar so I don't stress my self out so much? Saturday is another specialist appointment - more blood work and ultra sounds - then back again at CD9 and every two days after that. yay. Will try to be positive this will be the month but it is hard! Thanks for letting me vent.
I think I will bow out now ladies and leave you to carry on my thread. Thank you for all your support through my ups and downs.

Welcome to the new guys. Good luck with everything.

If anyone wants to follow me, my journal is in my signature.

I'll leave you with a picture of my little dancer, doing a headstand! Take care girls xx


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thank you for starting this lucky thread, tui!! I'm so glad you get to graduate from it!!
Good luck with the rest of your journey. I can't wait until you're holding your little bundle in your arms. <3

left - yeah, I've been allowing myself the 'one cup a day' (which is actually one cup every 3 days, tea and decaf stuff in between). The coffee sounds SO GOOD when I get it but I've only been able to drink about 20% of a cup lately!! Just zero interest in it once I get it - it tastes fake or something. Hard to describe. And it's really hard to blame it on being preg b/c it's so subtle.

welcome, hug! I wish I had a magic bullet for the TWW madness. If you're temping, I would stop temping a few days after you confirm O and then maybe start up again 10 days later to see if your temps are still up. That helped me not obsess daily about it. But overall, it's SO HARD not knowing. I can tell you that I'm now 5wks preg and I STILL don't have any of the 'symptoms' that I was searching so desperately for, except sore boobs. No goopy cm, no veiny boobs, no exhaustion, no nausea, no headaches....so I understand it's easy to drive yourself nuts! Try to stay positive - it'll help you and hopefully the LO that will eventually be in your belly!
Thanks Wish. Congrats on your news. It is encouraging to see that it is possible!

Will try and keep positive and not drive myself nuts.
Tui, so happy for you and DH! Thank you so much for starting this thread. I remember reading this thread a while before I joined, and I was so nervous about posting. Good luck to you and I will be stalking until you and your little dancer.

Left, glad you are back! When do you POAS?

Dandi, hope your flight is going easy for you!

Hugs, no life changing insight from me (as you will read my rant below LOL!), but I try to keep busy and I tend to cook a lot to keep me occupied. Oh yeah, and a lot of this group! They are a great group of ladies and a wonderful sounding board, they help me keep my sanity. TTC is a tough journey, especially when it is going on for quite a while. I believe in karma and positive energy so I keep trying to put those wishes out there and know it will eventually happen.

Wish, glad MS is not in full force yet, but I am sure it is right around the corner.

Hi to everyone else!

Warning this is going to be a RANT.

Wtf, now my temp said I did not ovulate! Damn early positive opk. Now the sane part of me said it could be I slept without my normal comforter last night, but the insane part did another OPK (negative of course)...maybe my first one was off and the damn fancy advance CBD does not let you retest for two full days. Now I am wondering if it was a false positive and the BD is going to have to start again, or if it was just anov. Silver lining at least there will be vacay sexy time starting tomorrow, and if it does not work on to no pressure/ no on demand IUI. On top of that I am frustrated because I booked the wrong room for our trip it said island view and the pictures had a picture of water and an island, but now reading the reviews water is not part of our view. I know first world problems right :rofl: , but just frustrated I messed up like that. Luckily DH keeps saying it is going to be fine, and that it is no big deal...because really how much time do you spend its the room. Now my friggin work computer is not letting me log in. UGH! So over it.

Ok, rant over and I feel better.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to everyone and cannot wait to read some BFP!
Welcome Hugandkiss!

MDC- I hope your vacay is brilliant!

Tui- your names for your journals are so creative! Can't wait to follow you H&H nine months.

Hello everyone!
I'm glad I embibed in both a pre-flight and in-flight adult beverage, bc af showed up when we landed. Boo! I guess this cycle was just weird as a result of my mc. So basically everything I previously knew about my cycle is out the window and I'll be flying blind now. I'll just have to ignore symptoms and wait it out, and that's fine, just annoying. Also super annoying that cramping and breast pain may become a norm for every cycle, not a fan of that. Onward to July! DH and I met in July, it's feeling lucky. ;)
oh dandi, I was really rooting for you. Stupid witch. Enjoy your trip, though and I'm glad you got those drinks in!! :hugs:

mdc - have a GREAT vacation!!! maybe join the mile high club and get a good BD in??? ;)
Hi everyone :) dani I'm sorry she got ya ... She is such a cow ... Wish she would take a leafy out of your and mdc book and take a nice long vacation:plane::plane: she could do lots of stuff to keep her VERY occupied :boat::boat::bike::shipw::drunk::icecream::football::wine: lol Maybe she will listen to us and take that 10 month vacation !!!!

Love to all my girls :hugs:
Hi ladies-

Im in an emoji mood :flower:

Sugar: :happydance:: :baby:

Dandi: enjoy your trip! here's to next month :thumbup:

Left: how crazy will it be if your amorous night turns out to be baby #2? :winkwink:

wish: i cannot wait for your first scan!!!!!!! :baby::baby:

Mdc: have an amazing trip!!!!! Post some pics :plane:

Pothole: im happy to hear the femara is easier on you than the clomid :hugs:

Star: my dh is from lansing too! Fingers crossed for your tww :thumbup:

Tui: awwww love your little gymnast :cloud9:

i got back from an awesome weekend with my gfs in boston and now dh and i have to pack for three weeks for our trip to Cali and Hawaii. We have 6 days to hopefully find a place to live in LA and then we're off to hawaii to visit family (hate my mom's husband and I'm dreading seeing him). Then we come back to TX, head to boston again for my friend's wedding, pack up the house and move. Oh, i still have to find someone to deliver my kid im Cali. :dohh:
I failed my 1 hour glucose test (cut off is 130 dg/mL and i got 132). aRGH. No time to go in for the 3 hour test so now i have to test my glucose levels 4 times per day while away. Double argh.

On the bright side- my last day of work is tmrw!!!!!!! Yay! Probably not going to work again until january :happydance::

<3 to my fav internet chicas
Wish- did you ever pee on a stick so you could see your Bfp? I know you got your pos via blood test, right?
looks like jessie wasn't the only one in an emoji mood! left, you're so hysterical! how's that TWW coming along??

jessie - glad to have you back and checking in! My, my - you have a BUSY rest of your pregnancy coming up! I still can't believe you're 30 weeks already, that's just nuts. Little Mo will be here before we all know it!

nope, never poas - the blood test results kinda took the mystery out of it and I've had another one since (1400) and another one this coming Monday. I was going to save it to maybe use it as a way to tell my folks over Facetime, but by the time we feel comfortable telling them, it's a little more than peeing on a stick. So I guess I'll save it for one of those freak days that I get nervous if I still am and use it then. If I ever use it at all. :)
Jessie- You are so busy! Bet with all your travels you ve probably been to Lansing too:)

Mdc- how are the temps now? I really do hope you did ovulate earlier... If not you still have time to bding as much as you can:) Enjoy St Thomas.

Wish- take your time to POAs. Am just still happy for you.

I havent tested yet but today i woke up with a chin pimple... Thats always AF sign. Not going to test until AF is late.

Hi to the rest of the Ladies.
good morning ladies! you're all very quiet! :) Did everyone have a good weekend?

how are my TWW girls? star, left, sugar, chairman?

I hope mdc and dandi, you are enjoying your time away!

jessie - I hope you're not killing yourself with packing and whatnot. What a crazy time for you. Do you know where in Boston your friend's wedding is? How was the bach party? That stinks you failed your glucose test and have to go back.

I had a scary moment this weekend - was behind a girl on the highway that got into a crazy accident. Thankfully I could see it coming and I slowed down to kinda just let it happen but it was nuts. The shot of adrenaline I felt made me nervous, like what would that do to my embie?? thankfully everyone in the accident was ok (I think - the Rescue truck didn't stick around, or take anyone away, so I assume everyone was alright). I think the girl in front of me was texting. She was DEFINITELY distracted b/c she was veering off the highway into a very wide breakdown lane and didn't even react until she hit grass. Then she hit the brakes and spun right, across 3 lanes of highway, hit a car, hit the guardrail, then spun into the center lane. So nuts. She's so lucky but I hope she gets some punishment. I stayed to give a statement since I saw it all. What makes me think she was texting is because we were in standstill traffic just moments before this and she wasn't keeping up with the car in front of her when they would make some ground. I could see she was looking down into the passenger seat at something. I can't prove it but I assume it was her phone and she was keeping it low so no one would see. Anyway, that was my excitement for the weekend and I'll be happy to not have that happen again, thank you very much!
Gosh wish that crazy !!!!! So glad your all ok . People can be so stuipid with cars in phones . A split second is all it takes !!!

I'm doing ok have major PMS !! I'm so irritated and irrational right now lol..... She is due in 2 days and get here soon enough , I've given up testing on 9dpo ,..stark stark white . I'm not surprised ... Now I would have been had there been a line !!!!! Shock of the century ! I know my meds are working as I'm putting on weight uck .... Quickly so my metabolism is obviously slowing down . Which means my thryroid is going in the right direction but I now need to adjust my diet as I could pretty much eat what I wanted when I wanted for the last year without consequence . Its gonna be so tough !!! But I need to start now or ill regret it !!!

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