38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hi booger !
Yep same here, if I'm not pregnant, it will be C6 and my doctor told me to see him after 6 months trying. Don't really feel like it, by I guess it's better !

I hope AF stays away from you. My chart is weird, and I had strong OPK 2 days after when FF says I O'd + EWCM, so I have no idea when I O'd this cycle!
Hi ladies,

Lola - Yes, it looks like we are in similar situations. Kind of crazy actually. I know it's only been 6 cycles of trying but I guess I just always assumed it would be easier.

Nothing new to report, still waiting. Cramping more than usual but I'm not sure I ever really paid attention that closely in the past. I suppose if AF hasn't shown by morning, I'll test.

I made an appointment with my doctor for Friday morning so we'll see what happens!
boogers did you test? I hope you get your bfp !!
I'm sick :/ it's been 3 days now, I have the worst sore throat and cough, bleh
Hi ladies!

No test needed - AF showed up this morning. Well, actually I suppose last night I had some spotting but counting today as CD1. On to the next cycle......Only thing we can do is keep trying.

My first doctor's appointment is tomorrow but this is just my regular doc. She is not an OB/GYN or anything so I am not sure what to expect but I suppose it gets the ball rolling. I will let you guys know how it goes!
sorry AF got you.. tell us about you doctor apt? how was it?
still sick here, it's getting annoying ! :cold:
Hi booger, sorry the witch got you :hugs: let us know how your doctors visit goes.

Sorry you are still unwell lola, maybe you need to see the doctor too!

Hi everyone else, hope you are good xx
sorry about the witch booger. It's a bummer. But onto the next month.

According to OPK i am either 9 or 10 DPO and got some blood and spotting today. This looks exactly like last month, but a bit earlier. Meaning, I am not at all entertaining the idea that it might be implantation bleeding this time. Rather I think what will happen is I will get my period a couple of days later just like last time. But that would mean cycle is getting even shorter. Last month it was 25 days, so this month it would be 23 or so. I'd better get a doctor's appointment too. This didn't use to happen before. My cycles were long when i was off the pill, then i was on the pill for almost ten years. They were r28 or 29 days off the pill until about six months ago. I am thinking my body wants to speed things up :)
Hi girls, I am back. They took all the time they could to connect the internet. Took 23 days and DS has been complaining like crazy. Has been saying I can't live without internet. Told him when I was 7 nobody had internet in their houses and the look on his face was priceless. It was like I told him we were surviving without food or water in the 80s.

How are you doing Tui? Any symptoms or morning sickness?

Lola - I hope you feel better soon.

Booger - Sorry AF showed up :hugs:

AFM, AF is due tomorrow but not too hopeful for a BFP. I have no symptoms whatsoever and also have appointment with my GYN to get my blood results back. I have been told its abnormal but am just hoping that whatever issues I have are easy fixes.
Hi ladies!

Lola - I hope you are feeling better. Sore throat and cough are no good. :awww:

Gonimi - Keeping my fingers crossed for you that AF stays away. Is your luteal phase staying about the same or is it shortening along with your overall cycle?

Nikki - Welcome back! It's good to hear from your - hope the :witch: stays away for you too. I just had bloodwork done too - my results should be in by Wednesday so we can compare notes. :-k

How is everyone else doing?

Well, my appointment with my doctor on Friday went well but was relatively uneventful. She ordered the CD3 bloodwork, which I went and had drawn yesterday. She ordered a SA for DH. We live in a small town and are going to have to drive to the closest bigger town to get that done. I was hoping they could that one locally as I'm sure he would be much more comfortable doing the collection at home but I guess we don't have a choice. She is scheduling an appointment for me with a local OB/GYN who she highly recommends and thinks will be able to help us out. She thinks the OB/GYN will do an ultrasound and HSG to check things out and then depending on the results of my bloodwork, we'll make a plan.

Based on what I have been charting, my doctor doesn't think my issue is ovulatory related - I am just not showing any symptoms related to anything like that. So maybe it's on DH's end or maybe my tubes are blocked or something. I guess I'll know soon enough.

In any case, things are moving in the right direction now. It was also nice to learn that if I ever do get pregnant, my regular doctor can stay my doctor and deliver our baby if my pregnancy isn't high risk. That was great to hear, as I really, really like her and feel super comfortable with her.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I'm heading out for a 10-mile run here in a few so I think I'll be pooped the rest of the day.
Sounds like you had a good appointment booger. Glad things are progressing for you. Hope whatever the issue is may be easily solved.

Nikki, welcome back. No major symptoms here. Tired a lot, and have blood when I blow my nose which is a bit icky. Otherwise good, no sickness.

Told my mum today. She wasn't as shocked as I expected, rather pleased actually.

Hi everyone else, hope you are all good xx
Booger, that's good, things are moving, and you'll get to know soon. It's also probably nice to feel like someone is helping you.
Hi ladies
Sorry I've been MIA. Life has been rather hectic lately. Between looking after LO and trying to keep the house ultra neat and clean! Not easy for me!

Tui - So sorry they changed their minds about your job. Hope they find another way of employing you. Can't believe you are almost 8 weeks already! Time has really flown by!! :happydance:

Booger - Sorry that AF got you. Really good though that you have such a good Dr. Lets hope that the blood work comes back clear!
I had an HSG scan back in Jan 2012. My scan revealed that all was well. I was told that after having the HSG scan we are 30% more fertile than before! Took us just 6 weeks to get our BFP! Took my SIL just 2 weeks to get her BFP! FXed you will get your BFP soon after your HSG scan like me!
Let us know how your bloodwork goes!

Gonimi - Welcome back from your holiday! So sorry to hear all is not well between you and OH. :hugs:

Lola - Hope you are feeling much better now! Not long till you test?

Nikki - Welcome back! Yay to internet being re-connected!! I just love how kids think life pre modern technology is life back with the dinosaurs!:haha:

AFM - I have been as broody as ever! Might ask OH if we can just go ahead TTCing despite not having sold our house yet. Because who knows how long it will take to sell this house?
On the house front - we have had 2 viewings and another 2 lined up on Wednesday evening. No offers on the house as yet. We have viewed a few houses but only 1 that we are interested in. We unfortunately can't make an offer on that house as yet. We are hoping its not long till we sell our house.

Hope you all have a really good week.:thumbup:
Hi everyone! Hope everybody is doing ok.

Booger, good question. I don't know if my luteal phase is getting shorter cos last month was the first time I actually checked to see when I ovulated. And period came on 13 DPO. Currently, I am either 11 or 12 DPO not sure. Is the important thing the length of the luteal phase? I have not gotten period. Somehow, i don't think I am pregnant. I have no symptoms except sore boobs which is totally typical of my PMS. My sense is I will get my period either tomorrow or the day after. Let's see. I have not had any more blood except that tiny bit on 9DPO. I don't want to test though.

Things are much better with my partner but still I am happy we are in therapy.If i am not pregnant this cycle (which i don;t think i am) I am not even sure we will go back to TTC. It will depend on how things go. I definitely don't want to do this alone...

Beginners question: what is the scan you are having and what kind of bloodwork is this (don't remember acronym now).

Lots of good vibes to everyone for whatever stage you are in!
Hi everyone!

Tui - How exciting you told your mother and that she was pleased. It is hard to believe you are already 8 weeks. Still feeling okay other than tired?

Lola - Yes, it does feel nice to have things moving along and know that we might have some answers soon. Hopefully they are good answers or if something is wrong that needs fixing, that it's a simple fix. More waiting to find out though. Lessons in patience. Ugh.

Skweek - Good to hear from you! Definitely don't envy you in trying to sell your house - it can be such a stressful (but sometimes exciting) time but I certainly hope that the viewings lead to an offer soon. I would start TTC if you can convince the DH - like you said, you never know how long it might take to sell the house. Looking for houses is fun, though. I love that part - it's always fun to try to imagine what a place might look like with your stuff in it. Good luck!!!

Gonimi - Glad to hear that things are better with your partner. I asked about your luteal phase length as that part of your cycle tends not to change much. If you know that your luteal phase last cycle was 13 days, then it's likely to be around that same length each time, it might only vary by a day either way - so 12-14 days. So if you had spotting on 9DPO then that very well could be implantation spotting (which I have read about 30% of women have). So maybe things are looking up for you this cycle - today you would be 13DPO, correct? If AF doesn't show by tomorrow - maybe you should test.

The scan or HSG (which stands for hysterosalpingogram) From what I have read, it is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. During a hysterosalpingogram, a dye (contrast material) is put through a thin tube that is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are hooked together, the dye will flow into the fallopian tubes. Pictures are taken using a steady beam of X-ray (fluoroscopy) as the dye passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes. The pictures can show problems such as an injury or abnormal structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes, or a blockage that would prevent an egg moving through a fallopian tube to the uterus. A blockage also could prevent sperm from moving into a fallopian tube and joining (fertilizing) an egg. A hysterosalpingogram also may find problems on the inside of the uterus that prevent a fertilized egg from attaching (implanting) to the uterine wall.

As for the bloodwork - The typical ‘Day 3 Bloods’ usually refer to the hormones E2, FSH and LH. E2 refers to estrogen, the main female reproductive hormone which is secreted from the ovary. FSH is the acronym for Follicle-Stimulating hormone. This hormone is released from the brain and stimulates the ovary to mature an egg. LH refers to ‘luteinizing hormone,’ which is integral in the final maturation and release of a mature follicle. We'll see what I hear back.

My regular bloodwork (thyroid was the main thing they were looking at) came back normal so that's good. I won't hear back about my CD3 numbers until tomorrow or Thursday. DH goes in on Thursday for his semen analysis (SA) - which he is not too happy about - but I convinced him it is the only thing he has to do in all of this and he stopped whining about it.

I called the OB/GYN that my doctor recommended and her first available appointment I could accommodate was July 15!! That seems like a lifetime away. I don't really have any other viable options though so I guess I am learning more patience. :nope:
Many thanks booger for all the clarifications! How annoying that you can't get an appointment until that late! Glad your thyroid is looking good. The more I learn about how humans are actually made the more outraged I get that our dear men have the nerve to even whine about whacking off in a cup! while we suffer with the agony not only of getting pregnant but staying pregnant and giving birth!!!! Bitching over. Sorry I had to get it out of my system. I am sure your hubby is lovely. But I am a little impatient with male privilege in this process.

did i say I wasn't going to test? :blush: I did. Two BFN 9but none with morning urine. So I am not clear on whether I am 11 or 12 DPO today. What do you think should i test tomorrow with morning urine? Does anyone actually get positives that early? I continued to think I am not pregnant (even though very intrigued by the blood on 9 DPO) especially since i just got the hallmark of my impeding period, namely the unbeatable urge to buy and immediately consume Haagen Dutch ice cream. It only happens once a month and it's invariably the day before my period. So perhaps i will get it tomorrow we'll see...:wacko:
Thanks for all this really useful info booger. How annoying that your doctor is not available earlier. Maybe tell them to call you if there is an earlier opening from cancellations?

Did I say i wasn't going to test?:haha::blush: I tested twice today two BFNs but none with morning urine. I am actually not sure whether I am 12 or 11 DPO today but in either case I should know soon. I thought I got an unmistakable sign of my period coming today, which is the unbeatable urge to go buy and eat on the spot a Haagen Dutch ice cream... So it kind of feels like my AF may be nearing. Which would make the blood on 9 or 8 DPO weird. What are other reasons for spotting other than implantation bleeding? Does anyone know?

So should I test tomorrow morning? I mean even if I am only 12 DPO (assuming I am 11 today) it should show with a frer no? Can't believe I am obsessing with the tests again.
hi girls !
Gomini, you can test again, or try to by patient and wait til AF is due? ;)
Boogers, let us know the CD3 results ! and I'm sure your DH is not happy about tests, mine wouldn't for sure !!
skweek, welcome back !

AFM, I should have had my period this morning, I'm CD27 and I've had 26 days cycles the past 5 months. I tested yesterday with FMU and got BFN, so I'm probably out. I have creamy CM everyday, it's been a week. I don't know what it means, never had that much. If AF comes, I'll call the doctor this month, since it will be C6 TTC
Fingers crossed for a shy bfp lola and gonimi xx
tui thanks!

Lola, keeping fingers crossed for you!

We are kind of in the same boat. So I wasn't patient and did test with first morning urine and was BFN with FRER. I am cycle day 24, and I have had 26 cycle days for the last two days. I am either CD 12 or 13 now. In any case I am only two days away from period and I kind of think that the FRER would have come positive if it were. I am a little confused by the blood I got on 9DPO. It seems to me that if that was implantation it would be showing on a FRER already.

I am also feeling exactly like PMS, so my guess is I am out this month but who knows, let's see. I will not test again unless AF doesn't show up on Friday. Need to keep busy until then.
yep same here, I think I would have had a bfp by now, so I just wait for af to arrive. I hope you get it though !

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