38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

As the day comes towards its close in the UK, Merry Christmas to you all. Just think, next Christmas, we will all be holding our beautiful little ones in our arms or in our bellies!

I hope you all have a lovely day xxx
As the day comes towards its close in the UK, Merry Christmas to you all. Just think, next Christmas, we will all be holding our beautiful little ones in our arms or in our bellies!

I hope you all have a lovely day xxx

Love thought to end a lovely day xxx
Just popping back to say hi :wave: I hope you all had a great Xmas. Best wishes for the new year and ttc in 2016 xx
Thank you for the message and also for starting this wonderful thread!
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son xx
tui! congrats to you!!! I'm so happy you achieved your dreams this year!

how is everyone doing? waking up from the holiday hangover? :) I thought about you girls a lot. I hope you all had a great holiday with your loved ones.
I did, it was a fun day. Besides my cousin announcing her pregnancy, but still - I'm happy for them. This is their first and they'll make wonderful parents.

I gained a few lbs so that's going to be my focus this week. Yikes. It should be slow at work since most everyone took this week off, so maybe I can get my butt to the gym. Ugh - laziness has taken over!

not much else going on here. I O'd pretty strongly yesterday - felt the pain all day. Or at least gearing up to O today. DH and I will BD tonight just for kicks. Who knows, right? Assuming that doesn't work, AF should around around 1/6, and then my transfer, if all thaws well, should be 1/26. Going to be a long month! not to start wishing away 2016 already!!

any new years resolutions out there or are we done with those at this age? I was done with them quite a few years ago! :)
Tui, thanks for popping in! I know you are crazy busy with you LO.

Ellie, getting close to romping time I see :winkwink:

Wish, get that free eggie. Either way a BFP or you will be PUPO to kick off the new year. I hear you about the extra 'baggage' over the holidays. I am just sticking to some healthy stuff for the next couple of days.

Hello to all the preggos....left, sugar, and Dandi. Dandi....how was the ultrasound?

Pothole, what Wish said?!?!

Krasa, still thinking of you!

Star, how is it hanging?

It is going to be a nice slow week for the at work which will be nice before all the craziness that will kick off the new year. I finished my provera yesterday so just willing on AF.

I usually do not play with New Years resolutions, however número uno this year is to be good to myself and of course a little turkey basting, a sticky :BFP:, and an eating, sleeping, pooping, and crying baby to give me some insomnia. :rofl:
Mdc, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it all goes as it should this month. Mdc's hormones/cycles/body: start behaving!!!

Yes, romping time is kinda underway ;) We've been trying some new things to keep it spicy... (Nothing too drastic, I'm quite tame in that department!) We are going for fun sex and not the pressurised timetabled stuff of recent months.

My silly NY resolution is "no periods"!
My sensible one is to enjoy being married to my best friend, enjoy the great times and stop always focusing on what I don't have :)

Love to you all xxx
Ellie, those are fantastic resolutions!
Mdc and Wish, I just don't know. My betas are Thursday 12.31. I honestly don't think they'd make me wait that long if testing earlier could tell me anything with much accuracy. Mostly I'm petrified of stark white test windows. My "symptoms" have been all over the place so I don't have the faintest idea what's going on. I broke out and my lower back/hips hurt which is usually a pms thing for me. But my period was due on Christmas and hasn't shown. BUT... all of those things could be the progesterone. It could cause the breakout, the fact that I've had a dozen im shots in my hips in as many days could very well be the cause of the aching, and I've read it's unusual to bleed through progesterone. I'm so confused. And hopeful. And scared and realistic and nervous and all the other things.
Pothole, I utterly refuse to accept your "could be the progesterone" theory. :) How many days past transfer, now?

Thank you, all of you, beautiful sisters for your comforting words at this time. They mean more than you know, maybe. I have not had my WTF appointment with the docs yet. I have talked to the embryologist about the plan going forward and what they felt contributed to the disaster of this cycle. They are going to change the protocol from agonist to antagonist and slow the stims way the hell down. I only stimmed for eight days, and they think this is why there were so few eggs retrieved (16 out of 32 follicles). The follicles were either mature and couldn't hold on any longer or completely unable to catch up in time and those eggs were not mature enough to detach from the follicle walls on trigger.

The genetic report, now, was interesting. Most of the errors were monosomies, with only a single trisomy. So they feel like the male factor is looming large given the type of chromosomal errors seen. It would be easier if it was all me and my elderly eggs. :wacko: They did, however, leave the genders on the report and I'm not sure I really needed to know that I had four baby girls, a baby boy, and a train wreck that couldn't be identified. That was probably Cletus. :)

I'll be on again to update after the official WTF consult has happened-and I'll be stalking you, Pothole! I just wanted to thank you all for buoying me in this difficult time.

Much love to all of you this holiday season.
I <3 your resolutions, ellie!

mdc - ugh, hurry the hell up, AF. Need to get this new show on the road. Did your doc say what you're going to try next, since you didn't respond well to Clomid? I forget, if you already mentioned it. I know you had a good conf call but forget the deets. I'm sorry!

pothole - man, I hope those are all signs! But honestly, in the grand scheme of things, you may not have any signs at all b/c it's like .2% of the overall time you'd actually be preg for. I try to keep this in mind when looking for signs (though I'm the biggest offender). FX'ed for Thursday!!!

NY Res for me, I guess would be similar to Ellie - I guess mine would be to live for now and not what might/might not be. I may go to ComiCon again this year with some friends. it's in July and last year I said no b/c 'just in case I was preg'. Welp, enough of that!
dammit Cletus!! :)
glad to have you somewhat back, krasa, and getting some answers. You (we) will get there.
Krasa, I swear, you are my hero. I just love you. If you ever find yourself in South Carolina, you let me know. I'll buy you a sweet tea, hug the stuffing out of you, and we'll chat for hours. (I almost sounded like a real southerner there!)
The funny thing about the progesterone theory is that it could go either way. It could either be causing what I think is pms, or it could be stopping my period. Not knowing if it's working to make me think I am or think I'm not is aggravating. I read the end first. I go to websites that spoil movies before I watch them. So not knowing...it's not my jam.
POTHOLE !!!!! Boy you have some resolve !!! I'd have tested !!!! Your amazing willpower to,wait it out ..... Ill freak out for you over here lol....... Can't wait for Thursday now . Will you test in the am or wait for the blood results now ? I'm so hopeful for you .

Krasa :) so delighted you popped back in to say hi :) and to see your spirit is still soundly in tact :) I agree sounds like a Cletus ! That must have been hard / weird finding out the sex of the embies . Ill be very interested to hear more about your new plan moving forward after your WTF appointment .

Hi everyone else .. We are the house of sickness at the moment with throat and chest infections and a little bit of croup thrown in .....
Left, I wish I could credit it to resolve. Mostly it's terror. I don't know why, but I think bad news would be easier to take from the RE than alone in my bathroom. As long as I don't test, I still get to be PUPO. Today is 9dpt which is 9 days longer than I've ever had any hope of being pregnant, so I'm going to revel in it a few more days. I probably won't test that morning. Honestly, I'm up and down so many times to go to the bathroom, that I couldn't pinpoint fmu if I tried. That's the primary reason I couldn't do BBT, I'm never asleep for 4 hours at a time.
Hi all, can I join your forum?

I'm 38, ttc #1. Had an early mc at 4/5 weeks in Oct and then a mc at 7 weeks in Dec. Passed on Christmas day and am feeling pretty rotten right now.

Our plan is to take one month out for tests than start trying again, but I'm a little apprehensive about being ready, emotionally, by then, as this week has been really really hard.

This seems like a very friendly, supportive forum, with people who have come through similar things, so I'm hoping it will help me get there.

I hope everyone's had a wonderful holiday weekend. I cooked my first holiday meal for my inlaws and they said they enjoyed it. As for a resolution I'm going back to an oldie but goodie: I want my student loans gone so I'm going to make lifestyle changes that accomplish that goal in 3 years. I want freedom to make choices that are not so financially driven. My coworker and I had a great conversation before school let out about being educators and finances. We love our craft but wish we knew how tough it would be to live on the salary. Im determined to become a more giving person by freeing my income away from Sallie Mae (ie. student loan sharks).
sugar - that's a fantastic resolution! Hardly a day that feels as good as when you send that last check in! :) ok, maybe wedding day and probably baby birth day beat those, but you know what I mean! I'm glad you were able to woo your in-laws with your cooking ways. What did you make?

pothole - it is terrifying, I agree. I don't know if this helps but I was on Crinone and I still bled on my own 14dpo. That's 3-4 days longer than a normal LP but AF still made it through. I know everyone is different, but just giving you another perspective. I think what the progesterone doesn't give you is cramping and super sore boobs. Out of the 3 times I've been on progesterone, only the time I was preg did I feel those things. :) oh, and btw, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THURSDAY!!!

dandi - how are you doing? ultrasound go well? I hope you're just too sick to type right now. ;)

Fi - welcome! I'm so sorry about your losses - that's a lot to go through, especially around the holidays. I hope you get a lot of answers from this next month's tests and can get a good plan in place for the next try. Have you had any tests done so far or just been trying the old natural way? it's a good sign that you've at least been able to get preg, I think. Hang in there - we all are. :)

left - I'm so sorry you're a HOS right now! How's the weather there at this time of year? are you able to open some windows and let those germs out? I hope you're all on the mend soon.

Anyone have any New Years plans? we are going to a friends' house for a party but most everyone has kids so who knows who is going to actually stay until midnight. I almost feel like we're the designated 'fun' couple who has to stay to the end of things b/c we don't have a crying kid on our hip that needs to go to bed. But heading home early and seeing midnight at home sounds like a fine idea this year.
Krasa, so glad you stopped by and good luck with the wtf appt. Your poor DH much be upset if they think it is male factor...I remember how unnerved he was to have to do ivf in the first place. Also sorry they put the sex down. Ugh! They did that to me after the mc and really that is the last thing I wanted to know. Glad to know you are back in the planning stages though!

Wish, still waiting to talk to the doc to see next steps. I am going to make a case for Femara and holding off on E2 until later in my cycle since it can down regulate FSH and eggie growth. We are just chilling at home on NYE...lame I know. It is crazy around here and we much prefer to stay snuggled at home and I make apps to enjoy. We are going to see Star Wars on Wednesday night so we may do a fancy dinner after that to close out 2015.

Pothole, I cannot wait for Thursday to hear the great news!

Left, sorry your house is croopy and hopefully everyone gets well soon!

Filast, so sorry for your losses. This is a great group of ladies and many of us have gone through losses. What kind of tests are they running, if you don't mind me asking? I hope this year brings you nothing but the best of luck and joy.

Sugar, I love that resolution. I paid off mine last year and it was so liberating! I maybe totally forgot but are you/did you find out if you are having a boy or a girl? Or, are you going stealth mode?

My doc should be back in the office today so I am hoping to grab a call with her in the next couple of days to do next steps. If all goes the same as last month AF is due on New Years Day....how perfect right? New month and new year :haha: I am going to ask about starting E2 well after I did last cycle (cd8). I always used to O cd16-18 and so I think I need to wait at least a couple days later than the average bear. E2 can stop FSH and FSH is needed to trigger growing follies, and my follies stopped at 12.9 last month. That and I think my lining is fine when she looked at it last, however worst case I heard supplementation with E2 can thicken lining in 2-3 days so why now wait until after trigger. I am not the doc I know, but I was fine (BFP just taking a baby ASA and IUI) before all this intervention stuff with drugs so I think my body is all confused. I also booked a consult for acu next week, cannot hurt to see what they say.

Hope everyone is staying warm! It is high 30s at night here is Northern Cali and that is way to cold for me.
Mdc and Wish: thank you for your kind words. You wouldn't think that it would make a difference after something so heartbreaking, but somehow it really does. I appreciate it.

I'm not sure what tests I'll be getting yet - I have a GP appointment in 9 days, and I'm guessing we'll find out more then about what he's prepared to offer. I'm in the UK, and the NHS website says that I "may" be able to get karyotyping, ultrasound scan, and tests for apl and lupus. Is there anything that you ladies would recommend I ask for, other than those tests? This is all a bit new to me...

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