38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Pothole, darn! Sorry the witch got you. This cycle I will braid my hairdos you like you did me. Stay positive and I know you will be a mommy soon!

Ellie, good signs so far! Cannot wait for the symptoms (or lack of if you are like me) to roll in.

Dandi, hope your zen month is treating you well!

Hello and best of luck to everyone else!
dang it, pothole - I'm sorry. I'm not good at this premonition thing! Will you try the same exact thing this month or will they change anything up? And that is awesome that the Dude will be with you!! what a ray of sunshine to walk into every day!

dandi - I can't wait for your next appt either - answers! i'm so glad you're having the first zen cycle since your mc earlier this year. I hope it's being peaceful to you. :flower:

ellie - such exciting times coming up for you! I'd love to know the names too - I'm a bit obsessed as well. Every TV show, every movie...I find something new. My newest is Ephraim (from The Strain on FXX, if anyone in the US is watching that).

mdc - I hope you get your Goldilocks symptoms soon! :)

I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend ahead. We are going out to dinner with another couple tonight, maybe hit up the Speakeasy afterwards. Then NOTHING the rest of the weekend! A rarity in the summer! :hugs: and <3 to you all!
I am sorry the witch showed up Pothole. New cycle new beginnings. Hopefully this 3rd cycle with femara is all you need.

Ellie, yes share the names if you dont mind. Fx for you this cycle.

Dandi- Keep on enjoying this relaxed month. Good luck with the Drs appt next week.

Wish- I also been on the watch for names everywhere. I keep on changing the ones i have already. I ll make up my mind one of these days. DH also has been on the lookout of names. He wants a name from his culture. We will come up with one that we both agree on am sure.

Mdc- Hope your symptoms are manageable.

Nothing much happening here. My favorite cousin is coming for the weekend and we are planing to just relax and hang out I have a date for my procedure. Sep 8 @ 3p. I have to be npo from midnight till 3p that day. Think i ll cheat abit with water in the morning because thats a long time to be npo.

Well, hope you all have a good a weekend. Baby dust to all.
Thanks all.
Mdc how did the scan go? You're 7 weeks and I'm sure you were due a scan. I'll pop over to the other thread to find out!

The names we have in mind at the moment are...

Mabel Lois Ridge Cain
Robert Finlo Ridge Cain

Mabel was my grandma's middle name and I just love how it's old fashioned but cute too, Lois is DH's stepmum's middle name and Ridge is my maiden name. My dad and his brothers have their mum's maiden named as their last middle name and I like that tradition.

Robert is the first name of the eldest son of the eldest son in both our families though they don't usually use it, Finlo (Manx name) was DH's dad's middle name and the name both he was and my son would be known by.

Whenever we see a cute little girl, we always say "look at that little Mabel"!

There are loads of lovely Isle of Man names... Plenty of choice if we end up having loads of kids!!!
Ellie and Dandi, thanks. I'm really okay. I am holding on to the PMA and the zen. I have a follow up appointment with my RE on Monday so that we can plot out our next steps. I feel good.

Ellie...fx for you!

Dandi, do you feel like your name is too conservative or too unusual for your personality?
Pothole will you still be with students with special needs mostly?

At my campus we have 2 designated classrooms and they rotate teachers. The kids get to see both teachers during the week. You're handling the change really well.
I love the name Mabel! Mothers Always Bring Extra Love. Finlo is so cute and unique!

Pothole, I feel like my name isn't conservative enough for my personality. :) It's a very 70's trendy name and kind of low brow in my opinion. I'm pretty conservative and traditional and it doesn't fit.
Thanks all. I don't know why my last response showed up so much further down the thread. When I wrote, I think it was right after Dandi on the last page. Weird. I was sad when AF showed, but not surprised. I think at this point in the game, the only surprise will be the day I get the bfp.

Mdc, thanks for the braids!

Wish, I don't know. I needed a Femara refill so I could start it on Sunday, but when the nurse called back she said I had to meet with Dr. first. They like to reevaluate after 3 cycles, but I slipped through and had 4. It's aggravating to not know the plan yet, but comforting that they won't just keep doing the same thing and expect different results. So we meet Monday, which is cd 5 and go from there. I can start the Femara at that point if that's the way we choose to go. And yes...Dude will be pure sunshine in my classroom. I am over the moon to be able to teach him again. And btw, your weekend sounds fabulous!

Star, thank you. And good luck to you too!

Ellie, lovely names! And I love the family significance!

Sugar, I teach at a Self Contained school, so all of our students have special needs. It's a small school, around 200 students, all in the moderate to severe/profound range. Our moderate students usually have another issue like behaviour that make it impossible to mainstream them into a typical school. My old class and new class are a lot alike, the new one is a bit more medically fragile. But they are both orthopeadic-all wheelchairs, non verbal, all in diapers, I had 3 that ate by mouth last year, this class has 2. Being such a small school, I have taught all but one of my new kids before. They are sweet. And I will see my old class every day. I just have to steer clear of the one student I can't be around. I am sad to miss the full days with them, but it was the right call by my principal. It hurt her to have to do it, she was so sad to see me cry. But as she said, if I did get pregnant and heaven forbid, this student infected me and my unborn child, she and I would both carry that guilt forever; especially when there was such an easy way to avoid it.

Dandi, I was born in 78. When I got to college, if you didn't know a girl's name your best bet was to yell "Amy!" Across the quad. There were 17 Amy's on my dorm hall, alone! Quite a few Heathers and Jennifers as well, but Amy was obviously quite trendy the year I was born. I love my name now, but in college I longed for the easy to spell/impossible to mispronounce Amy/Heather/Jennifer names.
Wow Pothole, that sounds like quite challenging stuff. I bet it's really rewarding too though. I know my toughest students are the ones who give me the greatest sense of achievement if I do get through to them.
My school is mainstream but has its own kinds of challenge. We are in a part of town where there is a lot of poverty, unemployment, crime and drug abuse on one side and then middle class working parents with relative wealth on the other. In one class, I will have children who have been taken into care because their parents are drug addicts or in prison and also children whose parents expect the highest results that will get their children to good universities. It is very difficult at times. Often we make progress one day, then the kid goes home and is exposed to terrible scenes at home and we have to start again the next day.
It makes me very sad and frustrated that these parents have been given such a precious gift and they don't do the best they can for their child... While I struggle to conceive, they take their babies for granted. Sorry, that wasn't meant to be such a long rant!

I got my crosshairs today, so am now 3dpo. I'm imagining the little fertilised speck travelling towards my uterus and I'm cheering it on. We are accompanying dh's stepmum to her church here in La Palma today and I'm not particularly religious, but I think it can't hurt to say a little prayer for this microscopic person that might just be inside me!
Pothole and elliecain , you are two amazing women! I've read your stories about the kids you work with, and thank goodness for humans like you!! I hope you both get your BFP's right away!! You certainly really, really deserve them!!
i agree with fertile! I could not do what you ladies do day in and day out. Probably not even for a week! You are angels on earth, for sure.

ellie - let the symptom spotting begin? ;) just kidding, i'm actually somewhat against symptom spotting now b/c I tend to think early early early signs are really rare!

I hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week. I have a busy one ahead so i'll pop in when I can. Just know I'm thinking about you all!
This is the first time I have felt really discouraged. Follow up today was not with my regular doctor, but with his partner. He was the one who did my hsg that was so bad. He essentially told me that he doesn't see iui working for me and that if it were up to him we'd go straight to ivf. And then he sat there, looked at me, and demanded a decision. Right then. Start Femara and do another iui (regular doc suggested 2 more tries), or pay 6500 and start birth control in preparation for the stimulants. And as today is cd 4, my window for choice was today. So at 4:45 pm with the office closing at 5:30 and my husband in VA, I have to decide if I'm willing to "waste another cycle" or move on to ivf.
I chose iui. And I choose to believe that it's not a waste. But right now I am going to put on my jammies, eat a really unhealthy dinner in my bed, and cry. Tomorrow I will wake up, put on my grown up knickers, and welcome my beautiful students to school. I will rationalize that the doctor was having a bad afternoon and didn't mean to come across as an arse. And I will hold on to my PMA like Kate Winslet hung on to that door from the Titanic (that could easily have held Leo too, you selfish b) ;)
You made a brave decision Pothole. Although there is so much science and calculation w/ fertility treatments remember it's not the doctor who has the final say when you get pregnant. Have faith my friend and keep up the PMA. It will happen for you.

Have fun at school tomorrow! I see my new students next Monday. :)
Oh my goodness, that's a lot of pressure to have to handle on your own Pothole. Either way though, definitely not a waste. This could be the cycle that's meant to be!
Pothole, that is tough. A lot of doctors today are arrogant and rude unfortunately.
It took me a while to quit looking up to them as authority figures that I should not question. But they are just people, and their word is not definite. He was definitely out of line pressuring you that way. Even if he felt that was his choice he could have allowed you the time and consideration to take your time making yours. Much love to you and hopes that everything will go smooth and successful from now on forward.
Pothole excuse my French but he sounds like an asshole !!!! For what its worth I think you made the right decision ! What was he basing his opinion on ???? Stick with YOUR game plan :)
Thanks ladies. It was not the best night's rest I ever had, but I will not let one bad appointment take over my life. My regular doctor is very kind and encouraging and I've never felt like he was dragging his feet when it came to my treatment. He's not pushy or aggressive, but I feel like he is taking a rational, thought out approach to my particular case. I'll be talking to the nurses at my follicle scan as well. I feel like the nurses are often a better gauge than the doctors, since they are in the trenches with you. Either way, I am asserting my PMA. If ivf is eventually the way we go, so be it. But for this month I believe in the chances of iui. I love you ladies. Thanks for lending your ears, virtual shoulders, and indignation. ;) I may never met a single one of you in person, but in those quiet moments of doubt and fear, I can find your support here. I'm so thankful.
oh pothole, what a dbag! He's not even your doctor! I wonder how your doctor would feel if you told him he pressured you like that while covering for him.
I'm glad you went the IUI route again - I, too, believe in it and I don't think it's a waste at all. I couldn't do IUI b/c of my low egg reserve (that really would have been a waste of eggs if it didn't work), but you have no other reason not to do it again. Man. I'm so sorry.
Glad you got the PMA back up and you're feeling better about things! :hugs:
Hi everyone!

Way to stick to your guns pothole. Docs can be so inconsiderate sometimes. Often they just get so emotionally removed they forget there are real people struggling and not just the next scheduled slot.
I had my ultrasound today and I have THREE fibroids! Gracious... at least they are small. Doc said it was my call on whether to have surgery now or not. She went over the risks again (which I knew from my last myomectomy), but said she'd feel comfortable with me going ahead as is and revisiting the issue if I happen to have another mc. She set me up for an HSG, so I'm about to call and make that appointment, and she gave me the RE referral! She said my next step after the HSG is going to be testing egg reserve. Many of you have done that right? Is that just the FSH day 3 test? I'm still silently hoping that I might be pregnant this month, but I'm so excited to get this show on the road if not!

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