38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

That is very fascinating! I spent most of my day reading an awesome blog from a couple who is trying to produce a documentary (One More Shot) about fertility struggles and the various ways that people end up building their families as a result of infertility. Her story is very interesting. Her blog is https://dontcountyoureggs.typepad.com for those that like to read stuff like that.
Krasa, good luck this month! Looks like you have your bases covered and a plan if the witch decided to show her ugly face. Fingers crossed!

Ellie, the LO is growing leaps and bounds and we measured right on target today. Have fun at the concert and hoping there are no mosh pits for you for a while! Cannot wait for you to test!!!

Sugar, hope O shows up quickly.

Wish, bring on October! Cannot wait for you to be PUPO with the stickiest bean!!! Very cool about the science part and it totally makes sense.

Dandi, glad you have a plan that works for you. It is all stressful, but I hope you feel better that things are moving along. Hopefully this time flies by!

Pothole, wow already for the IUI again. This time my hair is already braided. :haha:

Star, hope you are having fun in Chi-town!

Hello to anyone that I missed!

:dust: to everyone for some BFPs!
Loving all the science and explanations and also the positivity on this thread!

I'm about to leave to have my ultrasound. With af due today or tomorrow, I am trying really hard to stay positive but also be realistic. My temp hiked up again this morning, which is not what it did last month at all, but I'm also feeling quite pre-menstrual, bloated and crampy. I'm hoping this is not due to af at all, but who knows? Part of me is desperate to poas but I'm going to resist, I want to hold off until I'm late. If nothing by Friday, I may request blood hcg, as I need to book my HSG and have to know one way or the other first...

Love to you all xx
ellie - I'm loving your chart! forgive me, but what is your u/s for today? my fingers are so crossed that your temps and cramps mean good things!!

mdc - so glad you had a good scan yesterday!!

pothole - holy cow, that was fast! Good luck - this could be it!!

krasa - I'm totally like you. I feel sooooooo much better if there is a plan in place for 'if not...'. Hopefully you don't have to get there, though!

dandi - I'm going to check out that blog, thank you for posting! So you're waiting to do anything about your thyroid but what's next? i'm so sorry, I know you posted this...

And I'm totally open to brain picking. There are a lot of cool monthly threads on here under Assisted Conception too where I've learned a lot. There are so many ways to slice this IVF stuff, based on your test results and such. More stims, less stims, fresh vs frozen embies, medicated vs non-medicated cycles. It depends on your doc, the office, you, etc. It's a lot but if you find an RE you trust, they'll pick the perfect protocol for you.
You should check it out, I think you'd like it. She also had DOR at an early age and low AHM (which I don't even what that means, I need to look it up).

So what's next for me is my RE appt on the 10th. I was going to do what tests I could beforehand, but I decided to just wait and do it all with the RE. Yesterday I sent my medical records requests to both of my ob/gyns, the doctor that tested my thyroid, and my husband's urologist. Hopefully she will have it all there in my file before my appt and we'll just see what direction she wants us to head in.
Wish-fascinating info! Thanks again for sharing.

Ellie-I have everything crossed that is crossable. That chart does look awesome-I'll be waiting to hear your updates!

Pothole-so sorry about the 4 AM wakeup call. I'm excited for you, though, best of luck to you tomorrow, and in the TWW to come. :)

Thanks Mdc-and glad to hear everything is right where it should be for you.

Looks like we have some definite BFP possibilities on the thread right now! Very excited to hear how everyone's week finishes out.

Dandi-I checked out the blog you mentioned. It was a good read for sure.

Afm, just hanging out waiting for a rise in progesterone. Should be getting sore boobs and slightly flushed any minute.

Happy Wednesday and hugs to all the ladies on the thread of awesome.
Oh, and for those that want a laugh.... I'm going to see a psychic today to see if she can see my future as a mom, LOL! I swear, I'm not a weirdo! This little old lady has just been a friend of the family for years and went to church with my grandma. She and her father both just have this "ability". I take it with a grain of salt, but it's fun to see what she says.
dandi - that's right, that's right. Sheesh, it was only a couple of posts ago you just said that about your HSG coming up. I'm sorry!! Don't worry - it'll be a breeze. You'll be getting your plan together in no time. I can't wait!!! AMH is just the test that tells your egg reserve, so points to DOR or not. I think they want it to be over 5 and mine was like 2.6 or something. Not great.

And I do not think it's silly for you to see a psychic, especially if it's a family friend. My FIL has seen a medium a few times (long story of how he found her, or she found him) after my MIL passed away about 2.5 yrs ago. She has mentioned a few times about how 'October' (or now Oct/Nov) is going to be a good and happy month for us and it'll be pregnancy related - she doesn't know if it's conception, birth or confirming a pregnancy that will happen or which October, but that's the month she sees. He's let me listen to her CDs, as she records every session and sends him a copy. I, too, take it with a grain of salt but she's said it numerous times. But I would have to be preg right now b/c then we would be able to tell people in Nov for it to be on time. And I don't see that happening. :) But it's fun to think about!
Girls a while back well almost a year someone told me of a on line psychic who specialises in fertility . She isn't expensive for a on line reading . I did it for the laugh to see what she would say ... Well she told me I'd have a boy .... In feb . He would come early by 6-8 ???? She didn't specify if days or week she gave loads of detail about baby and his personality .

And here I am ...... A year later due in march . If its a feb baby it remains to be seen
She also gave loads more details about birth weight etc ... It all remains to be seen ! I have her email if anyone wants it ;)
It does feel fast. But today is cd 15. I think that because the upsetting dr visit was day 4, that could be why this has seemed so much shorter. I had a follicle scan yesterday. Just one good on on the left, measuring at 19. I triggered at 4 am, in prep for iui 36 hours later at 4 pm Thursday. I knew that once school started that I'd feel like the cycles were flying. There is just no time to sit and think about them. So thank you all for the luck, good wishes, and crossed fingers and braided hair. I want to feel positive, and I do to an extent. But now that we are staring down a second iui, the cloud of last Monday is hanging over my head. I feel positive, but terribly realistic.
Remember Pothole it ONLY takes one sperm and one egg ..... That's it ..... ;) fingers crossed for you this cycle xxx
Hello ladies! I have been popping in and out from time to time stalking. Hard to keep up with all your posts! Hope everyone is doing well and I am sending lots of baby dust your way! :dust:

Ellie- Your chart looks great!! So anxious to hear about your scan! And FYI... I had AF cramping the day before I got my positive test. ;)

Pothole- Good luck and fingers crossed! And I second what Left said! Anything is still possible at this point!

To everyone else, keep at it :sex: and hope to see you joining the other group very soon!!
So much happening with everyone, it's really exciting. I'm so hopeful for all of us.

The u/s was to check my anatomy. The sonographer was lovely and I'd done the drinking 1.5 pints of water well so only needed the external scan, no invasive checks. I asked to see it and she showed me my uterus and both ovaries with follicles! I could also see the lining but she couldn't tell if it's about to shed or not...
I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up with the temperature rise. Could just be an off couple of readings or something. If it rises again tomorrow, I'll feel more optimistic. I keep checking my cervix because I got spotting on the opening last month the night before AF. DH told me I've "swapped peeing on a stick for checking up there"!!!

By the way, thank you for asking to see my house. I will post some pictures when I'm on my laptop. On the iPad it always crashes when I try to put pictures in the post.
Love to all xx
pothole - good luck with the IUI today! maybe go home and listen to some romantic music to get the sperm and egg in the mood! ;)

ellie - temps are still looking good! I can't wait for your test tomorrow. Glad the appt went well today and you saw that everything was ok.

kiley - thank you for popping in! you're looking so good, I'd be shocked if I didn't already know you were having a girl. You worked out so much, you look like you're carrying 'boy' - just belly!

dandi - I spent a couple of hours yesterday reading that blog. It's very interesting. I certainly can relate to some but not to other posts. She's VERY emotional, which is totally fine. I love her and her husband's relationship. I've only gotten to Nov '13. :) I may have to skip some of the daily/every other day posts...

:flower: happy Thursday, all :flower:
Good luck today Pothole! Keeping you in my thoughts.

Ellie, I'll make you a deal. You post pictures of your house, I'll throw up a few of my new chicken coop! :laugh2: I am excited for you-can't wait for you to test!

KylieJean, you look great! You look like you swallowed a basketball! Tell me, are there any restrictions now on things like squats, hip sled, etc. for you? The reason I ask is because for me, Thursdays are heavy lower body work, and I work out in the morning, so my rear end will be starting to get sore soon. Ha!

Afm, further wierdness. I should feel warm and flushed by now, but I don't. Zero tenderness in the chestal area, and usually by now I'm feeling quite sore there. So I wonder if I did indeed ovulate. CM was its standard egg-white messiness (but a good messiness!) right up till the Monday afternoon (I was sure I O'ed Monday morning) which would fit with my normal pattern. CM has dried up and is just sticky now, also normal. But, I feel a dull achey feeling in my left side as well, which is where I *thought* I ovulated from. So I just wonder...I had better start temping next month. If I was temping I'd know for sure, and right now there is no way to know, and it's bugging me. Now, there was some very intense emotional stress for me this cycle, so maybe it has thrown things for a loop.
dandi - I could punch you in the arm and hug you at the same time for sending the link to this blog. I've had a very slow day at work (shhhh, don't tell!) and I've been on it ALL DAY. I'm up to Sept '14 now!

krasa - i'm with you, not sure if I o'ed this month or not, which I guess should maybe be expected the first cycle after a mc? I dunno. I had a lot of cm on Tuesday after my run but not a whole lot since. And my girls feel normal, no real sense of anything going on. Though I do have that cool 'tugging' feeling below my belly button/above my pubic bone again. But I'm sure that's the ab workouts I've been doing. ;) Maybe you cycle was pushed off a bit b/c of the emotional stress you had? it's possible.
Hello again ladies! So I came across a Fertility Yoga DVD (that I obviously do not need anymore) and I want to pay it forward to one of you ladies. If anyone is interested, just let me know and I will mail it to you! No charge! :) Here is the link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Restoring-Fe...pebp=1440700005294&perid=1JEMK1DKB20T8N1358M3

It is a great DVD. It breaks your cycle up into different phases and has different yoga exercises according to each phase of your cycle. It is a little cheesy but overall great DVD. I did this in addition to my normal workouts.

Thanks Wish! I am surprised with how short I am that I am all belly. And when I do gain weight, I tend to gain it in my hips and butt so I thought for sure I'd be looking like a Kardashian! LOL I have been pretty diligent with tracking my food intake and making sure I am not over eating so I am sure that helps. And as far as looking like I am carrying a boy, my Mom said those wives tales were all opposite for her. Carried her girls low and boys high. I do not have much of a torso so I don't think I am either. I am carrying pretty much in the middle or all up and down the front of my belly. :) Although when she was small, she was super low.

Krasa- The only restrictions for working out is no crunches, planks, or direct ab work in your 2nd and 3rd trimester. You are okay to do a little oblique work or side planks though. And squats are fantastic for prego women! They help reduce lower back and pelvic pain. They also help prepare the pelvic floor muscles for birth. And just a tip, keep working out in the morning after you get prego. I've always worked out in the mornings and glad I got in that habit because there is absolutely no way I have the energy to workout in the afternoon!
Just a real quick update, as I'm at work. My doc got back to me and is putting a referral in for IUI. In a perfect, fairy-tale world I would be able to cancel that appointment, but since now I have no clue what is going on, I'm glad she's getting that set up.

Have my day 21 progesterone level tomorrow...so it sounds like I'll find out soon enough whether I ovulated this cycle or not!

KylieJean-That is great news. If there is one day of lifting I would grieve the loss of, it would be my heavy lower body day. :)
I know Wish! That was me the other day when I got completely sucked into it all day long. I can't wait to see their documentary.

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