38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Quick question ladies: I remember that several times Mucinex has been mentioned. Is that something that would help me in any way? I ask because I am really congested this week, so if I could clear my sinuses *and* help my chances, that would be pretty fantastic.
Typing on a phone so forgive any typos.

Sara, we like people to butt in. I only count CD1 if I have to use a tampon. Af week early seems off...any chance you O'd early this month? Hang in there (easier said than done I know) and see if the bleeding lets up.

Pothole, mucinex has a couple of different meds out there. For TTC the plain guaifenesin thins out mucus, so along with thinning out the lung mucus to cough up (yum) the thought is it also thins out cervical mucus to make the swimmers slide in easier. The type with guaifenesin and dextromethoraphan has the mucus thinning and the dextro is a cough suppressant.

Afm, now I am having some cramping feel more like AF than pulling. Guess I spoke too soon. Of course now I freaked myself out with those cramps because I was just reaching for a Ricola cough drop and just dawned on me it has herbs in them, and shit... some are not recommended for pregnancy (can stimulate uterine contractions). I am sure the levels are really low and probably not worth worrying about but ugghhh I should have known better to read the label first.
Oh yeah pothole. I would call your lovely local pharmacist to see if based on your meds/health status they have on file will be ok if you decide to take anything.
Mdc- Don't count yourself out yet!! I had AF cramps the day before my BFP!! And the AF cramps continued well into my first trimester. And thinking back to what I now know was my uterus stretching, it felt exactly like AF cramps. If I were to go through all this again, I still would not know the difference. They felt exact to the point that after I got my BFP, every time I went to the bathroom I checked for blood. I am still holding out for you!! Also, your temps look the most steady that they have ever looked during your TWW! Told ya I was watching it like a hawk! ;)
I second what Kiley said. It could still go either way and your temps look amazing!

Ultrasound went ok today. I won't really know anything until next week. They said they'd call to set up an appt for me to come back to discuss the results after they get them back in about a week. I'm out of town next week at a conference so I'm hoping I get a call in time to set an appt for Friday afternoon as soon as I get back. I did get a copy of my blood labs though and other than the too antibodies, all looks well I think. My tsh was in normal range so I guess that's something.
Hi, I came back early from my professional development classes. Being away and talking to my roomy gave me perspective. We've been fighting insurance for a month to get an Hscope/polypectomy done. They're ducking coverage so we'll self pay.

it's taking funds from the FET savings but I hope it gives us more of a chance.

Has anyone had this done before? I'm concerned about how much bleeding will be afterwards.
You're such a lovely, caring group of girls. I love reading the way you all support each other :) I can't help thinking what amazing mothers you will all be.

Fx to those of you waiting for procedures. I suppose you are all mainly in the US, as you mention insurance. I'm in the UK and I'm not totally sure how things work here, but pretty sure we're entitled to some help on the NHS, though it would most likely mean there is a set course of action we have to follow and things probably take longer. I think I read somewhere that the entitlement to ivf changes when the woman is over 40, so there's yet another reason I want to get things underway now.

My brother and his wife had ivf about 11 years ago and they went private for it (ie not on the NHS). I don't know the details, but it didn't work for them in fact. Amazingly, once they'd run out of medical intervention options, she got pregnant naturally and proceeded to give birth once a year for 4 years!!!

If I've worked it out right, my ovulation chart should now be in my sig. How does it look to you girls? I had a big temp drop after the initial post-O peak and I don't really have a clue what it means. My backache and tender bbs have felt very pre menstrual the last couple of days but I'm not due for a week... Also really noticing ccm this cycle, which I've not been aware of at this point in the cycle before. I wish I didn't read into everything but sometimes I'm sure this is all a bad sign and then suddenly I get all hopeful. It's like being on a roller coaster... Each month is more emotional and I'm more aware of everything. It feels like this cycle has been going on forever and I just want to know now.
Hi there, I am 38 and still trying for baby no1! I have had 1 IVF cycle and I am on my 3rd FET. My blood test is on Monday but i am dyeing to do a HPT. What do you think, should I go for it?
Happy Thursday, ladies!

Welcome, Sara and BQ-glad you could join us. This is a great group of gals and you'll get support and laughter-things we all need!

Ellie-big :hugs: to you. It sounds like you have gone through a lot already in life. Working to get out of the state of being that you were in is tough to say the least. But, you made it to a place where you can give your child the best "you" you can give.

Mdc-what the other gals said! Don't count yourself out just yet, I'm still "rooting" for you as we say here in the Midwest. :)

Pothole-for what it is worth, Mucinex did help me. My "fertile" cm was very clear and a lot of it, but it was more like Jell-O than eggwhites. Very thick and strong, more of a glob than stretchy. I started taking guafenesin and it started looking like what you would traditionally think of as ewcm.

Kylie-A question about how you managed your workouts while you were still ttc. Did you tone them down any? I'm a runner (5 and 10Ks since I was just a kid) and while I don't *think* the intensity and duration of my exercise affected my cycles, I was on the pill for 20 years. I have cut them down in both intensity and duration, but I was just curious to get other folks' opinions. Pre-ttc, I was getting in 40-50 miles a week at a high level of intensity, plus weightlifting (around a half hour five days a week) and now get 15-20 at a moderate intensity plus my lifting.

afm, wierdness. Got a positive OPK on Tuesday, negative yesterday, but still no O that I can tell. I always feel it, and I don't feel anything resembling that yet. Still cranking out ewcm too, and that is always sharply reduced on the day I O. Who knows. I should probably start temping. Hubs and I have been, erm, busy :blush:. Neither one of us believes this will be our cycle with his counts the way they currently are, so we're just doing it cause we like it at this point. It happens to be the right time, so we can feel like we have not given up, which is a bonus.

Hi and hugs to everyone else on our thread of awesome.
Thank you Krasavitsa.
I had bulimia then anorexia for 12 years and thought I would never be in the right emotional place to meet anyone. I finally agreed to be hospitalised for a short admission and gave myself and my recovery the kick start I needed. I've been a healthy weight and free of any eating disorder for 3 years now and I'm pretty sure I didn't damage my fertility, but there is always that niggling doubt that I caused this delay conceiving. It might have been my fault in some way.

That's odd about your opk. Has this happened before? Maybe your surge is just going on for a bit longer. When you do ovulate, it sounds like you have done plenty of bding so don't count yourself out yet!

Sorry I'm posting so much... I'm a teacher on school holidays and in the 2ww, so I have a lot of time on my hands and need distractions! Also, it's really hard to talk to my dh about how I'm feeling because he doesn't get it at all and gets annoyed when I get upset.
Krasa- I live in the Midwest as well! I grew up in South Dakota, moved to Omaha, Nebraska after I graduated High School, and now live just across the river/boarder in Iowa. :) Where are you at if you don't mind sharing? As for my workouts while TTC, I changed nothing. Kept up the same intensity. Mainly I lifted, did ballet barre, and intervals on the elliptical. I worked out 6 days per week. What I did change was my diet. I made sure I was eating maintenance calories and eating enough according to my workouts each day. I also upped my fats a little. Switched from using fat free milk in my protein shakes to whole milk. I also switched out my fat free greek yogurt for low fat or 2% greek yogurt. Studies have shown that too much fat free or low fat dairy in your diet can cause ovulation issues. I also tried staying away from highly acidic foods. I read somewhere that your husbands little swimmers thrive better in lower acidity. Not sure how much validity there is to that statement , but I figured it was worth a shot. I started researching super foods for TTC and ate more of those foods. Again, don't know if that had anything do do with it or not either. Back to working out though, if it is something you have been used to doing for x amount of years, you shouldn't have to change anything. Even when you get pregnant (unless your doc says otherwise). After I got my bfp I continued on like normal. Just listen to your body and back off a bit if you are struggling.

Dandi- everything sounds good so far. Hopefully you can get your bfp again soon! Maybe your body is just taking its time trying to get back to normal again.

ellie- I have had big drops like that after O as well. I am not too sure that they mean, but I think a lot of women experience a temp drop a couple days after ovulation. I think as long as it stays above your cover line you are still good.

Sugar- I do not know anything about that procedure, but I hope it helps your chances! It is worth a shot! Sorry you are having to fight with insurance. Insurance companies can be a big pain.
Mdc- I am waiting on pins and needles to see what you post for today's temperature!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Happy Thursday to all you lovely ladies.

Dandi, I hope something is just a little off and can be corrected quick as two shakes of a lamb's tail :winkwink:

Sugar, ugh that is crap about insurance, and man you deserve a break already! I am not sure about that surgery's down time, but if no one on this thread knows I would post a question and I am sure someone would be able to help you out.

Ellie, Great story about your sis-in-law! Sometimes it just takes time...although not always what we want to hear. I did hear a stat somewhere that even with not optimal fertility results that the majority of couples will conceive in a year even with the advanced maternal age crap. I mean really all we need is one little sperm and one little egg to get it on! Body image is such a rough thing for us ladies, but I cannot imagine how hard you worked/are working to keep healthy but sounds like you are in a great place now. Don't worry about over posting...I love it!t

Baking, welcome and congrats on being PUPO! I am probably different than most and wait thill AF is due, but that is me just trying to avoid all the single line tests I have seen :haha: It is such a hard decision. If it were me I would probably test the morning of the blood test so I would be prepared when the RN calls you back...but sometimes a girl just has to POAS now! Good luck, and let us know! Any symptoms?

Krasa, as you can tell from my 'lamb's tail' comment to Dandi I grew up in the Midwest too...actually Kansas. As for O I had two cycles of weird early OPK surges (CD11) which I guess is common, so maybe your body is just gearing up soon to O. I would say temping is really the only way I could really tell, but it took me a while to join the game. I do it vaginally because I am a mouth breather in my sleep all of a sudden and my thermometer beeps forever when it is done. Just make sure to keep that thermometer separate from your others :ROFL: Just keep getting busy and you never know.

Just still hanging out with my high temps today...but it is not uncommon to stay high up until the day AF is due. I know FF says the b#%ch, I mean witch, is due on Sat but I think it should be due Sunday. Tomorrow my temp timing is going to be early because I have my Friday 6am call (I mean seriously who schedules a call every Fri at 6am...oh yeah you east coasters...joking Wish). So if tomorrow's temps are low I am not going (ok try not) to be discouraged. Cramps are coming and going so maybe it is not AF, but still not much else, but still not too stressed. I have always had the feeling we just needed an IUI to make a lovely sticky embie, so PMA says this time it works!

Good luck to everyone!
hello my lovelies!

mdc - still digging your temps, though they've played with my emotions before...BUT, I'm loving your coming/going cramps!! That sucks about your early meeting but don't worry - you PST'ers get us back by scheduling Friday 5/6pm calls! ;)

kiley - are you in Council Bluffs? My in laws lived in Iowa and we'd fly into Omaha when we were visiting them, and then trek another 3 hrs over to Sioux Rapids, a teeeeeeny town in Iowa.

dandi - anxiously awaiting your results! I hope it's just those 2 antibodies and there is a quick fix for those. Did they talk about that at all?

sugar - seriously, what mdc said. I hope you get an insurance break soon. I know I had a polyp removed and it was NOTHING of a procedure, but it was on my cervix, right at the opening to the uterus. So it was an easy peasy thing, I don't even know if it would be considered a 'polypectomy', but in the truest definition of the word, it could have been. But honestly, i couldn't feel a thing and no bleeding after. Continuing to try to send you good luck and positive vibes that things can get going for you soon!!

ellie - holy cow, way to battle back from 12 yrs of your eating disorder! my hat is off to you, that's a huge feat in itself. I'm really happy to hear how far you've come and stayed healthy. Like krasa said - you've now set yourself up to be the best mother you can be. Re: your temps, sometimes you can have what's called a 'fallback rise', so I wouldn't worry about it. You're over your coverline and that's all that matters. And don't ever apologize for posting 'too much'. I don't even know what that means - post away!

hi BQ - welcome! what's your favorite baked good that you like to make?? :) congrats on being PUPO!!! Are you feeling anything? I just had my first cycle of IVF in May and I couldn't bring myself to POAS b/c I didn't want it to be + and then get the call that I got a false positive. And then I would have gotten DH's hopes up and then slammed. So I waited until I got the call. HOWEVER, I've heard that if you test that day or at least 10 days after your trigger shot, the trigger shot should be out of your body by then so any BFP should be legit. So up to you!!

krasa - I have a hard time totally trusting OPKs b/c I've heard so many people get spikes unexpectedly, then nothing, then another one. Or just all Highs and no Peaks like Kiley said. It could have been your body gearing up to O, I'd just keep BD'ing until your cm dries up. I think you have that covered, though! ;)

pothole - yeah, i've heard that mucinex helps with ewcm, for those who have drier ewcm. I like the doc's explanation on it all but didn't want to skip over you. :) If you're IUI'ing, though, does that matter?

I think I got everyone but those who I didn't - hi! :wave:

I go in for (hopefully) my last blood draw tomorrow and hopefully my HCG will be down to 0. My little inner girl named Hope has her fingers crossed that they call and say 'um, so your HCG is back up to {enter high number here} - you're pregnant again' :) Fat chance, but one can wish! That's a lot of 'hope' in the same story...
Congratulations on the good scan!!

I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. ttc#1 also and I went from not even considering it to aching for it. I was never on bc though, I just thought I was infertile because while actively not trying, there was also times we did not avoid it either.
Hopefully now when we're both ready the universe will feel it fit to send some baby dust.

Best wishes!!
Wish- Yep, I live in Council Bluffs, IA now (husband's business/shop is in Underwood, IA nearby). Still work in Downtown Omaha, NE though. It is only a 10 to 15 min drive every morning. I hope you get good news on your blood draw!

Mdc- I am liking that temp!!
Crazy busy day, but just popped in to check Mdc's temps and see if she'd broken down and tested yet. :haha: No such luck.

Hope everyone is well, I'll catch up on updates later!
we like Omaha! they have one of the best zoos we've ever been to :)
Hi everyone sorry I'm such a crap stalker right now ... Work is crazy !!!!! I'm still here rooting for you all

Mdc those temps look impressive can't wait for test day .
Pothole who is the ferma going ?
Dani good news on your tsh results , hope you get more answers soon
Wish :) hope levels are 0 now for you

Everyone else a big hug and a big hello :)

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