38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hello lovelies!

Dandi-Not too often we say "thank God, she showed up." However, thank God, it's about time. I'm glad you can go forward with the testing-having information can be a big relief itself.

Mdc-Welcome back, and glad to hear that you've got a full weekend planned! Full steam ahead, I'm with you on that one! Glad you're feeling better inside yourself as well. The only thing we can do is keep trying, isn't it.

Pothole-GL today!! Keeping everything crossed for you.

Justme-Good for you with your exercise. It helps so many things, mentally and physically. One of the things I'm worried about with IVF (Wish, chime in if you can!) is that once they start stimming, it will hurt to run or they may say I can't run. Know I can't in the tww after retreival/replacement, and it's going to be very hard for me.

Star, glad you're keeping the appt-the wait for an appt here can be a bit. I would like to think if you had to reschedule for the reason you would have had, that they would get you in quicker. But I would have kept it too.

Wish, what's coming up for you? Keeping you in my thoughts.

Ellie, Left, Sugar, and anyone else I missed-hope you're doing great!

Here, CD18 and had the world's most painful O this morning. It felt like every time my right foot hit the ground, some type of spike was being driven into my side. I wonder if a larger follicle=more O pain? The dominant follicle on my u/s was 16 mm, and that was on day 12. Now, I don't know how fast follicles grow, but if it was large would that increase the amount of discomfort? Oh, the questions my poor tattered brain comes up with!

Much love to all my ttc sisters.
You know, moments like this I am so grateful for the internet. DH had his collection appointment at 2:30. I arrived at 3:15 and his car was still there. My 3:30 appointment came and went, he's still back there. I'd be in full panic mode except that I'm so freaking tired that I can't even muster the strength to worry about what happens if he...you know, can't. Finally, at 3:45 he exits.
There's an insanely beautiful Indian couple on the other side of the waiting room. I mean, seriously ladies, their kid is going to be painfully gorgous. Like staring into the sun. It's ridiculous. So they are all sitting close and heads together talking and DH comes out and sees me. I should mention at this point, that while I find him quite nice to look at, DH looks like DH and the other guy in the room makes you wonder if you are running out of oxygen in the building because looking at him makes you feel a little lightheaded. The woman looks like she turns down cosmo covers on a daily basis, and even though I'm not going to turn heads on my best day, today Dude drooled fruity cheerios all over my tan slacks, and bit a button off my cardigan.
Since I don't want DH getting a complex about how freaking long that specimen collection took, I tell him thank you, and offer him my Starbucks Gold card. He was heading back to work and passes a starbucks on the way. I thought I was being nice. Until he left and I realized the beautiful people were staring at me thinking I just paid this man for his sperm in Starbucks.
So thank you internet. For having a place like bnb. For letting me connect to these incredible women who may not relate, but will definitely sympathize with my plight. And for not telling on me when I type posts with no pants on because I'm in legs up position on a table. ;)

1. I just had a deep, long full body laugh. The kind that leaves your abs hurting. Thanks for that.
2. I'm even more convinced now that we would be friends in real life. You're my people.
3. I'm so glad that DH was able to pull through and provide when needed. Fingers crossed that this it!!
holy crap, pothole - you know how to paint a picture!!! :rofl: you're totally my people too, that's incredible. I am also glad that DH was able to finish the deed successfully.

krasa - yeah, I'm continuing my workouts and will pull back the intensity when they get uncomfortable. During stimming, I think it's ok to run - I ran the other day and it was fine. But it just might become uncomfortable for you depending on follie count and how big they get. And correct - you're not supposed to run during the TWW and they basically told me not to for the first few weeks after my BFP too. Walking, swimming, bicycling are fine. I'm going to continue with kickboxing/TRX but like I said, just pull back the intensity when needed.
Also, your follicle could definitely just be on the bigger side given you were 16mm 6 days ago. I hope your pain subsides soon.

2nd u/s in the morning - hopefully more follies and bigger ones from the other day!

Hello to everyone else!
Dandi, I spit out the water I was drinking...if the saddle doesn't do it the stirrups will. So glad AF is hear so you can get the show on the road. An IUI would be awesome because you will be extra fertile for the next couple of months. Yippee!!!

Just, so glad you are wedding planning again. They say you get pregnant when there is usually a lot going on.

Wish, the DH did comment we need to break in the couch. Ha!

Krasa, that seems like a huge O to me. Are you still trying or just taking the casual approach until your appt?

Pothole, that was hilarious! We really should combine all of our funny/awkward experiences into an infertility comedy bit or a book.

Hi to everyone else!

Well all is good for me and DH all but attacked me this morning, not that I am complaining! So we are off. If it is a normal cycle we are gearing up for O, and if it will be longer...I will still take it because it is so much fun. :winkwink: Did take a pregnancy test and I am lighter than the control by about 50% grrr. I wanted it to be lighter. Not sure if I should wait it out one more week or email my doc. Any thoughts out there? I feel physically fine, no cramping, or spotting.
mdc - I'd wait another week and test again. It takes awhile. Some people take forever to get from 5 to zero. Hoping that's not you, I'm sure it's an anomaly.

forgot to update on my concert choices last night - decided to just wait until after the concert to do the injections b/c doors opened at 7 and there was no re-entry. So I couldn't leave and come back, so it was either leave then and hang out at the hotel for a 1/2 hr or so and do the injections early, OR just do them late. So I just did them late, but at around midnight. So I hope that didn't mess things up. I should be on schedule or early for the rest of the time.
Given the time I went to bed and how these meds hit me anyway, i'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard...
Pothole, that was excellent! You're my kind of people too... Just my kind of sense of humour!!
Pothole-I have to agree with the rest of the girls. You crack me up. :haha:

Mdc-Good to hear that your both are back in the swing of things. Hopefully both you and Ellie get that little extra boost this cycle! We are still trying, did the EOD thing this month. Got one in two days before O, but the morning of it was just too darned painful to even think about it.

Wish-I probably would have gone the same route with your concert-going. Surely if it was something that had to be given at x time every day, or every x hours, they would say so, right? Thankfully, when I O the pain subsides within an hour or so. This time, it got really bad during my run and so I could tell right when it happened-the pain lessened as I was running and by the time I was done lifting, it was mostly gone. I normally can "feel" the ovulating ovary when I step, but nothing like this time.

I'm a little concerned about what it's going to feel like when I start stims. Wish, I'm going to pick your brain. If I get a little overboard with the questions, just tell me. :) So, I had all these follies on my first scan. When they start a protocol, does that in any way control how many develop? Cause I can't imagine what it's going to feel like with multiple follicles mature, given what I feel like in a regular ol' cycle.

Justme-Wedding plans sound great! Congrats, a very exciting time for the two of you!

Sugar, Left, how are our lovely pregos feeling?

Ellie, Dandi, Star, and anyone else if I missed you-hope you gals are feeling fine and are looking forward to a great weekend.

Here, done with the O show, temps toasty, bbs sore. Full of questions for my appt next month. I have to write them all down so I don't forget. Status quo. :flower:
Hi guys, I had my first appt this morning. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork. The us showed the sac and start of the placenta forming. No sight of little one yet. The dr said its still early but what he saw looked good to him. So he couldn't give a due date yet but I get to have another scan on the 6th!

I'm being consider high risk bc of age only so far. We did elect to have the chromosome tests at 10 weeks. I didn't know that my age means that i get tests that others under 35 are denied. It's a bit reassuring to know that.

The appt was long, about 3 hrs of mostly waiting. One weird part was when the ob nurse separated me and the oh to ask me about domestic violence. I have been through that in a past relationship and she said that pregnancy hormones sometimes resurfaces those memories. Interesting. It made me open up to dh about it on the ride home bc it never occurred to me to share that with him. He was really understanding and protective of course.
sugar - I'm so glad things went well! You should really chill about everything, that's so awesome. That's interesting about the DV question. I'm glad you were able to open up to DH about it. I'm sorry you've had to go through that, though. I'll neeeeeever understand that.

krasa - no, I don't believe they can control the # of follicles that develop. So it sounds like you'll develop a lot, they'll retrieve as many eggs as they can and stick them in the dishes with DH's sperm and see how many fertilize (unless you do ICSI - then they inject each egg with a sperm directly instead of hoping they dance). But what you'll want to be on the lookout for is OHSS - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. I'm sure they'll tell you all about it - basically your follicles fill back up with fluid after the eggs are extracted and the more follicles you have, the more fluid. So you can gain like 10lbs in an hour. So you'll want to be sure you drink gatorade, pedialyte, pruce juice, etc. I have also recently heard that McD's fries are a great way to soak up some of that fluid. This is something I don't have to worry about b/c I don't have that many follicles creating eggs anymore (DOR).

speaking of.....my scan this morning was disappointing. No growth on the 2 that are there and my lining is thin at a 3.something. I don't know if they'll increase my meds or what. I really hope my stupid blip in schedule isn't the issue here. I'm really not in the mood to go to these 2 additional concerts tonight and tomorrow night but we have people going with us so we really can't bail. But I took my injection last night at the same time I will tonight and tomorrow night so I'd stay on a schedule, and it's easy to keep up the rest of the time as well. I just don't know if I'm not eating the right things or if I should have stopped exercising or...hey, maybe my body just doesn't feel like responding to the thousands of dollars of meds i'm injecting this time. AWESOME!
Happy Friday everyone!

Sugar, what great news and yeah for the extra scans. I bet you are so excited to see the LO on the screen it is pretty awesome I do have to say!

Wish, come on follies and get with the program! Try not to be hard on yourself because you are doing everything you can. Easier said than done though I know :hugs: Is the doc supposed to call you to talk about options?

Man, I just realized how much work I should have been doing last week because I missed a couple things and I am now kicking myself. Nothing major, but I hate when things sneak up on me. So yesterday I kicked it into gear. Also, I emailed the doctor's office because I keep reading about antiphospholipid syndrome and factor V deficiency recurrent mc. Most of the time they do not test until 3 mc (not sure I could handle that...well I know I could but I cannot imagine how hard that would be), but she ordered the test for me. I have a strong family history of clotting disorders (even a young cousin got a DVT), and some family history of autoimmune disorders. Hate to be that person that is over utilizing healthcare, but it would crush me to know there was a reason and I just did not catch it early. So here is to giving probably a pint of blood for all the tests. Good thing I do not mind getting my blood drawn.
Uugh Wish! That's frustrating but keep being positive. They can still grow. Hope they fix your dose.
Wish- Am sorry about todays scan. Those follies are being difficult but i know they will pick up soon. Is this the same protocol you had like last time? Many positive thoughts. Hang in there. Do go ahead with the concerts and try and have fun. Easier said than dons. I pray to hear good news with the follies.

Pothole- lol, that sure is very descriptive. Glad you got something inside you at the end of the day.

Sugar- am so happy all is going well. Like getting updates on our preggos ladies. It gives me hope.

Mdc- hopefully your tests coms back good but its better to know anyhow.
thanks, all - your positive thoughts help. There's nothing I can really do - I did skip kickboxing today. The only thing I've read as far as exercising is to not do any twisting movements like yoga b/c you could twist the ovaries or something. I really don't think I'm in any danger of that, but may as well chill out and remove any possible things I'm doing to hinder growth.
Yes, it's the same protocol as last time - don't fix what isn't broke. Well, apparently that was the wrong course of action this time. So we'll see if they increase my dosage or whatnot. More $$ but whatever, we're halfway in it already, right? I should get a call from the office nurse here in the next couple of hours and we'll discuss any changes that we need to make.

mdc - ugh, I'm sorry about the work stuff. I make sure I'm on top of things too and it really messes me up when there is an unexpected distraction that knocked me off my game. I'm sure you'll catch up and I'm sure anyone you work with is more than willing to forgive, as I'm sure you're always one who comes through. As far as any possible disorders - I think it's good to have the tests done just due to the family history part. Would you want to maybe wait until you have the results of the chromosomal tests back? It could have really just been a trisomy (extra chromosome somewhere), which is the most common cause of miscarriage and may not be due to anything genetic at all. But if those tests are covered and it'll give you peace of mind, go for it!!
Wish, hoping you get to shake things up in a couple hours. Fingers crossed for you! I did get the chromosomal analysis back and it was normal. Which threw me for a loop so that is why I did some more researching. I wanted to know there was a reason why, and oddly disappointed it wasn't a trisomy. Doc said it does not definitively rule out a chromosomal problem. Worst part for me is the doc told me the sex of the LO...I was SO not prepared for that. I did write her back that I should have told her I did not want to know. I did not mean to make her feel bad (although she emailed back and apologized profusely), but more of a reference for the future...it may be way too much for some people if they were really struggling.
Sugar- so glad your first appointment went well! I know you are so excited to go back for the second scan when you may be able to see more. Yay!!!

Wish- that sucks so hard!! Not only disappointing for obvious reasons, but the $$$ for those meds that aren't doing what they should be doing. Ugh! I hope the nurse has some good options when she calls, keep us posted!

I had my day 3 tests today, along with a glucose tolerance test. I made the epic mistake of scheduling it at 7am in north Atlanta on a rainy Friday. It took me almost two hours to get there (should have been 50 mins) and my nerves were shot. The glucose test wasn't that bad though. I feel pretty "blah" afterwards, but it wasn't like the horror stories I've heard about the sugar drink being disgusting and make everyone sick. Obviously, I have no idea how the blood labs will come back, but the ultrasound itself went well. I have 7 follicles on one side and 5 on the other (one really huge one already, which was a little concerning) and the nurse said that was good. Granted, it doesn't mean good news, but at least it's not bad news yet, so I'll take it.
Oh gosh Mdc, that would be so hard. I hate that you found out without knowing. I'd probably be ok with knowing had I had the option, but I'd have to brace myself for it first, ya know. I'm glad you wrote back and gave the doc a heads up for future reference.

You should definitely get the testing done if it will ease your mind. That reminds me that I got the genetic testing results yesterday for both DH and me. We are carriers of a couple of minor things, but neither of us are both carriers of anything so chances are good. DH does have MTHFR, but since it's not me, we should be good there too. Even though it doesn't rule out all risks, it did make me feel better to know what we're cooking with.
Hi girls. Just wanted to say I'm reading and sending positive thoughts to you all. Not sure what else to say atm xxx

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