38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Sugar, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know there is nothing we can physically do, but we are here for support.

Tiniest tinge of blood this morning. So now I have to call the RE and we have to make a new plan. If this is implantation bleeding, which I doubt, it's easy. If it's not, then my cycle started 1 day early and that opens July back up. I will be at the beach without DH during prime BD time and we are leaving so early that Monday morning that I couldn't do an iui in office before we go. But with everything backed up one day, it's possible that I could trigger on Saturday and have the iui on Sunday. But that would mean that I need to know for certain *today* that I am not pregnant so I can start the Femara, then would require literally every single possible scenario to play out perfectly. If my follicles aren't big enough, no go. If the trigger shot takes any longer than 24 hours, no go. I am understanding your pampers commercial frustration, Mdc! This is not an accident or a casual process. This is math and science and heartbreak.
morning, all! :wave:

thank you AGAIN (and again and again) for all of your thoughts, prayers and wishes. We had our little chat last night so we're good. :hugs:

mdc - dang that temp drop! Or rather, dang the first hormone surge of the month not being the real one. I think you'll feel some relief after you have your IUI appt - just to have a plan in place and to feel like you have a little bit more help in the process feels really good. Oh, and my next u/s is Monday morning again, 8:30.

star - same for you, honestly. You just feel some relief handing over this responsibility to someone else for a bit. I have NO clue how people get preg on their own, especially when my friends have claimed 'immaculate conception' b/c after 2 kids already, they barely touch their husband. But BOOM, another baby. We chart and graph our bodies as well as a financial analyst handles the stock market, yet we can't get the 2 cells to come together! But I'm hoping you don't have to have that conversation at all!

dandi - What kind of work do you do? I work for a company where I get to work from home 100% (except when we have big meetings in MA) and I love it. We have employees all over the country. We are a software company that has software to assist Employers and Payers (Insurance Carriers) with their data maintenance and compliance documentation. Not Federal, but we have a hand in some of the federally-required docs re: health care (like your SPD you get from your company on the benefits they offer you). If you're not sleeping after reading that and are interested in just checking us out, PM me. :)
:dust: for you and a bfp in hopefully 8 days!!

sugar - I absolutely HATE that $$ has to stand in the way of our decisions. I have read good things about CoQ10 but haven't really seen much on DHEA. My RE said those wouldn't hurt but she couldn't 'recommend' them b/c there was no solid evidence that they truly helped. But they will help YOU feel like you are doing what you can, so I say go for it! And I hope that you get lucky soon naturally!

pothole - thank you and your fibers so much for the support!! :hugs: I hope to GOD that your pinches and aches and pains in weird places mean something good - 12dpo is definitely possible. We need another BFP in this thread! :dust: to you too! No pressure :haha:

left - how are you doing?

jessie - how goes the world travel?

Hi to any I missed - kiley, maui

Happy Hump Day, girls!
I'm a business manager in higher education. I do budgets, business plans, contracts, policy, etc. After I got my MBA, I just kind of stuck around in higher ed because it's what I knew, but I feel like I'm pigeon-holing myself a bit and I'm ready to try a different setting. I'll pm you, I'd love to look up your company and see if there's anything that may be a good fit!

I swore to myself that I wasn't going to test early this month, but I'm already getting the urge. I keep thinking that if I really did ov on cd 14, I could test as early as Saturday to see if anything's showing up. I also swore not to symptom spot, but I can't help but think about the twinges I'm feeling today (and yesterday). I looked back though and I had the same twinges last month, so I know they don't mean anything. Despite my good intentions every cycle, I loose all rational thought during the tww. I'm going to try to be strong and not test this weekend. :dohh:
Wish- I really hope you are that VERY rare instance where baby is just developing slower. You and LO will be in my prayers. Definitely start exercising again. Its worth a shot right? Could be great for baby and get his or her heart pumping a little faster. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this roller coaster of emotions! Praying things get better for you. I am happy you are still prego though. I believe in miracles!

Sugar- Sorry you are not able to get any assistance yet. As far as supplements to get pregnant naturally, I researched the crap out of that when we decided to start trying. With being over 35, I wanted to up my chances anyway I could. I can not remember everything I took, but CoQ10 was among the supplements I took. I also took extra Vitamin D since I live in the Midwest and it was winter when we started trying. Lack of sunshine does affect fertility. A book that I read and recommend is "Making Babies" by Sami S. David, MD and Jill Blakeway, LAc. I got some really good tips from that book that I did not hear about anywhere else. I also read studies on how too much non-fat or low-fat dairy in your diet can affect ovulation ( https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/64192.php ). So I switched out a couple of my low fat servings to full fat dairy. Definitely do your research on supplements, there is a lot of information out there that may help. And you have nothing to lose with trying.

mdc- Dang temp drop and AF! After hearing about your cervix dilation condition, I am thinking IUI is the way to go for you. I have a good feeling about it!

Hello to everyone else! Sending lots of baby dust your way! :dust:
Good morning Ladies,

Sugar just as i told Wish, miracles still happen and i also do pray that you get your miracle soon. We go through ups and downs, get drained financially, physically and emotionally trying to have a baby but deep down i believe that one day we will all be holding our miracle babies. Thinking about you Sugar.

Wish: Keep on talking to Lentil. Tell him/her we are all rooting for him/her. Your job sound like what my DH does. He works for a software consultation company, they mostly deal with SAP software. He sometimes works from home unless they have major meetings.

Mdc: All the best with IUI. Did your Dr talk to you about a medicated cycle with the IUI? Mine did mention doing medicated cycle with IUI but we will talk more on our appt and decide on which route to take.

Dandi: Best of luck with your job hunting and with a BFP! Dont let that temp drop put you down....you really never know with our bodies. You may still come out with a bfp.

Pothole: Wish it was just easy to get what we want than making plans every month in this journey. Whatever decision you make ....am praying for the best.

Left: how was your appt? Thinking of you.

Maui: Time goes fast, before you know it you will soon be ready to O again. Praying for the best this coming cycle for you.

Hello Jessie, Kiley, Smitco and anybody else that i missed.

Afm; i finally got a peak opk last night and did my part of BD last night and this morning. Will put in some sessions today too. Praying for good news before that
coming appt.

Thinking about you all and praying for those bfp and sticky lentils!
Well ladies aren't ye the chatty lot !!! I can't keep up lol...... Personals later when LO in bed , for now ... I had my appointment yesterday . And ......... I got the green light !! The same day I got a Opk+ and a bd in !!! Lol not bad timing !! Sooo girls I'm offically in the Tww !

I need to start temping again and upping my game for next cycle :) I'm excited and scared to be trying for real again .... Its been nice in a way not to have the pressure but I ain't complaining !!! BRING IT ON !!!!! Y,ipeeeeeeee
Well I am officially out and July is a no. Even though I won't be medicating, temping, BDing on schedule, or tww-ing next month, I am still going to stalk you ladies like mad. So keep up all the updates and I hope every single one of you is knocked up by the time I start again in August. Baby dust to you all!!!
pothole - that's CRAP!!! I was so hoping this was it. You did everything so well and timed it all right. Maybe a month off of this obsession will do the trick for August. I hope you have a wonderful vacation!!

dandi - it's so hard not knowing anything! I literally can't wait to go to bed so when I wake up, it's one day closer to whatever.

I'm SOOOOO excited for you, left!!! Green light, peak and BD all in one day! My fingers are crossed so hard that this is the time for you.

same with you, Star!! So filled with hope that this is your time!

kiley - thank you for the support on exercising and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Love your new pic!! How is little Ireland doing? are you feeling a lot of kicks yet?

Tomorrow is 8wks - It's weird, I feel like I'm now taking control of things, though I also realize I have no control. But it feels good - Lentil and I against the world (and all physics and biologic rationale!) right now!! Fruit smoothies, eggs, veggies, chicken, more fruit, water, protein shake, a good run/walk (haven't run in almost 2 months so couldn't make it all the way but it felt REALLY good) - I'm ON IT!! And really, it can't hurt - if I'm going to miscarry, I'm going to miscarry. Though this new little pact with Lentil is definitely making me attached. <3 who knows....maybe that was part of the problem?
Yay Left!!! That is great news!!

Pothole- So sorry you are out. Hopefully this month off will be just what you need. August will be here before you know it!

Wish- Good to hear you are back to your normal routine. You can at lease be in control of one thing! I did not go through what you are going through, but I do understand the lack of control thing. In the beginning I constantly worried... still do actually. I would love to tell you it gets better, but I am not sure that it does. Part of being a mama I guess. I am feeling her move now. I actually started feeling her around 15 weeks, but it was not consistent. It is now an every day thing and I am starting to pick up on a pattern of times of day she is active. And I totally forgot to tell you guys!! Now my husband is not 100% sure on my name choice of Ireland. It is still on the list, but back to the drawing board!
This is my first post, how interesting to read this thread! I'm also 38 and ttc #1. I never thought I wanted kids at all, then met my DH and learned the meaning of soul mate.

I went off BC mid-December, my body was "adjusting" till March. Just trying to hang in there and be patient, it's hard, though. I'm currently just keeping track of CM and CP, have not started temping, I may start to do that if we keep coming up negative. I have good signs, but DH may have some issues to deal with as well, I have the "6 months with no luck" appointment with my doc on Friday to start looking to see if anything is wrong.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and thank all of you for writing about your experiences. It's good to see them and not feel so alone.
welcome, krasa! good luck on Friday with your appointment. I hope you get a good plan in place!
Hi ladies,

Reading but not posting. Im thinking positive thoughts for all of you.

Things have been crazy with house hunting, husband's job interviews and traveling to see family. My husband was offered a pretty incredible job in LA and we signed a lease on a house in Pasadena yesterday. We are now headed to Boston for my friend's wedding and then we're back in Texas for the first time in nearly a month to pack up and move. Im so ready to be settled in one place and begin my life with my little family. I have lived in 3 different states in the last 5 years and I'm so over it.

Wish: omg. I am so so happy they werent able to do the D&C! Im really hoping this is your miracle baby.

Im nearing the end of my pregnancy and i think i joined this thread last Aug or September... so that means someone else is due for their BFP. Who's it gonna be?

thank you, jessie! I do too but I just posted in another thread - I'm still not feeling any nausea or exhaustion, so I just have a feeling. They say there are 'lucky ones' who don't feel this but I don't think we could be THAT lucky - have this survive AND have no symptoms?? Even the boobs are not as sore and they certainly aren't any bigger than when we first started out. I'd think at 8 weeks we should see something changing in that area too.
Hopeful but realistic, that's how we are rolling.

Have a great time at the wedding! I hope it's on Saturday and not Sunday - better weather for you. Congrats to your DH on the great job offer too!! I'm glad you're getting your affairs in order quickly! I think we'll all be able to hear the giant sigh coming from SoCal once you finally get there and get settled!!
Pothole I'll be thinking of you. See you (sorta) in August.

Left that's great news and awesome timing.

Jessicat I want your life! I'm so tired of Texas. :).

I ran yesterday too Wish. Legs are pretty sore today.

Welcome Krasa!

Thanks for the kind words MDC and Dandi!

Hello everyone!
Sugar, so sorry that $ are getting in the way. It sucks that being responsible and waiting until you are settled/ready gets 'punished' by insurance. I have also heard good things about Coq10.

Dandi, I love telecommuting! Good luck with the search and hopefully all the activity will also turn into a BFP! And be strong about not testing, it is so hard.

Pothole, talk about timing with IUIs! I am starting to get nervous because I know my travel is going to pick up soon and that will make IUI's more difficult for us, so that is why I wanted to jump into medicated this cycle. Alas, could not get into my doc until 7/2. Sorry you are out this month, but August is going to be hear before you know it!

Kiley, thanks. Luckily my cervical dilation should have fixed my problem for good, but it could have shrunk up so an IUI should bypass that problem and get me a BFP ASAP. Also, love your picture!

Star, good luck! I am trying to talk to my Dr into medicated sooner rather than later. I just think she may push back a little since I do O and my eggs appear to be great. I will just have to use my negotiating skills :haha:

Left, how AWESOME! Welcome back officially to the madness.

Wish, sounds like you exercise and eating has gone smashingly! I will say I was a little surprised they said no exercise, but I think everyone has differing opinions. Even more reason fertility needs more clinical studies and guidelines. It is like the Wild West for f@$k sake.

Krasa, welcome to this awesome group of ladies! Everyone is super friendly, good listeners, and full of knowledge. Good luck on Friday! I avoided temping for quite a while, but I found it awesome to detect O! Well just don't go by my posts about the confusion I had the month. Ha ha ha!

Jessie, glad the end to your whirlwind is in sight. Hopefully we will have a slew of sticky beans here in the next few months! I feel some brewing.

Nothing much for me (CD2), but eagerly reading everyone posts and spreading some sticky :dust:
Kiley, forgot to say darn there is a name delima, but super excited she is being so active. Maybe when you meet her she will look like an Ireland and DH will succumb.
mdc - well they really didn't say 'no' exercise, just mild exercise like walking, swimming and biking even. Well, I run and was really digging kickboxing and bootcamp before I started IVF, so those were out. I don't live near a place I can actively swim at, or am going to drop the $$ typically charged at a gym where they have a pool, and don't have a bike (and people drive nuts on my road). I have walked a few times but my loop takes about 45 mins so to find that time during the day was tough. Enough excuses, right? So I am going to go for a walk today after my last call (things are slowing down a bit at work too, that'll help), ran/walked yesterday and I'll do something on Saturday too. :)
I just looked at my belly in the mirror too - not liking this first stage of body transformation. Equals pudgy and bloated. :( But obviously I'll take it if lentil hangs on.
Thanks for the warm welcomes, ladies. Reading thru the thread it seems like you all have a great bond here together and good support for each other.

I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow, but my guess is it will be just the doc and I discussing a plan. I'm on CD 13, usually O around CD 16, so I'm not in a great spot to do any blood work right this moment.

Sugar, you're describing the very thing that worries me the most. My insurance doesn't do a great job of covering anything related to IVF, etc. It does feel like punishment for waiting till we're ready and with the right partner.

Anyway, everyone have a great evening, and I'll be sure to update with what the doc thinks!

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