38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

omg, I don't want to get your hopes up, mdc, but that's totally where you start cramping, or pulling or something. Some muscles just feel stuck or something. Is that what you're feeling?
I don't think you're being pessimistic by thinking about calling the RE. I just think it's being prepared, just in case. And you know, you could be one of those that gets to all and cancel!!! Ain't no harm in being prepared.
Also, I know you feel you might be letting the LO down if it's in there, but I also think it's healthy to be cautiously optimistic - keep it real as much as you can, and hopefully if things didn't work out this month for some reason (though they totally should b/c you nailed it), then perhaps it won't be THAT heartbreaking. Course you're talking to someone who holds her heart very close to her.

left - forgot to answer your question - I think you meant testing the embryo, right? yes, they did send it to a lab. I'm anxiously awaiting the results.

I want to see Inside Out - it looked so good!
If it were me, I'd go ahead and schedule it. You can always call and cancel if you get a bfp this week, but if not, you've already got your next step lined up.
I knew that was probably the right responsible decision so I just left her a message. Thanks for making me not feel like I am giving up this cycle.

Hard to explain the feeling this morning he are two comparisons I can make. 1) Kind of like if you stretch your calf too much and you get a rebound leg cramp, but it just happened in the lower right side of my abs. 2) Or I guess maybe it also feels like a side stick when you run, but way lower and more toward the midline. Still kind of sore, so either I kind of tweaked my side or a good sign of things to come. Guess we will wait and see!
MDC, I think it makes complete sense to schedule with an RE. I adore mine, it's one stop shopping! ;) Labs, tests, ultrasounds, iui, ivf...all in office. You aren't giving up at all. You are being proactive. It's great!

Afm, I start my Femara today and scheduled my cd 12 ultrasound for Wednesday 29 July at 8:30. Come on Left Ovary! Give me some big, happy follies for that iui!
Thank you Wish! I'm excited. DH is kind of iffy, he's old school and I think it's weird to him that we won't be the only people in the room when we make a baby. In fact, we won't be in the same room at all. The RE says he can absolutely be in there, but I'm thinking no. It's creepy. You know, how you can change clothes in front of your mum, and you can change clothes in front of your significant other; but you can't change clothes with them both there. It's icky. I understand fully that signed away all my pride and modesty when I hopped on this train; but I have to draw a line somewhere. ;)
HAHAHA I feel you, pothole! it was definitely a little weird when the doc transferred my embies into me. We had the sonographer taking pictures (a little paparazzi??), the cheerleading coach telling me everything was BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT placement by the doc, the doc peering into the hooha with his syringe of embies, and then I think the embryologist was there handing him the LOs. Then DH at my head and we were watching it on the monitor. Full house!
Pothole, hope your left ovary is rating to go this month! I totally agree with the undressing situation with mom and DH. There should be a comedy show about TTC and that would definetly be a scene!

Wish, I have a visual in my head about that scene and it made me laugh out loud.

Hello to everyone else! Nothing to report except I am debating on when to test. Part of me says Thurs and then another part says wait to Sat. Guess I will just leave it open and see how I feel as I get closer. Ahhhh....the drama! :haha:
Hi ladies, I am still lurking and stalking this board! Welcome to the newbies! These ladies have a wealth of knowledge! I learned a lot from them. When I first started I barely know anything about my cycle (didn't need to know since I was on BC for 20 years straight!) and certainly did not know anything about temping and ovulation tests! These ladies are also a great support system!

Mdc- I second what Wish said... Don't want to get your hopes up but, thinking back, one of my early symptoms (didn't know it at the time) was my abs cramping. One morning I started doing my abs portion of my workout and the feeling is hard to explain. They seemed more sore than usual, almost like I did a ton of ab work the day before (but I didn't). And I had to take breaks while doing my crunches. That has NEVER happened to me before. It was like they were getting little cramps in them. I could barely get through my normal ab work. Fingers crossed for you!! Sending lots of baby dust your way! :dust: And I do not think you are jumping the gun at all with setting up an RE appointment. My doc wanted me to get my first mammogram before I got pregnant so I set up my appointment while I was in my TWW for around the time AF was supposed to be here, but as you obviously know, I ended up having to cancel it. Hoping you will have to do the same!
The further I get into 2ww, the more uptight I get. It's 5dpo now and I'm torn between desperately wanting the time to pass and terrified of seeing AF and having to start the whole process again. I'm a wreck.
KileyJean, you are so cute in your avatar. What an adorable bump!

How long did you girls wait and what procedures did you go through before starting assisted conception? I'm only on 7th cycle, but I'm not getting any younger and I would like to know at what stage it would be worth starting the process.
Mdc-I'm getting excited on your behalf! Any time one of you has symptoms like that, I'm just like a little kid. Fingers crossed!! I also would have called the RE in your situation. Nothing wrong with having all your ducks in a row.

Ellie-I know how you feel. It's so hard to relax during that time, I try not to analyze every little twitch or cramp but I know I end up doing that too much too. We are about the same age and duration of ttc-I'm starting cycle 8. We are giving DH's swimmers a couple of months to shape up, and if they don't, we are heading for an RE appointment. If they do, well, we'll give them a few months to meet their destiny or we are headed for an RE appointment. I don't think you're jumping the gun. There is a lot to do even before you make the decision to do so. Figuring out insurance coverage, etc is time consuming.

afm, took hubs to see my doc yesterday evening. She agreed that the SSRIs could be the reason for the extremely low numbers, and while she was willing to send us to an RE at this time, thought things would perk up. Hubs will repeat his SA after the sperm regeneration cycle should be over (early September). She thought giving it just a few months after the magic date in September was wise-not to wait to start IVF/ICSI for too long. CD 12 for me with a positive OPK this afternoon. we are still going to try the next couple of cycles but in an unorthodox manner-instead of BD e/o day like you always hear for low counts, we're going to BD twice a day. Just cause we like it. :)

My best to all you awesome ladies!
You guys rock, so thank you so much for your support!

Ellie, I waited for 4 months of super timing (off BC prior and NTNP for 9 months before that). By the time we got all the tests back it was just past the recommended 6 month mark. It is such an individual situation, so it is different for everyone. It does take some time to get everything sorted out so even if you feel kind of ready I would start the process, and maybe get a BFP right before you start the tests.

Krasa, good luck with the BDing you and DH must be a rock stars TWICE daily...I was lucky to get once a day!
Thank you. I suppose in getting my day 21 bloods done, seeing a gynae next week and requesting SA, I've started the process.
It's just so hard to imagine it will ever actually be my time to see the bfp, feel my baby starting its life inside me, hold my own baby in my arms, watch my child grow up... I've wanted this for so long. The last 7 months have been the tip of the iceberg really. I'd given up on ever being able to have my own child when I spent so much of my "prime" depressed, disordered and unwell. Now that I've worked so hard and have finally got my life together, it seems so unfair that it might be too late.
I think it's great that you're going ahead and getting started on your testing Ellie. I kept putting it off bc I didn't want to admit that anything may be wrong or that I may need help. After a year, i finally made the appointment. I surprisingly got a bfp right before my appt and had to cancel. When that pregnancy didn't progress, I felt like I was back at square one. Now we're 4 months into ttc again and have just started testing. I feel like I've wasted so much time and wish I had started testing after 6 months the first go round. I say go for it with all of the testing and assistance you can. And as others have said, just figuring out the insurance aspects, etc is timely enough so get the train rolling.

Mdc, I have such good feelings for you this month. Let's test Thursday! Lol!

Afm, going in for thyroid ultrasound tomorrow. I want to get this thyroid business under control as soon as possible because I feel like I need to handle this before moving on to the RE. DH is getting very discouraged. He's not excited about having to do 3 weeks of semen analysis and he's putting off making his first appt for it. He also got his blood labs back today and his testosterone level is very low (160 when it needs to be minimum 300). He doesn't really have many symptoms of low t so that was a bit of a surprise. He was very positive about everything when we assumed it was just me, but the news that he may be a part of the problem too isn't landing well with him. He says it's fine, but I can tell he's upset. I've been reading up on it and apparently testosterone replacement therapy causes infertility, so that's a no-go. Many men with low t who are ttc are actually put on clomid, which I found oddly interesting. We'll find out what the doc wants to do when we go back next month after the SA marathon. So we're just in the hurry up and wait portion of this lovely journey that I like to call Give Me A Damn Baby Already! :)
Ellie, so glad you are starting the testing. It is a scary first step, but you get a wealth of knowledge. I know it is hard to feel like the prime years (I still think you have many more prime years to go :winkwink: ) passed you by, but do not give up. It sounds like you have really worked hard to get yourself in a healthy place, so make sure to give yourself some credit. I know it seems impossible and I think we have all been there, but you WILL have a little baby of your own and are doing everything to make it happen.

Dandi, hope the scan starts to get your thyroid back on track in no time! SA's are never on the highlight of DH's list. Good thing I was on a work trip the first time he had to do one, because I even got a little bit of a cold shoulder when I got home two days later as he finally proceeded to say it was the worst thing he has ever had to do. Now he would probably say he is a pro. He goes in ummm...prepared with his 'work bag' a phone and a back up magazine in case there is poor cell service (he is afraid of touching any more than he has to). He he he! That being said it is not his favorite thing, but it is not as traumatic and it gets better. I know some places allow you to bring the sample in as long as you can get it there is 30-45 minutes, so maybe check on that. At least you will have a plan to get the hell off the Give Me A Damn Baby Already Train. I second that one...LOVE IT!

Hello to all the other very soon to be preggos (Wish, Star, Sugar, Krasa, pothole), to preggo Left, to very preggo Kiley, and to even more preggo Jessie, hope you are all doing well. Sorry if I missed anyone!

So I decided Saturday morning is test day ( I think :rofl: ). Still not much going on, but I swear my boobs are bigger than usual (so of course I feel like I have to double check 2-3 times a day). Geez I am nutso! No more deep twinges, just a couple small ones that may be in my head. Not too discouraged yet, because I know a lot of the grads from this thread did not feel much. At least we are going to a baseball game tonight to keep me entertained and off the damn Internet. So I just try to keep positive, do my yoga, and talk to little embie (yeap, blast graduated to embie) and say to keep nice and snuggled in and keep growing.

Man I sure know how to write books on this thread. :haha: Good luck to everyone!
ellie - I'm with the girls - it's a personal choice as to when you want to go to the RE but here's my story...we discussed that we would start trying July 2013. So we basically just started paying more attention to when we BD'ed. However, clearly, that was not enough. So Jan 14 I started to use OPKs, and then started temping a couple months later. I think I called the doc to start having tests done that summer, had an HSG Aug 14 and had the RE paperwork ready to go Sept 14. But something spoke to me and I thought maybe give it a full year of paying full attention to my cycles, so I put the paperwork down and gave it a go until Jan 15. Nothing happened so we just started then. I was (am) 39. I kinda wish we started earlier b/c I found out that I have DOR (diminished ovarian reserve) and it would have been better if we started earlier b/c I'd have had more eggs. It was a really hard pill to swallow but once I found out there were reasons why and we weren't just failing at being human, I got very excited about it!
I believe they say it's recommended to wait for 6 months of natural trying before going to an RE if you're over 35 (a year if you're under 35), so you should be good from that standpoint.

krasa - holy hell! 2x/day?? I'd ask if you were 22, but you wouldn't be here. ;) well done, lady!

kiley - I still can't believe how small you are vs how far along you are! way to stick with those workouts.

dandi - good luck with the u/s today! I hope you start getting the answers you need VERY soon. And good luck to your DH - I like mdc's DH's view of things now - if you're going to do it, do it the best you can!! hahaha When we went in for our retrieval, DH gives his sample at the same time. So before I left for mine, I asked 'got yer porn ready' and he just blushed. So funny - just laugh at it. It's all you can do!

mdc - I still have everything crossed for you!! I can't wait until test day and I hope some sort of symptom smacks you upside the head beforehand! Enjoy the game tonight, then sleep, then one more day closer to testing day. :)
... and apparently I'm trying to beat your book record!
Hi all,

Sorry to just butt in, uninvited....feeling a little confused and wondered if anyone could help. I am 38 and ttc#1, on 2nd cycle. First cycle I was like a lunatic during TWW so this time round I was doing my best to take it all in my stride, and not symptom spot. BUT, yesterday morning I got brown/pink spotting, and pretty severe nausea at 7dpo...so not my imagination. I know about implant bleeding but still was trying not to get too hopeful. Slight spotting until evening when it became more red. I should mention that I have very regular 27/8 day cycles - been using a calendar for years - but now I think this is actually AF, but one wk early. I'm so confused. Is it breakthrough bleeding, is it chemical, is it just a whacky cycle? Do I consider yesterday cycle day 1?

Not sure what to think. :(

Hi Sara welcome to the group! Don't worry about being wacky in your TWW. We all get that way. I would not count CD1 until your first day of full flow. A great app to use to track your cycle is Fertility Friend. It is what a lot of us on here use. It also has some great free TTC tutorials and gives great tips. If you want to be sure you have ovulated, I would start temping (the app/website also has how to tutorials on temping as well). It helped me a lot since I pretty much knew nothing about my cycle when I started. I was always regular before, but I was on BC for 20 years. Also, stress or any change in normal routine can throw off your cycle. It can make AF come early or delay it.

ellie- Thanks! The belly has grown some since that picture. :) I think you are looking into alternate options at a perfect time. Most docs want you to try for 6 cycles before they will do anything. My plan was to try on my own for 6 months and then seek help if nothing happened. I ended up getting lucky and got pregnant on cycle 4. That cycle we were going to attempt SMEP but ended up just doing the every other day thing since I never got a peak on my Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor (it did however, give me high readings so that helped me figure out when my fertile window started). We started with BDing on CD10, 12, 14, 18, and 20 (we missed CD16). According to fertility friend I O'd either on CD 12 or 14. My temps were slightly wonky so it is hard to pinpoint exactly. According to what my doc determined is my due date, it was CD12, but baby sometimes measures two days behind, so it could be CD14.... we will never know haha! Good luck with your TTC journey and future appointments! I hope the docs can help you get that baby in your arms!

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