38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Yup sure did . I have an auto- immune disease too . Mine is called Graves . My thyroid produces An anit thyriod anti body . Sounds like your one end of the spectrum and I'm the other . From all I've read your end of the spectrum is easier to control with medication . Its just a matter of getting the levels right .
Hello all,

Sorry for the absence-I'm still catching up on everyone's posts after the weekend and Monday from hell. Will get chattier a bit later, after work is all through for the day.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and :hugs: this week. One of the suckiest Mondays in a long time, that's for sure. But no more pain for my fur baby.

Ellie-welcome! You will find support, understanding, and some good laughs here with this amazing group of ladies. I'm new to the forums too but I must say I feel you on everything you said in your introduction. It can be almost impossible to not get down on yourself. That's why we're here!

Pretty boring here, sitting at CD 6 kissing the witch goodbye. On to cycle 8. DH had his SA last Thursday, and we still haven't gotten results back on that...sheesh.
Thank you so much for all the welcomes and support :)

I got a +OPK yesterday afternoon (tinypic.com/r/dd0qoo/8), so it's go, go, go! Following SMEP, we have bd the past 2 days and going to do today and maybe tomorrow too.

I can't seem to think about anything other than babies at the moment. This week, I have had one colleague FB posting recently-born baby pics, one friend FB posting a scan and another posting the big news... finally another colleague came back to work after maternity leave... it's agony! When will it be my turn? (I do feel really happy for them and I'm not bitter, just quite jealous! 2 of them spent ages TTC and one needed IVF, so it wasn't plain sailing for them either...)

I'm a teacher and we break up for summer tomorrow... which means the 2ww will be hellish without the distraction of work. How will I get through it?

I'm due on 30th July and have my gynae appointment on 29th. I'm hoping the appointment will be a good distraction for me, something to look forward to! Might poas that morning if nothing by then!
krasa - :hugs: :cry: I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you. I'm glad you were able to have your wine - much needed at that time. The other note - that seems like a long time to get results!! maybe call? could be that someone there thinks someone else already called you?

ellie - go go go!! :sex: I hope it all works for you this month! Funny - I agree with everything you said. How is it possible that at this age, we're STILL hearing so much about births and pregnancies?? Aren't we late in the game? And besides any friends/colleagues having babies, everyone on TV is having babies. We're watching a show called True Detective and there is a couple on there having problems and going through Assisted Fertility-something (they don't really say).
I have to say, I love how you used 'plain sailing' - reminded me of a bloke from the UK we LOVE - Frank Turner!! Have you heard of him? He sings a song called 'Plain Sailing Weather'. I think he's much bigger over there, he's still somewhat unknown over here but DH and I are obsessed with him. We saw him twice in 3 days last year and doing it again this year, end of Sept. Can't wait!

Left - so how are you feeling?? any cramping, boobs hurt, ms, weird stuff??
Krasa, so sorry about your kitty. I cannot imagine what a rough day that must have been. Take care of yourself and hopefully the doc will call soon.

Ellie, sounds like you have your work cut out for you and get to BD'ing! I swear babies are everywhere with our heightened awareness and longing. Trust me I have had my fair share and trying to put on a brave smile and honestly I am bitter some of the times, but just try to let the feeling be acknowledged and then let it float by.

Wish, I am going to have to look that Frank bloke up. He was the one that you wedding dance was to right?

Hello to all the other amazing TTC ladies stalking :winkwink:

I am dpo 6/7 and just relaxing and still being positive. DH keeps asking if I feel any different. I think he is trying to symptom spot for me. LOL! I still feel nothing (a little pinching on my right uterus side this morning, but that could be anything), but it is still pretty early. Although a little dark thought went through my head that if it doesn't work this time I might be a little crushed, especially since my niece's first bday party is the next week. However, no reason to think it didn't work so onward with the thought I am pregnant with a sticky little bean. I have a work trip to Reno and we (DH tagging along) are leaving today and my parents are joining us for the weekend yeah...ok maybe not yeah. I love them, but only in small doses. :haha: So if I do not get a chance to log back on happy early weekend to everyone!
FUN weekend, mdc! have a great time! at least that will make the next few days fly by and then you'll be 9/10 dpiui!

Frank is not the singer of our wedding song, that was John Boutte (also awesome). Frank is a folk/punk/rock singer from the UK. He's AWESOME. You may have heard 'Recovery', but look up 'Four Simple Words' - that's one of my faves. HI HO HI HO HI HO!
had another blood test this morning to see if my HCG is down to zero yet, or below 1. Unfortunately, we're still at 19! So I need to do another one next Friday. Dang it! I don't know how long after I get down to zero that AF will come but I hope this isn't a long wait.......
Hello Ladies! I'm new to this thread and new to charting and what not. 37 years old trying to conceive my first. Feeling a little like giving up at the moment so I thought I'd join and absorb some of your positive vibes. I'm 12dpo and feeling the AF symptoms. AF should be here tomorrow or Sunday, I'm so sure these are pre men cramps. Tested 8dpo with a BFN, yes I know too early but couldn't help myself. Just getting ansty here since my brother and his wife just had baby number two yesterday. I guess time will tell if AF shows up when she's supposed to, I'm never late.
Wish, ugh sorry the hcg is not gone yet. Man never thought I would say this to you but 'witch hurry the hell up'. It is the least she could do after showing up all those times when you did not want her to. :winkwink:

Welcome Lannie! This is a whole load of positive vibes, so don't give up until the witch shows. Plenty of those successful graduates from this thread could have sworn the witch was on her way and then got a huge BFP. Good luck!
Hi Lannie. I'm new here too and people have been very welcoming. Fingers crossed the witch stays away for us both :af:

I'm now on cd16 and opks show that I o'd on cd14. We followed SMEP (need to wake dh up soon for the final "extra" bd!) and I'm so hopeful for this month.

Last night I dreamed that I had a bfp and I was so excited, I woke myself up! I'm really hoping this is a good omen.
FC for us all xxx
Good morning ladies! I feel bright and cheerful today because AF showed up 3 days early, so we can this Femara/iui cycle on the road! Skipping this past month was hard on my nerves and heart.
Today is the birthday of a very dear friend who passed away seven years ago. Tomorrow I turn 37. I know it's silly, but I feel like this is a gift from her. 3 less days to have to wait seems small, but this month has felt like a year.
I totally get that Pothole and it's not silly at all. I'm really glad that af has shown up so that you can start moving forward again. Fc for you xxx
Happy Sunday, girls! Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.

Pothole-I have always believed that things happen for a reason. Maybe the reason is something you can see or touch, maybe not. So, it sounds perfectly plausible to me that your friend is giving you that gift. :)

Welcome Lani! You'll find lots of good info and good gals on this thread. There is definitely a feeling of being in this together here.

Wish, I really hope things get to the right level for you soon. I think there is a Tom Petty song about waiting being the hardest part...true for us all here, I think, but especially when you're going through something like that.

Got the results of DH's SA back, and it's pretty bad. Abnormal results are as follows:

Speed = 2.00 (>= 3.00)
Mobile Sperm = 0.40 (>= 6.00)
Sperm = 2.5 (>=15)
% motile = 16.0 (>= 40.0)
Sperm/Ejaculate = 7.25 (>= 40)

Normal ranges are in parentheses. All the values are million per mL, except for the percent motile. Now, he was on an SSRI for over two years, of which they cranked the dose up last December and added Wellbutrin to try to combat the sexual side effects. This may be affecting these terrible numbers. He took his last dose of antidepressants on June 5th, so we have a little while to wait yet before we can see if it is making a difference to have him off them. We got these back Friday after work, so will be getting him to see my doc (just my GP) ASAP to get a plan together. He has two kids from a previous marriage so things can't have always been this bad.

If there are any lurkers out there, or any of us struggling and just thinking it's our age causing the issue-please have DH checked. It could save you a lot of heartache. I've been beating myself up all weekend because we were five months trying before I started reading about his fertility and the things that could be affecting it. I just assumed it was because of my age and that we hadn't gotten lucky yet. Because of that, we're currently on wasted cycle #8. Probably a bad way of looking at it, but it's the way I'm feeling at the moment.

Hi and hugs to everyone!
Hi everyone :) ope ye all had a good weekend and got to chill a little . I had my sisters birthday Mexican night ;) yum !!!

Welcome lani :) your very very welcome :) the more the merrier :) hope you enjoy the comany on your journey to your BFP :)

Wish I'm so sorry your levels are not where they need to be yet . Body co- operate already , its hard enough !!! In never asked did you have any testing done ?

Krasa sounds like your beating yourself up a little . Please stop xxxxxx you are doing all that you can and more on this journey . My oh is still on SSRI and has been for a year . I too was worried about the effect on sperm quality etc . Is oh being re tested in a few weeks . It will take 4-6 weeks for meds to be fully out of his system . I hope you get a POA soon xxxx
We went to the doctor Friday to start getting DH checked out. They want to collect a semrn sample once a week for three weeks before giving us any results. He explained that levels can change week to week based on so many factors, so they like to get a thorough representation. I like that they're being extra thorough like that, but it's $135 out of pocket for each, ouch. Better to know what we're dealing with. I go in for my thyroid ultrasound this week, so hopefully we can get our issues straightened out quickly for a bfp before the end of the year!
Hi everyone! Our little group is growing. Welcome Lani! Sorry you need to be here but glad we can support each other.

A bit of irony for me; I'm at a teacher training week in Baltimore and my roommate is 6weeks along after having IVF in June. I didn't realize she was doing it around the same time as me last month. She had a 4cell and 6cell 3dt. Her betas are really high. I'm happy for her but I thought it would have been me in her shoes. Proceed with the pity party. I feel like that Sadness character from the movie "Inside Out".
Ok. Party's over. I can't wait to get home to DH on Friday and make the most of my fertile window. I know this will happen for all of us.

Believing for our miracles.
Krasa, please don't blame yourself for this. Like you said, he has two children, it's reasonable to assume that he's good. Now you know. And to quote that great American hero, GI Joe, "knowing is half the battle" ;)

Dandi, that sounds very thorough. Expensive but thorough.

Sugar, I think you are doing remarkably well. It's normal to be hurting, but you aren't bitter. Hang in there.

Big hugs to all. I love this group.
good morning, all! :coffee:
I hope everyone had a great weekend.

krasa - no beating ourselves up! you have to go the normal route to even know if there is an issue, right? it's the most common first test to start with. Then you start to pick apart things to see where it could be going wrong. Granted, I get you - time is a valuable thing at our age. But there's nothing saying you couldn't have gotten preg right off the bat. :hugs: I hope DH and his :spermy: start heading in the right direction!

lani - welcome!! ditto what all of the girls said - they are all a saving grace in this whole screwed up TTC process!

left - I just remembered that we have to throw you an e-shower b/c you don't get baby showers in Ireland!!! :) how are you feeling? I loooove mexican - that sounds like a plan for a dinner this week.

mdc - how are you feeling 9(ish?)dpiui?? any niggles? the watch is on now...

dandi - glad your office is being thorough too. Hopefully some real answers for you both soon!!

pothole - WOOO for early AF and new beginnings!!!

sugar - feel how you need to feel, sometimes that pity party feels so good and we have to get it out of our systems. I can totally relate. Though as many pregnancy announcements we hear, I wonder how many failed attempts/IVF/IUI/miscarriage stories are out there too....

no worries about my numbers - I still think AF could show fairly soon after I get down to zero. So we'll see. Nothing I can do about it, right?

saw the Foo Fighters in Fenway this weekend - if you have the chance to see them live, please do yourself a favor and do it. SO FUN.
Happy Monday, ttc sisters!

Thanks, ladies for the words of support-like Sugar said, okay-party over.

Dandi-that sounds like it makes a lot of sense. That way it's not just a single point in time snapshot. For us, the single point in time isn't representative of our, um, habits. :blush: It's usually at least every other day even when it's not the "right" time, so I wonder what those numbers would look like when we aren't abstaining for the test.

Pothole-loved the GI Joe quote. Very appropriate, both in context and in the fact that DH is a 22-year Army vet. :)

Wish-I love the Foo Fighters! They would be awesome to see live. Glad you had a great time.

mdc-wondering how you're feeling-hopefully fine and dandy and we'll hear from you soon.

AFM, CD 11. The normal signs are showing up, so that's something to feel thankful for!
Pothole, glad AF showed up early and you can hit the IUI/Femara road. I might be right there with you if this cycle does not work out. I also agree timing with dear friends/relatives that have past is something I feel like I hear a lot!

Krasa, I am sorry about the not so great news about DH's SA and I think things will start looking up soon. Please don't beat yourself up about waiting, but I know it is hard and I think we all feel that way at some point. We did jump the gun a little and started the tests on month four of great timing (but off BC 9 months before that NTNP) and by the time all were said an done it was closer to 6 months anyways. Information is knowledge and we sometimes have to be advocates for ourselves. Good news is you are getting a plan and this group of ladies have all ranges of experience and knowledge to help. Good luck!

Hi left, I LOVE Mexican food! Actually probably should say who does not love Mexican food. Ha!

Dandi, wow I haven't heard that, and damn them from not giving you a hint about the first one :winkwink: Hopefully it will be good news! Good luck in your US!

Sugar, I am so sorry and that would be tough to take. :hugs: Hopefully you can get to BDing this week and get an unassisted BFP! Btw, did you see Inside Out? It is on my to watch list.

Wish, hoping the witch is prompt and you can get back to sticking yourself with needles soon! Not much from my side yet, but still early and trying to be positive but getting s little harder.

Hello to everyone else!

So I am starting a little internal mental dialogue and need some advice. So I am still trying to stay positive, but still trying to be realistic. I am thinking about barring the damn witch not showing, that I should give the RE a call this week to get an intake appointment (been just using ob) scheduled so we do not have to miss a month. Or, continue to be optimistic and wait for the witch to see if she shows. Ugh, I feel like if I call I am counting myself out...but the other half just says I am just being responsible. Any thoughts? I will probably test on Thursday so not maybe just wait to see a couple days should not make that much difference right? I still pretty normal so far, but I think I am only dpo10. I did stretch this morning in bed and my lower abs cramped quite a bit from over extension (never heard that as a sign) but likely because I did not drink enough water yesterday. So now the longest part starts! Good luck to everyone and let's get some sticky BFPs!

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