38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Mdc :) yipeeee twice the chance of those eggies meeting the swimmers ;) I'm wishing you all the best of luck .. Cme on spermy do your thing ;)

Wish I'd I'd give the activity a miss ... Put your feet up and relax :)
Pothole, that is simply the best news! I am estatic for you and DH!!!!

Wish, excited to hear how your cooking lesson is. Yeah, wine! Drink up while you can sister!

Star, so exciting! Cannot wait to hear the plan.

See everything is turning around, and I am feeling this thread is ready to go gang busters!
Six hours after that beautiful blipping and the sweetest swishing heartbeat, it was over. I had a huge gush of blood. It was followed by 2.5 hours of heavy bleeds interspersed with enormous clots and more gushes. My best friend miscarried a few years ago. She came over and stayed with me while DH went to buy pads. Then I had to call my mum. I desperately needed her, and the fact that she's a nurse is a bonus. She was understandably shattered. She didn't know we were trying, so to find out she had a grandchild and lost it in the same breath was wrenching. But I cannot tell you how much it meant to finally tell her everything. All the failed iuis. All the needles from ivf prep. How we wanted to tell her on the 4th after our next ultrasound. We wept together, she helped me limp to and from the toilet a dozen times, and I think she'll be the one with me tomorrow when I go back to the RE for confirmation. I don't know why we were given 6 hours of hope, only to end in blood and heartbreak. I can only find myself thankful that I was at home. I'll let you know what they say tomorrow, but after that I may be a while. I'm broken. Body, spirit, heart.
:hugs: Pothole, I'm absolutely devastated for you sweetheart. I wish I knew what to say or could offer some reason for any of this but, for now, you simply need to grieve. Give yourself time and space and come back to us when you are ready. We all love and care about you. xxx
Pothole I'm so sorry that you have had that experience . I'm so glad you had your mum with you . Its important you go to the re to confirm as there is a slight possibility that the bleeding wasn't connected to baby . I don't want to give you any false hope but its so important to get checked out xxxxxxxx
And I know it doesn't feel like it now but you will be ok xxxxxxxx
My dear Pothole i am so shaken from reading your post. I am so sorry that you had to go through this. Keep on leaning on your mother. Life is not fair sometimes but mothers make it better. I am sending massive prayers your way. May your find comfort and peace from those close to you at this time.
oh pothole...:cry:
I'm devastated for you and your DH. I really don't know what to say b/c there's nothing to be said except that I'm so, so sorry you had to go through this. I'm very thankful that your Mom is there with you.
My goodness, why do we keep getting reminded how fragile this process really, truly is?
Feel all you need to feel, heal when you can. We'll be here for you. :hugs: <3
Oh pothole, I simply have no words and I am so very sorry you had to go through with that. It is gut wrenching, but as the other ladies have said try to be good to yourself and lean on your mom. Biggest internet :hugs:
DH and I went to the doctor, but he only confirmed what I knew. It's gone. Nothing left at all. I wasn't surprised, nothing could have survived that. But my dr was. He couldn't believe we only had 6 hours between heartbeat and miscarriage. He cried with us. DH is staying home with me today, and I'm out tomorrow as well. I have moments where I'm okay, then it starts replaying in my mind and I lose it. I am wishing and praying all the best for you all, but I'll be sporadic for a while. Dr told us it will be about a 3 month period before we should try again for my body to heal. Right now, I think that may not be long enough for my heart. Thank you all for loving my little one while it was here.
Oh pothole I'm so sorry from the bottom of my heart . There are no words that make it any better . Really really mind yourself , take as much time as you need to grieve . I'm sending all my love and sympathy . My heart is aching with yours .

Your very special LO will be with you forever and no matter what this future journey holds will always hold a very special place in your heart .. I'm sorry xxxxxxxxx
I'm so very sorry Pothole. There are no words for this situation. Sending you prayers and hugs though. Take all the time you need and don't try to rush it, but do hold on to the fact that one day, when its right for you, you will feel ok again. It won't always hurt quite this bad or feel this raw, but in the meantime, there's nothing to say or do to make it easier. Take care of yourself friend!
gosh i wish I could give you a giant, in-person hug, pothole. And then i would say 'it's ok, pothole, it'll get better' and people would look at us funny and think 'did she just call her "pothole"?? kids these days have the weirdest names...' :)

We love you and understand that you need time for you. Stay away from all of this TTC junk for awhile. We'll be here when you get back.
Yup we ain't going anywhere ..... Wish you made me smile through my sadness .... Xx
Pothole, again I am so sorry and other ladies are right take your time to heal mind, body, and spirit. We will be here when you are ready and will be thinking about you.
How's everyone feeling?

Mdc- are you early symptom spotting yet?

Wish- T-minus 4 days, right? Is everything still on track for the 25th?

Ellie- is this cycle feeling any different yet from the Clomid? Are they going to check your follicle size or are you supposed to proceed as normal when you get a +opk?
Pothole, I am so, so sorry to hear your news. I know exactly how it feels to be broken - I've been there too. It really, really hurts.

There's little anyone can say to make this OK, the best we can do is to try to take the edge off the pain with kindness. So, please know that we are all here, sending our deepest sympathies and warmest wishes, and will still be here, to support you, when you feel strong enough to come back. In the meantime: look after yourself, and take all the time and help that you need. You will recover from this. One day at a time.

Yep, everything is on track. Feeling fine over here - started Crinone last night, taking that 2x/day from here on out. Lining was 8.8 the other day and they look for it to be at least 8 by then. So should be nice and cushy by Monday. I'll get a call on Sunday with my transfer time and i think Monday morning confirming Ace survived the thaw. Thankfully I have football to keep me occupied between those 2 phone calls. But no beer/wine. :)

so...just throwing this out there...my FIL's 'medium' that he's seen a few times (think I mentioned this before) said there would be a baby in October. She said this a couple yrs ago and said 'I don't know what year or if it would be conception, announcement or a birth, but it'll be in an October' and she was talking about us (DH has 2 brothers). If this little bugger hangs on, due date is 10/12.


mdc - how are you feeling?
Hello everyone. I am totally exhausted from a quick turn around trip to the east coast. I got in one night and midnight, went to a meeting, and then back on the plane home. Almost missed my connection, and my bag did not make it. Ugh! Same thing will happen next week and then 2 longer trips. I can already tell I am going to be worn out! Although I do have an interesting story to share. So two male counterparts and I are in a taxi to the airport somehow got on the subject of kids and then they brought up infertility issues. One did 3 cycles of IVF one did not work, one resulted in a single pregnancy, and the other had quads (which they ended up with only twins). One adopted a child bc he said they did it because they had 10 mc (and 3 IVF cycles)!!!! Holy crap, and oddly enough I just blurted out I only had one mc so I could not imagine how hard that must of been. Not sure why I did it, but it just came out. I haven't told that many people. Who would have know that sitting in a car with two male colleagues that I would have had that type of conversation. I guess it is just the universe trying to tell me it can be a long road for anyone, but there is a happy ending out there.
Dandi, I forgot to answer your question a while ago. Yes, I am definetly testing out the trigger. Probably will test on day 14, and the blood tests are Monday, Feb 1st.

Wish, cannot wait for your transfer!

Pothole :hugs:

Fi, Ellie, Star, hope you are doing well!

And a big hello to everyone else!
Hello, ladies

I'm new here 37 had a Mc back in june. Have been trying since then. My period is due today, but on the 17th I started spotting light pink then brown around 6pm, then it stopped about 2am the 18th I started bleeding dark blood for the entire day not heavy the bleeding was gone by the 19th that evening nothing. Nothing on the 20th today period is do and I'm getting a pink discharge when I wipe. Pregnancy test was negative yesterday what could this be?

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