38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I just needed to share with all the ladies over here my experience. Been married almost 8 months now. Was actively trying to get pregnant since. For the month of April I ovulated on the 21st. 3Days before ovulation I started to take Robitussin 1 coffee spoon night and 1 during day time, and 1 baby aspirin during day time. Plus lots of prayers. I had no pms symptom following ovulation for April. Af supposed to show on May 5th did not tested till May 8th then I got faint positive. May 9th went to see my family doctor. Specially never lose hope, regardless what the doctors will tell you because god can only provide Xxxxxxxx:thumbup:
Hi everyone. hello to the new ladies.

Here's a question for you. Define TTC. How much and how often do you try when TTC? My obgyn said forget the OPKs and temping they will drive you crazy. Start having sex on CD10 and every other day until CD18. Any thoughts?

I will check out for a while now because of that lovely beach TTC vacation until Friday, but I hope all of you are well. :dust: to everyone!
I used for 3 months the Opk then thought at least it did help me to find out that I ovulate late but did not wanted to expend more money on it anymore. But to answer to your question bd every other day or every day :) around ovulation till ovulation day and even 1 day after ovulation day.

Best of luck, hope you get pregnant very soon xxxxx.
Hi everyone. hello to the new ladies.

Here's a question for you. Define TTC. How much and how often do you try when TTC? My obgyn said forget the OPKs and temping they will drive you crazy. Start having sex on CD10 and every other day until CD18. Any thoughts?

I will check out for a while now because of that lovely beach TTC vacation until Friday, but I hope all of you are well. :dust: to everyone!

My doc said every other day is fine. Some dtd every day. It's really how you both feel. Opks and temping are useful to confirm you are actually ovulating, but add pressure. We dtd (my bfp cycle) every day for 9 days and twice the day before O! That was a difficult marathon. But one of the girls I talk to on another thread dtd on the wednesday, thursday her doc told her not to try that month due to an early mc the month before, so they stopped. She ovulated that saturday and just today got a surprise bfp. So it only takes once is what I'm getting at :haha:

Good luck everyone.
Hi ladies!

Welcome, Aliya4! This is a great group, at least in my opinion! I agree with the Tui said - about the timing of BDing and such. I would say that it nice to know what day you are ovulating, though. Some women definitely ovulate later than others, so stopping on CD 18 might be stopping to too soon. I don't temp, but I do use OPKs and a fertility monitor. I found the information they provide to be very valuable in timing our BDing. I have ovulated as early as CD 13 and as late as CD18. But Tui is right, it only takes once if you time it right!

Tui - How are you feeling? Feeling any different or the same? Just wondering if you actually "feel" pregnant, I guess.

Gonimi - Enjoy your vacation!

Skweek - I sure hope you avoided the stomach bug. That is the worst. :-(

Lola - Hi! I hope the TWW goes by fast too. Technically, I supppose it's never really to TWW for those of us with a shorter cycle. :winkwink:

As for me, the weekend was good, if not busy. The weekends almost always seem to be more tiring than the work week. My trail running race yesterday went well - it was perfect weather and very fun; I wasn't cursing the entire way so I'll consider that a success. According to FF, I am 2 DPO so I'm officially in the TWW. Ugh. I honestly think I ovulated on CD14 instead of CD15 so that would make me 3 DPO but either way, nothing I can do at this point but try to be patient.
Hi booger. Yay for tww. Got everything crossed for you.

I'm good thanks. Bit stressed over work stuff. Can't believe how long some employers take to choose someone. If they do pick me I hope they don't go crazy when I tell them I'm pregnant ! Feel a bit dishonest, but it's too early to tell them. What do you guys think?

Oh and to answer your question, no, if it wasn't for the IC sticks I pee on occasionally, I wouldn't know I'm pregnant :haha: I am a bit tired but otherwise no real symptoms. If I do get this job I hope the ms stays away!
Hi ladies, today I went for my ultrasound, I have been told to come back after 10 days because I'm only 6 weeks and 3 days they were not able to see much. I did both the external ultrasound and the transvaginal or internal ultrasound. I am not as hungry or thirsty as I used to since yesterday. My calf hurts little, I have tender breast, but no food craving. I am trying to eat healthy and not heavy.
Early days yet. You should be able to see more next time.

Funny, since finding out I'm pregnant I've gone off sweets and chocolate! Not like me at all. Trying to eat more vegetables but finding it hard. Think I might have make some vege juices or something to get them in. All I seem to want is bread and plain stuff.
Hi !
same I've been told every other day is fine. From CD11 to CD17.. I'm CD13 now, and it's my weekend, so lots of BD !
Booger, yay for TWW (or 10 days wait lol)
yay !! congrats !! so many good things for you this month !
Hi ladies!

Aliya4 -Sorry - I must have been distracted when I first read your posts! I didn't realize you were already pregnant. Congratulations! I have no idea where my rambling post about BD time came from. I can't keep track of anything lately. I guess I got your post and gonimi's posts mixed up. Oops!

Tui - Wahoo!! Congratulations on your new job. That is very exciting. :happydance: Oh man, I guess that's good your not having any sweets or chocolate cravings. I can't imagine what that is like! I love my sweets - too much probably.

Lola - Good timing for ovulation on the weekend. More time for BD, I suppose? Yes, I guess we are lucky in that our TWW isn't really a TWW. I am about halfway through now! :neutral:

How's everyone else?

I have been pretty busy this week, which I prefer. Keeps me distracted! This weekend is a long one in the US as most of us get Monday off of work. I'm taking tomorrow (Friday) off as well so this weekend will be 4 days for me. Woo-hoo! :yipee: I'm sure it will be full of yard work and gardening, etc. but I don't mind. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous as we are approaching summer here and I would much rather be doing work outside as opposed to sitting inside.
Hi ladies,
Tui - YAY!! Congratulations on your new job! That is great news!!
I too went off sweets and chocolate when I was pregnant with Annabel. It really helped me initially to keep my weight down (started packing on the pounds early! OOPS)

Lola - woohoo for weekend O!! Make the most of it hun!!

Booger - we too have a long weekend! but unfortunately our weather isn't looking good! Keeping FXed for you!

AFM - WOOHOO our house is officially on the market! Please keep FXed our house sells fast! Now to start looking for our next family home! Planning on viewing a few houses next week.
I'm feeling exceptionally broody at the mo! Another friend told us today that she is pregnant! I suppose I'm just being really impatient but I so want to be pregnant NOW!!! Well nothing I can do about that at the mo as I'm waiting for my periods to return post implant removal.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hello Tui congrat for your new job. - booger76 no worries sweetly, I happen to be distracted alot myself lately.Baby dust to the ladies trying to get pregnant xxxxxx
Hi everyone, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Looks like my new job is going to fall through. They have changed their mind about letting me work from home and it's just too far to work from the office when you include rush hour traffic. I'd be gone from home nearly 12 hours ! Not good when pregnant. This little bean is already sucking all my energy! Day care for my doggies would be difficult too as they won't open that early. AARRRRRGGGHHH.

Been gardening this weekend whilst I had the energy. Our garden is massive so I need to keep on top of it, as been a bit lazy lately. Feels good when you look at the tidy bits. Hope the weather remains good.

How is everyone doing? Are there any testers due? Where are you all on the tww?
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is well. Just back from my beach vacation and haven't had time to read through all your posts yet. Will do promptly.

I actually had a rough time despite being in a paradisiac setting. We are going through some relationship problems which have made TTC really hard. I OPKd on CD 10 and had an extremely faint line there, barely visible and then a stronger but still faint line on CD 11. BDd on CD 10 and CD 11 but I think i probably actually ovulated on CD 12. Anyway, I am not very hopeful that this will be it, just because my psychological state was not very good and I doubt my body would cooperate given the problems we are having. Also, there was so much swimming right after BDing I am also doubtful any swimmers made it to the egg. I came back and found note by doc that i was Vitamin D deficient. She prescribed supplements prescription doses onexweek for 8 weeks.

I am not even sure I will be around here for very long ladies. It's either baby or breakup for me it looks like. Sorry for my downer mood. I wish my partner and I were less complicated.
Hi everyone, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Looks like my new job is going to fall through. They have changed their mind about letting me work from home and it's just too far to work from the office when you include rush hour traffic. I'd be gone from home nearly 12 hours ! Not good when pregnant. This little bean is already sucking all my energy! Day care for my doggies would be difficult too as they won't open that early. AARRRRRGGGHHH.

Been gardening this weekend whilst I had the energy. Our garden is massive so I need to keep on top of it, as been a bit lazy lately. Feels good when you look at the tidy bits. Hope the weather remains good.

How is everyone doing? Are there any testers due? Where are you all on the tww?

how outrageous of them! Changed their minds?! Ahhhh, as if we don't have enough to worry about. Sorry about your stress.
Tui, wow that sucks.. (sorry, but it does!) I hope they find another way to hire you anyway !
nothing to report here... FF is messing with me (or my temps..) but I guess I O'd, so let's wait now
Hi everyone!

Skweek - Glad to hear the implant is out! Fingers crossed that things return to normal for you quickly. And congrats on getting the house on the market! Hopefully, it sells quickly for you. I hated having our house on the market - mainly because it seemed like you had to have it in perfect shape all the time. But if it helps it sell quickly, then I guess it's worth it.

Tui - Wow, well, that surely does suck that they changed their minds on you! How disappointing! Sorry to hear that. In any case, I hope you got that gardening work done to take your mind off of things. Our garden is small yet it still takes a ton of work. But it's worth it in the end, I think.

Gonimi - I'm sorry that your trip wasn't very enjoyable. It stinks to be fighting with your significant other. I hope you guys are able to work it out or if not, that you can break it off as cleanly as one can. :hugs:

Lola - So you're in the TWW? That's good! Fingers crossed you caught the egg this cycle and that your wait goes by fast.......

As for me, I changed my ovulation date from CD15 to CD14 using the manual override. I just don't think I ovulated that late based on the OPK and monitor, especially with the monitor going straight from low to peak. Based on the information in "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant", it's highly likely one ovulates on the day of the first peak reading. Anyway, if I did ovulate on CD14, that puts me at 11 DPO. I don't know that it matters that much anyway.

I feel like AF is imminent. :nope: We'll see what happens over the next day or so. I'm going to call my Dr. today and make an appointment. If I'm not pregnant, I guess we can get the ball rolling to get things checked out - and if I am, well, then I guess she can confirm that for me. I'd be very surprised if I make it to the end of the day without AF showing based on how I'm feeling. I guess I shall see later!

I hope everyone is doing well!
Hi everyone!

Skweek - Glad to hear the implant is out! Fingers crossed that things return to normal for you quickly. And congrats on getting the house on the market! Hopefully, it sells quickly for you. I hated having our house on the market - mainly because it seemed like you had to have it in perfect shape all the time. But if it helps it sell quickly, then I guess it's worth it.

Tui - Wow, well, that surely does suck that they changed their minds on you! How disappointing! Sorry to hear that. In any case, I hope you got that gardening work done to take your mind off of things. Our garden is small yet it still takes a ton of work. But it's worth it in the end, I think.

Gonimi - I'm sorry that your trip wasn't very enjoyable. It stinks to be fighting with your significant other. I hope you guys are able to work it out or if not, that you can break it off as cleanly as one can. :hugs:

Lola - So you're in the TWW? That's good! Fingers crossed you caught the egg this cycle and that your wait goes by fast.......

As for me, I changed my ovulation date from CD15 to CD14 using the manual override. I just don't think I ovulated that late based on the OPK and monitor, especially with the monitor going straight from low to peak. Based on the information in "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant", it's highly likely one ovulates on the day of the first peak reading. Anyway, if I did ovulate on CD14, that puts me at 11 DPO. I don't know that it matters that much anyway.

I feel like AF is imminent. :nope: We'll see what happens over the next day or so. I'm going to call my Dr. today and make an appointment. If I'm not pregnant, I guess we can get the ball rolling to get things checked out - and if I am, well, then I guess she can confirm that for me. I'd be very surprised if I make it to the end of the day without AF showing based on how I'm feeling. I guess I shall see later!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Doctor appointment sounds like a good idea. Put your mind at ease either way. I hope the :witch: stays away. fingers crossed for you.

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