38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

It's still early, but it looks good so far Ellie. No reason not to have hope for this month. Come on Friday. :)
ellie - I would be hopeful with a chart like that too!! I really hope it works out for you this time.

krasa - I am pretty sure time has come to a complete stop. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Do you have anything fun planned between now and your appointment? It has helped me to have in between things to look forward to.

mdc - from everything i've read and heard, missing the actual O day is fine - it's more important to get the day after O, I think? And what the heck were you bled for? Did they approve all of those tests? That's great if they did!! Geez, I hope you got a cookie afterwards too! To answer your question, they didn't say why I should not be exercising. I've read that they don't want you doing anything that could twist the ovaries or something.

pothole, dandi, star, sugar, justme - :wave:

afm - had another scan this morning. The one follie grew to 12.4 but there are no others coming in at a over 11 (one more at 8.8). My lining is still in the 6's so that didn't do much. This is driving me mad. I don't believe we'd do a retrieval with just one follicle, or even just 2, so the chances of this cycle just being cancelled are pretty high. I had all the hope in the world for this one too! ugh. See what happens when I have PMA??
Oh no Wish! That's so disappointing when you've taken all of your expensive meds for this cycle. Will you have another scan this week? When do they decide if it's a cancelled cycle or not? Also, do you have a limit on attempts via your insurance and if so, does a cancelled cycle count towards it? Remind me, how many follicles did you have at retrieval last time? When will you know if they want to change the protocol for next time? Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just so annoyed for you. :growlmad: Still holding out hope though until the very end!

Mdc- 13 vials of blood?! :sick:
Sugar: I reckon feeling ill is a really great thing! I hope it all continues to go really well.

Mdc: wow, 13 vials! You must have felt drained!!! I hope you get the answers you would like. I totally understand what you said about working out future cycle ovulation dates too. My DH was due to be working away 2 weeks ago, when I was ovulating. He told his boss that I needed him at home and they let him do a long commute instead... He didn't tell them what I needed him for though... He mentioned the mc and said I needed support. Not a lie in fact. A Thanksgiving or Christmas baby would be lovely though!

Wish: ugh, after all that and the having to do injections at concerts it would be a nightmare if they cancelled this one. When do you find out? Keeping fxed for you.

Star: halfway there now. I bet it still feels like forever. The 2ww is a killer, so I can't imagine 6! Good luck.

Justme: good luck with the healthy lifestyle choices. I hope she either shows up quickly or not at all!

Dandi: so much good luck for the hsg tomorrow. I was so relieved not to have to have one last month, but I might not have escaped after all, so please let us know how it goes and any hints for making it bearable.

Krasa: it sounds like things are a bit stuck for you atm. It must be horrible having to rely on insurance companies. I often take the nhs for granted. It can sometimes be a bit rubbish, but I'd take it over an insurance company any day. I've always been given treatment I've needed. If I do need to have anything fertility related, I hope it comes through.

Pothole: you've been really quiet since the "Starbucks for semen" incident. I hope all is well.

Anyone else I've missed, I hope you are well. This group is a sanity saver for me.

I have to say I felt (insert appropriate adjective) today - quite nauseous until I was able to get some food and really drained from about midday. I've also got backache, sore left side boob and plenty of ccm, despite the antihistamines. This is all very like last month, but could easily just be my overactive imagination and tiredness from work and early mornings. I was going to give in and test early, but DH persuaded me to wait until Friday because af is never late for me and she's due on Thursday. He's right, that horrible white space on the stick is not something I'm keen to keep seeing. Fingers so tightly crossed for another temp rise tomorrow. If it goes up again, I think I'll be quite optimistic!
:dust: for us all. We want loads more bfps!!!
Krasa, I hope your appt gets here very quickly!

Ellie, the chart looks good, and hang in there because every month is a new chance. Come on big sticky bean!

Wish, that is rubbish and I am hoping with all I have they do not cancel this cycle. When do you hear next steps? :hugs: As for the bleeding it was for the clotting factors including Leiden factor V and APA. If these come back normal I am just going to say last time was pure crap luck, and have some peace I am doing all I can.

Dandi, I hate to think how many vials you had to give for all the genetic tests you and DH did. They are getting better in the medical field. There is a company called Theranos that can run a ton of test on a couple drops of blood. The founder (a woman I might add) is a genius and very loaded.

Hi to everyone else out there!

To top off the blood work I had a dentist appointment also. Good news no cavities, so there is that. Ha! I maybe spoke too soon about O because my temp dropped quite a bit today and just over the cover line. Kind of torn....kind of want to O later and then kind of want to know that I O'd just a day earlier than usual and my body is back to normal :shrugs: Guess time will tell, and hopefully will still be devouring DH.
Hello Everyone,

Dandi- Keeping my fx for your hsg. Lets be positive that they wont find anything wrong in there. Get ready to celebrate the good news with your girlfriends.

Wish- I seriously do pray for a miracle with your lining and follies. We do not want this cycle to be cancelled!

Mdc- Am glad your weekend project was a success. 3 dpo already! or is it 4dpo today? We here waiting with you. Hoping for a natural bpf for you. I do look at potential Os too and try to schedule myself off. We make our work schedule 6 wks in advance and I always make sure I schedule myself off at least 2 or 3 of those days unless it is my weekend to work (good thing we only work one wk a month).

Justme- Hey AF show your face for our friend! Or is she here already?

Sugar- We will all be bump buddies with you in due time. Hang in there we are coming to join you.

Krasa- When are you potentially starting your IVF, if you mentioned it earlier am sorry didn’t check back. I may be joining you from the looks of things.

Ellie your chart looks good. Fx

Afm, my RE appt was good. We are going to do another SA again. Dh is not happy with that coz the last one was normal and he does feel the need to do it again. I have convinced him to and he has agree to do another one after we get our green light in ttc again...in 2 weeks and 6 days. Guess who is counting ��

The RE gave me 3 options:
1) Wait and do natural cycle for maybe 3-4 months but we are not sure of the outcome.
2) IUI next 3-4 cycles, not sure of the outcome either OR
3) IVF and start the process in November and of course not sure of the outcome but 70-80% chance of conceiving.

He wanted us to make the decision on our own. He stated he did not want us to feel like he is pushing IVF on us but he was kind of thinking we should take that route. He told us if we do decide on IVF we can do IVF with PGS. He mentioned about us participating on a IVF/PGS study that involves women older than 35, the study will cover the PGS cost but not the IVF cost. This RE clinic also offers $ 2000 off the whole IVF cost to military families, nurses and doctors. I am an RN thankfully so I already qualify for the discount. In short we are leaning towards IVF after having a serious husband/wife talk last night. Dh is Catholic and am not. He told me he is torn between wanting a child so bad and about his fundamental beliefs. I told him we don’t have to announce to the whole world how we got the child. In fact his family does not even know we have been ttc. So he is ok with IVF but wants us to just try at least 1 months before we do IVF and I agreed to that too. So we will try naturally in November then December we do IVF. I hope he doesnt change his mind.

This journey is really tough on relationship and it does need a lot of compromising on both sides. The good thing we both want a child so bad and we will do all we can to get one.
dandi - I'll attack your questions first, which cover some others' questions as well: I go in for another scan tomorrow, and I imagine probably daily until the end of the week. We still aren't going to change the dosage anywhere. The doc is hoping that they pop by the end of the week. I have a few on each side, it's just the one that's growing large enough so far. But I've read that some can just POP at the end of the cycle. My estrogen was up from 74 to 160.8 as well, so that's rising too. Just so damn slowly. I don't know if we have a limit on attempts, but we definitely have a lifetime limit of 30k. I have no idea where we are with that b/c we've only received a couple of bills, a few months ago. I am fully expecting a windfall of bills any day now. Regardless, 30k can be eaten up pretty quickly. Last cycle I had 7 follicles that gave 6 eggs. I believe 4 fertilized, 2 were perfect and were transferred and one was frozen. If this cycle doesn't end up working, I'd assume we'd have the prep meeting next year and figure out if we'd change the protocol then or not.

Good luck to you for your HSG tomorrow!! I'm sure it'll be a breeze. They told me to take some Motrin or Advil beforehand if you think you'll cramp or just don't want any pain. I didn't take any and didn't have any pain, but just so you know.

justme - AF here yet??

ellie - I loooove that you're feeling nauseous! I hope it means something!

mdc - yay for no cavities! I kinda hope that your tests come back negative so you don't have that extra worry. Re: your temps, you could just have had a fallback rise - very common. I'm sure you timed everything just right!

star - you're so right, this is such a weird and trying element to add to a relationship. I'm glad you and DH are still on the same page about things and I'm glad your doc didn't push one way or another, if all 3 are still ok options for you (unlike me - IUI would have just been a waste of money).

More updates in the morning. I am having the hardest time paying attention at work (put BnB away then, Wish!!) and am kinda 'duh' today. I blame lack of caffeine.
It's National Coffee Day, I'm just sayin'. I hope that this week does the trick and you just POP all over the place!

I'm in a total "duh" place today too. No focus at all. I've pretty much spent all day on BnB, blogs, FB, and jigsaw planet. Geez. #employeeoftheyear
lol, awesome hashtag :rofl:

ugh, i could use some coffee so bad right now.

welp, I'm guzzling water and I have a heating pad over the old ovaries. We'll see if this helps at all. And I've had a lot of chicken and eggs today, with chicken planned for dinner too. Protein power!
Dandi-I think I could provide you some stiff competition for that title today! Don't know what my issue is...just incredibly demotivated.

Wish-Feeling your insurance-company-lifetime-cap pain. Mine is 25k. They do however cover meds and tracking and transfer and cryopreservation with a 30% copay. I am keeping you on my list o' mojo for a great scan tomorrow. Looking forward to your update.

Star-Since I'm being seen at a large university hospital, the answer to when I will actually start the process is unknown at this point. I was hoping that it would be before the end of the year. My "new IVF appt" is October 23rd, which is where we meet with the financial counselor, DH gives his sample to freeze, some further labs on me, etc. Then the IVF team presents our case at their weekly meeting, and they decide then whether we will be accepted into the program. Once accepted, the team comes up with a treatment plan, and once that is done, I can schedule a treatment cycle. And there is a wait to get the cycle scheduled. I have no idea at this point how long that wait is, but in the information packets I got at my intake appt, the line "Use the time waiting for your treatment cycle to become as healthy as you can be" sorta doesn't bode well!! I'm glad that you and DH are communicating well about this. You are correct, it is such an almost alien thing to be introducing into a marriage. But, we will have beautiful LOs as a result!! And, it sounds like you have an EXCELLENT chance-70-80% chance of conceiving is great. We are also planning on doing the PGS. That part is not covered by insurance and is spen-dy.

Ellie-Looking good-keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Mdc-That reminds me, I need to schedule cleaning with my dentist...dammit! One more thing to fit into my schedule!

Pothole, justme, and everyone else-have a great evening!

AFM, still waiting. You girls are going to get sick of this being my only update. :winkwink:
morning girls! :coffee: and yes, I'm having a real coffee this morning - screw it. It's rainy and dark here today and I just would like to curl up with my kitties and some movies in bed. BUT, work calls, i suppose. Perhaps i can be less 'duh' today!

scan showed improvement on Mr. Playing Along, but that's really it - measuring over 13 now. My lining did improve to 7+ but the other 8+ follicle is still measuring at that and the right ovary is still not playing along. So the lining and one follicle would probably be ready for things to happen but I need 2 more follies to improve. I don't see it happening, especially considering we only see one more (I think, unless there are others but they are so small they aren't worth mentioning). I'm starting to accept that we'll probably cancel. It's aggravating, but fine. Maybe we can try naturally if this one follicle is playing along - just BD all weekend or something. It would be nice if I got a free IUI from them b/c they felt bad!! haha

speaking of DH, he thinks I'm nuts now b/c I had the heating pad on a couple of times last night. He didn't really know how to express it nicely, apparently and just said 'why are you doing that? seems quacky! This is getting ridiculous and this has taken over your life!' Rather than lash back, I thought about it and he's right. There is absolutely nothing I can do to make my body respond, so why am I googling and wasting my energies trying to control something I have zero control over? Granted, when it's slow at work, I have nothing else to really think about...
Anyway, going to try to loosen up a bit and just let things fall where they may.

justme - I hope AF has arrived for you

krasa - I would NOT do well with all of that waiting, holy moly. I guess make plans to enjoy the holidays! Where do you live again? Was trying to figure out which university.

dandi - good luck at the HSG today! you'll do great!! please report back as soon as you can. Oh, and don't forget to BD tonight! :)

elliecain - how you doin' girl? your whole name just rolled off my tongue in my head - good name. :thumbup: that would be a cute name for a little girl - Ellie Kayne....though if you spell it like that some people might think it's Kanye and that would be terrible.

Speaking of, I guess Kim Kardashian is due on Christmas day and there are now rumors that they'll name the kid Yeezus. Or Easton. If they name their kid Yeezus, they shouldn't be allowed to have another kid.
I hate that more follies haven't shown up to the party Wish! I'm still holding out hope for you later in the week, but if it has to be cancelled, then it is what it is. There's still a chance you could catch the egg with BDing, and you can only do what you can do. I'd probably drop a hint about a complimentary IUI at the next scan though and see if they pick it up, lol.

For me, I don't see the problem with the heating pad being quacky. Each cycle is hard on you with all the meds, the monitoring, the what ifs... so yeah, it kind of does take over your life, it doesn't hurt to do all you can to try to make it work. That being said, if the comment has made you kind of exhale and chill out about what you have no control over, then that's awesome because you do need that for your own sanity. Hang in there. What will be will be.

I'm super nervous about the HSG today, not so much about the procedure so much as just the catheter and the waiting room experience. Every time I go to the office, the waiting room is filled with women that look like they just stepped out of a magazine or off of a pageant stage. I seriously think I may have been sitting next to a previous Miss America last week. They are so polished and dressed to the nines, with perfect posture in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, insanely stylish and uncomfortable shoes, and they all look like they just left the nail salon. Meanwhile, I'm usually sitting there wearing my practical flats, frizzy hair from being rained on, and chewing on my cuticles. It's quite intimidating. I think it's just because of the area that the office is in. Most of the patients come from the posh part of Atlanta. Ugh. I'm not a hick or anything, but I can't compete with that level of fancy, lol. I complain, but it's actually quite entertaining since I'm a certified people-watcher.
Just want to share the story that really encourage me.
I am not gonna give up.
and i also hope that the people who see this will not give up as well. :)
(I am not sure if the link work fine here)
thanks, dandi - yeah, I didn't see a problem with the heating pad either, it actually felt nice on my somewhat bruised belly. Too many shots! All I said was 'it couldn't hurt, right?' But yeah, it did slap me back to reality. I'm going to just go with the flow now.

Oh my - your waiting room sounds horrible!! HAHA! But I'm a total people-watcher too, i'd have a hard time not staring at these beautiful people. Especially the shoes, I looooooove a cute pair of shoes. I'm sure you look completely fine next to them and who knows - maybe they are envious of your flats b/c their feet are killing them and your not having to 'play the part' constantly like they must feel the need to!

thank you, stef - I'm not giving up hope but just letting things fall where they may. If it happens, it happens.
Dandi- Good luck today. Thinking of you.

Wish- on the bright side, the lining is improving. Maybe the Mr who is playing along is the miracle one. Whatever comes out of this, we are all here and praying and hoping for the best for you, if not now...soon. Hope they give you some complimentary IUI and miraculously something comes out it. Let us know what they suggest. I am just hoping for the best Wish. I do use the heating pad during O and AF times because of the intense cramps i get and it does normally help. Dh just always stare at me but he knows if he was the one getting the cramps he would also be using it. I would also use it if i have that many belly shots! So, if the heating pad is your comfort now, please keep on using it. You know how our men are, they do not understand sometimes.

krasa- I am in the waiting zone with you. At least you get to DTD, i dont but well, i will still be waiting. Thanks for the update on your upcoming appts.

Stefdan thanks for the link, will check it out. I like encouraging stories.

Greetings to all.
That made me laugh about the waiting room people! At my local GP, I'm always the youngest person by about 50 years because we live in a town full of old people! I sit and wonder what each one is there for and imagine some really crazy stories... So how did it go Dandi?
Oh Wish, I'm so hopeful that it will turn out ok for you this month. Come on follies!!!

My temp fell a bit this morning, but my dog woke me up early and I think I breathed through my mouth as I had a blocked nose when I woke up, so I'm trying not to get too despondent yet. She's due tomorrow and usually arrives first thing, so not long until I'll know. My cervix is high and soft, I have no idea if that's good... I was checking for any signs of blood like 2 months ago...

I'm totally obsessed again, not been able to think about anything else all day!

Edit: Just found that, if I discard 2 randomly high pre-ovulation temps, ovulation date gets moved back 2 days, which would make me now 15dpo. With a normal lp of 13 days, yikes!
I did say I'm obsessing...!!! I've left them on with today as 13dpo, but might be something to consider if I do get good news this month!
Well that was an experience I won't forget. The part I was worried about was nothing, but unfortunately I'm one of those who experienced pain from the dye. When they first pushed the dye it was just an "oh, that's uncomfortable" kind of thing. Then when it started down the tubes...wow. The left side hurt so bad that I lost my mind and yelled out a vulgarity that could probably be heard in the waiting room. I'm mortified, but it was involuntary. The right tube was clear for sure. They had to wait and push more dye for the left. The NP said that she thinks the left is clear but she's going to let my doctor zoom in to see and she'll let us know when I go back next week. So that makes me think that it hurt so bad on the left bc it's either blocked or it was blocked and the dye cleared it. I'm still a little crampy on the left. So at least one is open and hopeful for the other. I wish I could have watched the screen to see, but I had my eyes shut.
Yowch! You poor thing... I had heard it can be like that :( I really hope that it unblocked something and you get nice and pregnant straight away! Make sure you bd tonight ;)

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